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Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key regulator for cell growth through modulating components of the translation machinery. Previously, numerous pharmacological studies using rapamycin suggested that mTOR has an important role in regulating cardiac hypertrophic growth. To further investigate this assumption, we have generated two lines of cardiac specific mTOR transgenic mice, kinase-dead (kd) mTOR and constitutively active (ca) mTOR, using alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. alpha-Myosin heavy chain (alphaMHC)-mTORkd mice had a near complete inhibition of p70 S6k and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation, whereas alphaMHC-mTORca had a significant increase in p70 S6k and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation. Although the cardiac function of alphaMHC-mTORkd mice was significantly altered, the cardiac morphology of these transgenic mice was normal. The cardiac hypertrophic growth in response to physiological and pathological stimuli was not different in alphaMHC-mTORkd and alphaMHC-mTORca transgenic mice when compared with that of nontransgenic littermates. These findings suggest that the mTOR-mediated signaling pathway is not essential to cardiac hypertrophic growth but is involved in regulating cardiac function. Additional analysis of cardiac responses to fasting-refeeding or acute insulin administration indicated that alphaMHC-mTORkd mice had a largely impaired physiological response to nutrient energy supply and insulin stimulation.  相似文献   
Chromosome painting is a powerful technique for chromosome and genome studies. We developed a flexible chromosome painting technique based on multiplex PCR of a synthetic oligonucleotide (oligo) library in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., 2n = 14). Each oligo in the library was associated with a universal as well as nested specific primers for amplification, which allow the generation of different probes from the same oligo library. We were also able to generate double‐stranded labelled oligos, which produced much stronger signals than single‐stranded labelled oligos, by amplification using fluorophore‐conjugated primer pairs. Oligos covering cucumber chromosome 1 (Chr1) and chromosome 4 (Chr4) consisting of eight segments were synthesized in one library. Different oligo probes generated from the library painted the corresponding chromosomes/segments unambiguously, especially on pachytene chromosomes. This technique was then applied to study the homoeologous relationships among cucumber, C. hystrix and C. melo chromosomes based on cross‐species chromosome painting using Chr4 probes. We demonstrated that the probe was feasible to detect interspecies chromosome homoeologous relationships and chromosomal rearrangement events. Based on its advantages and great convenience, we anticipate that this flexible oligo‐painting technique has great potential for the studies of the structure, organization, and evolution of chromosomes in any species with a sequenced genome.  相似文献   
三门湾大型底栖动物时空分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Liao YB  Shou L  Zeng JN  Gao AG 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2424-2430
2006年11月、2007年1月、4月和8月在三门湾18个采样点对大型底栖动物进行调查,分析了其时空分布及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:调查共采集到大型底栖动物124种,其中多毛类44种、软体动物34种、甲壳动物22种、棘皮动物11种、其他类动物13种;多毛类和软体动物种数占总种数的62.9%,二者构成了三门湾大型底栖动物的主要类群.双鳃内卷齿蚕、小头虫和不倒翁虫是春季三门湾大型底栖动物的优势种;不倒翁虫、双鳃内卷齿蚕和海稚虫为夏季的优势种;不倒翁虫、小头虫、双鳃内卷齿蚕和白沙箸为秋季的优势种;双鳃内卷齿蚕、不倒翁虫、小头虫和海稚虫为冬季的优势种.三门湾大型底栖动物年均生物量为17.36 g·m-2,年均栖息密度为72 ind·m-2.不同季节大型底栖动物的平均生物量和平均栖息密度存在显著性差异.大型底栖动物群落平均Shannon多样性指数在1.53 ~ 1.89,平均Margalef物种丰富度指数在2.25 ~2.96,平均均匀度指数在0.83 ~0.94,3个指数在不同季节间均存在显著性差异.经典范对应分析,影响三门湾大型底栖动物群落的主要环境因子包括海水的温度、盐度、溶解性无机氮以及表层沉积物中的有机质、总氮和总磷等,环境变量可以较好地解释主要类群的变化.  相似文献   
Yu HB  Shou TD 《生理学报》2000,52(5):411-415
采用基于内源信号的脑光学成像方法,在大范围视皮层研究了不同空间拓扑位置对应的皮层区的对光栅刺激空间频率反应特性。结果表明,周边视野对应区对高空间频率刺激反应极弱或没有反应,中心视野对应区对较宽的空间频率范围内的刺激均有反应,但对高频刺激反应更强;无论在周边对应区还是中心对应区,其视野越靠近中心,其空间频率调谐曲线和截止空间频率越靠近高频,而且这种过渡是平缓的。以上结果说明,猫初级视皮层空间频率反应  相似文献   
Recent studies in streams and ponds have demonstrated that the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms can be estimated by detection and quantification of environmental DNA (eDNA). In more open systems such as seas, it is not evident whether eDNA can represent the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms because various environmental factors (e.g., water flow) are expected to affect eDNA distribution and concentration. To test the relationships between the distribution of fish and eDNA, we conducted a grid survey in Maizuru Bay, Sea of Japan, and sampled surface and bottom waters while monitoring biomass of the Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) using echo sounder technology. A linear model showed a high R2 value (0.665) without outlier data points, and the association between estimated eDNA concentrations from the surface water samples and echo intensity was significantly positive, suggesting that the estimated spatial variation in eDNA concentration can reflect the local biomass of the jack mackerel. We also found that a best-fit model included echo intensity obtained within 10–150 m from water sampling sites, indicating that the estimated eDNA concentration most likely reflects fish biomass within 150 m in the bay. Although eDNA from a wholesale fish market partially affected eDNA concentration, we conclude that eDNA generally provides a ‘snapshot’ of fish distribution and biomass in a large area. Further studies in which dynamics of eDNA under field conditions (e.g., patterns of release, degradation, and diffusion of eDNA) are taken into account will provide a better estimate of fish distribution and biomass based on eDNA.  相似文献   
从嗜热蓝藻优雅粘囊藻(Myxosarcina concinna Printz.)中分离到具有放氧活性的藻胆体-类囊体膜复合物。它的吸收峰位于680、628、490、438和420 nm ,在低离子强度(0.1~0.4 m ol/L)磷酸缓冲液中的664 nm 荧光发射峰随离子强度的降低而升高,718 nm 荧光发射峰与此相反(77 。K,Ex= 580 nm )。当把游离的藻胆体和已解离去藻胆体的类囊体膜在蔗糖磷酸缓冲液中重组时,随时间延长(0~60 m in),718 nm 荧光发射峰逐渐升高,685 nm 荧光发射峰逐渐下降(77 。K,Ex = 580 nm ),表明藻胆体与类囊体之间的解离和结合对光能传递的影响  相似文献   
小麦族植物DNA重复序列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来从小麦族植物中分离到了许多DNA重复序列,并对其组织结构特点,物种分布特异性和在染色体上的分布特征做了广泛的研究,其中一些重复序列已被成功地用于检测遐入小麦的外源染色质和小麦族有关种属的进化研究,本文就以上诸方面进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
生态位模型通过拟合物种分布与环境变量之间的关系提供物种空间分布预测, 在生物多样性研究中有广泛应用。激光雷达(LiDAR)是一种新兴的主动遥感技术, 已被大量应用于森林三维结构信息的提取, 但其在物种分布模拟的应用研究比较缺乏。本研究以美国加州内华达山脉南部地区的食鱼貂(Martes pennanti)的分布模拟为例, 探索LiDAR技术在物种分布模拟中的有效性。生态位模型采用5种传统多类分类器, 包括神经网络、广义线性模型、广义可加模型、最大熵模型和多元自适应回归样条模型, 并使用正样本-背景学习(presence and background learning, PBL)算法进行模型校正; 同时对这5种模型使用加权平均进行模型集成, 作为第6个模型。此外, 一类最大熵模型也被用于模拟该物种的空间分布。模型的连续输出和二值输出分别使用AUC (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve)以及基于正样本-背景数据的评价指标Fpb进行评价。结果表明, 仅考虑气候因子(温度和降水)时, 7个模型的AUC和Fpb平均值分别为0.779和1.077; 当考虑LiDAR变量(冠层容重、枝下高、叶面积指数、高程、坡度等)后, AUC和Fpb分别为0.800和1.106。该研究表明, LiDAR数据能够提高食鱼貂空间分布的预测精度, 在物种分布模拟方面存在一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
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