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Serratia plymuthica strain RVH1, initially isolated from an industrial food processing environment, displays potent antimicrobial activity towards a broad spectrum of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. Isolation and subsequent structure determination of bioactive molecules led to the identification of two polyamino antibiotics with the same molecular structure as zeamine and zeamine II as well as a third, closely related analogue, designated zeamine I. The gene cluster encoding the biosynthesis of the zeamine antibiotics was cloned and sequenced and shown to encode FAS, PKS as well as NRPS related enzymes in addition to putative tailoring and export enzymes. Interestingly, several genes show strong homology to the pfa cluster of genes involved in the biosynthesis of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine bacteria. We postulate that a mixed FAS/PKS and a hybrid NRPS/PKS assembly line each synthesize parts of the backbone that are linked together post-assembly in the case of zeamine and zeamine I. This interaction reflects a unique interplay between secondary lipid and secondary metabolite biosynthesis. Most likely, the zeamine antibiotics are produced as prodrugs that undergo activation in which a nonribosomal peptide sequence is cleaved off.  相似文献   
Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease. No specific treatment or vaccine is currently available; traditional vector control methods can rarely achieve adequate control. Recently, the RIDL (Release of Insect carrying Dominant Lethality) approach has been developed, based on the sterile insect technique, in which genetically engineered ‘sterile’ homozygous RIDL male insects are released to mate wild females; the offspring inherit a copy of the RIDL construct and die. A RIDL strain of the dengue mosquito, Aedes aegypti, OX513A, expresses a fluorescent marker gene for identification (DsRed2) and a protein (tTAV) that causes the offspring to die. We examined whether these proteins could adversely affect predators that may feed on the insect. Aedes aegypti is a peri-domestic mosquito that typically breeds in small, rain-water-filled containers and has no specific predators. Toxorhynchites larvae feed on small aquatic organisms and are easily reared in the laboratory where they can be fed exclusively on mosquito larvae. To evaluate the effect of a predator feeding on a diet of RIDL insects, OX513A Ae. aegypti larvae were fed to two different species of Toxorhynchites (Tx. splendens and Tx. amboinensis) and effects on life table parameters of all life stages were compared to being fed on wild type larvae. No significant negative effect was observed on any life table parameter studied; this outcome and the benign nature of the expressed proteins (tTAV and DsRed2) indicate that Ae. aegypti OX513A RIDL strain is unlikely to have any adverse effects on predators in the environment.  相似文献   
Conidiobolus coronatus is an entomopathogenic fungus which has a potential as a biological control agent of insects. The cuticular and internal lipid composition of infected and noninfected Tettigonia viridissima males were analyzed by GC/MS. A total of 49 compounds were identified in the infected and noninfected males, including fatty acids, fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), n‐alkanes, alcohols, sterols, and other organic compounds. The most abundant components of the cuticular and internal lipids of the insects were fatty acids. After exposure to C. coronatus, the cuticular lipids of the T. viridissima males contained 17 free fatty acids from C(8) to C(22), while the cuticular lipids of the noninfected insects contained only 15 fatty acids from C(12) to C(24). The cuticular and internal lipids of both the infected and the noninfected males also contained five FAMEs from C(15) to C(19), seven n‐alkanes from C(25) to C(34), five alcohols from C(16) to C(25), five sterols, and the following six other organic compounds: azelaic acid, phenylacetic acid, glutaric acid, benzoic acid, sebacic acid, and glycerol. The compounds which were present only in the cuticular lipids of the infected males could be due to fungal infection.  相似文献   
We investigated Brucella melitensis methionyl-tRNA-synthetase (BmMetRS) with molecular, structural and phenotypic methods to learn if BmMetRS is a promising target for brucellosis drug development. Recombinant BmMetRS was expressed, purified from wild type Brucella melitensis biovar Abortus 2308 strain ATCC/CRP #DD-156 and screened by a thermal melt assay against a focused library of one hundred previously classified methionyl-tRNA-synthetase inhibitors of the blood stage form of Trypanosoma brucei. Three compounds showed appreciable shift of denaturation temperature and were selected for further studies on inhibition of the recombinant enzyme activity and cell viability against wild type B. melitensis strain 16M. BmMetRS protein complexed with these three inhibitors resolved into three-dimensional crystal structures and was analyzed. All three selected methionyl-tRNA-synthetase compounds inhibit recombinant BmMetRS enzymatic functions in an aminoacylation assay at varying concentrations. Furthermore, growth inhibition of B. melitensis strain 16M by the compounds was shown. Inhibitor-BmMetRS crystal structure models were used to illustrate the molecular basis of the enzyme inhibition. Our current data suggests that BmMetRS is a promising target for brucellosis drug development. However, further studies are needed to optimize lead compound potency, efficacy and safety as well as determine the pharmacokinetics, optimal dosage, and duration for effective treatment.  相似文献   
Wildfire greatly impacts the composition and quantity of organic carbon stocks within watersheds. Most methods used to measure the contributions of fire altered organic carbon–i.e. pyrogenic organic carbon (Py-OC) in natural samples are designed to quantify specific fractions such as black carbon or polyaromatic hydrocarbons. In contrast, the CuO oxidation procedure yields a variety of products derived from a variety of precursors, including both unaltered and thermally altered sources. Here, we test whether or not the benzene carboxylic acid and hydroxy benzoic acid (BCA) products obtained by CuO oxidation provide a robust indicator of Py-OC and compare them to non-Py-OC biomarkers of lignin. O and A horizons from microcosms were burned in the laboratory at varying levels of fire severity and subsequently incubated for 6 months. All soils were analyzed for total OC and N and were analyzed by CuO oxidation. All BCAs appeared to be preserved or created to some degree during burning while lignin phenols appeared to be altered or destroyed to varying extents dependent on fire severity. We found two specific CuO oxidation products, o-hydroxybenzoic acid (oBd) and 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC2) that responded strongly to burn severity and withstood degradation during post-burning microbial incubations. Interestingly, we found that benzene di- and tricarboxylic acids (BDC and BTC, respectively) were much more reactive than vanillyl phenols during the incubation as a possible result of physical protection of vanillyl phenols in the interior of char particles or CuO oxidation derived BCAs originating from biologically available classes of Py-OC. We found that the ability of these compounds to predict relative Py-OC content in burned samples improved when normalized by their respective BCA class (i.e. benzene monocarboxylic acids (BA) and BTC, respectively) and when BTC was normalized to total lignin yields (BTC:Lig). The major trends in BCAs imparted by burning persisted through a 6 month incubation suggesting that fire severity had first order control on BCA and lignin composition. Using original and published BCA data from soils, sediments, char, and interfering compounds we found that BTC:Lig and BTC2:BTC were able to distinguish Py-OC from compounds such as humic materials, tannins, etc. The BCAs released by the CuO oxidation procedure increase the functionality of this method in order to examine the relative contribution of Py-OC in geochemical samples.  相似文献   
An extract of Ulmus macrocarpa Hance, commonly known as the large-fruited elm, has been prescribed as a traditional medicine. In this study, we aimed to investigate the cellular immune effects of U. macrocarpa stem cortex extracts on cyclophosphamide (CY)-treated splenocytes and mice. A methanol extract showed an improved survival rate of splenocytes after 72?h. The extract was successively partitioned with dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water; and the fractions so obtained were also examined for their proliferative activity. Among them, the water fraction of U. macrocarpa showed the highest proliferation of splenocytes and was used throughout the present study. We tested the survival rate of splenocytes through dose-dependent treatment of CY and the suppression of the survival effect by CY was recovered by treatment with the water extract of U. macrocarpa. To determine the mechanism involved, we examined the expression of B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-xL) anti-apoptotic protein. CY decreased Bcl-xL protein levels in resting splenocyte cultures, whereas splenocytes were exposed to water extracts of U. macrocarpa in the presence of CY; however, elevations in Bcl-xL were observed at 96?h. Mice splenocytes treated with water extract of U. macrocarpa for cellular immunity showed an increase in the activity of the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), and natural killer (NK) cells. In addition, mice receiving a water extract of U. macrocarpa recovered the CTL, NK, and MLR activities suppressed by CY administration. Consequently, U. macrocarpa improves the cell-mediated immune response and provides an insight on cell-based tonic materials.  相似文献   
Hybridization or the interbreeding of genetically discrete populations or species can occur where ranges of genetically distinct units overlap. Golden‐winged warblers Vermivora chrysoptera, a species that has been in steady decline for decades, highlight the potential population‐level consequences of hybridization. A major factor implicated in their decline is hybridization with their sister species, the blue‐winged warbler Vermivora cyanoptera, which has likely been exacerbated by historic and current land‐use practices. We examined habitat associations of golden‐winged and blue‐winged warblers, phenotypic hybrids, and cryptic hybrids (i.e. mismatch between plumage phenotype and genotype as identified by mitochondrial DNA) in an area of relatively recent range overlap and hybridization in northern New York, USA. To explore the robustness of these results, we then compared the patterns from New York with habitat associations from the central Pennsylvanian Appalachian Mountains where blue‐winged warblers either do not occur or are in very low abundance, yet cryptic golden‐winged warbler hybrids are present. From 2008 to 2011, we captured 122 birds in New York and 28 in Pennsylvania and collected blood samples, which we used to determine maternal ancestry. For each bird captured, we measured territory‐level (50‐m radius circles) habitat, and later used remote‐sensing data to quantify habitat on the territories and in surrounding areas (100‐, 250‐, and 500‐m radius circles). In New York, golden‐winged warblers occupied structurally heterogeneous territories surrounded by homogeneously structured, contiguous deciduous forest, far from urban areas. Blue‐winged warblers showed opposite associations, and hybrids’ habitat associations were typically intermediate. In Pennsylvania, the habitat associations of golden‐winged warblers and their cryptic hybrids were remarkably similar to those in New York. These findings suggest that patterns of habitat occupancy by hybrids may promote contact with golden‐winged warblers and thus likely facilitate genetic introgression, even in areas where the parental species are not sympatric.  相似文献   
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