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一株粘质沙雷氏菌烈性噬菌体污水分离及特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]以粘质沙雷氏菌(8039)为宿主菌从医院污水中分离噬菌体并对其基本生物学特点进行研究.[方法]四步法污水分离噬菌体;单、双层平板噬菌斑实验筛选烈性噬菌体并观察噬菌斑形态;纯化后2%磷钨酸染色电镜观察;手工法提取噬菌体核酸酶切后琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析;利用双层平板噬菌斑实验测定最佳感染复数和完成一步生长实验.[结果]从医院污水中成功分离出粘质沙雷氏菌烈性噬菌体一株(SM701),该噬菌体有一个正多面体立体对称的头部,头径约64nm,无囊膜,有一长尾,无收缩尾鞘,尾长约143nm;基因组核酸能被双链DNA内切酶BamH Ⅰ及Hind Ⅲ切开,大小约57kb;噬菌斑圆形透明,直径1mm左右(培养12h,),边界清楚;当感染复数(multiplicity of infection,MOI)为10时,子代噬菌体滴度较高;按照一步生长实验结果绘制出一步生长曲线,可知感染宿主菌的潜伏期是约为30min,爆发期约100min,平均爆发量约为630[结论]按照国际病毒分类委员会分类标准,该噬菌体属于长尾噬菌体科(siphoviridae)烈性噬菌体,按照Bradley和Ackermann形态分类法属于B1亚群;噬菌斑与周围红色细菌生长区,颜色差异明显,非常便于观察和计数;噬菌体头部大小和形态与呼吸道病毒中的呼肠病毒和腺病毒最为接近;国内尚未见粘质沙雷氏菌噬菌体相关报道.  相似文献   
【目的】敲除副产物途径,提高重组大肠杆菌D-1,2,4-丁三醇(D-1,2,4-Butanetriol,BT)产量。【方法】利用Red重组技术敲除木糖途径xyl AB基因及2-酮-3-脱氧木糖酸代谢途径的yag E及yjh H基因,考察其对重组菌生长、BT生产及副产物积累的影响。【结果】敲除xyl AB基因后,重组菌生物量降低57%,BT产量降低20%,单位菌体产量提高84%,木糖酸积累量提高52%。yag E或yjh H基因单独缺失重组菌生物量分别提高10%和5%,BT产量提高36%和14%。基因共同缺失后重组菌生物量降低了21%,BT产量提高184%,达到2.44 g/L,单位菌体产量提高258%。而共同敲除两途径,生物量降低了72%,虽然单位菌体产量提高了约4倍,但BT产量仅提高43%。p H调控下,重组菌木糖酸积累量下降,BT产量进一步提高,最高达3.11 g/L。【结论】xyl AB基因缺失后,虽有利于提高BT途径的效率,但由于木糖无法进入PPP途径及木糖酸积累,造成生物量降低,不利于BT合成。单独敲除yag E或yjh H后BT产量略有提高,而共同敲除这两基因更为有效地调整碳流向BT合成偏转。两途径共同敲除利于BT的合成,但由于菌体量的减少,无法大量获得BT。  相似文献   
Arsenite (As(III)), an effective chemotherapeutic agent for the acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) and multiple myeloma (MM), might be also a promise for the therapy of other cancers, including the solid tumors. However, the molecular bases of arsenite‐induced cytotoxicity in the tumor cells have not been fully defined. In this study, we have disclosed that arsenite effectively induces the apoptotic response in the HepG2 human hepatoma cells by triggering GADD45α induction and the subsequent activation of JNKs/AP‐1 cell death pathway. However, signaling events relating to GADD45α/JNKs/AP‐1 pathway activation have not been observed in HL7702 human diploid hepatic cells under the same arsenite exposure condition. Our results thus have illustrated the selective pro‐apoptotic role of arsenite in the hepatoma cells by activating GADD45α‐dependent cell death pathway whereas with little effect on the normal hepatic cells. The approaches to up‐regulate GADD45α levels might be helpful in improving the chemotherapeutic action of arsenite on certain solid tumors including hepatoma. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 1264–1273, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
AP2功能基因在植物花发育中的重要作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AP2基因作为调控植物花发育的功能基因,参与花分生特性建立、花器官的特性特化以及形成调控。所编码的AP2/EREBP转录因子的主要特征是都至少含有一个由60到70个左右的氨基酸组成高度保守的DNA结合区,称作AP2结合域。按其所含的AP2结构域的数目分为3个亚族,即AP2亚家族、EREBP亚家族和RAV亚家族,每个亚家族都有各自的作用。AP2基因不但自身调控着花、胚珠的发育,而且与其他因子相互协作,参与到复杂的花发育调控网络。将对AP2基因的特征和分类及其在花发育中的作用进行概述。  相似文献   
本文根据MTT只能被活的增殖细胞中线粒体切断形成紫色甲(?)的原理,测定了8—甲氧基补骨脂素(8—MOP)对体外培养人癌细胞系HCT、KB和BEL细胞的光敏灭活作用。结果表明,8—MOP和UVA光照对这几种人癌细胞有肯定的灭活作用,该作用与8—MOP剂量和光照时间以及细胞种类有关;MTT法可以作为光敏剂活性检测的一种快捷方法。  相似文献   
西藏米拉卡黑白仰鼻猴的栖息地变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑白仰鼻猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)分布在我国金沙江和澜沧江之间的横断山脉的一个狭小区域内(26°14′N-29°20′N,99°15′E-99°37′E),海拔分布范围2600(南部)-4200m(北部);目前大约有15群,约1700只。本文所研究的西藏米拉卡猴群分布在我国西藏藏族自治区芒康县的南部,数量约50只。基于野外调查和过去的报道,此地的暗针叶林和针阔叶混交林是猴群的适宜栖息地,而由于人口数量增加所导致的夏季牧场和农田面积不断扩增正在逐渐侵蚀着这里的暗针叶林。为了评估该猴群的栖息地现状、变化趋势和变化原因,我们通过野外调查工作,利用GIS和RS技术,分别解译了当地过去5年(1986-2006年)冬季的Landsat TM卫星影像,并对解译结果进行了分析和计算,得到了该猴群栖息地的主要结果有:1)2006年暗针叶林面积是13600hmP2P,夏季牧场面积是4900hmP2P,农田面积是3300hmP2P;2)在过去20年(1986-2006年),暗针叶林面积减少了15.5%(2500hmP2P),牧场面积增加了58.1%(1800hmP2P),农田面积增加了17.8%(500hmP2P);3)暗针叶林的斑块数量增加了75.6%,平均斑块面积下降了51.8%(从1986年的15.3hmP2P到2006年的7.4hmP2P),最大斑块指数下降了54.7%;景观丰富度并没有变化,但Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度指数分别增加了4.0%;4)暗针叶林面积变化与当地的人口数量呈显著负相关(r=?1.000),而夏季牧场和农田面积分别和当地人口呈显著正相关(r=1.000)。表明黑白仰鼻猴米拉卡猴群栖息地的丧失和破碎化程度较为严重;栖息地丧失和破碎化是当地传统生产方式和人口增长共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
早期人胚胎cDNA文库构建及目的基因筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集受精后3、4和5周龄药物流产胚胎,用改良一步法提取总RNA,oligo(dT)纤维素柱纯化mRNA,逆转录合成一链cDNA,完成二链cDNA的合成后,经碱变性电泳检测,合成cDNA的大小为0.4~9.0kb之间,且主要集中在1.0~2.0kb。除去多余的接头,收集大于400bp的cDNA片段,与载体pSPORT1和和γZipLox连接,分别得到3、4、5周龄人胚胎质粒文加和噬菌体文库。另外,采  相似文献   
本研究以木薯品种新选048为试验材料,观察和测定木薯花分化各时期的形态结构、内源激素及碳氮化合物含量,并开展木薯雌雄花分化的外源激素调控研究,揭示木薯花分化规律,初步探究木薯花分化的生理机制.试验结果表明:木薯从花芽分化开始到完成开花的全过程需要30 d,分化出的花序主要有全雄花序和雌少雄多花序两种类型,木薯性别分化前...  相似文献   
Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus are frequent co-visitors of contaminated foods to cause food-borne diseases. To achieve rapid detection of three organisms by multiplex PCR, a selective co-enrichment broth was considered to design using response surface methodology (RSM) in this work. NaCl, LiCl and KSCN as selective bacterial inhibitors were selected to optimize their concentrations for a matched composition of bacterial biomass with uniform amplification of three targets. Central composite design was employed to collect the data and fit the responses. Three quadratic polynomial models were derived by computer simulation. A statistical analysis was carried out to explore the effects of the variables on the composition of bacterial biomass and PCR amplification yields. In the end, a novel broth (ESS-3 broth) of NaCl 1.60%, LiCl 0.70%, KSCN 0.10% was formulated to allow co-enrichment of the target pathogens and suppress growth of some non-target pathogens. The simultaneous detection of E. coli, Salmonella spp. and S. aureus was developed on a rapid, convenient and sensitive method consisting of selective co-enrichment in ESS-3 broth, DNA extraction with the boiling method and robust test by multiplex PCR. Our work provided broader application of RSM for the simultaneous detection of other combinations of multiple pathogens.  相似文献   
Interaction of the gonococcal porin P.IB with G- and F-actin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The invasion of epithelial cells by N. gonorrheae is accompanied by formation of a halo of actin filaments around the enveloped bacterium. The transfer of the bacterial major outer membrane protein, porin, to the host cell membrane during invasion makes it a candidate for a facilitator for the formation of this halo. Western analysis shows here that gonococcal porin P.IB associates with the actin cytoskeleton in infected cells. Using the pyrene-labeled Mg forms of yeast and muscle actins, we demonstrate that under low ionic strength conditions, P.IB causes formation of filamentous actin assemblies, although they, unlike F-actin, cannot be internally cross-linked with N,N'-4-phenylenedimaleimide (PDM). In F-buffer, low porin concentrations appear to accelerate actin polymerization. Higher P.IB concentrations lead to the formation of highly decorated fragmented F-actin-like filaments in which the actin can be cross-linked by PDM. Co-assembly of P.IB with a pyrene-labeled mutant actin, S(265)C, prevents formation of a pyrene excimer present with labeled S(265)C F-actin alone. Addition of low concentrations of porin to preformed F-actin results in sparsely decorated F-actin. Higher P.IB concentrations extensively decorate the filaments, thereby altering their morphology to a state like that observed when the components are copolymerized. With preformed labeled S(265)C F-actin, P.IB quenches the pyrene excimer. This decrease is prevented by the F-actin stabilizers phalloidin and to a lesser extent beryllium fluoride. P.IB's association with the actin cytoskeleton and its ability to interact with and remodel actin filaments support a direct role for porin in altering the host cell cytoskeleton during invasion.  相似文献   
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