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Summary Facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders occurs when larvae respond to varying environmental conditions by either metamorphosing into terrestrial metamorphic adults or retaining their larval morphology to become sexually mature paedomorphic adults. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary maintenance of this environmentally induced dimorphism, but few data are available to assess them adequately. We studied a montane population of the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, and measured the adult growth rate and body condition across three growing seasons to assess the relative costs and benefits of each morph. Metamorphic adults grew more than paedomorphic adults in terms of snout—vent length across years and in weight within years. Dietary analyses and foraging experiments revealed some of the proximate factors that may underlie these differential growth patterns. Across all prey, metamorphs had significantly higher biomass and calories per stomach sample than paedomorphs. Metamorphic diets primarily consisted of the fairy shrimpBranchinecta coloradensis, whereas paedomorphic diets contained a variety of benthic and terrestrial invertebrates. Foraging experiments revealed that both morphs are more successful at capturing fairy shrimp relative to other prey types and both show high electivity toward this prey. However, fairy shrimp occurred only in non-permanent ponds and thus are inaccessible to paedomorphs, which can survive only in permanent ponds. Paedomorphs also experience higher levels of intraspecific competition with large larvae in permanent ponds than metamorphs do in non-permanent ponds. Thus, metamorphs obtain a growth advantage over paedomorphs by foraging in non-permanent ponds that contain fairy shrimp and have reduced intraspecific competition. These results suggest that paedomorphs should have decreased fitness relative to metamorphs, primarily because metamorphs can move into the best habitats for growth. The net fitness effect of morph-specific differences in dispersal depend on whether there are trade-offs with other life history traits. Nonetheless, because the relative benefit of metamorph dispersal will change with environmental conditions in permanent ponds and the surrounding habitat, the relative fitness payoff to each morph should track changes in the environment. Thus, facultative paedomorphosis may be maintained in part by variable, environmentally-specific fitness payoffs to each morph.  相似文献   
The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Acaulon muticum is composed of the sporophyte foot, the surrounding gametophyte vaginula, and an intervening placental space. At an early stage of development the foot has a large basal cell, characterized by extensive wall ingrowths beginning at the lowermost tip of the basal cell and extending along its tangential walls. Sporophyte cells in contact with the basal cell develop ingrowths on their outer tangential walls and on radial walls in contact with the basal cell. All sporophyte cells at this stage are characterized by numerous mitochondria, strands of endoplasmic reticulum, and dictyosomes, particularly in the cytoplasm adjacent to areas of extensive wall development. Plastids typically contain abundant starch reserves. As development proceeds, wall ingrowths become more extensive on all walls in the sporophyte foot but are never found on the upper wall of the basal cell in contact with the remainder of the sporophyte. Plastids in the foot contain fewer starch reserves later in development. Wall ingrowths are not visible in the cells of the gametophyte vaginula until well after extensive development has occurred in the sporophyte foot. Stacks or layers of endoplasmic reticulum are characteristic of the cells of the gametophyte vaginula, along with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, and well-developed plastids. Starch reserves typically are less abundant in cells of the gametophyte. The early development of extensive wall elaborations in the cells of the sporophyte foot, and particularly in the basal cell, may favor the rapid movement of water and nutrients from the gametophyte into the sporophyte at a time when rapid development in this minute, ephemeral moss is critical.  相似文献   
We have identified the seven genes that constitute the A43 mating-type factor of Coprinus cinereus and compare the organisation of A43 with the previously characterised A42 factor. In both, the genes that trigger clamp cell development, the so-called specificity genes, are separated into and loci by 7 kb of noncoding sequence and are flanked by homologous genes -fg and -fg. The specificity genes are known to encode two classes of dissimilar homeodomain (HD1 and HD2) proteins and have different allelic forms which show little or no cross-hybridisation. By partial sequencing we identified a divergently transcribed HD1 (a1-2) and HD2 (a2-2) gene in the A43 locus. a2-2 failed to elicit clamp cell development in three different hosts, suggesting that it is non-functional. a1-2 elicited clamp cells in an A42 host that has only an HD2 gene (a2-1) in its locus, thus demonstrating that the compatible A mating interaction is between an HD1 and an HD2 protein. The A43 locus contains three specificity genes, the divergently transcribed HD1 and HD2 genes b1-2 and b2-2 and a third HD1 gene (d1-1) that was shown by hybridisation and transformation analyses to be functionally equivalent to d1-1 in A42. An untranscribed footprint of a third A42 HD1 gene, c1-1, was detected between the A43 b2-2 and d1-1 genes by Southern hybridisation.  相似文献   
Summary Although estrogens have been shown to stimulate a variety of morphologic and biochemical changes in the uterus in vivo, no clear consistent demonstration of similar responses in vitro have been made; thus, a defined organ culture system using the immature mouse uterus was established to study the possibility of demonstrating estrogenic responses in vitro. Uterine tissue from immature outbred mice (17 to 24 days of age) were cut crosswise in 1-mm3 coins and cultured in a defined medium in the absence of serum, phenol red, or growth factor supplements. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen, was added to the media at doses ranging from 1 to 100 ng/ml. The effect of DES on uterine cell proliferation was assessed by morphologic changes in uterine epithelial and stromal cells, increase in number of epithelial cells per unit basement membrane, increase in height of luminal epithelial cells, and [3H]thymidine incorporation. Functional changes were determined by measuring the amounts of the estrogen-inducible uterine protein, lactoferrin, that was localized in the epithelial cells and secreted into the media, and the localization of the estrogen receptor in the cultured tissues. Results indicate that under the described conditions of culture, estrogens like DES can induce morphologic and biochemical responses in the uterus that are similar to those seen in vivo. This organ culture system will aid in the investigation of various mechanisms involved in the hormonal regulation of growth and differentiation of estrogen target tissues.  相似文献   
A 13 1/2 year-old girl with short stature and very few Turner stigmata revealed 45,X/46,XX mosaicism with 90%–100% 46,XX cells in three sequential blood lymphocyte cultures. Molecular investigation of the parental origin of her X chromosomes revealed homozygosity for paternal X markers and an absence of maternal markers. Luteinizing hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone was increased. Impaired gonadal function and shortness of stature in this case could be a result of the mild mosaicism with a 45,X cell line and/or is a consequence of the paternal-only origin of her X chromosomes.  相似文献   
The cell-surface expression of major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens and the adhesion molecule intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is essential for target cell recognition by T lymphocytes. The expression of both classes of molecule is induced by various cytokines, notably interferon (IFN). Since transforming growth factor (TGF) has been recently reported to antagonise HLA-DR induction by IFN we have examined, using a number of murine and human cell lines, the effect of TGF on IFN-induced MHC class I and class II and ICAM-1 expression. All of the cell lines tested expressed elevated class I MHC following IFN treatment. Class II MHC induction was seen on most but not all of the cells, the exceptions being among a panel of human colorectal carcinoma cell lines. A striking difference between cells of different origin was noted in the response to TGF. TGF was found to antagonise IFN-induced class I and class II MHC expression on C3H 10T1/2 murine fibroblasts, early-passage BALB/c mouse embryo fibroblasts, a murine oligodendroglioma cell line, and on MRC5 human fibroblasts and two human glioblastoma cell lines. Class II MHC was much more strongly inhibited (sometimes completely) than class I MHC. TGF also inhibited induction of class I MHC expression by IFN. However, TGF did not inhibit class I or class II MHC induction by IFN in any of the nine colorectal carcinoma cell lines, although two of five of the lines tested were growth-inhibited by TGF. On the other hand, human ICAM-1 induction by IFN was not affected by simultaneous treatment with TGF in any of the cell lines. The down-regulation of IFN-induced MHC antigens by TGF is not, therefore, the result of a general antagonism of IFN. Retinoic acid has recently been reported to induce ICAM-1 expression on human tumour cells. We have confirmed this observation on MRC5, and the two human glioblastoma cell lines, however six colorectal carcinoma cell lines tested did not respond. In contrast to IFN-induced ICAM-1 expression, retinoic-acid-induced ICAM-1 expression was inhibited by TGF on two of the three responsive lines.  相似文献   
Long-term influences of birth date were examined in bison (Bison bison) over a nine-year period. Variation in birth date was related to differences in individual quality in both juveniles and adults. Earlier-born animals of both sexes were socially dominant to their later-born peers. Earlier-born females showed greater long-term fecundity. Long-term growth patterns also varied with birth date, earlier-born animals being larger. In females the relationship between body weight and birth date was significant as late as the eighth year of life, whereas in males effects on growth were weaker. For mothers, late parturition imposed immediate costs, increasing the likelihood of subsequent reproductive failure. There was no evidence that calving date varied with maternal condition, except that old females bore their last calves unusually late. These findings suggest that, in seasonally breeding ungulates, the benefits of early birth persist well into adulthood and have fitness consequences.  相似文献   
Axenic cultures of Trentepohlia species are necessary for the study of growth and hysiological characters of the algae. We describe the use of a Sherman micromanipulator to isolate filaments from samples of T. aurea and T. odorata collected from their natural habitats. These filaments were then used as inocula for the establishment of axenic cultures. In the case of T. aurea, further treatment with lactic acid was necessary.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine if mothers' retrospective reports about events in their pregnancies with twins are reliable and stable. Six hundred and twenty-four mothers completed psychiatric interviews about their twins. These interviews also contained questions about the mothers' pregnancies, the perinatal period, and the child's early development. The mothers reported first on one twin and then on the other with interviews spaced from 3 days to 2 weeks apart. Thus mothers reported on the same pregnancy twice. Of these mothers, 47 were re-interviewed 6 to 18 months later by raters blind to the results of the initial interview. The twin design allowed us to compare the short-term reliability of the 624 mothers' reports of the same pregnancy. The re-interview of the 47 mothers enabled us to compare the stability of reports over a longer time period. Agreement between the reports was measured with the kappa statistic. Kappas were good to excellent for the short-term reports of pregnancy for each twin for the 624 mothers. Kappas were equally high for the 47 mothers that were re-interviewed 6 to 18 months later. Mothers show good reliability and stability of reporting about events during pregnancy.  相似文献   
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