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The phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide of Aeromonas hydrophila were characterized. Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol were the major phospholipid components. The outer membrane contained more phosphatidylethanolamine and less phosphatidylglycerol than the inner membrane, and the phospholipids of the outer membrane contained a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids. Only four fatty acids (C14:0, C16:0, C16:1, and C18:1) were found in the phospholipids. The lipopolysaccharide of A. hydrophila did not contain the eight-carbon sugar 3-deoxyoctulosonic acid nor did it contain C16:0, both of which are typical constituents of the lipopolysaccharide of many other species.  相似文献   
Purification of an active opioid-binding protein from bovine striatum   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We report the purification to apparent homogeneity of an active opioid-binding protein solubilized from bovine striatal membranes. The purification was accomplished in two steps: affinity chromatography on beta-naltrexylethylenediamine (NED)-CH-Sepharose 4B followed by lectin affinity chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose. The ligand affinity-purified fraction exhibits stereospecific and saturable binding of opiates and is heat-sensitive. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate of the NED-purified material gave 6-8 bands by silver staining or autoradiography of radioiodinated material. Under nondenaturing conditions, the NED-purified material elutes in a molecular mass range between 300 and 350 kDa from gel exclusion chromatography on Ultrogel AcA-34. The specific activity of the affinity-purified fraction (800-1500 pmol/mg protein) is enriched 4000 to 7000-fold over that of the membrane-bound or unpurified soluble receptor. Further purification (10-20-fold) is achieved by chromatography of the NED eluate on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose. The eluted fraction shows a single protein (65 kDa) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified material is an acidic glycoprotein with a pI of 6.0-6.3 and binds opiates with a specific activity (12,000-15,000 pmol/mg) that is 65,000 to 75,000-fold greater (theoretical, 77,000-fold) than that of the membrane-bound or crude soluble receptors.  相似文献   
The human protease inhibitor alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2 M) is inactivated by reaction with methylamine. The site of reaction is a protein functional group having the properties of a thiol ester. To ascertain the relationship between thiol ester cleavage and protein inactivation, the rates of methylamine incorporation and thiol release were measured. As expected for a concerted reaction of a nucleophile with a thiol ester, the rates were identical. Furthermore, both rates were first order with respect to methylamine and second order overall. The methylamine inactivation of alpha 2M was determined by measuring the loss of total protease-binding capacity. This rate was slower than the thiol ester cleavage and had a substantial initial lag. However, the inactivation followed the same time course as a conformational change in alpha 2M that was measured by fluorescent dye binding, ultraviolet difference spectroscopy, and limited proteolysis. Thus, the methylamine inactivation of alpha 2M is a sequential two-step process where thiol ester cleavage is followed by a protein conformational change. It is the latter that results in the loss of total protease-binding capacity. A second assay was used to monitor the effect of methylamine on alpha 2M. The assay measures the fraction of alpha 2M-bound protease (less than 50%) that is resistant to inactivation by 100 microM soybean trypsin inhibitor. In contrast to the total protease-binding capacity, this subclass disappeared with a rate coincident with methylamine cleavage of the thiol ester. alpha 2M-bound protease that is resistant to a high soybean trypsin inhibitor concentration may reflect the fraction of the protease randomly cross-linked to alpha 2M. Both the thiol ester cleavage and the protein conformational change rates were dependent on methylamine concentration. However, the thiol ester cleavage depended on methylamine acting as a nucleophile, while the conformational change was accelerated by the ionic strength of methylamine. Other salts and buffers that do not cleave the thiol ester increased the rate of the conformational change. A detailed kinetic analysis and model of the methylamine reaction with alpha 2M is presented. The methylamine reaction was exploited to study the mechanism of protease binding by alpha 2M. At low ionic strength, the protein conformational change was considerably slower than thiol ester cleavage by methylamine. Thus, at some time points, a substantial fraction of the alpha 2M had all four thiol esters cleaved, yet had not undergone the conformational change. This fraction (approximately 50%) retained full protease-binding capacity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Patients with recessive X-linked ichthyosis Patients with recessive X-linked ichthyosis (RXLI), one hereditary form of scaly skin, lack activity of the enzyme steroid sulfatase in all tissues studied. To investigate the molecular defect underlying the lack of enzyme activity, we prepared antisera against normal enzyme by injecting normal placental microsomal suspensions or partially purified steroid sulfatase into rabbits. Antibody activity was assessed by immunoprecipitation of detergent solubilized steroid sulfatase. In addition, we prepared rabbit antisera against RXLI placental microsomal suspensions. To detect immunologically cross-reactive material in patients' placentas, extracts were studied by immunoblot techniques and by competition with normal enzyme for antibody binding. Patients' extracts did not contain immunoreactive material co-migrating on electrophoresis with purified enzyme nor did they inhibit immunoprecipitation of normal enzyme. Sera from rabbits immunized with RXLI placental microsomes contain no antibodies to normal steroid sulfatase, as judged by their failure to immunoprecipitate normal enzyme or to react with normal steroid sulfatase on immunoblot. Thus the mutation in RXLI appears to reduce steroid sulfatase enzyme protein as well as enzyme activity. Portions of this material have appeared in abstract form in Clinical Research 31:564A, 1983 and 32:138A, 1984  相似文献   
Malaria parasites do not contain or synthesize sialic acids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The capacity of Plasmodia to synthesize sialic acids was investigated by adding radioactive acetate to short-term in vitro cultures of the intraerythrocytic asexual forms of three malaria parasites (the human malaria Plasmodium falciparum in Aotus trivirgatus erythrocytes; the simian malaria P. knowlesi in rhesus monkey erythrocytes; the rodent malaria P. berghei in mouse erythrocytes) and to cultures of extracellular zygotes of the avian malaria P. gallinaceum. Radioactive acetate was added to normal rhesus monkey erythrocytes and to cells of the murine myeloma NS-1 for comparison. Although [1-14C]-acetate labeled many proteins with each malaria parasite and the NS-1 cells, analysis of purified sialic acids revealed that only with the NS-1 cells was radioactivity incorporated into sialic acids. Furthermore, N-acetyl[6-3H]mannosamine was not incorporated into sialic acids or malarial glycoproteins when added to P. knowlesi cultures. All of the malaria parasites underwent growth or differentiation during these experiments as measured by [35S]methionine uptake into protein and by light microscopy. Extracellular parasites largely free of erythrocyte membranes were prepared to determine whether Plasmodia contain sialic acids that are not labeled by exogenous precursors. Purified merozoites of P. knowlesi and zygotes of P. gallinaceum did not contain detectable amounts of sialic acids on chemical analysis. Thus, although we could show that Plasmodia can incorporate radioactive sugars such as glucosamine, galactose and mannose into proteins, presumably glycoproteins, they do not synthesize sialic acids or sialo-glycoproteins, nor do they contain sialo-glycoconjugates of host origin.  相似文献   
Genetic variation is described at 15 loci in 2 neotenic and 12 nonneotenic populations of red-spotted newts. Though high levels of genetic similarity (I=0.990) were found among all populations, allele frequencies at six of the eight most polymorphic loci show significant heterogeneity across populations. Change in allele frequencies at two of these loci (Pep-2 and Ldh-1) is significantly correlated with latitude. Interspecific homologies are established for newt peptidases based on substrate specificities and lactate dehydrogenases based on tissue distribution, thermal stability, and kinetic properties. Nonneotenic populations are highly variable (H=0.157) and neotenic populations are only slightly, but significantly, less variable (H=0.120). The high levels of heterozygosity detected in nonneotenic populations may result from large effective population size and/or environmental heterogeneity. The unexpectedly high heterozygosity values obtained for the neotenic populations may indicate adult dispersal or the presence of some previously undetected red efts at these localities. In any case, a major change in life history has apparently had little effect on the genetic structure of these populations.This research was supported by grants from the Blakeslee Fund of Smith College.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of chronic administration of the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, UK 38,485, on noradrenergic neurotransmission. Male Sprague Dawley rats (n=14) were treated once daily with either UK 38,485 (100 mg/kg; n=7) or the vehicle of UK 38,485 (olive oil; n=7) by gavage. The dose of UK 38,485 chosen was sufficient to inhibit ex vivo platelet TXB2 production by >90% for 24 hours. One week into the treatment animals were prepared for in situ perfusion of their mesenteric vascular beds. Vasoconstrictor responses to both exogenous norepinephrine and periarterial nerve stimulation were determined both before and during an infusion of angiotensin II (9ng/min) into the superior mesenteric artery. UK 38,485 significantly (P<0.02) attenuated the vascular response to periarterial nerve stimulation without altering the vascular response to either norepinephrine or angiotensin II. UK 38,485 did not influence the baseline perfusion pressure, the mean arterial blood pressure or the potentiation of neurotransmission by angiotensin II. These data indicate that in the in situ rat mesentery UK 38,485 attenuates the release of neurotransmitter from sympathetic nerve terminals.  相似文献   
Rapid Activation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Response to Nerve Growth Factor   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Abstract: Nerve growth factor protein (NGF) was found to rapidly promote the activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in cultured rat PC 12 pheochromocytoma cells. PC 12 cultures were exposed to NGF for periods of less than 1 h and the soluble contents of homogenates prepared from the cells were assayed for tyrosine hydroxylase activity. Under these conditions, the specific enzymatic activity was increased by 60 ± 10% (n = 13) in comparison with that in untreated sister cultures. The increase was half maximal by 2–5 min of exposure and at NGF concentrations of about 10 ng/ml (0.36 n M ). Antiserum against NGF blocked the effect. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity could also be rapidly increased by NGF in cultures of PC12 cells that had been treated with the factor for several weeks in order to produce a neuron-like phenotype. This was achieved by withdrawing NGF for about 4 h and then readding it for 30 min. The NGF-induced increase of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in PC12 cultures was not affected by inhibition of protein synthesis and therefore appeared to be due to activation of the enzyme. Kinetic experiments revealed that NGF brought about no change in the apparent Km of the enzyme for tyrosine or for co-factor (6-methyltetrahydropteridine), but that it did significantly increase the apparent maximum specific activity of the enzyme. These observations suggest that NGF (perhaps released by target organs) could promote a rapid and local enhancement of noradrenergic transmission in the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   
We describe two monoclonal antibodies, R3/47 and YR1/1, directed against different epitopes of the expressed rat class I major transplantation antigen RT1Aa, that interact with each other so that the binding of one antibody, YR1/1, is greatly enhanced by the binding of the other. The positive interaction between R3/47 and YR1/1 also occurs when using RT1Aa molecules solubilized from cell membranes in detergent. It is therefore unlikely that the molecular environment of the membrane contributes to the interaction. The ability of R3/47 to modify the YR1/1 determinant on the RT1Aa molecule is mediated without any significant loss of potency by highly purified monomeric Fab fragments. This result suggests that the binding of R3/47 to the RT1Aa molecule alters the YR1/1 determinant by initiating a propagated conformational change in the antigen.  相似文献   
Blood was obtained from three species of macaques for a study of platelets. A rapidly mobilizable platelet pool was demonstrated in rhesus macaques given intravenous epinephrine. The number of platelets/ml of blood increased about 30% 3 to 5 min after epinephrine was given. The size distributions of the platelets were similar before and after injection. Platelet aggregability was increased after injection. Basal platelet aggregabilities, as measured by platelet aggregate ratios, were similar in rhesus macaques. Celebes black macaques, and human subjects, but were significantly greater in cynomolgus macaques than in the other three species.  相似文献   
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