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A procedure was developed which allows the large-scale isolation of root hairs from seedlings of Pisum sativum . L. cvs. Kleine Rheinländerin and Rosa Krone. The method may yield up to 50 g fresh weight of root hairs per 3.104 seedlings. In a modified form considerable amounts of root hair material may be harvested, even after incubation of the roots in aqueous solutions. Thus, detailed biochemical studies on the root hair system have become feasible.
The occurrence of specific proteins in membrane fractions of P. sativum root hairs was demonstrated as follows: Incubation of root hairs in situ with 3-azidonaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate – a strongly anionic, photoactivated fluorescent marker – followed by gel electrophoresis of membrane fractions showed the presence of root-hair specific proteins which, since the system was intact, suggests that they are on the outer surface of the cells.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that Locusta migratoria amplifies its ribosomal RNA genes in the growing oocytes (Kunz (1967) Chromosoma20, 332–370). Cloned ribosomal DNA of L. migratoria was used to analyze rDNA structure and number. The rDNA is localized on three chromosome pairs in six nucleolus organizers. It was found that all structural variants of the rRNA genes which have been described previously are represented in the same relative amounts in DNA from isolated oocytes as in somatic cells. Furthermore, the rRNA gene number is not increased in oocyte DNA, i.e., amplification does not occur. Therefore, the large number of multiple nucleoli seen in the growing oocytes has to be interpreted as the fully extended and fully active set of chromosomal rRNA genes. The total rRNA gene number was determined by dot blot hybridization to be about 3300 genes/haploid genome.  相似文献   
To study the cytotoxic reactions responsible for mediating eosinophil damage to schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni, we have used cytoplasts (eosinophil or neutrophil vesicles devoid of granules and nuclei, with an intact oxidase in their plasma membrane) in combination with purified eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) or major basic protein (MBP) in a cytotoxicity test toward schistosomula. Suboptimal concentrations of ECP (10(-6) M) or MBP (10(-6) M) resulting in less than 10% killing were used in combination with cytoplasts. Cytoplasts alone in the presence of immune serum tested over a wide range of cytoplast:schistosomula ratios generated superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, but were unable to damage schistosomula. However, when a suboptimal ECP concentration (10(-6) M) was combined with neutroplasts or eosinoplasts, 43.9% +/- 8.5 (n = 7) and 24.7% +/- 9.8 (n = 3), respectively, of the schistosomula were killed. Oxygen metabolites were responsible for the synergism, because cytoplasts from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease were unable to act in synergy with ECP. In contrast to ECP, no synergism was found between cytoplasts and MBP (10(-6) to 2 X 10(-5)M). These results show that oxygen metabolites are important for the killing of schistosomula by lowering the concentration of ECP needed to inflict damage.  相似文献   
A procedure is reported that allows the purification and amino terminal sequencing of pig brain choline acetyltransferase. The enzyme (present in extremely low amounts in this tissue) is eluted together with its antibody from an affinity column by a mild pH shift and the resulting enzyme-antibody complex separated by gel electrophoresis. The band corresponding to the enzyme is electroeluted from the gel using volatile solutions allowing the direct determination of the amino acid composition and partial sequence. The first 11 residues are: Pro-Ile-Leu-Glu-Lys-Thr-Pro-Pro-Lys-Met-Ala.  相似文献   
Biological characterization of purified native 20-kDa human growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of the propensity of the 20-kDa variant of human growth hormone (GH) to aggregate with itself and with 22-kDa human GH, it has been difficult to prepare monomeric 20-kDa GH in highly purified form. This has been a major complicating factor in determining whether 20-kDa GH has a biological activity profile distinct from that of 22-kDa GH. In the present study, native 20-kDa GH was isolated from a human GH dimer concentrate and purified by a procedure that included column electrophoresis in agarose suspension as a final separation step. This procedure yielded highly purified monomeric 20-kDa GH, which was contaminated to an extent of less than 1% with 22-kDa GH, and which exhibited only a small degree of dimerization upon storage. The native 20-kDa GH was quite active in stimulating growth in hypophysectomized rats, when growth was assessed by body weight gain, longitudinal bone growth, the stimulation of sulfation of cartilage, and the elevation of serum IGF-1 level. However, in all of these growth assays, the 20-kDa GH was somewhat less active than the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared; e.g., in the body weight gain and longitudinal bone growth assays, it had an estimated potency of 0.6 relative to the 22-kDa GH. The 20-kDa GH exhibited substantial diabetogenic activity when tested for the ability to raise fasting blood glucose concentration and to impair glucose tolerance in ob/ob mice. Also, the native 20-kDa GH had significant in vitro insulin-like activity, although its potency was approximately 20% that of the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared. Thus, the biological activity profile of native 20-kDa GH differs from that of 22-kDa GH primarily in that insulin-like activity is markedly attenuated.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of adrenergic agonists and mitochondrial energy state on the activities of the Ca2+ transport systems of female rat liver mitochondria. Tissue perfusion with the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine and with adrenaline, but not with the beta-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline, induced significant activation of the uniporter and the respiratory chain. Uniporter activation was evident under two sets of experimental conditions that excluded influences of delta psi, i.e., at high delta psi, where uniporter activity was delta psi independent, and at low delta psi, where uniporter conductance was measured. Preincubation of mitochondria with extracts from phenylephrine-perfused tissue quantitatively reproduced uniporter activation when comparison was made with mitochondria treated similarly with extracts from tissue perfused without agonist. Similar, but more extensive, data were obtained with heart mitochondria pretreated with extracts from hearts perfused with the alpha-adrenergic agonist methoxamine. Phenylephrine did not affect Ca2+ efflux mediated by the Na+-Ca2+ carrier or the Na+-independent system. In contrast, the liver mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ carrier was activated by tissue perfusion with isoprenaline; the Na+-independent system was unaffected. Na+-Ca2+ carrier activation was not associated with any change in a number of basic bioenergetic parameters. It is concluded that the Ca2+ transport systems of liver mitochondria may be controlled in an opposing manner by alpha-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ influx) and beta-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ efflux). At delta psi values greater than 110 mV, the Na+-independent system was activated by increase in delta psi; the uniporter and Na+-Ca2+ carrier activities were insensitive to delta psi changes in this range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A- and I-band striation positions have been obtained, three-dimensionally reconstructed, and statistically analyzed from the volumes of resting isolated heart cells. Striation patterns from optically discrete subvolumes are imaged along the length of these myocytes with a computer-interfaced optical microscope imaging system. Planar striation maps are reconstructed by the computer from sequentially obtained striation pattern images displaced across the width or depth of the cell in controlled steps. Multiple planar maps are combined to form full three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions that illustrate the sarcomeric structure and ordering throughout the volume of the cell. These reconstructions demonstrate a high degree of striation registration throughout most regions of cardiac cells. The striation registration is often slightly (less than 10 degrees) skewed across the width or depth of nearly every cell and is occasionally disrupted between adjacent groups of sarcomeres. These disruptions in registration are always associated with the locations of the nuclei. Rigorous statistical analyses indicate small volumetric regions of the cell delineated by these disruptions can have significantly (0.014-0.113 micron) shorter or longer average sarcomere length periodicities. Unlike skeletal muscle "fibrillenstruktur," these data from cardiac cells exhibit no evidence of helical packing schemes for sarcomere order. These observations suggest that the relatively large nuclei displace and disrupt the normal registration of the sarcomeres, which is probably mediated by internal cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   
We have previously investigated distinct areas of vascular regression in the developing vascular system of the chick limb bud. Avascular areas appear in a characteristic spatial and temporal pattern, and are correlated with the position of developing cartilage. In the present study, we examined limb-bud sections which had been double labeled for endothelial cells and developing cartilage in order to determine the relationship between the appearance of cartilage and the disappearance of capillaries. Endothelial cells, which specifically take up acetylated low-density lipoprotein (acLDL), were labeled by intravenously injecting fluorescent acLDL (DiIacLDL) into chick embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton stages 26-30. Avascular zones, which correspond to the developing digits, were clearly visible within the fluorescently labeled distal vasculature. The same sections were labeled with monoclonal antibodies specific for cartilage. We found that progressing avascularity in the digital regions was followed by increased staining for cartilage antigens in the same areas. Zones of avascularity always developed earlier than morphologically and immunologically detectable cartilage in all planes of section and were always larger than the areas of cartilage. These results demonstrate that blood vessels disappear in predictable areas prior to the overt differentiation of cartilage.  相似文献   
Summary Performance of a random array of recombinant inbred lines derived by single seed descent from five different source populations of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) is presented. A total of 2,356 lines were tested in trials during 1985 and 1986. Three of the source populations were derived from double crosses between F1 hybrids. These hybrids show a considerable heterotic advantage over their inbred parents for the most important agronomic traits. The recombinant inbred lines performed, on average, less well than the parental inbred material, indicating that additive x additive genie interactions may make a significant contribution to the performance of current inbred material. Nevertheless, the very large variation among the recombinant inbred lines permitted many lines to be identified which outperformed the best parental inbred for all traits. Two lines outperformed the reference F1 hybrid, Gower, for an index that included marketable yield and quality. Consideration was also given to the dangers of misinterpreting phenotypically based proportions. Accordingly, response equations were used to ascertain the real genetic progress that was made. Advance seemed small when compared with the large heterotic effect, which is consistent with the segregation of a large number of loci. The distribution of the recombinant inbred lines was compared to predictions made from early generation trials. There was broad agreement but significant discrepancies existed which, it is suggested, may arise from the effects of genotype-environment interactions.  相似文献   
Werner G  Bawa SR 《Tissue & cell》1989,21(1):153-156
The highly complicated differentiation of the spermatid in the pseudoscorpion Diplotemnus sp. is accomplished without the presence of microtubules. Instead membranous tubes measuring approximately 50 nm in diameter and closely associated with endoplasmic reticulum are found from early to mid spermatids. The lumen of the tube is devoid of electron dense contents but a fluffy material is attached to the cytoplasmic side. They run straight or slightly bent and are in open connection with the cell membrane. First appearing near the cell bridge of the interconnected spermatids they form a bundle in the longitudinal axis during a transitory phase of elongation. When the cell rounds off again the tubules together with the endoplasmic reticulum disappear. The arrangement of the tubes and their presence during abortive elongation of the spermatid suggest a supportive function commonly attributed to microtubules. Moreover, the open connection with the cell membrane and their close association with the endoplasmic reticulum may indicate their participation also in transport.  相似文献   
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