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Abstract: Intensive sampling of the Luolou (northwestern Guangxi) and the Daye (southern Guizhou) Formations in South China leads to the recognition of a regional Griesbachian and Dienerian ammonoid succession for this key palaeobiogeographical area. The new biostratigraphical sequence comprises the upper Griesbachian ‘Ophiceras beds’ and the lower Dienerian ‘Proptychites candidus beds’, which are separated from the uppermost Dienerian ‘Clypites beds’ by an unfossiliferous interval. These faunas contain some taxa with wide geographic distribution (e.g. Ambites, Pleurambites, Pleurogyronites, Proptychites candidus), thus facilitating correlation with faunal successions from other regions (i.e. British Columbia, Canadian Arctic, Himalayas and South Primorye). Two new genera (Jieshaniceras and Shangganites) and three new species (Anotoceras subtabulatus, Pleurambites radiatus and Shangganites shangganense) are described.  相似文献   
In 1997, white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was discovered in shrimp culture facilities in South Carolina, USA. This disease was known to cause devastating mortalities in cultured populations in Southeast Asia and prompted concern for the health of wild populations in the USA. Our study surveyed wild shrimp populations for the presence of WSSV by utilizing molecular diagnostics and bioassay techniques. A total of 1150 individuals (586 Litopenaeus setiferus, 477 Farfantepenaeus aztecus and 87 F. dourarum) were examined for the presence of WSSV DNA by PCR. A total of 32 individuals tested positive and were used in a bioassay to examine the transmission of disease to healthy individuals of the culture species L. vannamei. DNA sequencing of PCR products from a positive individual confirmed that the positive individuals carried WSSV DNA. Significant mortalities were seen in test shrimp injected with tissue extracts from heavily infected wild shrimp. These data confirm the existence of WSSV in wild shrimp stocks along the Atlantic Coast and that the virus can cause mortalities in cultured stocks.  相似文献   
A relationship between conditioning and communication in honey bees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated the effects of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) in C3H10T1/2 cells, on S phase entry and early gene activation events associated with cell cycle progression. We find that EGF and TGF alpha, which both utilize the EGF receptor for signal generation, are able to stimulate DNA synthesis in these cells with nearly superimposable kinetics; however, the stimulation by TGF alpha was slightly greater at nearly all time points assayed. This report is the first showing that TGF alpha, like EGF, vigorously induces c-myc and c-fos gene expression in these cells. A significant stimulation of c-myc and c-fos mRNA levels is observed with both TGF alpha and EGF; c-myc mRNA levels show an 8-fold induction with both mitogens, while c-fos inductions were on the order of 12 to 14-fold at maximum. However, the induction of c-myc mRNA by TGF alpha has slower kinetics than by EGF.  相似文献   
Adrenaline Increases Cyclic 3′5′-AMP Formation in Hamster Epidermis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CATECHOLAMINES probably influence cell proliferation by delaying cells in the premitotic phase1,2. Bullough and Laurence found that crude skin extracts contained a tissue-specific protein (chalone) which inhibited epidermal cell proliferation and that the action of this extract was augmented by adrenaline3. They later found that adrenaline alone (0.00025 µg/ml.) reduced epidermal mitotic activity in mouse ears by about 50% in vitro4.  相似文献   
Peripheral alpha1,3-fucosylation of glycans occurs by the action of either one of five different alpha1,3-fucosyltransferases (Fuc-Ts) cloned to date. Fuc-TVI is one of the alpha1,3-fucosyltransferases which is capable to synthesize selectin ligands. The major alpha1, 3- fucosyltransferase activity in human plasma is encoded by the gene for fucosyltransferase VI, which presumably originates from liver cells. While the sequence, chromosomal localization, and kinetic properties of Fuc-TVI are known, immunocytochemical localization and trafficking studies have been impossible because of the lack of specific antibodies. Here we report on the development and characterization of a peptide-specific polyclonal antiserum monospecific to Fuc-TVI and an antiserum to purified soluble recombinant Fuc-TVI crossreactive with Fuc-TIII and Fuc-TV. Both antisera were applied for immunodetection in stably transfected CHO cells expressing the full-length form of this enzyme (CHO clone 61/11). Fuc-TVI was found to be a resident protein of the Golgi apparatus. In addition, more than 30% of cell-associated and released enzyme activity was found in the medium. Maturation and release of Fuc-TVI was analyzed in metabolically labeled CHO 61/11 cells followed by immunoprecipitation. Fuc-TVI occurred in two forms of 47 kDa and 43 kDa bands, while the secreted form was detected as a 43 kDa. These two different intracellular forms arose by posttranslational modification, as shown by pulse-chase experiments. Fuc-TVI was released to the supernatant by proteolytic cleavage as a partially endo-H resistant glycoform.   相似文献   
Telomestatin is a potent G-quadruplex ligand that interacts with the 3' telomeric overhang, leading to its degradation, and induces a delayed senescence and apoptosis of cancer cells. POT1 and TRF2 were recently identified as specific telomere-binding proteins involved in telomere capping and t-loop maintenance and whose interaction with telomeres is modulated by telomestatin. We show here that the treatment of HT1080 human tumor cells by telomestatin induces a rapid decrease of the telomeric G-overhang and of the double-stranded telomeric repeats. Telomestatin treatment also provokes a strong decrease of POT1 and TRF2 from their telomere sites, suggesting that the ligand triggers the uncapping of the telomere ends. The effect of the ligand is associated with an increase of the gamma-H2AX foci, one part of them colocalizing at telomeres, thus indicating the occurrence of a DNA damage response at the telomere, but also the presence of additional DNA targets for telomestatin. Interestingly, the expression of GFP-POT1 in HT1080 cells increases both telomere and G-overhang length. As compared with HT1080 cells, HT1080GFP-POT1 cells presented a resistance to telomestatin treatment characterized by a protection to the telomestatin-induced growth inhibition and the G-overhang shortening. This protection is related to the initial G-overhang length rather than to its degradation rate and is overcome by increased telomestatin concentration. Altogether these results suggest that telomestatin induced a telomere dysfunction in which G-overhang length and POT1 level are important factors but also suggest the presence of additional DNA sites of action for the ligand.  相似文献   

Distress calls are signals effective over a long distance. They are well known to evoke interspecific reactions. We suggest that the interspecificity phenomenon results from the use of similar laws of decoding by the species concerned. These laws must take into account the transmission channel which always has a great influence on long-range communication. We tested our hypothesis by broadcasting simplified synthetic calls to two species of birds: the herring gull and the starling. The various calls differed in terms of frequency modulation (FM). Two main conclusions emerged from this series of tests:

1. The parameters used for recognition are not sophisticated: a simple slope applied to a carrier frequency that corresponds to the acoustic shape of a distress call is sufficient to confer a distress meaning to the signal. The basic rules are the same for the gull and the starling, with differences only in the acceptance level of the species.

2. The system of recognition is based upon parameters not altered by the environment: the birds make use of the slow frequency modulations (FMI). In contrast, the fast frequency sweeps (FMII) which are modified during propagation do not seem to be utilised. The use of these characteristics of distress calls for recognition allows interspecificity and maximum efficiency for propagation over long distances.

Une particularité des cris de détresse est leur action interspécifique. Nous suggérons que cette interspécificité résulte de l'emploi d'une loi de décodage qui est commune à plusieures espèces. Cette loi doit tenir compte des propriétés du canal car ce dernier a toujours une grande influence sur les signaux de longue portée acoustique, tels que les cris de détresse.

Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons fait appel à deux espèces: le Goéland argenté (Larus argentatus) et l'Etourneau (Sturnus vulgaris). Les signaux que nous avons diffusés étaient obtenus par synthèse. Ils étaient plus simples que les signaux naturels et différaient par la modulation de fréquence (FM).

Deux résultats principaux émergent de ces séries d'expériences:

1. Le procédé de décodage n'est pas sophistiqué: une simple pente appliquée à la porteuse est nécessaire et il suffit de mimer, meme approximativement, la pente rencontrée dans les signaux naturels, Cette règle fondamentale est commune au Goéland et à l'Etourneau. Les petites différences que l'on peut néanmoins observer sont relatives aux seuils de décodage.

2. Le décodage repose sur des paramètres qui ne sont pas altérés par le canal: l'oiseau utilise la modulation lente de fréquence. Par contre les excursions rapides de fréquence semblent n'étre d'aucune utilité lors du décodage.

En conclusion, l'universalité des paramètres impliqués et de la loi de décodage est responsable de l'interspécificité des signaux de détresse. Les simplifications liées à cette universalité résultent des contraintes imposées par le canal.  相似文献   
Although dose-response curves are commonly used to describe in vivo cutaneous α-adrenergic responses, modeling parameters and analyses methods are not consistent across studies. The goal of the present investigation was to compare three analysis methods for in vivo cutaneous vasoconstriction studies using one reference data set. Eight women (22 ± 1 yr, 24 ± 1 kg/m(2)) were instrumented with three cutaneous microdialysis probes for progressive norepinephrine (NE) infusions (1 × 10(-8), 1 × 10(-6), 1 × 10(-5), 1 × 10(-4), and 1 × 10(-3) logM). NE was infused alone, co-infused with NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA, 10 mM) or Ketorolac tromethamine (KETO, 10 mM). For each probe, dose-response curves were generated using three commonly reported analyses methods: 1) nonlinear modeling without data manipulation, 2) nonlinear modeling with data normalization and constraints, and 3) percent change from baseline without modeling. Not all data conformed to sigmoidal dose-response curves using analysis 1, whereas all subjects' curves were modeled using analysis 2. When analyzing only curves that fit the sigmoidal model, NE + KETO induced a leftward shift in ED(50) compared with NE alone with analyses 1 and 2 (F test, P < 0.05) but only tended to shift the response leftward with analysis 3 (repeated-measures ANOVA, P = 0.08). Neither maximal vasoconstrictor capacity (E(max)) in analysis 1 nor %change CVC change from baseline in analysis 3 were altered by blocking agents. In conclusion, although the overall detection of curve shifts and interpretation was similar between the two modeling methods of curve fitting, analysis 2 produced more sigmoidal curves.  相似文献   
Overgrazing‐induced degradation of temperate semiarid steppes may affect the soil sink for atmospheric methane (CH4). However, previous studies have primarily focused on the growing season and on single grazing patterns. Thus, the response of annual CH4 uptake by steppes compared with various grazing practices is uncertain. In this study, we investigated the effects of grazing on the annual CH4 uptake by two typical Eurasian semiarid steppes (the Stipa grandis steppe and the Leymus chinensis steppe) located in Inner Mongolia, China. The CH4 fluxes were measured year‐round using static chambers and gas chromatography at 12 field sites that differed primarily in grazing intensities. Our results indicated that steppe soils were CH4 sinks throughout the year. The annual CH4 uptake correlated with stocking rates, whereas the seasonality of CH4 uptake was primarily dominated by temperature. The annual CH4 uptake at all sites averaged 3.7±0.7 kg C ha?1 yr?1 (range: 2.3–4.5), where approximately 35% (range: 23–40%) occurred during the nongrowing season. Light‐to‐moderate grazing (stocking rate≤1 sheep ha?1 yr?1) did not significantly change the annual CH4 uptake compared with ungrazed steppes, but heavy grazing reduced annual CH4 uptake significantly (by 24–31%, P<0.05). These findings imply that easing the pressure of heavily grazed steppes (e.g. moving to light or moderate stocking rates) would help restore steppe soil sinks for atmospheric CH4. The empirical equations based on the significant relationships between annual CH4 uptake and stocking rates, aboveground plant biomass and topsoil air permeability (P<0.01) could provide simple approaches for the estimation of regional CH4 uptake by temperate semiarid steppes.  相似文献   
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