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爱沙木的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1植物名称爱沙木(Eremophila bignoniiflora). 2材料类别无菌萌发的无根种子苗. 3培养条件种子萌发培养基:(1)MS 6-BA 1.0mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.1.分化培养基:(2)MS 6-BA 2.0 NAA 0.1;(3)MS 6-BA 0.5 NAA0.1;(4)MS 6-BA 2.0 IBA 0.01;(5)MS 6-BA0.5 IBA 0.01.壮苗培养基:(6)MS.生根培养基:(7)1/2MS NAA 0.1 1%活性炭;(8)1/2MS NAA0.2 1%活性炭;(9)1/2MS IBA 0.01 1%活性炭;(10)1/2MS IBA 0.02 1%活性炭.以上除生根培养基加入20g·L-1蔗糖外均加入30 g·L-1蔗糖、7g·L-1琼脂,pH 5.6~5.8.光照12 h·d-1,光照度1 500~2000 lx,培养温度23~25℃.  相似文献   
Isolation and Expression Pattern Analysis of Two Ferritin Genes in Tobacco   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For understanding of the ferritin gene expression pattern and the mechanism of iron homeostasis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) plants, two full-length ferritin cDNAs, NtFerl and NtFer2, were isolated from tobacco seedlings and characterized. These cDNAs are 1 214 and 1 125 bp nucleotides and encode 251 and 259 amino acid residues, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences showed that two tobacco ferritins share the same characteristics as the plant ferritins from Arabidopsis, soybean, and maize. Southern blotting analysis indicated that both NtFerl and NtFer2 were probably multicopy genes in the tobacco genome. Northern blotting analysis indicated that iron loading of tobacco plantlets increased the ferritin mRNA abundance and that NtFerl expression was higher and more sensitive to iron than NtFer2 expression. Furthermore, NtFerl was expressed in both leaves and roots, whereas NtFer2 was expressed mainly in leaves.  相似文献   
讨论了一类人禽传染病模型,其中禽类被病毒感染后人们采取措施治疗病禽.治疗有助于禽类的存活,但人们可能通过接触病禽而被感染.禽间的疾病传播服从饱和接触率函数,人与禽的接触服从线性接触率.完成了稳定性和持久性研究,且进行了数值模拟以评估治疗的效果和风险.  相似文献   
糖原合酶激酶-3 (glycogen synthase kinase-3,GSK-3) 是一种多功能的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在蛋白质合成、信号传递、细胞增殖、细胞分化、神经功能、肿瘤形成及胚胎发育等众多细胞进程中均扮演重要的角色.GSK-3 能够使多种底物发生磷酸化,并参与胰岛素、Wnt及Hedgehog 等多个信号通路的调控. GSK-3抑制剂在信号通路中能有效地抑制病理情况下GSK-3活性的异常增高,达到治疗的目的.GSK-3的抑制剂将作为一种潜在的药物对治疗糖尿病、阿尔海默茨症、肿瘤等疾病发挥效用.  相似文献   
This paper gives a quantitative analysis on the non-CO2 emissions related to energy demand, energy activities and land use change of six scenarios with different development pattern in 2030 and 2050 based on IPAC emission model. The various mitigation technologies and policies are assessed to understand the corresponding non-CO2 emission reduction effect. The research shows that the future non-CO2 emissions of China will grow along with increasing energy demand, in which thermal power and transportation will be the major emission and mitigation sectors. During the cause of future social and economic development, the control and mitigation of non-CO2 emissions is a problem as challenging and pressing as that of CO2 emissions.This study indicates that the energy efficiency improvement, renewable energy, advanced nuclear power generation, fuel cell, coal-fired combined cycle, clean coal and motor vehicle emission control technologies will contribute to non-CO2 emissions control and mitigation.  相似文献   
The selenium-containing phycocyanin from the selenium-rich algae (Spirulina platensis) has been crystallized in two crystal forms by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion techniques. A chromatographic procedure of gel filtration and anion exchange was used for purification. Form I crystal with space group P21 and cell parameters a =108.0 ?, b= 117.0 ?, c = 184.0?, β= 90.2° and 12(αβ) units in the asymmetric unit was obtained by using (NH4)2SO4 as precipitant. These crystals diffract up to 2.8 ?. Form II crystal obtained by using PEG4000 as precipitant belongs to space group P63 with unit cell constants a = 155.0 ?, c = 40.3 ?, γ =120.0° and one(αβ) unit in the asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract beyond 2.9 ?. The possible stacking forms of phycocyanin molecules in the first crystal form were discussed.  相似文献   
薯蓣植物组织培养的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文综述了组织培养在薯蓣植物快速繁殖、诱导多倍体及高产无性系筛选等方面的研究状况。褐化是薯蓣植物组培中常见的一种现象,也是阻碍组培发展的一大因素,为此,该文对褐化的原理作了分析并提出了几点解决方法,旨在使组织培养在薯蓣植物上得到更广阔的应用。  相似文献   
对川硬皮肿腿蜂Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao(Hymenoptera:bethylidae Sclerderma)染色体制备方法进行了探讨,结果表明;以川硬皮肿腿蜂雌成虫卵巢为材料,经0.01%秋水仙素水溶液处理10min,蒸馏水低渗5min,用甲醇、冰醋酸(3∶1)固定液固定15min,Giemsa染液染色30min,可以获得形态良好、分散适中、着色清晰的染色体.  相似文献   
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