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Glutamate and several neuropeptides are synthesized and released by subpopulations of primary afferent neurons. These sensory neurons play a role in regulating the inflammatory and immune responses in peripheral tissues. Using quantitative receptor autoradiography we have explored what changes occur in the location and concentration of receptor binding sites for sensory neurotransmitters in the colon in two human inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The sensory neurotransmitter receptors examined included bombesin, calcitonin gene related peptide-alpha, cholecystokinin, galanin, glutamate, somatostatin, neurokinin A (substance K), substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Of the nine receptor binding sites examined only substance P binding sites associated with arterioles, venules and lymph nodules were dramatically up-regulated in the inflamed tissue. These data suggest that substance P is involved in regulating the inflammatory and immune responses in human inflammatory diseases and indicate a specificity of efferent action for each sensory neurotransmitter in peripheral tissues.  相似文献   


Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an innate immune protein. The aim of our study was to determine whether genetically determined MBL deficiency is associated with susceptibility to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and whether MBL2 genotypes are associated with JRA severity.  相似文献   
The effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on gastric emptying of a saline solution was further investigated in six dogs prepared with gastric fistulas and chronic cerebroventricular guides and in four other dogs with chronic gastric fistulas and pancreatic (Herrera) cannulas. Intravenous infusion of CRF significantly inhibited gastric emptying whereas intracerebroventricular injection of CRF had no effect. Pharmacologic blockade of β-adrenergic system by propranolol did not modify intravenous CRF induced delay in gastric emptying. Intravenous CRF did not influence basal pancreatic secretion whereas secretin infused stimulated bicarbonate secretion. These results indicate that intravenous but not intracerebroventricular administration of CRF inhibited gastric emptying of a saline solution in dogs. The inhibitory effect of intravenous CRF on gastric emptying is not mediated by the β-adrenergic nervous system, and not secondary to the release of other peptides that affect both pancreatic secretion and gastric emptying such as cholecystokinin and peptide YY.  相似文献   
The effect of incubation temperatures on the efficacies of both plating media and transport or enrichment broths was determined by the analysis of 391 diarrheal stools for salmonellae and shigellae. Each analysis resulted in 90 observations. Stool specimens were homogenized in saline and used to inoculate eosin methylene blue (EMB), Salmonella-Shigella (SS), and xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar plates, Amies and Cary-Blair (CB) transport media, and gram-negative (GN) enrichment broth. All media were incubated at 25, 30, and 35 C for 24 and 48 h. In order of efficacy, GN and saline were significantly better than Amies and CB, which were still better than direct streaking for both salmonellae and shigellae. Forty-eight hours was a significant improvement over 24 h only at 25 C on direct streaking for both pathogens. Salmonella detection was also improved at 30 over 25 C on direct streaking. In direct plating, XLD was better than both SS and EMB for both pathogens. After broths, for salmonellae, XLD > SS > EMB, and for shigellae, XLD > EMB > SS, with all differences significant. SS agar was significantly improved for detection of shigellae with 48-h broth inocula versus 24-h broth inocula. The differences thus observed at the various temperatures tested proved to be less important than the media used. The efficient media, GN broth, saline-stool, and XLD were shown to be affected very little by either temperature or time variance of the magnitude tested.  相似文献   
Sodium-calcium exchange in sarcolemmal vesicles from tracheal smooth muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sarcolemmal vesicles prepared by a new procedure from bovine tracheal smooth muscle were found to have a Na-Ca exchange activity that is significantly higher than that reported for different preparations from other types of smooth muscle. The exchange process system co-purified with 5'-nucleotidase, a plasma membrane marker enzyme, and was significantly enriched (over 100-fold) compared to mitochondria (cytochrome-c oxidase) but only slightly enriched (4-fold) compared to sarcoplasmic reticulum (NADPH-cytochrome-c reductase). The Na+ dependence of Ca2+ transport was demonstrated through both uptake and efflux procedures. The uptake profile with respect to Ca2+ was monotonic with a linear vo VS. vo.S-1 plot. The resultant Km of Ca2+ from the airway sarcolemmal vesicles (20 microM) was similar in magnitude to the Km of cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles (30 microM). Tracheal vesicles demonstrated a Vmax of 0.3-0.5 nmol.mg-1.s-1 which is significantly higher than that reported in preparations from other smooth muscle types. Furthermore, two processes found to stimulate cardiac Na-Ca exchange, pretreatment with either a mixture of dithiothreitol and Fe2+ or with chymotrypsin, were ineffective on the tracheal smooth muscle. Thus, the Na-Ca exchanger identified in tracheal smooth muscle appears to be different from that observed in cardiac muscle, implying that regulation of this activity may also be different.  相似文献   
Lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans by complete removal of food   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A partial reduction in food intake has been found to increase lifespan in many different organisms. We report here a new dietary restriction regimen in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, based on the standard agar plate lifespan assay, in which adult worms are maintained in the absence of a bacterial food source. These findings represent the first report in any organism of lifespan extension in response to prolonged starvation. Removal of bacterial food increases lifespan to a greater extent than partial reduction of food through a mechanism that is distinct from insulin/IGF-like signaling and the Sir2-family deacetylase, SIR-2.1. Removal of bacterial food also increases lifespan when initiated in postreproductive adults, suggesting that dietary restriction started during middle age can result in a substantial longevity benefit that is independent of reproduction.  相似文献   
Leukotriene (LTC4) is one of the components of Slow Reacting Substance of Anaphylaxis (SRS-A) and is a potent constrictor of guinea pig ilea. The contraction is likely to be a receptor-mediated process. Here we report the existence of specific binding sites for 3H-LTC4 in a crude membrane preparation from guinea pig ileal longitudinal muscle.At 4°C in the presence of 20 mM Serine-borate, binding increases linearly with protein concentration, reaches equilibrium in 10 minutes, and is reversible upon addition of 3 × 10?5M unlabelled LTC4. The dissociation curve is consistent with the existence of more than one class of binding site. Ca++ and Mg++ greatly enhance the binding of 3H-LTC4 at equilibrium. In the presence of 5mM CaCl2 and MgCl2 not only LTC4 (IC50 10?7M), but also LTD4 (albeit with much lower affinity, IC50 = 6 × 10?5M) and the SRS-A antagonist FPL 55712 (IC50 = 10?5M) can compete with 3H-LTC4 for its binding sites. FPL 55712 only displaces 60–70% of the total amount bound, while LTC4 displaces 90–95%.These studies indicate that multiple classes of binding sites exist for 3H-LTC4 in guinea pig ileal longitudinal muscle, and that at least part of these binding sites might be related to the ability of LTC4 to contract guinea pig ilea.  相似文献   
Expression of activation of rat liver adenylate cyclase by the A1 peptide of cholera toxin and NAD is dependent on GTP. The nucleotide is effective either when added to the assay medium or during toxin (and NAD) treatment. Toxin treatment increases the Vmax for activation by GTP and the effect of GTP persists in toxin-treated membranes, a property seen in control membranes only with non-hydrolyzable analogs of GTP such as Gpp(NH)p. These observations could be explained by a recent report that cholera toxin acts to inhibit a GTPase associated with denylate cyclase. However, we have observed that one of the major effects of the toxin is to decrease the affinity of guanine nucleotides for the processes involved in the activation of adenylate cyclase and in the regulation of the binding of glucagon to its receptor. Moreover, the absence of lag time in the activation of adenylate cyclase by GTP, in contrast to by Gpp(NH)p, and the markedly reduced fluoride action after toxin treatment suggest that GTPase inhibition may not be the only action of cholera toxin on the adenylate cyclase system. We believe that the multiple effects of toxin action is a reflection of the recently revealed complexity of the regulation of adenylate cyclase by guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization has become a standard method for localizing DNA or RNA sequences in cytological preparations. We developed two methods to extend this technique to the transmission electron microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope in situ hybridization. Radioactively labeled complementary RNA (cRNA) is hybridized to metaphase chromosomes deposited on electron microscope grids and fixed in 70 percent ethanol vapor; hybridixation site are detected by autoradiography. Specific and intense labeling of chromosomal centromeric regions is observed even after relatively short exposure times. Inerphase nuclei present in some of the metaphase chromosome preparations also show defined paatterms of satellite DNA labeling which suggests that satellite-containing regions are associate with each other during interphase. The sensitivity of this method is estimated to at least as good as that at the light microscope level while the resolution is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiogrphic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiographic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction with an antibody against biotin and secondary antibody adsorbed to the surface of over centromeric heterochromatin and along the associated peripheral fibers. Labeling is on average ten times that of background binding. This method is rapid and possesses the potential to allow precise ultrastructual localization of DNA sequences in chromosomes and chromatin.  相似文献   
Quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to localize and quantify the distribution of binding sites for 125I-radiolabeled substance P (SP), substance K (SK) and neuromedin K (NK) in the human GI tract using histologically normal tissue obtained from uninvolved margins of resections for carcinoma. The distribution of SP and SK binding sites is different for each gastrointestinal (GI) segment examined. Specific SP binding sites are expressed by arterioles and venules, myenteric plexus, external circular muscle, external longitudinal muscle, muscularis mucosa, epithelial cells of the mucosa, and the germinal centers of lymph nodules. SK binding sites are distributed in a pattern distinct from SP binding sites and are localized to the external circular muscle, external longitudinal muscle, and the muscularis mucosa. Binding sites for NK were not detected in any part of the human GI tract. These results demonstrate that: 1) surgical specimens from the human GI tract can be effectively processed for quantitative receptor autoradiography; 2) of the three mammalian tachykinins tested, SP and SK, but not NK binding sites are expressed in detectable levels in the human GI tract; 3) whereas SK receptor binding sites are expressed almost exclusively by smooth muscle, SP binding sites are expressed by smooth muscle cells, arterioles, venules, epithelial cells of the mucosa and cells associated with lymph nodules; and 4) both SP and SK binding sites expressed by smooth muscle are more stable than SP binding sites expressed by blood vessels, lymph nodules, and mucosal cells.  相似文献   
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