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Hybridization studies are important to advance our understanding of the interspecific gene flow and its evolutionary consequences in closely related species. Hybridization and admixture patterns were assessed in a contact zone and reference populations of European pine species using sequence data from 26 nuclear genes and a species-diagnostic cpDNA marker. Reference populations formed three distinct genetic clusters comprising Pinus sylvestris, Pinus mugo/Pinus uliginosa, and Pinus uncinata. Evidence of population structure was found only in P. uliginosa. Based on phenotypic characteristics and molecular data, we identified five groups of individuals in the contact zone in Poland, comprising forms of the parental species and intermediates that were most probably the result of interspecific crosses. A combination of nuclear gene sequence data and a diagnostic organelle marker were used to show that hybridization is frequent in the contact zone and results in hybrid trees with distinct phenotypic identity. The influence of selection in maintaining hybrid phenotypes in environments unsuited to parental species was inferred from nucleotide polymorphism data. A lack of admixture in reference populations suggests that hybridization has not occurred during post-glacial migration and so the contact zone represents a distinct, active example of ongoing evolution. Pine populations in this zone will be a valuable system for studying the genetic basis of hybrid advantage in environmental conditions untypical of pure parental species.  相似文献   


Recent advances in culture-independent approaches have enabled insights into the diversity, complexity, and individual variability of gut microbial communities.


To examine the effect of oral administration of Saccharomyces (S.) boulardii and mode of delivery on the intestinal microbial community in preterm infants.

Study Design

Stool samples were collected from preterm newborns randomly divided into two groups: a probiotic-receiving group (n = 18) or a placebo group (n = 21). Samples were collected before probiotic intake (day 0), and after 2 and 6 weeks of supplementation. The composition of colonizing bacteria was assessed by 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing of fecal samples using the Ion 16S Metagenomics Kit and the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine platform.


A total of 11932257 reads were generated, and were clustered into 459, 187, and 176 operational taxonomic units at 0 days, 2 weeks, and 6 weeks, respectively. Of the 17 identified phyla, Firmicutes Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes were universal. The microbial community differed at day 0 compared with at 2 weeks and 6 weeks. There was a tendency for increased bacterial diversity at 2 weeks and 6 weeks compared with day 0, and infants with a gestational age of 31 weeks or higher presented increased bacterial diversity prior to S. boulardii administration. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria remained stable during the observation period, whereas Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes increased in abundance, the latter particularly more sharply in vaginally delivered infants.


While the mode of delivery may influence the development of a microbial community, this study had not enough power to detect statistical differences between cohorts supplemented with probiotics, and in a consequence, to speculate on S. boulardii effect on gut microbiome composition in preterm newborns.  相似文献   
An efficient synthesis of 4-chlorophenyl N-alkyl phosphoramidates of 2?′,3?′-didehydro-2?′,3?′-dideoxyinosine employing 4-chlorophenyl phosphoroditetrazolide as a phosphorylating agent is reported. Improved method for the synthesis of 2?′,3?′-didehydro-2?′,3?′-dideoxyinosine starting from inosine is also described. The synthesized phosphoramidates 1118 were examined for their cytotoxic activity in three human cancer cell lines: cervical (HeLa), oral (KB), and breast (MCF-7) employing sulforhodamine B assay. The highest activity in all investigated cancer cell lines was displayed by phosphoramidate 13 with N-n-propyl substituent.  相似文献   

Key message

Arabidopsis and poplar with modified PAD4, LSD1 and EDS1 genes exhibit successful growth under drought stress. The acclimatory strategies depend on cell division/cell death control and altered cell wall composition.


The increase of plant tolerance towards environmental stresses would open much opportunity for successful plant cultivation in these areas that were previously considered as ineligible, e.g. in areas with poor irrigation. In this study, we performed functional analysis of proteins encoded by PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 4 (PAD4), LESION SIMULATING DISEASE 1 (LSD1) and ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 (EDS1) genes to explain their role in drought tolerance and biomass production in two different species: Arabidopsis thaliana and Populus tremula × tremuloides. Arabidopsis mutants pad4-5, lsd1-1, eds1-1 and transgenic poplar lines PAD4-RNAi, LSD1-RNAi and ESD1-RNAi were examined in terms of different morphological and physiological parameters. Our experiments proved that Arabidopsis PAD4, LSD1 and EDS1 play an important role in survival under drought stress and regulate plant vegetative and generative growth. Biomass production and acclimatory strategies in poplar were also orchestrated via a genetic system of PAD4 and LSD1 which balanced the cell division and cell death processes. Furthermore, improved rate of cell division/cell differentiation and altered physical properties of poplar wood were the outcome of PAD4- and LSD1-dependent changes in cell wall structure and composition. Our results demonstrate that PAD4, LSD1 and EDS1 constitute a molecular hub, which integrates plant responses to water stress, vegetative biomass production and generative development. The applicable goal of our research was to generate transgenic plants with regulatory mechanism that perceives stress signals to optimize plant growth and biomass production in semi-stress field conditions.
The differentiation of the thyroid primordium of reptilian species is poorly understood. The present study reports on structural and ultrastructural studies of the developing thyroid gland in embryos of the grass snake Natrix natrix L. At the time of oviposition, the thyroid primordium occupied its final position in the embryos. Throughout developmental stages I-IV, the undifferentiated thyroid primordium contained cellular cords, and the plasma membranes of adjacent cells formed junctional complexes. Subsequently, the first follicular lumens started to form. The follicular lumens were of intracellular origin, as in other vertebrate species, but the mechanism of their formation is as yet unclear. At developmental stages V-VI, the thyroid anlage was composed of small follicles with lumens and cellular cords. Cells of the thyroid primordium divided, and follicles were filled with a granular substance. At developmental stage VI, the cells surrounding the follicular lumen were polarized, the apical cytoplasm contained dark granules and the Golgi complex and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) developed gradually. Resorption of the colloid began at developmental stage VIII. At the end of this stage, the embryonic thyroid gland was surrounded by a definitive capsule. During developmental stages IX-X, the follicular cells contained granules and vesicles of different sizes and electron densities and a well-developed Golgi apparatus and RER. At developmental stage XI, most follicles were outlined by squamous epithelial cells and presented wide lumens filled with a light colloid. The Golgi complex and RER showed changes in their morphology indicating a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland. At developmental stage XII, the activity of the embryonic thyroid gradually increased, and at the time of hatching, it exhibited the features of a fully active gland.  相似文献   
Unlike nuclear nucleolin, surface-expressed and cytoplasmic nucleolin exhibit Tn antigen. Here, we show localization-dependent differences in the glycosylation and proteolysis patterns of nucleolin. Our results provide evidence for different paths of nucleolin proteolysis in the nucleus, in the cytoplasm, and on the cell surface. We found that full-length nucleolin and some proteolytic fragments coexist within live cells and are not solely the result of the preparation procedure. Extranuclear nucleolin undergoes N- and O-glycosylation, and unlike cytoplasmic nucleolin, membrane-associated nucleolin is not fucosylated. Here, we show for the first time that nucleolin and endogenous galectin-3 exist in the same complexes in the nucleolus, the cytoplasm, and on the cell surface of melanoma cells. Assessments of the interaction of nucleolin with galectin-3 revealed nucleolar co-localization in interphase, suggesting that galectin-3 may be involved in DNA organization and ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   


Several large-mammal species in Europe have recovered and recolonized parts of their historical ranges. Knowing where suitable habitat exists, and thus where range expansions are possible, is important for proactively promoting coexistence between people and large mammals in shared landscapes. We aimed to assess the opportunities and limitations for range expansions of Europe's two largest herbivores, the European bison (Bison bonasus) and moose (Alces alces).


Central Europe.


We used large occurrence datasets from multiple populations and species distribution models to map environmentally suitable habitats for European bison and moose across Central Europe, and to assess human pressure inside the potential habitat. We then used circuit theory modeling to identify potential recolonization corridors.


We found widespread suitable habitats for both European bison (>120,000 km2) and moose (>244,000 km2), suggesting substantial potential for range expansions. However, much habitat was associated with high human pressure (37% and 43% for European bison and moose, respectively), particularly in the west of Central Europe. We identified a strong east–west gradient of decreasing connectivity, with major barriers likely limiting natural recolonization in many areas.

Main conclusions

We identify major potential for restoring large herbivores and their functional roles in Europe's landscapes. However, we also highlight considerable challenges for conservation planning and wildlife management, including areas where recolonization likely leads to human–wildlife conflict and where barriers to movement prevent natural range expansion. Conservation measures restoring broad-scale connectivity are needed in order to allow European bison and moose to recolonize their historical ranges. Finally, our analyses and maps indicate suitable but isolated habitat patches that are unlikely to be colonized but are candidate locations for reintroductions to establish reservoir populations. More generally, our work emphasizes that transboundary cooperation is needed for restoring large herbivores and their ecological roles, and to foster coexistence with people in Europe's landscapes.  相似文献   
Although the importance of abscisic acid (ABA) in plant development and response to abiotic and biotic stresses is well recognized, the molecular basis of the signaling pathway has not been fully elucidated. Mutants in genes related to ABA are widely used as a tool for gaining insight into the mechanisms of ABA signal transduction and ABA-dependent stress response. We used a genetic approach of a suppressor screening in order to decipher the interaction between ABH1 (CBP80) and other components of ABA signaling. ABH1 (CBP80) encodes a large subunit of CBC (CAP BINDING COMPLEX) and the abh1 mutant is drought-tolerant and hypersensitive to ABA during seed germination. The suppressor mutants of abh1 were generated after chemical mutagenesis. The mutant named soa1 (suppressor of abh1 hypersensitivity to ABA 1) displayed an ABA-insensitive phenotype during seed germination. The genetic analysis showed that the soa1 phenotype is dominant in relation to abh1 and segregates as a single locus. Based on soa1’s response to a wide spectrum of physiological assays during different stages of development, we used the candidate-genes approach in order to identify a suppressor gene. The molecular analysis revealed that mutation causing the phenotype of soa1 occurred in the ABI4 (ABA insensitive 4) gene. Analysis of pre-miR159 expression, whose processing depends on CBC, as well as targets of miR159: MYB33 and MYB101, which are positive regulators of ABA signaling, revealed a possible link between CBP80 (ABH1) and ABI4 presented here.  相似文献   
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