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The pigeon – a success story The pigeon is one of the first animals that man domesticated and it holds a special place in man's affections. The pigeon is far more than an ordinary bird since it is a symbol of different gods and human virtues. In the beginning, the pigeon used to be an ordinary biological creature until it found it's way into man's spiritual world. These associations contribute to man's love and admiration of pigeons. The feral pigeon is a wild descendant of dovecote pigeons and domestic breeds. All experiences up to now lead to the conclusion that reduction of pigeon populations can only be achieved by reducing their food supply. Because of the enormous reproduction rate of the pigeons, killing attempts without any simultaneous food reduction do not have any influence on the number of birds in the population.  相似文献   
Endogenous danger signals released during cell damage contribute to alert the immune system. Typically, their release results in the activation and maturation of innate immune cells, and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, extracellular NAD+ stimulates immune responses by hindering regulatory T cells (Tregs), and could, therefore, represent the prototype of a new category of danger signals.  相似文献   
The electromechanical transduction mechanisms operating in nerve membranes are considered theoretically. For mechanical-to-electrical transduction (mechanical generator potentials), a model is proposed in which the surface charge on the membrane mediates stress-induced changes in the intramembrane electric field, thus opening transmembrane ion conductance channels or reducing the ion selectivity of the membrane via leak conductance pathways. For electrical-to-mechanical transduction (axon diameter change with excitation), an investigation into two well-known electrostatic properties of dielectrics, electrostriction and piezoelectricity, in the context of the nerve membrane is undertaken which predicts a few percent change in axon dimensions for voltage- and space-clamped axons.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine optium conditions for the extraction and measurement of uterine nuclear estrogen receptor at low temperature. We measured the influence of glycero, 0.5 M KCl, 10 mM pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, and 0.5 M NaSCN on the dissocation of estradiol from the receptor at 0°C. The half-time (12) of estradiol dissociation from the receptor in 0.5 M KCl nuclear extracts containing 30% glycerol was very slow (greater than 250 h). Exclusion of glycerol from the extract (Tris buffer) increased the dissociation rate (t12 = 35 h). The inhibitory effect of glycerol on estradiol dissociation kinetics predominated over the mild stimulatory effect of KCl; and both effects were independent of the electrical conductivity of the buffer. When pyridoxal phosphate was added to a nuclear KCl extract (barbital fubber) lacking glycerol, dissociation of the estrogen-receptor complex increased such that the t12) decreased from 20 to 7.6 h; the receptor extracted from nuclei with 10 mM pyridoxal phosphate exhibited these same rapid dissociation kinetics. The t12 of estradiol dissociation from the receptor at 0°C in the presence of 0.5 M NaSCN was 5.6 h. Following extraction of uterine receptro by KCl, pyridoxal phosphate, or NaSCN, we measured the number of estradiol binding sites at each of two incubation temperatures: 30°C for 1 hr and 0°C for 24 h. We verified that unoccupied receptors was measured reliability in KCl extract during incubation at 0°C in the presence of glycerol. Total receptor can be determined using either pyridoxal phosphate extract or NaSCN extract at low temperature. However, the number of sites recovered in either pyridoxal phosphate or NaSCN extract was twice the number obtained with the KCl procedure at elevated temperature. It is noteworthy that pyridoxal phosphate and NaSCN increased the number of sites when added directly to nuclear KCl extract, and the effect of pyridoxal phosphate and NaSCN was reversed by treatment with L-lysine and dialysis against KCl, respectively. Thus, the lower receptor recovery with the KCl procedure is not due to the inability of KCl to extract these sites from the nucleus but rather is ascribable to the assay procedure itself. Although total receptor can be measured at low temperature with either NaSCN or pyridoxal phosphate, the pyridoxal phosphate method can be used to assay nuclear progesterone receptor in tha same extract.  相似文献   
The sex pheromone-mediated responses of male oriental fruit moths, Grapholitha molesta (Busck), to an array of blends and dosages of Z8-12Ac and E8-12:Ac, were analyzed. Males exhibited sustained upwind flight resulting in source location only to intermediate blends and dosages. This optimal range of treatments appeared to be bounded by dosages too low or too high to result in significant attraction (net within-plume displacement toward the source), the higher concentrations causing arrestment (no net within-plume displacement) at some distance from the source. Similar results were obtained in field-trapping studies with the same treatments, except that the optimal dosages were moved up about 10-fold. Increased turning and decreased linear velocity could account for arrestment with increasing amounts of the (E) isomer in high dosages and high (E)/(Z) ratio blends.
Zusammenfassung Das Sexualverhalten männlicher Falter des Pfirsichtriebwicklers, Grapholitha molesta (Busck), gegenüber verschiedenen Dosierungen und Mischungen von (Z)-8- und (E)-8-Dodecenylacetat wurde untersucht. Ein stetiger Aufwindflug, der zum Auffinden der Duftquelle führte, konnte nur im mittleren Dosierungs- und Mischungsbereich beobachtet werden. Ausserhalb dieses Optimums war die Dosierung offenbar entweder zu hoch oder zu niedrig, um eine deutliche Anlockung, d.h. einen gerichteten Flug innerhalb der Duftfahne zu bewirken; bei hoher Konzentration näherten sich die Tiere der Quelle nur auf bestimmte Distanz (arrestment). Freilandversuche mit Fallen führten zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen, nur dass dort das Dosierungsoptimum bei ca. zehnmal höheren Werten lag als in den Versuchen im Windkanal. Der bei hohen Mengen an E-Isomer (hohe Dosis oder hohes E/Z-verhältnis) beobachtete Arrestment-Effekt könnte auf Erhöhung der Drehbewegungen oder Verringerung der Fluggeschwindigkeit zurückzuführen sein.
This paper gives a method for calculating the covariance of gene frequencies at any two points of a habitat which is a finite 1-dimensional interval. Selectively neutral genes are considered migrating according to a continuous parameter analogue of the stepping stone model. The method is to solve a partial differential equation for the covariance, together with boundary conditions of zero normal derivative (or reflecting barrier) type.  相似文献   
Dendritic integration is a fundamental element of neuronal information processing. So far, few studies have provided a detailed spatial picture of this process, describing the properties of local dendritic activity and its subcellular organization. Here, we used 2-photon calcium imaging in optic flow processing neurons of the fly Calliphora vicina to determine the preferred location and direction of local motion cues for small branchlets throughout the entire dendrite. We found a pronounced retinotopic mapping on both the subcellular and the cell population level. In addition, dendritic branchlets residing in different layers of the neuropil were tuned to distinct directions of motion. Summing the local receptive fields of all dendritic branchlets reproduced the characteristic properties of these neurons’ axonal output receptive fields. Our results corroborate the notion that the dendritic morphology of vertical system cells allows them to selectively collect local motion inputs with particular directional preferences from a spatially organized input repertoire, thus forming filters that match global patterns of optic flow. Furthermore, we suggest that the facet arrangement across the fly’s eye shapes the subcellular direction tuning to local motion stimuli. These data illustrate a highly structured circuit organization as an efficient way to hard-wire a complex sensory task.  相似文献   
Outpatient appointment scheduling balances efficiency with access to healthcare services, yet appointment no-shows, cancellations, and delay are significant barriers to effective healthcare delivery. Patients with longer appointment delay often waste appointments more frequently, prompting a need for greater flexibility in appointment allocation. We present a joint capacity control and overbooking model where a clinic maximizes profits by controlling bookings from two sequential patient classes with different no-show rates. When booking advance requests, the clinic must balance high no-show probability with the probability of subsequent requests at lower waste rates. We show the optimal policy is computationally intensive to derive; therefore, we develop bounds and approximations which we compare via numerical study with the optimal policy as well as policies from practice and previous literature. We find the optimal policy increases profits 17.8% over first-come-first-serve allocation. We develop a simple policy which performs 0.3% below optimal on average. While pure open access can achieve optimality, it performs 23.0% below optimal on average.  相似文献   
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