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Potassium (K+) is an important nutrient for plants. It serves as a cofactor of various enzymes and as the major inorganic solute maintaining plant cell turgor. In a recent study, an as yet unknown role of K+ in plant homeostasis was shown. It was demonstrated that K+ gradients in vascular tissues can serve as an energy source for phloem (re)loading processes and that the voltage-gated K+ channels of the AKT2-type play a unique role in this process. The AKT2 channel can be converted by phosphorylation of specific serine residues (S210 and S329) into a non-rectifying channel that allows a rapid efflux of K+ from the sieve element/companion cells (SE/CC) complex. The energy of this flux is used by other transporters for phloem (re)loading processes. Nonetheless, the results do indicate that post-translational modifications at S210 and S329 alone cannot explain AKT2 regulation. Here, we discuss the existence of multiple post-translational modification steps that work in concert to convert AKT2 from an inward-rectifying into a non-rectifying K+ channel.Key words: potassium, channel, potassium channel, AKT2, phloem (re)loading, post-translational modifications, potassium batteryPotassium (K+) is the most abundant mineral element in plants, and together with nitrogen and phosphorous, is limiting for plant production in many natural and agricultural habitats. Voltage-gated K+ channels are key players in the acquisition of K+ ions from the soil and in its redistribution within the plant.1 Structurally, these channels result from the assembly of four so-called α-subunits. The subunits are encoded by nine genes in Arabidopsis and both homo- and hetero-tetramers are expressed.2,3 The K+ channel α-subunits can be categorized into four different subfamilies, based on the voltage-gating characteristics of the exogenous K+ conductance when expressed in an appropriate heterologous expression system. Kin α-subunits form hyperpolarization-activated channels that mediate K+ uptake.47 Kout α-subunits form depolarization-activated channels that mediate K+ release from cells.810 Ksilent subunits appear unable to yield functional homomeric channels, but can combine with Kin subunits and fine-tune the K+-uptake properties of the resulting heteromeric channels.1114 Finally, Kweak α-subunits form channels with complex voltage-gating; they allow both K+ uptake and release.1519 In Arabidopsis, a single member is found in this subfamily, AKT2, and this channel can assemble in heteromeric channels with the Kin subunit KAT2.20To date, only scarce and speculative information has been obtained for the function of Kweak channels. When expressed in heterologous expression systems, two different subpopulations of AKT2 channels differing in their sensitivity to voltage were found.21 Channels of the first type showed gating properties and currents analogous to that of Kin channels, while the other sort enabled a non-rectified (leak-like) current; they were open over the entire physiological voltage range.A given channel can be converted from one type to the other by post-translational modifications.21 A voltage-dependent phosphorylation was found to be an essential step for this switch,22,23 although the kinase responsible for this conversion still needs to be uncovered.24 In biophysical studies, mutant versions of the Arabidopsis Kweak channel subunit AKT2 have been created that showed impaired gating mode settings.22,23 Recently, Gajdanowicz et al. generated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants that express these mutant AKT2 channels in the background of the akt2-1 null-allele plant.25 The major conclusion from analyses of these mutants is that the status switching of AKT2 from an inward-rectifying to a non-rectifying channel is crucial for plants to overcome energy-limiting conditions. This function of AKT2 could be correlated to its expression in phloem tissues. Selective expression of AKT2 under the control of the phloem companion cell-specific AtSUC2 promoter rescued the akt2-1 line, but conversely, selective expression of AKT2 under the control of the guard cell-specific GC1 promoter,26 resulted in further impairment of plant growth (Fig. 1). By combining diverse experimental approaches with mathematical simulation methods, an existing model for phloem (re)loading18,27 was fundamentally improved. This allowed the uncovering of a novel and interesting role of K+ in phloem physiology: K+ gradients present between the sieve element/companion cell (SE/CC) complex and the apoplast can serve as an energy source in phloem (re)loading processes. This “potassium battery” can be tapped by means of AKT2 regulation. This clarifies the observation of Deeken et al.28 that in AKT2 loss-of-function mutant plants, assimilates leaking away from the sieve tube were not efficiently reloaded into the main phloem stream.Open in a separate windowFigure 1AKT2 expressed only in guard cells delays plant development. (A–C) Representative wild-type, akt2-1 and akt2-1+pGC1:AKT2 complementation plants grown for 7 weeks (A), 9 weeks (B) and 12 weeks (C) under 12-h day/12-h night conditions at normal light intensity (150 µmol m−2 s−1). (D) akt2-1+pGC1:AKT2 developed a similar number of leaves as the akt2-1 knock out plants, but bolting-time was delayed. (B and E) After 9 weeks, wild-type plants were at an advanced bolting stage, akt2-1 plants had started bolting, but only initial signs of bolting were visible in akt2-1+pGC1:AKT2 plants. (C and F) At 12 weeks, akt2-1 plants had caught up with the wild-type and akt2-1+pGC1:AKT2 was just starting to bolt, although rosette-leaves were showing clear signs of senescence. For the generation of akt2-1+pGC1:AKT2, the AKT2 cDNA was fused to the guard cell-specific GC1 promoter26 kindly provided by J.I. Schroeder, San Diego. The pGC1:AKT2 construct was cloned into pGreen0229-35S by replacing the 35S promoter and then transformed into the akt2-1 knockout plant. All seeds were cold-treated for 24 h at 4°C. Plants were grown on artificial substrate (type GS-90, Einheitserde). After 2 weeks, seedlings were transferred to single pots. Plants were grown in 60% relative humidity at 21°C during the day and 18°C at night. Phenotypical analyses were done in the middle of the day. Data are shown as means ± SD of n ≥ 9 plants. Statistical analyses using Student''s t test: (D, WT/akt2-1: p < 2e-08; D, WT/pGC-AKT2: p < 2e-08; D, akt2-1/pGC-AKT2: p < 5e-03; E, WT/akt2-1: p < 4e-06; E, WT/pGC-AKT2: p < 1e-10; E, akt2-1/pGC-AKT2: p < 5e-04; F, WT/akt2-1: p = 0.51; F, WT/pGC-AKT2: p < 1e-10; F, akt2-1/pGC-AKT2: p < 1e-10).AKT2 expression is especially abundant in phloem tissues and the root stele, both of which are characterized by a poor availability of oxygen.29,30 This local internal hypoxia impairs respiratory activity of the vascular tissue and concomitantly, respiratory ATP production is reduced.31 As a consequence, phloem transport is very susceptible to decreasing oxygen supply to the plant.29,32 It is therefore comprehensible that the above mentioned support by the K+ driving force for sucrose retrieval is especially relevant in the phloem. Indeed Gajdanowicz et al.25 showed that transgenic plants lacking the AKT2 K+ channel were severely impaired in growth when exposed to mild hypoxia (10% v:v), whereas growth of wild-type plants was unaffected by this treatment. These observations illustrate the importance of biochemical flexibility in plant cells to cope with the energetic consequences of the steep oxygen concentration gradients that generally occur in plant stems and roots.In fact, the role of K+ gradients in driving sugar, amino acid and organic acid transport across plant cell membranes was first suggested several decades ago.33,34 Experimental evidence for this concept was provided by various tests in which pieces of plant tissue were incubated in solutions with different K+ concentrations and pH levels.33,34 Unfortunately, at that time the lack of genetic information to support this hypothesis (e.g., identifying transporter proteins that could provide a molecular mechanism to explain the working mechanism of substrate transport driven by a K+-motive force) resulted in this idea falling into oblivion. Indeed, the unequivocal experimental observation of this new role of K+ gradients in phloem reloading is extremely challenging. Under normal experimental conditions, K+ fluxes and sucrose fluxes are coupled during phloem loading in source tissues and unloading in sink tissues. Nonetheless, computational simulations predict that under certain conditions, a local K+/Suc antiport is also thermodynamically possible. In this antiport system, the energy from the K+ gradient is used to transport Suc into the phloem. This process is only transient; flooding the apoplast with K+ will decrease the K+ gradient. However, the gradient can be maintained for longer if surrounding cells take up the apoplastic K+ for their own use. A K+/Suc antiport will not occur in obvious sink or source tissues since the energy balances in such cells are fundamentally different. Consequently, in these tissues only the coupled symport of K+ and Suc can be observed. However, the computational predictions allowed the identification of the experimental conditions under which the effect of the K+/Suc antiport system is empirically observable at the whole plant level.An essential role in the regulation of AKT2 is played by (de)phosphorylation events of serine residues at positions S210 and S329. The replacement of both serines by asparagine (AKT2-S210N-S329N) resulted in a K+-selective leak that is locked in a continuously open mode when the channels are expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Under certain conditions, plants expressing the AKT2-S210N-S329N mutation showed growth benefits over wild-type plants; akt2-1+AKT2-S210N-S329N plants reach the generative state faster, possess an increased number of leaves and increased fresh weight (Fig. 2). Intuitively, one would expect a continuously open channel to cause severe problems for the plant, not a benefit as was observed here. We therefore have to postulate that phosphorylation at residues AKT2-S210 and AKT2-S329 is insufficient for converting AKT2 from an inward-rectifying into a non-rectifying channel; other, as yet unknown mechanisms, must contribute to the switch in the AKT2 gating mode. Such a concept would correspond to results that would otherwise be hard to explain. For instance, when both serine residues were replaced by glutamate, the mutant AKT2-S210E-S329E still showed wild-type characteristics.22 The S to E substitution is expected to mimic the phosphorylated state better than the S to N replacement. Furthermore, position AKT2-K197 has a fundamental influence on the AKT2 gating mode.23 AKT2 mutants with that particular lysine substituted with a serine are far less sensitive towards (de)phosphorylation; they display the characteristics of a pure inward-rectifying K+ channel,23 and transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing AKT2 channels with this substitution showed the characteristics of akt2-1 knock-out plants.25 Initially, it was proposed that the positive charge is important for sensitizing AKT2 to phosphorylation. However, the charge-conserving mutant AKT2-K197R is similar to the charge inverting mutant AKT2-K197D,23 a purely inward-rectifying channel (Fig. 3). We therefore need to take into account that in plants, K197 may also be a target of post-translational modification.35 At present, we can explain the beneficial effect of the AKT2-S210N-S329N mutant on plant growth only by a multiple step regulation of AKT2 (Fig. 4). The double-N mutation would then bypass the phosphorylation step, but AKT2-S210N-S329N could still be deregulated into an inward-rectifying channel. Thus, AKT2 can be considered as a highly specialized Kin channel that can be converted into a leak-like channel by a cascade of post-translational modification steps.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Plants expressing the AKT2-S210N-S329N mutant reach the generative state faster than wild-type plants. The mutant channel AKT2-S210N-S329N was expressed under the control of the native AKT2 promoter in the akt2-1 knock-out background. (A) Photos of representative Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown 7 weeks under short day conditions (12-h day/12-h night, light intensity = 150 µE m−2s−1). Seven weeks after sowing, plants expressing only AKT2-S210N-S329N mutant channels (n = 22) differed significantly (Student''s t test, p < 4e-05) from wild-type plants (n = 20) in the height of the main inflorescent stalk (B) and fresh weight (C). At later time points, these differences decrease.25Open in a separate windowFigure 3The mutant AKT2-K197R channel is inward-rectifying. Steady-state current-voltage characteristics measured at the end of activation voltage steps. Currents were normalized to the current values measured at −145 mV in 10 mM K+ and are shown as means ± SD (n = 6).Open in a separate windowFigure 4Minimal model for AKT2 gating-mode regulation. To switch AKT2 from an inward-rectifying into a non-rectifying channel, at least two post-translational steps are postulated. (1) Phosphorylation at residues AKT2-S210 and AKT2-S329 (transitions [1]→[2] and [3]→[4]) and (2) a yet unknown modification that most likely involves the residue AKT2-K197 (transitions [1]→[3] and [2]→[4]). Only after both modifications will AKT2 allow the efflux of K+ (state [4]).  相似文献   
Lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an important pest of sugarcane (a complex hybrid of Saccharum spp.) in southern Florida. Cultural controls for E. lignosellus were evaluated in preparation for the potential loss of effective insecticides. Field studies conducted in 2006 compared the effects of harvest residues from green-harvested sugarcane (no preharvest burning to remove leaf matter) on E. lignosellus stalk damage and yield. Damage by E. lignosellus was significantly lower in plant cane plots that were covered with harvest residues collected from a green-harvested field before shoot emergence compared with plots without harvest residue. There were no yield differences between plots with and without harvest residues in plant or ratoon sugarcane fields in the 2006 study. The effects of three postharvest tillage levels (conventional, intermediate, and no tillage) were evaluated in preharvest burned and green-harvested fields in 2008 and 2009. Significantly less E. lignosellus damage was observed in the green- versus preharvest burned fields in both years. Intermediate and no-tillage plots had very little damage in green-harvested field. Conventional tillage plots had the greatest damage in the green-harvested field and the lowest damage in the preharvest burned field. In 2008, biomass yield was greater in the intermediate than conventional tillage in the green-harvested field, but it was greater in the conventional than in other tillage levels in the preharvest burned field. These studies demonstrated that cultural controls could greatly reduce E. lignosellus damage in sugarcane without the use of insecticides.  相似文献   
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus responsible for numerous epidemics throughout Africa and Asia, causing infectious arthritis and reportedly linked with fatal infections in newborns and elderly. Previous studies in animal models indicate that humoral immunity can protect against CHIKV infection, but despite the potential efficacy of B-cell-driven intervention strategies, there are no virus-specific vaccines or therapies currently available. In addition, CHIKV has been reported to elicit long-lasting virus-specific IgM in humans, and to establish long-term persistence in non-human primates, suggesting that the virus might evade immune defenses to establish chronic infections in man. However, the mechanisms of immune evasion potentially employed by CHIKV remain uncharacterized. We previously described two human monoclonal antibodies that potently neutralize CHIKV infection. In the current report, we have characterized CHIKV mutants that escape antibody-dependent neutralization to identify the CHIKV E2 domain B and fusion loop "groove" as the primary determinants of CHIKV interaction with these antibodies. Furthermore, for the first time, we have also demonstrated direct CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission, as a mechanism that involves the E2 domain A and that is associated with viral resistance to antibody-dependent neutralization. Identification of CHIKV sub-domains that are associated with human protective immunity, will pave the way for the development of CHIKV-specific sub-domain vaccination strategies. Moreover, the clear demonstration of CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission and its possible role in the establishment of CHIKV persistence, will also inform the development of future anti-viral interventions. These data shed new light on CHIKV-host interactions that will help to combat human CHIKV infection and inform future studies of CHIKV pathogenesis.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to assess the relationship between Aβ deposition and white matter pathology (i.e., white matter hyperintensities, WMH) on microstructural integrity of the white matter. Fifty-seven participants (mean age: 78±7 years) from an ongoing multi-site research program who spanned the spectrum of normal to mild cognitive impairment (Clinical dementia rating 0–0.5) and low to high risk factors for arteriosclerosis and WMH pathology (defined as WMH volume >0.5% total intracranial volume) were assessed with positron emission tomography (PET) with Pittsburg compound B (PiB) and magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Multivariate analysis of covariance were used to investigate the relationship between Aβ deposition and WMH pathology on fractional anisotropy (FA) from 9 tracts of interest (i.e., corona radiata, internal capsule, cingulum, parahippocampal white matter, corpus callosum, superior longitudinal, superior and inferior front-occipital fasciculi, and fornix). WMH pathology was associated with reduced FA in projection (i.e., internal capsule and corona radiate) and association (i.e., superior longitudinal, superior and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi) fiber tracts. Aβ deposition (i.e., PiB positivity) was associated with reduced FA in the fornix and splenium of the corpus callosum. There were interactions between PiB and WMH pathology in the internal capsule and parahippocampal white matter, where Aβ deposition reduced FA more among subjects with WMH pathology than those without. However, accounting for apoE ε4 genotype rendered these interactions insignificant. Although this finding suggests that apoE4 may increase amyloid deposition, both in the parenchyma (resulting in PiB positivity) and in blood vessels (resulting in amyloid angiopathy and WMH pathology), and that these two factors together may be associated with compromised white matter microstructural integrity in multiple brain regions, additional studies with a longitudinal design will be necessary to resolve this issue.  相似文献   
Abstract: Bradykinin receptors have been subdivided into at least two major pharmacological subtypes, B1 and B2. The cDNAs encoding functional B2 receptors have recently been cloned, but no molecular information exists at present on the B1 receptor. In this article, we describe experiments examining the possible relationship between the mRNAs encoding the B1 and B2 types of receptor. We showed previously that the Human fibroblast cell line W138 expresses both B1 and B2 receptors. In this report, we describe oocyte expression experiments showing that the B1 receptor in W138 human fibroblast cells is encoded by a distinct mRNA ∼2 kb shorter than that encoding the B2 receptor. We have used an antisense approach in conjunction with the oocyte expression system to demonstrate that the two messages differ in sequence at several locations throughout the length of the B2 sequence. Taken together with the mixed pharmacology exhibited in some expression systems by the cloned mouse receptor, the data indicate that B1-type pharmacology may arise from two independent molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   
One of the primary limiting factors to superovulation and embryo transfer in cattle has been the large variability in response, both between and within animals. It appears that the primary source of this problem is the variability in the population of gonadotropin-responsive follicles present in ovaries at the time of stimulation. We have shown that treatment of heifers with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbGH) increases the number of small antral follicles (2 to 5 mm) and, therefore, enhances the subsequent superovulatory response to eCG. To investigate further the potential of using this approach to improve superovulatory regimens in cattle, the effect of rbGH pretreatment on the response to pituitary FSH was studied. The estrous cycles of 16 heifers were synchronized using PGF2alpha. On Day 7 of the synchronized cycle, half of the animals were injected with 320 mg sustained-release formulated rbGH, while the other half received 10 ml saline. Five days later, all heifers were given a decreasing-dose regimen of twice daily injections of oFSH for 4 d, incorporating an injection of PGF2alpha with the fifth FSH treatment, to induce superovulation. All animals were artificially inseminated twice with semen from the same bull during estrus. Ova/embryos were recovered nonsurgically on Days 6 to 8 of the following estrous cycle, and the ovulation rate assessed on Day 9 by laparoscopy. Using the same animals as described above, the experiment was repeated twice, 3 and 6 mo later, with no laparoscopy in the third experiment. The animals were randomized both between experiments and for the day of ova/embryo collection. Pretreatment of heifers with rbGH significantly (P < 0.01) increased the number of ovulations, total number of ova/embryos recovered and the number of transferable embryos. The percentage of transferable embryos was significantly (P < 0.05) increased by rbGH pretreatment. In addition, the incidence (2/16) of follicular cysts with a poor ovulatory response (< 6 ovulations) for the rbGH-pretreated heifers was significantly lower (P < 0.05) when compared with the incidence (7/16) in the control animals. It is concluded that pretreatment with rbGH may provide a useful approach for improving superovulatory response in cattle.  相似文献   
The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Acaulon muticum is composed of the sporophyte foot, the surrounding gametophyte vaginula, and an intervening placental space. At an early stage of development the foot has a large basal cell, characterized by extensive wall ingrowths beginning at the lowermost tip of the basal cell and extending along its tangential walls. Sporophyte cells in contact with the basal cell develop ingrowths on their outer tangential walls and on radial walls in contact with the basal cell. All sporophyte cells at this stage are characterized by numerous mitochondria, strands of endoplasmic reticulum, and dictyosomes, particularly in the cytoplasm adjacent to areas of extensive wall development. Plastids typically contain abundant starch reserves. As development proceeds, wall ingrowths become more extensive on all walls in the sporophyte foot but are never found on the upper wall of the basal cell in contact with the remainder of the sporophyte. Plastids in the foot contain fewer starch reserves later in development. Wall ingrowths are not visible in the cells of the gametophyte vaginula until well after extensive development has occurred in the sporophyte foot. Stacks or layers of endoplasmic reticulum are characteristic of the cells of the gametophyte vaginula, along with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, and well-developed plastids. Starch reserves typically are less abundant in cells of the gametophyte. The early development of extensive wall elaborations in the cells of the sporophyte foot, and particularly in the basal cell, may favor the rapid movement of water and nutrients from the gametophyte into the sporophyte at a time when rapid development in this minute, ephemeral moss is critical.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis that the operating point of the cardiopulmonary baroreflex resets to the higher cardiac filling pressure of exercise associated with the increased cardiac filling volumes. Eight men (age 26 +/- 1 yr; height 180 +/- 3 cm; weight 86 +/- 6 kg; means +/- SE) participated in the present study. Lower body negative pressure (LBNP) was applied at 8 and 16 Torr to decrease central venous pressure (CVP) at rest and during steady-state leg cycling at 50% peak oxygen uptake (104 +/- 20 W). Subsequently, two discrete infusions of 25% human serum albumin solution were administered until CVP was increased by 1.8 +/- 0.6 and 2.4 +/- 0.4 mmHg at rest and 2.9 +/- 0.9 and 4.6 +/- 0.9 mmHg during exercise. During all protocols, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and CVP were recorded continuously. At each stage of LBNP or albumin infusion, forearm blood flow and cardiac output were measured. During exercise, forearm vascular conductance increased from 7.5 +/- 0.5 to 8.7 +/- 0.6 U (P = 0.024) and total systemic vascular conductance from 7.2 +/- 0.2 to 13.5 +/- 0.9 l.min(-1).mmHg(-1) (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the responses of both forearm vascular conductance and total systemic vascular conductance to LBNP and the infusion of albumin between rest and exercise. These data indicate that the cardiopulmonary baroreflex had been reset during exercise to the new operating point associated with the exercise-induced change in cardiac filling volume.  相似文献   
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