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基于宏基因组学的猪群样本病毒探测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
极其多样的病毒广泛存在于我们周围的环境和动物体内,其中很多病毒是人类所未知的,而发现未知病毒常常受制于病毒常规检测技术的局限性.[目的]构建未知病毒检测技术平台.[方法]应用病毒宏基因组学的理念,结合新型分子诊断技术,首先利用过滤和核酸酶处理去除样品宿主核酸干扰,然后随机PCR扩增潜在的病毒宏基因组,最后通过大规模测序及序列分析获取病毒核酸信息.[结果]利用此技术我们对猪瘟病毒(CSFV)细胞培养物和猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染猪病料进行了分析,分别检测到序列总长度1680 bp,占基因组13.7%的CSFV序列和序列总长度834 bp,占基因组47.2%的PCV2序列;利用此检测技术平台研究一未知病原细胞培养物,通过测序和序列分析,结果显示56条序列中有26条为副流感病毒5型(PIV5)同源序列,覆盖了其基因组全长的16.4%;此外,应用本研究建立的方法结合新一代高通量测序,我们在混合的7份病原未知的病猪组织样品中检测到了1.1%的病毒序列,包括CSFV、PCV2、猪细环病毒(TTSuV)、猪bocavirus (PBoV)和人腺病毒6型(Ad6)等的部分基因序列.[结论]本研究建立的基于病毒宏基因组学的未知病毒的检测方法突破了传统病毒研究方法的缺陷,对于猪群样本中病毒的检测具有较高的敏感性,有望为新发、突发感染性疾病的诊断和监测提供技术支持.  相似文献   
丘华兴   《广西植物》1995,(1):7-12
作者编写《广东植物志》旋花科时,对据本科的花粉形态特征划分族和属的意义予肯定并采用之;现将其中4个属、6个分类单位的分类或其分布等予于报道.对华南和北越的心萼薯属植物作修订;论证本地区不产AniseiaChoisy.被认为该属的狭花心萼薯A.stenantho和大花心萼薯A.stenanthavar.macrosrephana均是龙骨萼牵牛Ipomoeaatenantha;心萼薯Aniseiabiflora是毛牵牛Aniseiasinensis;云南土丁桂Evolvulusyunnanensis作新异名处理.应为我国新纪录的归化种(美洲土丁桂E.nummularius);裂叶鳞蕊藤Lepistemonlobatum为越南新纪录.也分布于我国江西、海南;海滩牵牛Ipomoeostolonifera这个开白花的海滩植物是一种中草药;虎脚牵牛Ipomoeapes-tigridis是亚洲和非洲东部热带的广布种,广东大陆西部也有;它是IpomoeaLinn.选模式种;这属的中名,本文恢复《广州植物志》(1956)等采用的牵牛属,会比较确切用“番薯属”为这个属的中名。  相似文献   
黏膜是阻止病原入侵的第一道防线,黏膜免疫系统在抵抗感染方面起着至关重要的作用。通过黏膜途径接种疫苗可以同时诱导黏膜和全身免疫反应,因此,理论上针对黏膜的免疫策略是最合理和有效的。但黏膜免疫系统的复杂性和屏障作用造成抗原诱导的免疫应答水平低下,制约了黏膜疫苗的发展。M细胞(Microfoldcells)是黏膜免疫系统所独有的,其具有捕获腔内抗原和启动抗原特异性免疫应答的功能。M细胞摄取抗原的多少直接关系到黏膜疫苗的免疫效力,而利用M细胞配体可将抗原靶向递呈给M细胞,从而实现高效的黏膜免疫应答。靶向M细胞的抗原递送策略及其应用可以提高黏膜免疫应答水平,促进黏膜疫苗的研制。尽管如此,要成功研制安全高效的黏膜疫苗,今后依然有漫长的路要走,这可能有赖于进一步探究M细胞的特性和功能及黏膜免疫机制。  相似文献   
【背景】芽孢杆菌是用于动物微生态制剂的重要菌株之一。暹罗芽孢杆菌因具有较强的抑菌活性,近年来受到广泛关注。【目的】对实验室前期分离的鸡源暹罗芽孢杆菌CML548的益生特性进行评价,通过全基因组测序及生物信息学分析,探究其抑菌及潜在的益生机制。【方法】通过牛津杯法、稀释涂布平板法分别对菌株CML548的抑菌和产酶特性、酸和胆盐的耐受性进行研究。使用IlluminaHiSeq2500测序平台进行全基因组测序,并通过多种生物信息学工具和数据库对基因组进行注释和分析。【结果】体外实验表明该菌株具有优良的益生性状:能够有效抑制致病性大肠杆菌、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌、产气荚膜梭菌的生长;能够同时产生蛋白酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶;具有较高的酸和胆盐耐受性。全基因组测序分析表明菌株CML548的基因组大小为4061741bp,GC含量为46.07%,预测到3 961个编码基因。分别有1 693、2 704、3 413、186、67、1、5个基因被GO、KEGG、COG、CAZy、DBAASP、CARD、VFDB数据库注释;通过antiSMASH预测到16个与次级代谢产物合成相关的基因簇。此外,还发现其含有抗菌活性...  相似文献   
"发酵工程实验"是生物工程专业的工程类重要主干课之一,是培养学生工程设计、工程实践和创新思维的重要课程。基于构思—设计—实现—运行(conceive—design—implement—operate,CDIO)理念,"发酵工程实验"通过构建模块化课程内容,以构思、设计、实现、运作的项目导向模块开展课程设计,进行目标导向的教学模式改革。以"发酵工程实验"课程为载体,将工程基础知识、发酵工程系统实践能力、团队合作能力、创新能力培养等融为一体。建立基于成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)理念的学生学习效果评价体系,完成"发酵工程实验"课程教学任务。学生对改革后的"发酵工程实验"课程满意度明显提高,教学效果显著。  相似文献   
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction (CO2R) coupled with renewable electricity has been considered as a promising route for the sustainability transition of energy and chemical industries. However, the unsatisfactory yield of desired products, particularly multicarbon (C2+) products, has hindered the implementation of this technology. This work describes a strategy to enhance the yield of C2+ product formation in CO2R by utilizing spatial confinement effects. The finite element simulation results suggest that increasing the number of shells in the catalyst wil lead to a high local concentration of *CO and promotes the formation of C2+ products. Inspired by this, Cu nanoparticles are synthesized with desired hollow multi-shell structures. The CO2 reduction results confirm that as the number of shells increase, the hollow multi-shell copper catalysts exhibit improved selectivity toward C2+ products. Specifically, the Cu catalyst with 4.4-shell achieved a high selectivity of over 80% toward C2+ at a current density of 900 mA cm−2. Evidence from in situ attenuated total reflection surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy unveils that the multi-shell Cu catalyst exhibits an enhanced *COatop coverage and the stronger interaction with *COatop compared to commercial Cu, confirming the simulation results. Overall, the work promises an effective approach for boosting CO2R selectivity toward value-added chemicals.  相似文献   
The impact of the gut microbiome on host health is becoming increasingly recognized. To date, there is growing evidence that the complex characteristics of the microbial community play key roles as potential biomarkers and predictors of responses in cancer therapy. Many studies have shown that altered commensal bacteria lead to cancer susceptibility and progression in diverse pathways. In this review, we critically assess the data for gut microbiota related to gastrointestinal cancer, including esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. Importantly, the underlying mechanisms of gut microbiota involved in cancer occurrence, prevention and treatment are elucidated. The purpose of this review is to provide novel insights for applying this understanding to the development of new therapeutic strategies in gastrointestinal cancer by targeting the microbial community.  相似文献   
Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), a member of the genus Bocaparvovirus of the family Parvoviridae, causes acute respiratory tract infections in young children. Well-differentiated pseudostratified human airway epithelium cultured at an air-liquid interface (HAE-ALI) is an ideal in vitro culture model to study HBoV1 infection. Unique to other parvoviruses, bocaparvoviruses express a small nonstructured protein NP1 of ~25 kDa from an open reading frame (ORF) in the center of the viral genome. NP1 plays an important role in viral DNA replication and pre-mRNA processing. In this study, we performed an affinity purification assay to identify HBoV1 NP1-inteacting proteins. We identified that Ku70 and RPA70 directly interact with the NP1 at a high binding affinity, characterized with an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 95 nM and 122 nM, respectively. Furthermore, we mapped the key NP1-interacting domains of Ku70 at aa266-439 and of RPA70 at aa181-422. Following a dominant negative strategy, we revealed that the interactions of Ku70 and RPA70 with NP1 play a significant role in HBoV1 DNA replication not only in an in vitro viral DNA replication assay but also in HBoV1-infected HAE-ALI cultures. Collectively, our study revealed a novel mechanism by which HBoV1 NP1 enhances viral DNA replication through its direct interactions with Ku70 and RPA70.  相似文献   
代谢工程学科建立30年以来先后与分子生物学、系统生物学和合成生物学发生深度的交叉融合,并在此基础上获得了飞速发展,极大地促进了生物技术产业的进步和升级.文中首先基于SCI论文发表情况对30年来代谢工程学术研究现状和我国在该领域的地位和影响力进行了分析,随后总结了近10年来系统生物学方法和合成生物学的主要使能技术在代谢工...  相似文献   
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