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叶绿醌是由1个萘醌环和1个半不饱和植基侧链组成的一类光系统Ⅰ(photosystem Ⅰ,PSⅠ)特有的辅因子。目前,在蓝藻中对其生物合成途径的研究主要集中在萘醌环的形成方面,而对其植基侧链的合成尚缺乏相关报道。本研究通过与近期在拟南芥中发现的1种催化植基单磷酸形成植基二磷酸的激酶(VTE6)进行同源序列比对,在集胞藻 PCC 6803中发现1个与之高度同源的蛋白质Sll0875。研究发现,在Sll0875缺失突变体中,叶绿醌和生育酚的含量缺失,叶绿素的含量降低(P<0.05),且该突变体在无葡萄糖培养基中生长迟缓。进一步利用叶绿素荧光、P700氧化还原动力学、77K低温荧光光谱和免疫印迹分析等方法分析了该蛋白质的缺失对PSⅠ功能的影响。研究表明,在突变体Δsll0875中, PSⅠ活性下降,PSⅠ亚基含量与野生型相比显著降低(P<0.01)。这一结果表明,叶绿醌的缺失影响了PSⅠ复合物的累积,导致PSⅠ功能受损,从而影响了蓝藻正常的生长和发育。本研究在蓝藻中证实植醇磷酸化途径对叶绿醌合成的重要性,为进一步研究蓝藻中叶绿醌在PSⅠ复合物的合成、组装和稳定等过程中的作用奠定基础。  相似文献   
本文从色彩的角度把闽南地区123种常见彩叶植物分为红色、黄色和银色三个系列。红色系列有36种,占29%;黄色系列有45种,占37%;银色系列有42种,占34%。本分类法简单易操作,便于选择与应用。文中还探讨彩叶植物的主要特征及其在园林设计和园林绿化中的应用,并提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
Abstract The salivary gland (SG) of female Dermacentor silvarum consists of salivary ducts and lots of acini.
From the basis capituli to the end of the gland, the ducts can be divided into three parts, namely, central duct, major branch ducts and the lobular ducts, and the acini is spherical-like structures attached to various ducts. The central duct parallels with trachea. The surface of the acini is wrinkly and many small tracheae distributed on the acini. In unfed female, the length of SG is short (547.33 μm) and extends on the first day after feeding, and reaches its maximum value (1109.40 μm) on the 3rd day after feeding, while copulation has justly completed. From the 3rd day after feeding to the first three days after engorgement, no apparent change in length of the gland is observed. On the 4th day after engorgement, it shortens sharply (500.00 μm). The diameter of the acini of unfed female is also short (45.24 μm), it increases gradually during feeding and reaches its maximum (74.10 μm) on the 5th day after feeding. After engorgement, the acini becomes atrophic slowly and degenerated sharply on the 4th day.  相似文献   
白地霉Cryytococcus neoformans脂肪酶的双水相萃取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了不同无机盐的双水相体系对白地霉脂肪酶的萃取分离效果,对PEG/(NH4)2SO4成相系统进行了系统的研究,通过考察体系PEG分子量、不同的无机盐、PEG浓度、(NH4)2SO4浓度、离子强度、pH值及(NH4)2SO4浓度对反萃取的影响,并通过正交实验进一步优化了实验条件,初步确定在PEG浓度15%,(NH4)2SO4浓度22.5%,pH8.0,不加NaCl的条件下进行双水相萃取,脂肪酶分离系数和纯化倍数分别为6.8和7.5,比活力达到40.3 U/mg蛋白。  相似文献   
Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was continuously measured using the eddy covariance (EC) technique from 2003 to 2005 at three forest sites of ChinaFLUX. The forests include Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical coniferous plantation (QYZ), and Dinghushan subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forest (DHS). They span wide ranges of temperature and precipitation and are influenced by the eastern Asian monsoon climate to varying extent. In this study, we estimated ecosystem respiration (RE) and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP). Comparison of ecosystem carbon exchange among the three forests shows that RE was mainly determined by temperature, with the forest at CBS exhibiting the highest temperature sensitivity among the three ecosystems. The RE was highly dependent on GEP across the three forests, and the ratio of RE to GEP decreased along the North–South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) (i.e. from the CBS to the DHS), with an average of 0.77 ± 0.06. Daily GEP was mainly influenced by temperature at CBS, whereas photosynthetic photon flux density was the dominant factor affecting the daily GEP at both QYZ and DHS. Temperature mainly determined the pattern of the interannual variations of ecosystem carbon exchange at CBS. However, water availability primarily controlled the interannual variations of ecosystem carbon exchange at QYZ. At DHS, NEP attained the highest values at the beginning of the dry seasons (autumn) rather than the rainy seasons (summer), probably because insufficient radiation and frequent fog during the rainy seasons hindered canopy photosynthesis. All the three forest ecosystems acted as a carbon sink from 2003 to 2005. The annual average values of NEP at CBS, QYZ, and DHS were 259 ± 19, 354 ± 34, and 434 ± 66 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. The slope of NEP that decreased with increasing latitude along the NSTEC was markedly different from that observed on the forest transect in the European continent. Long‐term flux measurements over more forest ecosystems along the NSTEC will further help verify such a difference between the European forest transect and the NSTEC and provide insights into the responses of ecosystem carbon exchange to climate change in China.  相似文献   
构建了包含虾青素合成途径的小球藻代谢网络模型,集成文献报道同位素标定的小球藻代谢通量数据,估算了胞内代谢通量分布。在正常和缺氮培养条件下,虾青素的代谢通量分别为0.38和0.35。计算得到基元模式共640条,通过最大熵原理算法求取了正常培养和缺氮培养条件下的基元模式概率。存在4条关键基元模式,在2种培养条件下,其基元模式概率之和分别为60.95%和77.53%。虾青素的最大理论合成产率为11.27%,但是这4条关键基元模式并不包括虾青素的合成反应。  相似文献   
高温诱导黄瓜抗霜霉病机理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了高温对黄瓜霜霉病菌致病力的影响以及高温控制霜霉病发生的效果.结果表明,40 ℃高温处理2 h和45 ℃处理1 h对黄瓜霜霉病的诱导抗病性作用最明显,其在接种后4 d时的防效分别为58.40%和45.81%,到接种后6 d时,防效分别下降为39.35%和37.65%.经高温诱导后,过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、几丁质酶(Cht)、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(Glu)活性均显著高于对照,与未诱导植株相比,高温诱导后叶片组织的细胞壁表面有大量木质素沉积,表明高温处理后黄瓜表现出对霜霉病的抗病性.  相似文献   
细菌挥发性代谢产物的类型、检测技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌挥发性代谢产物是细菌代谢产物的重要组成部分,与细菌生命活动和细菌生长数量密切关联,是细菌与周围各种生物进行交流的重要信息物质。细菌挥发性代谢产物类型和特征表现复杂,其浓度低、种类多,从极性到非极性跨度大,需要依赖特殊检测技术进行分析测定。归纳了常见细菌挥发性代谢产物的类型,介绍了气相色谱-质谱和电子鼻两种检测挥发性有机化合物的方法,例举了细菌挥发性代谢产物检测在医学和食品科学研究领域的应用,并提出了细菌挥发性代谢产物检测研究中的几个关键问题。  相似文献   
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