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A novel subtraction hybridization procedure, incorporating a combination of four separation strategies, was developed to isolate unique DNA sequences from a strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii. Sau3A-digested DNA from this strain, i.e., the probe strain, was ligated to a linker and hybridized in solution with an excess of pooled subtracter DNA from seven other strains of the same biovar which had been restricted, ligated to a different, biotinylated, subtracter-specific linker, and amplified by polymerase chain reaction to incorporate dUTP. Subtracter DNA and subtracter-probe hybrids were removed by phenol-chloroform extraction of a streptavidin-biotin-DNA complex. NENSORB chromatography of the sequences remaining in the aqueous layer captured biotinylated subtracter DNA which may have escaped removal by phenol-chloroform treatment. Any traces of contaminating subtracter DNA were removed by digestion with uracil DNA glycosylase. Finally, remaining sequences were amplified by polymerase chain reaction with a probe strain-specific primer, labelled with 32P, and tested for specificity in dot blot hybridizations against total genomic target DNA from each strain in the subtracter pool. Two rounds of subtraction-amplification were sufficient to remove cross-hybridizing sequences and to give a probe which hybridized only with homologous target DNA. The method is applicable to the isolation of DNA and RNA sequences from both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells.  相似文献   
Summary A serum-free primary culture system is described which allows normal rat mammary epithelial cells (RMECs) embedded within a reconstituted basement membrane to undergo extensive growth and functional differentiation as detected by synthesis and secretion of the milk products casein and lipid. RMECs isolated from mammary glands of immature virgin rats were seeded within an extracellular matrix preparation derived from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma and cultured in a serum-free medium consisting of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-F12 containing insulin, prolactin, progesterone, hydrocortisone, epidermal growth factor, bovine serum albumin, transferrin, and ascorbic acid. Casein synthesis and secretion were documented at the electron microscopic level as well as by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assay using a polyclonal antibody against total rat caseins. Numerous secretory vesicles with casein micelles were noted near the apical surface of the RMECs, and secreted casein was observed in the lumen. These ultrastructural data were confirmed by the ELISA assay which showed that microgram amounts of casein per well were synthesized by the RMECs and that the amount of casein increased with time in culture. Using immunoblot analysis it was demonstrated that the full complement of casein proteins was synthesized. In addition to casein protein, β-casein mRNA levels were shown to increase with time. Synthesized lipid was detected at both the light and electron microscopic levels. Phase contrast photomicrographs demonstrated extensive intracellular lipid accumulation within the ductal and lobuloalveolarlike colonies, and at the electron micrograph level, lipid droplets were predominantly localized near the apical surface of the RMECs. The lipid nature of these droplets was verified by oil red O staining. Results from this study demonstrate that RMECs from immature virgin rats proliferate extensively and rapidly develop the capacity to synthesize and secrete casein and lipid when grown within a reconstituted basement membrane under defined serum-free conditions. This unique system should thus serve as an excellent model in which the regulation of mammary development and gene expression can be investigated. This work was supported by grants CA 33240 and CA 35641 and by core grant CA 24538 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Abstract The prevalence of aac(2')-Ia , a gene coding for gentamicin 2'-JV-acetyltransferase in Providenda stuartii , among species of the Proteeae was investigated to determine if it is a common resistance factor and whether the correlation observed in P. stuartii between its expression and the levels of peptidoglycan O -acetylation represents a general feature of bacteria producing this form of modified peptidoglycan. An evaluation of the MICs of gentamicin for each of the species of the Proteeae did not reveal any apparent relationship between resistance and the degree of O-acetylation of peptidoglycan. The entire aac(2')-Ia gene was used as a probe in Southern hybridization experiments against genomic DNA from each species of the Proteeae. A sequence with strong homology to aac(2')-Ia was present only in Proteus penneri while weak hybridization was also observed to the restriction digested DNA from Providenda rettgeri . Other bacteria that O -acetylate peptidoglycan were also screened with this probe and a homologous DNA sequence was only found in Neisseria subflava . These data suggest that AAC(2')-Ia may contribute to the rO -acetylation of peptidoglycan in P. stuartii , but a more specific enzyme must also be produced for this function.  相似文献   
K Ng  E Johnson    B A Stone 《Plant physiology》1996,111(4):1227-1231
Structure-activity relationships among glycoside activators of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) (1-->3)-beta-glucan synthase were investigated using a number of natural and synthetic glycosides, including some carrying photoaffinity functions. There is an absolute requirement for a beta-D-glycosyl moiety in the activator, both S- and N-glucosides are active, and the position of the glucosidic linkage in beta-glucose disaccharides has a significant effect on the affinity of binding. However, the binding requirement does not extend beyond a single beta-D-glucosyl residue, and beta-D-oligoglucosides are less effective than disaccharides. The nature of the aglycon has a major influence on the binding affinity. Hydrophobic aglycons lower the concentration required for half-maximal stimulation of the enzyme obtained from an Eadie-Hofstee plot of kinetic data (Ka) for activation, but charge aglycons increase Ka. Relative to methyl-beta-D-glucoside and cellobiose (Ka 1.1 mM), the most potent compounds tested were N-[4-(benzoyl)benzoyl]-beta-D-glucosylamine and 2'-[4-azidosalicylamino]ethyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucoside with K(a)s of approximately 30 microM. The latter also was tested for its potential to specifically label the beta-glucoside-binding site on the synthase, but under the conditions used the binding was found to be nonspecific.  相似文献   
Summary Facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders occurs when larvae respond to varying environmental conditions by either metamorphosing into terrestrial metamorphic adults or retaining their larval morphology to become sexually mature paedomorphic adults. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary maintenance of this environmentally induced dimorphism, but few data are available to assess them adequately. We studied a montane population of the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, and measured the adult growth rate and body condition across three growing seasons to assess the relative costs and benefits of each morph. Metamorphic adults grew more than paedomorphic adults in terms of snout—vent length across years and in weight within years. Dietary analyses and foraging experiments revealed some of the proximate factors that may underlie these differential growth patterns. Across all prey, metamorphs had significantly higher biomass and calories per stomach sample than paedomorphs. Metamorphic diets primarily consisted of the fairy shrimpBranchinecta coloradensis, whereas paedomorphic diets contained a variety of benthic and terrestrial invertebrates. Foraging experiments revealed that both morphs are more successful at capturing fairy shrimp relative to other prey types and both show high electivity toward this prey. However, fairy shrimp occurred only in non-permanent ponds and thus are inaccessible to paedomorphs, which can survive only in permanent ponds. Paedomorphs also experience higher levels of intraspecific competition with large larvae in permanent ponds than metamorphs do in non-permanent ponds. Thus, metamorphs obtain a growth advantage over paedomorphs by foraging in non-permanent ponds that contain fairy shrimp and have reduced intraspecific competition. These results suggest that paedomorphs should have decreased fitness relative to metamorphs, primarily because metamorphs can move into the best habitats for growth. The net fitness effect of morph-specific differences in dispersal depend on whether there are trade-offs with other life history traits. Nonetheless, because the relative benefit of metamorph dispersal will change with environmental conditions in permanent ponds and the surrounding habitat, the relative fitness payoff to each morph should track changes in the environment. Thus, facultative paedomorphosis may be maintained in part by variable, environmentally-specific fitness payoffs to each morph.  相似文献   
Mutations in the COL4A5 gene, located at Xq22, cause Alport syndrome (AS), a nephritis characterized by progressive deterioration of the glomerular basement membrane and usually associated with progressive hearing loss. We have identified a novel mutation, L1649R, present in 9 of 121 independently ascertained families. Affected males shared the same haplotype of eight polymorphic markers tightly linked to COL4A5, indicating common ancestry. Genealogical studies place the birth of this ancestor >200 years ago. The L1649R mutation is a relatively common cause of Alport syndrome in the western United States, in part because of the rapid growth and migratory expansion of mid-nineteenth-century pioneer populations carrying the gene. L1649R affects a highly conserved residue in the NC1 domain, which is involved in key inter- and intramolecular interactions, but results in a relatively mild disease phenotype. Renal failure in an L1649R male typically occurs in the 4th or 5th decade and precedes the onset of significant hearing loss by approximately 10 years.  相似文献   
The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Acaulon muticum is composed of the sporophyte foot, the surrounding gametophyte vaginula, and an intervening placental space. At an early stage of development the foot has a large basal cell, characterized by extensive wall ingrowths beginning at the lowermost tip of the basal cell and extending along its tangential walls. Sporophyte cells in contact with the basal cell develop ingrowths on their outer tangential walls and on radial walls in contact with the basal cell. All sporophyte cells at this stage are characterized by numerous mitochondria, strands of endoplasmic reticulum, and dictyosomes, particularly in the cytoplasm adjacent to areas of extensive wall development. Plastids typically contain abundant starch reserves. As development proceeds, wall ingrowths become more extensive on all walls in the sporophyte foot but are never found on the upper wall of the basal cell in contact with the remainder of the sporophyte. Plastids in the foot contain fewer starch reserves later in development. Wall ingrowths are not visible in the cells of the gametophyte vaginula until well after extensive development has occurred in the sporophyte foot. Stacks or layers of endoplasmic reticulum are characteristic of the cells of the gametophyte vaginula, along with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, and well-developed plastids. Starch reserves typically are less abundant in cells of the gametophyte. The early development of extensive wall elaborations in the cells of the sporophyte foot, and particularly in the basal cell, may favor the rapid movement of water and nutrients from the gametophyte into the sporophyte at a time when rapid development in this minute, ephemeral moss is critical.  相似文献   
Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) is the most common form of severe inherited childhood deafness. We present the linkage analysis of two inbred Bedouin kindreds from Israel that are affected with ARNSHL. A rapid genomewide screen for markers linked to the disease was performed by using pooled DNA samples. This screen revealed evidence for linkage with markers D9S922 and D9S301 on chromosome 9q. Genotyping of individuals from both kindreds confirmed linkage to chromosome 9q and a maximum combined LOD score of 26.2 (recombination fraction [theta] .025) with marker D9S927. The disease locus was mapped to a 1.6-cM region of chromosome 9ql3-q2l, between markers D9S15 and D9S927. The disease segregates with a common haplotype in the two kindreds, at markers D9S927, D9S175, and D9S284 in the linked interval, supporting the hypothesis that both kindreds inherited the deafness gene from a common ancestor. Although this nonsyndromic-hearing-loss (NSHL) locus maps to the same cytogenetic interval as DFNB7, it does not overlap the currently defined DFNB7 interval and may represent (1) a novel form of NSHL in close proximity to DFNB7 or (2) a relocalization of the DFNB7 interval to a region telomeric to its reported location. This study further demonstrates that DNA pooling is an effective means of quickly identifying regions of linkage in inbred families with heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorders.  相似文献   
Here we report the identification of BET3, a new member of a group of interacting genes whose products have been implicated in the targeting and fusion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to Golgi transport vesicles with their acceptor compartment. A temperature-sensitive mutant in bet3-1 was isolated in a synthetic lethal screen designed to identify new genes whose products may interact with BET1, a type II integral membrane protein that is required for ER to Golgi transport. At 37 degrees C, bet3-1 fails to transport invertase, alpha-factor, and carboxypeptidase Y from the ER to the Golgi complex. As a consequence, this mutant accumulates dilated ER and small vesicles. The SNARE complex, a docking/fusion complex, fails to form in this mutant. Furthermore, BET3 encodes an essential 22-kDa hydrophilic protein that is conserved in evolution, which is not a component of this complex. These findings support the hypothesis that Bet3p may act before the assembly of the SNARE complex.  相似文献   
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