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Caspase-associated recruitment domains (CARDs) are protein interaction domains that participate in activation or suppression of CARD-carrying members of the caspase family of apoptosis-inducing proteases. A novel CARD-containing protein was identified that is overexpressed in some types of cancer and that binds and suppresses activation of procaspase-9, which we term TUCAN (tumor-up-regulated CARD-containing antagonist of caspase nine). The CARD domain of TUCAN selectively binds itself and procaspase-9. TUCAN interferes with binding of Apaf1 to procaspase-9 and suppresses caspase activation induced by the Apaf1 activator, cytochrome c. Overexpression of TUCAN in cells by stable or transient transfection inhibits apoptosis and caspase activation induced by Apaf1/caspase-9-dependent stimuli, including Bax, VP16, and staurosporine, but not by Apaf1/caspase-9-independent stimuli, Fas and granzyme B. High levels of endogenous TUCAN protein were detected in several tumor cell lines and in colon cancer specimens, correlating with shorter patient survival. Thus, TUCAN represents a new member of the CARD family that selectively suppresses apoptosis induced via the mitochondrial pathway for caspase activation.  相似文献   
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident Hsp70 chaperone, BiP, docks to the Sec translocon and interacts co-translationally with polypeptides entering the ER to encourage proper folding. In order to recreate this interaction in Escherichia coli cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) reactions, a fusion protein was formed between the ribosome-binding portion of the E. coli protein trigger factor (TF) and BiP. The biophysical affinity to ribosomes as well as the characteristic Hsp70 ATPase activity were both verified for the fusion protein. When added to E. coli-based CFPS reactions, the TF-BiP fusion chaperone increased soluble yields of several protein fragments that are normally secreted through the ER and have poor solubility in typical CFPS reactions. For comparison, a fusion between TF and the native E. coli Hsp70, DnaK, was also constructed. This fusion was also biologically active and increased soluble yields of certain protein targets in CFPS. The TF-BiP fusion described in this study can be seen as a first step in reconstituting and better understanding ER folding pathways in the prokaryotic environment of E. coli CFPS.  相似文献   
The thrombospondin type-1 domain containing 7A (THSD7A) protein is known to be one of the antigens responsible for the autoimmune disorder idiopathic membranous nephropathy. The structure of this antigen is currently unsolved experimentally. Here we present a homology model of the extracellular portion of the THSD7A antigen. The structure was evaluated for folding patterns, epitope site prediction, and function was predicted. Results show that this protein contains 21 extracellular domains and with the exception of the first two domains, has a regular repeating pattern of TSP-1-like followed by F-spondin-like domains. Our results indicate the presence of a novel Trp-ladder sequence of WxxxxW in the TSP-1-like domains. Of the 21 domains, 18 were shown to have epitope binding sites as predicted by epitopia. Several of the F-spondin-like domains have insertions in the canonical TSP fold, most notably the coiled coil region in domain 4, which may be utilized in protein-protein binding interactions, suggesting that this protein functions as a heparan sulfate binding site.  相似文献   
TLR activation of innate immunity prevents the induction of transplantation tolerance and shortens skin allograft survival in mice treated with costimulation blockade. The mechanism by which TLR signaling mediates this effect has not been clear. We now report that administration of the TLR agonists LPS (TLR4) or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (TLR3) to mice treated with costimulation blockade prevents alloreactive CD8(+) T cell deletion, primes alloreactive CTLs, and shortens allograft survival. The TLR4- and MyD88-dependent pathways are required for LPS to shorten allograft survival, whereas polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid mediates its effects through a TLR3-independent pathway. These effects are all mediated by signaling through the type 1 IFN (IFN-alphabeta) receptor. Administration of IFN-beta recapitulates the detrimental effects of TLR agonists on transplantation tolerance. We conclude that the type 1 IFN generated as part of an innate immune response to TLR activation can in turn activate adaptive immune responses that abrogate transplantation tolerance. Blocking of type 1 IFN-dependent pathways in patients may improve allograft survival in the presence of exogenous TLR ligands.  相似文献   
This study describes a method for increasing the immunogenicity of influenza virus vaccines by exploiting the natural anti-Gal antibody to effectively target vaccines to antigen-presenting cells (APC). This method is based on enzymatic engineering of carbohydrate chains on virus envelope hemagglutinin to carry the alpha-Gal epitope (Gal alpha 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc-R). This epitope interacts with anti-Gal, the most abundant antibody in humans (1% of immunoglobulins). Influenza virus vaccine expressing alpha-Gal epitopes is opsonized in situ by anti-Gal immunoglobulin G. The Fc portion of opsonizing anti-Gal interacts with Fc gamma receptors on APC and induces effective uptake of the vaccine virus by APC. APC internalizes the opsonized virus to transport it to draining lymph nodes for stimulation of influenza virus-specific T cells, thereby eliciting a protective immune response. The efficacy of such an influenza vaccine was demonstrated in alpha 1,3galactosyltransferase (alpha 1,3GT) knockout mice, which produce anti-Gal, using the influenza virus strain A/Puerto Rico/8/34-H1N1 (PR8). Synthesis of alpha-Gal epitopes on carbohydrate chains of PR8 virus (PR8(alpha gal)) was catalyzed by recombinant alpha1,3GT, the glycosylation enzyme that synthesizes alpha-Gal epitopes in cells of nonprimate mammals. Mice immunized with PR8(alpha gal) displayed much higher numbers of PR8-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells (determined by intracellular cytokine staining and enzyme-linked immunospot assay) and produced anti-PR8 antibodies with much higher titers than mice immunized with PR8 lacking alpha-Gal epitopes. Mice immunized with PR8(alpha gal) also displayed a much higher level of protection than PR8 immunized mice after being challenged with lethal doses of live PR8 virus. We suggest that a similar method for increasing immunogenicity may be applicable to avian influenza vaccines.  相似文献   
The objective of the current study was to determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could be successfully utilized to document the effect of an oestrogenic anabolic agent on pituitary gland growth. The experimental animals consisted of two 1/2 sibling Suffolk wethers (castrated rams), which received either no implant (control, n = 1) or a 24 mg zeranol implant at day 0 and day 42 (zeranol; n = 1). Animals were anaesthetized with propofol and supported with oxygen during the MRI procedure. A mobile MRI unit with a 0.5 tesla (T), superconducting magnet was used to obtain 3 mm thick, non-contrast enhanced, T1-weighted (TR 500-600, TE25) sagittal, transverse and dorsal images of the pituitary gland. Sagittal images were recorded only when the mesencephalic aqueduct and infundibulum were distinctly visible in the same image. Pituitary glands were imaged at 14-day intervals for 70 days to determine if and when the anabolic effects of zeranol on pituitary gland growth could be visualized using MRI techniques. Three separate measurements of the pituitary gland dimensions made with the on-screen cursor were averaged to calculate pituitary gland dimensions and volume. A computer-assisted image analysis system and laser film images were used to determine pituitary gland area. Increases in pituitary gland volume for control and zeranol-treated animals were evident within 14 days, and by the end of the 70-day study, the increase in pituitary volume for the zeranol-treated animal was three times greater than that of the control animal. Overall, our results indicate that MRI technology can be successfully used to document the development of the pituitary gland in vivo. Application of knowledge gained from this novel approach to study the growth, development and function of endocrine glands over time, and within the same animal, will enhance human and animal endocrine diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   
Uridine triphosphate (UTP) constricts cerebral arteries by activating transduction pathways that increase cytosolic [Ca(2+)] and myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity. The signaling proteins that comprise these pathways remain uncertain with recent studies implicating a role for several G proteins. To start clarifying which G proteins enable UTP-induced vasoconstriction, a small interfering RNA (siRNA) approach was developed to knock down specified targets in rat cerebral arteries. siRNA directed against G(q) and RhoA was introduced into isolated cerebral arteries using reverse permeabilization. Following a defined period of organ culture, arteries were assayed for contractile function, mRNA levels, and protein expression. Targeted siRNA reduced RhoA or G(q) mRNA expression by 60-70%, which correlated with a reduction in RhoA but not G(q) protein expression. UTP-induced constriction was abolished in RhoA-depleted arteries, but this was not due to a reduction in myosin light chain phosphorylation. UTP-induced actin polymerization was attenuated in RhoA-depleted arteries, which would explain the loss of agonist-induced constriction. In summary, this study illustrates that siRNA approaches can be effectively used on intact arteries to induce targeted knockdown given that the protein turnover rate is sufficiently high. It also demonstrates that the principal role of RhoA in agonist-induced constriction is to facilitate the formation of F-actin, the physical structure to which phosphorylated myosin binds to elicit arterial constriction.  相似文献   
Chemotherapeutic agents are used in the treatment of many cancers, yet variable resistance and toxicities among individuals limit successful outcomes. Several studies have indicated outcome differences associated with ancestry among patients with various cancer types. Using both traditional SNP-based and newly developed gene-based genome-wide approaches, we investigated the genetics of chemotherapeutic susceptibility in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from 83 African Americans, a population for which there is a disparity in the number of genome-wide studies performed. To account for population structure in this admixed population, we incorporated local ancestry information into our association model. We tested over 2 million SNPs and identified 325, 176, 240, and 190 SNPs that were suggestively associated with cytarabine-, 5'-deoxyfluorouridine (5'-DFUR)-, carboplatin-, and cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity, respectively (p≤10(-4)). Importantly, some of these variants are found only in populations of African descent. We also show that cisplatin-susceptibility SNPs are enriched for carboplatin-susceptibility SNPs. Using a gene-based genome-wide association approach, we identified 26, 11, 20, and 41 suggestive candidate genes for association with cytarabine-, 5'-DFUR-, carboplatin-, and cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity, respectively (p≤10(-3)). Fourteen of these genes showed evidence of association with their respective chemotherapeutic phenotypes in the Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria (p<0.05), including TP53I11, COPS5 and GAS8, which are known to be involved in tumorigenesis. Although our results require further study, we have identified variants and genes associated with chemotherapeutic susceptibility in African Americans by using an approach that incorporates local ancestry information.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate an intervention to prevent weight gain among households (HHs) in the community. Ninety HHs were randomized to intervention or control group for 1 year. Intervention consisted of six face-to-face group sessions, placement of a television (TV) locking device on all home TVs, and home-based intervention activities. Measures were collected in person at baseline and 1 year. Weight, height, eating behaviors, physical activity (PA), and TV viewing were measured among HH members ages ≥ 12 years. Follow-up rate at 1 year was 96%. No significant intervention effects were observed for change in HH BMI-z score. Intervention HHs significantly reduced TV viewing, snacks/sweets intake, and dollars per person spent eating out, and increased (adults only) PA and self-weighing frequency compared with control HHs. A 1 year obesity prevention intervention targeting entire HHs was effective in reducing TV viewing, snack/sweets intake and eating out purchases. Innovative methods are needed to strengthen the home food environment intervention component. Longer intervention durations also need to be evaluated.  相似文献   
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