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During a transition from aerobic to largely anaerobic conditionslight-saturated carbon assimilation of intact chloroplasts wasnot decreased although both the transthylakoid proton gradientand ATP levels declined. After a dark period under anaerobiosis,illumination failed to initiate carbon assimilation. ATP increasedonly transiently in the light and then returned to the darklevel. Under such conditions, the addition of electron acceptorssuch as oxygen, oxalacetate or nitrite resulted in the increaseof ATP levels and carbon assimilation was initiated. Assimilationcontinued under anaerobiosis in the presence of reduced protongradients and reduced ATP levels after electron acceptors addedin addition to bicarbonate were reduced. Cyclic electron transport was inhibited when anaerobiosis didnot permit linear electron transport. It was induced in thissituation by micromolar concentrations of oxygen or when, underanaerobiosis, DCMU decreased PSII activity. Oxygen inhibitedcyclic electron transport by draining electrons from the cyclicpathway only when electron donation from PSII was weak. Theobservations give evidence of the delicate redox balance requiredfor cyclic electron transport. Since H+/e=3 in linear electron transport, the observationsof effective carbon reduction under a decreased transthylakoidproton gradient and decreased levels of ATP are incompatiblewith H+/ATP=2 or 3. They are compatible with H+/ATP=4. (Received May 1, 1995; Accepted October 3, 1995)  相似文献   
A manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC [EC] )was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from seeds of Norwayspruce (Picea abies L.). The apparent molecular mass of thepurified enzyme was 86 kDa, as determined by gel filtration.The subunit molecular mass, estimated by SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis, was 22 kDa both in the presence and inthe absence of 2-mercaptoethanol. Thus, the native enzyme isa homotetramer with subunits that were not linked by disulfidebonds. The isoelectric point of this Mn-SOD was 5.5. The specificactivity of the Mn-SOD was strongly pH-dependent and was 400units per nmol SOD at pH 7.8 and 30 units per nmol SOD at pH10.4. The first 25 amino acid residues in the amino terminalregion of spruce Mn-SOD exhibited a high degree of sequencehomology to those of Mn-SODs from other organisms. In Mn-deficientneedles the activity of Mn-SOD was only half of that in non-deficientneedles, whereas the activity of CuZn-SOD was doubled. (Received May 20, 1994; Accepted October 31, 1994)  相似文献   
The onset of motility late in the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle depends on a signal transduction pathway mediated by the histidine kinase PleC and response regulator DivK. We now show that pleD, whose function is required for the subsequent loss of motility and stalk formation by the motile swarmer cell, encodes a 454-residue protein with tandem N-terminal response regulator domains D1 and D2 and a novel C-terminal GGDEF domain. The identification of pleD301, a semidominant suppressor of the pleC Mot phenotype, as a mutation predicted to result in a D-53-->G change in the D1 domain supports a role for phosphorylation in the PleD regulator. Disruptions constructed in the pleD open reading frame demonstrated that the gene is not essential and that the pleC phenotype can also be suppressed by a recessive, loss-of-function mutation. These results suggest that PleD is part of a signal transduction pathway controlling stalked-cell differentiation early in the C. crescentus cell cycle.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have recently demonstrated that bovine adrenal medulla contains a soluble phospholipase A2 (PLA2), which is localized in the cytosol. In the present study, this PLA2 was purified 1,097-fold using sequential concanavalin A, hydrophobic interaction, anion exchange, gel filtration, and an additional anion exchange chromatography. The enzyme is activated over the range of 20–1,000 µ M Ca2+ and has a pH optimum near 8.0. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the protein has a molecular mass of 26 kDa and an isoelectric point of 4.6 as revealed by isoelectric focusing. The cytosolic PLA2 is not inhibited by NaCl, and the enzymatic activity is stimulated at low concentrations of Triton X-100 (0.01%) and deoxycholate (1 m M ) but inhibited at higher concentrations (0.1% and 3 m M , respectively) of these detergents. Furthermore, heat treatment (57°C, 5 min) reduced the enzymatic activity by 80%, whereas glycerol (30%) increased the activity. p -Bromophenacylbromide, a frequently used irreversible inhibitor of type II PLA2, has little effect until 100 µ M , and 2–10 m M dithiothreitol totally inactivated the enzyme. The purified PLA2 displays a preference for phosphatidylcholine as a substrate but hydrolyzes phospholipid substrates with arachidonic acid or linoleic acid esterified at the sn -2 position to the same extent. It is concluded that the chromaffin cell cytosolic PLA2, which was isolated and characterized in this study, represents a type of PLA2 that has not been formerly reported in chromaffin cells. Additional research on the chromaffin cell cytosolic PLA2 will help to reveal whether the enzyme is important for exocytosis.  相似文献   
Quinolie degradation by Comamonas acidovorans was studied in a continuously operated three-phase airlift reactor. Porous glass beads were applied as support matrix for cell imobilization by colonization. Under steady-state conditions (S approximately 0), cell attachment was poor at low dilution rates but imporved considerably with increasing dilution rate. Conversion of quinoline was investigated below and above the washout for suspended culture (D(crit) = mu(max) = 0.42 h(-1)). With immobilized cells the reactor could be operated at D > mu(max), and complete conversion of quinoline was achieved as long as the specific quinoline feed rate D*S(0)/X did not exceed the maximum specific degradation rate (r(S, max)). The biofilm thickness was about 100 mum, and its efficiency was about 54% compared to suspended organisms. If quinoline overloads were supplied to the reactor, quinoline, as overloads were supplied to the reactor, quinoline, as well as its pathway intermediates, appeared in the reactor and conversion was low. Hence, the immobilized microorganisms remained viable and active. They could survive quinoline overloads. If the quinoline feed rate was reduced agains, complete conversion was reestablished. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary An antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide derived from the primary amino sequence of rat secretogranin II (chromogranin C) was used for immunological (quantitative radioimmunoassay analysis) and immunohistochemical studies of normal human endocrine and nervous tissues. This antibody recognized a novel and biologically active neuropeptide which was coined as secretoneurin. In endocrine tissues, secretoneurin was mainly co-localized with chromogranin A and B with some exceptions (e.g., parathyroid gland). Secretoneurin was demonstrated immunohistochemically in the adrenal medulla, thyroid C cells, TSH- and FSH/LH-produting cells of the anterior pituitary, A and B cells of pancreatic islets, in endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract and the bronchial mucosa, and the prostate. Immunoreactivity determined by radioimmunoassay analysis revealed high secretoneurin levels in the anterior and posterior pituitary and lower levels in pancreatic and thyroid tissue. A strong secretoneurin immunoreactivity was also found in ganglion cells of the submucdsal and myenteric plexus of the gastrointestinal tract, and in ganglionic cells of dorsal root ganglia, peripheral nerves, and ganglion cells of the adrenal medulla. Thus, secretoneurin may serve as a useful marker of gangliocytic/neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
Summary The 11-integrin is known to be a receptor for collagen and laminin mediating cell-matrix interactions. A monoclonal antibody, 33.4, which specifically inhibits the 1-integrin-mediated in vitro cell-collagen binding of rat hepatocytes and hepatoma-derived A-cells (Löster et al., 1994), was used to purify by immunoaffinity chromatography the 1-integrin subunit from rat liver in large quantities for inducing a polyclonal antiserum. In immunoblot analysis on membrane extracts of several rat organs this polyclonal antiserum recognized only a 190 kDa-band, suggesting that it is highly specific for the 1-integrin subunit. A sandwich-ELISA with monoclonal antibody 33.4 and the polyclonal antiserum against the 1-integrin subunit, respectively, enabled the quantitative expression pattern of the 1-integrin subunit to be studied in different rat organs. With the exceptions of brain (not detectable) and muscle (low concentration), the 1-integrin subunit was detectable in almost all organs of the digestive, respiratory and urogenital system as well as in lymphatic organs. The highest relative concentrations of 1-integrin subunit were found in uterus, lung and spleen, whereas in seminal vesicle, stomach, parotid gland, epididymis, kidney and liver only modest concentrations were evident. The organ distribution and localization of 1-integrin subunit were studied by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Immunoreactivity was present in the plasma membranes of all smooth muscle cells, vascular endothelial cells of many organs and fibrocyte-fibroblast sheaths in the heart and kidney. Since these cells are in close contact with collagen-containing basal membranes as well as reticular fibrils, strong evidence exists that in rat tissues the 1-integrin subunit is expressed at sites where collagen is present and might be involved in vivo in cell—ollagen binding.Dedicated to Professor Peter Sitte on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
To understand the role of chromatin structure in the expression of the mouse protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes during spermatogenesis, we have examined the genomic organization of this cluster of ``haploid-specific' genes. As seen in the human genome, protamine 2, transition protein 2, and approximately 2.8 kb of a CpG island, hereafter called CpG island-dTP2, were clustered in a small region. Methylation analyses of this region have demonstrated that i) unlike most other tissue-specific genes, the protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes were located in a large methylated domain in round spermatids, the cell type where they are transcribed, ii) the protamine 1 gene was only partially methylated in somatic cells and in testes from 7-day-old mice, and iii) the approximately 2 kb upstream and downstream of the CpG island-dTP2 were only partially methylated in somatic tissues. DNase I analysis revealed the presence of at least five strong DNase I hypersensitive sites over the CpG island-dTP2 in somatic tissues, but not in germ cells, and sequence analysis indicated that the CpG island-dTP2 is homologous to a CpG island located approximately 10.6 kb downstream of the human transition protein 2 gene. Although the nature of a CpG island-dTP2 and the function of a CpG island-dTP2-containing somatic tissue-specific DNase I hypersensitive sites in close proximity to the germ cell-specific gene cluster are unclear, the ``open' chromatin structure of the CpG island-dTP2 may be responsible for the partial methylation pattern of the flanking sequences including the transition protein 2 gene in somatic tissues. Received: 6 September 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   
 Sequential nitric oxide synthase immunohistochemistry and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry in pig small intestinal wholemounts revealed a complete colocalisation of the two nitrergic markers in submucous neurons. The external submucous plexus (ESP) contained nitrergic neurons throughout. In the internal submucous plexus (ISP) we found a moderate number of nitrergic neurons in the duodenum, while they were rare in the jejunum and nearly absent in the ileum. Combined NADPHd histochemistry and silver impregnation showed morphological ESP type III and VI neurons to be NADPHd positive whereas ESP type II, IV and V neurons were NADPHd negative. Axons of ESP type III, IV and VI neurons were often observed to enter interconnecting strands directed abluminally. ESP type II neurons projected mainly to the ISP. In special silver-impregnated wholemounts containing both external muscle layers and the abluminal part of the submucous layer, i.e. the myenteric plexus and the ESP, the great majority of impregnated axons within the interconnecting strands were observed to run between both plexuses and did not enter the circular muscle layer. We conclude that ESP type III and VI neurons are nitrergic while ESP type II, IV and V neurons are non-nitrergic. Furthermore, we assume that ESP type III, IV and VI neurons may represent a submucosal input to the myenteric plexus. Accepted: 26 August 1997  相似文献   
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