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Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by excessive extracellular matrix deposition with concomitant loss of gas exchange units, and endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been implicated in its pathogenesis. Increased levels of ET-1 from tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage have been reported in patients with pulmonary fibrosis and in animal models after intratracheal bleomycin. We characterized the cellular distribution of alveolar ET receptors by immunohistochemistry in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat and determined the regulation by bleomycin of ET receptor mRNA expression in isolated alveolar macrophages and rat lung fibroblasts. We found significant increases in the numbers of fibroblasts and macrophages at day 7 compared to day 28 and control animals. ETB receptor immunoreactivity was observed on fibroblasts and invading monocytes. Isolated fibroblasts expressed both ETA and ETB receptor mRNA, and ETA receptor mRNA was upregulated by bleomycin. Isolated resident alveolar macrophages expressed neither ETA nor ETB receptor mRNA which were also not induced by bleomycin. We conclude that, while ETB receptor stimulation of fibroblasts and monocytes recruited during bleomycin-induced lung injury exerts antagonistic effects on fibroblast collagen synthesis, the observed increase in the number of fibroblasts in vivo and upregulation of fibroblast ETA receptor mRNA by bleomycin in vitro point to a predominance of the profibrotic effects of ET receptor engagement.  相似文献   
Mapping of genes that play major roles in cotton fiber development is an important step toward their cloning and manipulation, and provides a test of their relationships (if any) to agriculturally-important QTLs. Seven previously identified fiber mutants, four dominant (Li 1, Li 2, N 1 and Fbl) and three recessive (n 2, sma-4(h a), and sma-4(fz)), were genetically mapped in six F2 populations comprising 124 or more plants each. For those mutants previously assigned to chromosomes by using aneuploids or by linkage to other morphological markers, all map locations were concordant except n 2, which mapped to the homoeolog of the chromosome previously reported. Three mutations with primary effects on fuzz fibers (N 1, Fbl, n 2) mapped near the likelihood peaks for QTLs that affected lint fiber productivity in the same populations, perhaps suggesting pleiotropic effects on both fiber types. However, only Li 1 mapped within the likelihood interval for 191 previously detected lint fiber QTLs discovered in non-mutant crosses, suggesting that these mutations may occur in genes that played early roles in cotton fiber evolution, and for which new allelic variants are quickly eliminated from improved germplasm. A close positional association between sma-4(h a ), two leaf and stem-borne trichome mutants (t 1 , t 2), and a gene previously implicated in fiber development, sucrose synthase, raises questions about the possibility that these genes may be functionally related. Increasing knowledge of the correspondence of the cotton and Arabidopsis genomes provides several avenues by which genetic dissection of cotton fiber development may be accelerated.  相似文献   
Herein we describe a series of potent and selective PPARgamma agonists with moderate PPARalpha affinity and little to no affinity for other nuclear receptors. In vivo studies in a NIDDM animal model (ZDF rat) showed that these compounds are efficacious at low doses in glucose normalization and plasma triglyceride reduction. Compound 1b (LY519818) was selected from our SAR studies to be advanced to clinical evaluation for the treatment of type II diabetes.  相似文献   
Transposable element (TE) amplification has been recognized as a driving force mediating genome size expansion and evolution, but the consequences for shaping 3D genomic architecture remains largely unknown in plants. Here, we report reference-grade genome assemblies for three species of cotton ranging 3-fold in genome size, namely Gossypium rotundifolium (K2), G. arboreum (A2), and G. raimondii (D5), using Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Comparative genome analyses document the details of lineage-specific TE amplification contributing to the large genome size differences (K2, 2.44 Gb; A2, 1.62 Gb; D5, 750.19 Mb) and indicate relatively conserved gene content and synteny relationships among genomes. We found that approximately 17% of syntenic genes exhibit chromatin status change between active (“A”) and inactive (“B”) compartments, and TE amplification was associated with the increase of the proportion of A compartment in gene regions (∼7,000 genes) in K2 and A2 relative to D5. Only 42% of topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries were conserved among the three genomes. Our data implicate recent amplification of TEs following the formation of lineage-specific TAD boundaries. This study sheds light on the role of transposon-mediated genome expansion in the evolution of higher-order chromatin structure in plants.  相似文献   
Interspecific gene flow is increasingly recognized as an important evolutionary phenomenon in plants. A surprising observation is that historical introgression is often inferred between species that presently have geographic and reproductive barriers that would appear to prohibit the inferred sexual exchange. A striking example concerns Gossypium aridum (subsection Erioxylum); previous analyses have shown that populations from Colima (southwestern Mexico) have a chloroplast genome (cpDNA) similar to that of a different taxonomic subsection (Integrifolia) that presently is confined to Baja California and the Galapagos Islands, whereas other G. aridum populations share a cpDNA lineage with each other and with other species in subsection Erioxylum. To evaluate further the possibility that this cpDNA evidence reflects introgression as opposed to some other evolutionary process, as well as to explore patterns of genetic diversity and similarity in both subsections, we conducted amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis using 50 populations representing all seven species in the two subsections. Genetic diversity is high in G. aridum, and is strongly correlated with geography, as are similarities among the five species in subsection Erioxylum. This subsection is genetically distant from the two species in subsection Integrifolia, whose populations are highly similar inter se. Populations of G. aridum from Colima are genetically distinct from the remainder of the species, and exhibit a comparatively high frequency of AFLP fragments that otherwise are diagnostic of the Integrifolia lineage. These data implicate intersubsectional introgression between presently allopatric and genetically isolated clades, giving rise to a morphologically cryptic, introgressant entity. Biogeographic considerations suggest that this history was initiated following migration of one or more seeds from Baja California to the Colima coast, perhaps during the Pleistocene. We suggest that cryptic and seemingly improbable interspecific introgression and molecular differentiation may be more common than appreciated in angiosperm evolution.  相似文献   
All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), the major active metabolite of vitamin A, plays a role in many biological processes, including maintenance of epithelia, immunity, and fertility and regulation of apoptosis and cell differentiation. atRA is metabolized mainly by CYP26A1, but other P450 enzymes such as CYP2C8 and CYP3As also contribute to atRA 4-hydroxylation. Although the primary metabolite of atRA, 4-OH-RA, possesses a chiral center, the stereochemical course of atRA 4-hydroxylation has not been studied previously. (4S)- and (4R)-OH-RA enantiomers were synthesized and separated by chiral column HPLC. CYP26A1 was found to form predominantly (4S)-OH-RA. This stereoselectivity was rationalized via docking of atRA in the active site of a CYP26A1 homology model. The docked structure showed a well defined niche for atRA within the active site and a specific orientation of the β-ionone ring above the plane of the heme consistent with stereoselective abstraction of the hydrogen atom from the pro-(S)-position. In contrast to CYP26A1, CYP3A4 formed the 4-OH-RA enantiomers in a 1:1 ratio and CYP3A5 preferentially formed (4R)-OH-RA. Interestingly, CYP3A7 and CYP2C8 preferentially formed (4S)-OH-RA from atRA. Both (4S)- and (4R)-OH-RA were substrates of CYP26A1 but (4S)-OH-RA was cleared 3-fold faster than (4R)-OH-RA. In addition, 4-oxo-RA was formed from (4R)-OH-RA but not from (4S)-OH-RA by CYP26A1. Overall, these findings show that (4S)-OH-RA is preferred over (4R)-OH-RA by the enzymes regulating atRA homeostasis. The stereoselectivity observed in CYP26A1 function will aid in better understanding of the active site features of the enzyme and the disposition of biologically active retinoids.  相似文献   
Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) and hypothermia are used to maintain stable circulatory parameters and improve the ischemia tolerance of patients in cardiac surgery. However, ECC and hypothermia induce activation mechanisms in platelets and leukocytes, which are mediated by the platelet agonist ADP and the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) p110β. Under clinical conditions these processes are associated with life-threatening complications including thromboembolism and inflammation. This study analyzes effects of ADP receptor P(2)Y(12) and P(2)Y(1) blockade and PI3K p110β inhibition on platelets and granulocytes during hypothermic ECC. Human blood was treated with the P(2)Y(12) antagonist 2-MeSAMP, the P(2)Y(1) antagonist MRS2179, the PI3K p110β inhibitor TGX-221, combinations thereof, or PBS and propylene glycol (controls). Under static in vitro conditions a concentration-dependent effect regarding the inhibition of ADP-induced platelet activation was found using 2-MeSAMP or TGX-221. Further inhibition of ADP-mediated effects was achieved with MRS2179. Next, blood was circulated in an ex vivo ECC model at 28°C for 30 minutes and various platelet and granulocyte markers were investigated using flow cytometry, ELISA and platelet count analysis. GPIIb/IIIa activation induced by hypothermic ECC was inhibited using TGX-221 alone or in combination with P(2)Y blockers (p<0.05), while no effect of hypothermic ECC or antiplatelet agents on GPIIb/IIIa and GPIbα expression and von Willebrand factor binding was observed. Sole P(2)Y and PI3K blockade or a combination thereof inhibited P-selectin expression on platelets and platelet-derived microparticles during hypothermic ECC (p<0.05). P(2)Y blockade alone or combined with TGX-221 prevented ECC-induced platelet-granulocyte aggregate formation (p<0.05). Platelet adhesion to the ECC surface, platelet loss and Mac-1 expression on granulocytes were inhibited by combined P(2)Y and PI3K blockade (p<0.05). Combined blockade of P(2)Y(12), P(2)Y(1) and PI3K p110β completely inhibits hypothermic ECC-induced activation processes. This novel finding warrants further studies and the development of suitable pharmacological agents to decrease ECC- and hypothermia-associated complications in clinical applications.  相似文献   
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