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Vav family proteins act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors for Rho family proteins, which are known to orchestrate cytoskeletal changes and cell migration in response to extracellular stimuli. Using mice deficient for Vav1, Vav2 and/or Vav3, overlapping and isoform-specific functions of the three Vav proteins have been described in various hematopoietic cell types, but their roles in regulating cell morphology and migration have not been studied in detail. To investigate whether Vav isoforms have redundant or unique functions in regulating adhesion and migration, we investigated the properties of Vav1-deficient and Vav2-deficient macrophages. Both Vav1-deficient and Vav2-deficient cells have a smaller adhesive area; yet, only Vav1-deficient cells have a reduced migration speed, which coincides with a lower level of microtubules. Vav2-deficient macrophages display a high level of constitutive membrane ruffling, but neither Vav1 nor Vav2 is required for colony stimulating factor-1-induced membrane ruffling and cell spreading. Our results suggest that the migration speed of macrophages is regulated independently of spread area or membrane ruffling and that Vav1 is selectively required to maintain a normal migration speed.  相似文献   
Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a central role in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis, transdifferentiating in chronic liver disease from "quiescent" HSC to fibrogenic myofibroblasts. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), acting both directly and indirectly, is a critical mediator of this process. To characterize the function of the TGF-beta signaling intermediates Smad2 and Smad3 in HSC, we infected primary rat HSC in culture with adenoviruses expressing wild-type and dominant negative Smads 2 and 3. Smad3-overexpressing cells exhibited increased deposition of fibronectin and type 1 collagen, increased chemotaxis, and decreased proliferation compared with uninfected cells and those infected with Smad2 or either dominant negative, demonstrating different biological functions for the two Smads. Additionally, coinfection experiments suggested that Smad2 and Smad3 signal via independent pathways. Smad3-overexpressing cells as well as TGF-beta-treated cells demonstrated more focal adhesions and increased alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) organization in stress fibers, although all cells reached the same level of alpha-SMA expression, indicating that Smad3 also regulates cytoskeletal organization in HSC. We suggest that TGF-beta, signaling via Smad3, plays an important role in the morphological and functional maturation of hepatic myofibroblasts.  相似文献   
Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) causes a persistent infection associated with circulating immune complexes, immune complex disease, hypergammaglobulinemia, and high levels of antiviral antibody. Although antibody can neutralize ADV infectivity in Crandell feline kidney cells in vitro, virus is not cleared in vivo, and capsid-based vaccines have proven uniformly ineffective. Antiviral antibody also enables ADV to infect macrophages, the target cells for persistent infection, by Fc-receptor-mediated antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). The antibodies involved in these unique aspects of ADV pathogenesis may have specific targets on the ADV capsid. Prominent differences exist between the structure of ADV and other, more-typical parvoviruses, which can be accounted for by short peptide sequences in the flexible loop regions of the capsid proteins. In order to determine whether these short sequences are targets for antibodies involved in ADV pathogenesis, we studied heterologous antibodies against several peptides present in the major capsid protein, VP2. Of these antibodies, a polyclonal rabbit antibody to peptide VP2:428-446 was the most interesting. The anti-VP2:428-446 antibody aggregated virus particles into immune complexes, mediated ADE, and neutralized virus infectivity in vitro. Thus, antibody against this short peptide can be implicated in key facets of ADV pathogenesis. Structural modeling suggested that surface-exposed residues of VP2:428-446 are readily accessible for antibody binding. The observation that antibodies against a single target peptide in the ADV capsid can mediate both neutralization and ADE may explain the failure of capsid-based vaccines.  相似文献   
Fasting of second-day fifth instar larval Manduca sexta leads to a rapid decrease in hemolymph glucose concentration from 3.39+/-0.29 to 0.33+/-0.06 mM in 1 h, along with a decrease in the fructose-2,6-bisphosphate content in the fat body (from 5.92+/-0.31 to 2.80+/-0.47 nmol fructose-2,6-bisphosphate/g fat body in 3 h) and activation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase (from 16% to 55-65% phosphorylase a). During re-feeding an increase in the glucose level in the hemolymph was observed (from 0.36+/-0.05 to 3.91+/-0.36 mM in 3 h), along with an increase in the fructose-2,6-bisphosphate level in the fat body (from 2.88+/-0.47 to 6.66+/-0.42 nmol fructose-2,6-bisphosphate/g fat body in 3 h) and inactivation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase (from 56% to 16% phosphorylase a). These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a decrease in hemolymph glucose both activates fat body glycogen phosphorylase and causes a decrease in fat body fructose-2,6-bisphosphate content. Both of these changes would favor conversion of stored glucose to trehalose in the fat body. When second-day larvae were decapitated, the changes in hemolymph glucose and fat body fructose-2,6-bisphosphate were very similar to those observed in fasting whole insects. These data are consistent with a direct role for glucose in controlling carbohydrate metabolism in Manduca sexta.  相似文献   
The evolution of air-breathing organs (ABOs) is associated not only with hypoxic environments but also with activity. This investigation examines the effects of hypoxia and exercise on the partitioning of aquatic and aerial oxygen uptake in the Pacific tarpon. The two-species cosmopolitan genus Megalops is unique among teleosts in using swim bladder ABOs in the pelagic marine environment. Small fish (58-620 g) were swum at two sustainable speeds in a circulating flume respirometer in which dissolved oxygen was controlled. For fish swimming at 0.11 m s(-1) in normoxia (Po2 = 21 kPa), there was practically no air breathing, and gill oxygen uptake was 1.53 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1). Air breathing occurred at 0.5 breaths min(-1) in hypoxia (8 kPa) at this speed, when the gills and ABOs accounted for 0.71 and 0.57 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. At 0.22 m s(-1) in normoxia, breathing occurred at 0.1 breaths min(-1), and gill and ABO oxygen uptake were 2.08 and 0.08 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. In hypoxia and 0.22 m s(-1), breathing increased to 0.6 breaths min(-1), and gill and ABO oxygen uptake were 1.39 and 1.28 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. Aquatic hypoxia was therefore the primary stimulus for air breathing under the limited conditions of this study, but exercise augmented oxygen uptake by the ABOs, particularly in hypoxic water.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that homologous recombination is a powerful mechanism for generation of massive instabilities of the myotonic dystrophy CTG.CAG sequences. However, the frequency of recombination between the CTG.CAG tracts has not been studied. Here we performed a systematic study on the frequency of recombination between these sequences using a genetic assay based on an intramolecular plasmid system in Escherichia coli. The rate of intramolecular recombination between long CTG.CAG tracts oriented as direct repeats was extraordinarily high; recombinants were found with a frequency exceeding 12%. Recombination occurred in both RecA(+) and RecA(-) cells but was approximately 2-11 times higher in the recombination proficient strain. Long CTG.CAG tracts recombined approximately 10 times more efficiently than non-repeating control sequences of similar length. The recombination frequency was 60-fold higher for a pair of (CTG.CAG)(165) tracts compared with a pair of (CTG.CAG)(17) sequences. The CTG.CAG sequences in orientation II (CTG repeats present on a lagging strand template) recombine approximately 2-4 times more efficiently than tracts of identical length in the opposite orientation relative to the origin of replication. This orientation effect implies the involvement of DNA replication in the intramolecular recombination between CTG.CAG sequences. Thus, long CTG.CAG tracts are hot spots for genetic recombination.  相似文献   
We show that the Mre11 complex associates with E2F family members via the Nbs1 N terminus. This association and Nbs1 phosphorylation are correlated with S-phase checkpoint proficiency, whereas neither is sufficient individually for checkpoint activation. The Nbs1 E2F interaction occurred near the Epstein-Barr virus origin of replication as well as near a chromosomal replication origin in the c-myc promoter region and was restricted to S-phase cells. The Mre11 complex colocalized with PCNA at replication forks throughout S phase, both prior to and coincident with the appearance of nascent DNA. These data suggest that the Mre11 complex suppresses genomic instability through its influence on both the regulation and progression of DNA replication.  相似文献   
Aggretin, a potent platelet activator, was isolated from Calloselasma rhodostoma venom, and 30-amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. Aggretin belongs to the heterodimeric snake C-type lectin family and is thought to activate platelets by binding to platelet glycoprotein alpha(2)beta(1). We now show that binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib is also required. Aggretin-induced platelet activation was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb as well as by antibodies to alpha(2)beta(1). Binding of both of these platelet receptors to aggretin was confirmed by affinity chromatography. No binding of other major platelet membrane glycoproteins, in particular GPVI, to aggretin was detected. Aggretin also activates platelets from Fc receptor gamma chain (Fcgamma)-deficient mice to a greater extent than those from normal control mice, showing that it does not use the GPVI/Fcgamma pathway. Platelets from Fcgamma-deficient mice expressed fibrinogen receptors normally in response to collagen, although they did not aggregate, indicating that these platelets may partly compensate via other receptors including alpha(2)beta(1) or GPIb for the lack of the Fcgamma pathway. Signaling by aggretin involves a dose-dependent lag phase followed by rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins. Among these are p72(SYK), p125(FAK), and PLCgamma2, whereas, in comparison with collagen and convulxin, the Fcgamma subunit neither is phosphorylated nor coprecipitates with p72(SYK). This supports an independent, GPIb- and integrin-based pathway for activation of p72(SYK) not involving the Fcgamma receptor.  相似文献   
Nhx1, the endosomal Na(+)/H(+) exchanger of Saccharomyces cerevisiae represents the founding member of a newly emerging subfamily of intracellular Na(+)/H(+) exchangers. These proteins share significantly greater sequence homology to one another than to members of the mammalian Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) family encoding plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchangers. Members of both subtypes are predicted to share a common organization, with an N-terminal transporter domain of transmembrane helices followed by a C-terminal hydrophilic tail. In the present study, we show that Nhx1 is an asparagine-linked glycoprotein and that the sites of glycosylation map to two residues within the C-terminal stretch of the polypeptide. This is the first evidence, to date, for glycosylation of the C-terminal region of any known NHE isoform. Importantly, the mapping of N-linked glycosylation to the C-terminal domain of Nhx1 is indicative of an unexpected membrane topology, particularly with regard to the orientation of the tail region. Although one recent study demonstrated that certain epitopes in the C-terminal domain of NHE3 were accessible from the exoplasmic side of the plasma membrane (Biemesderfer, D., DeGray, B., and Aronson, P. S. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 12391-12396), numerous other studies implicate a cytosolic disposition for the hydrophilic C-terminal tail of plasma membrane NHE isoforms. Our analysis of the glycosylation of Nhx1 is strongly indicative of residence of at least some portion of the hydrophilic tail domain within the endosomal lumen. These findings imply that the organization of the tail domain may be more complex than previously assumed.  相似文献   
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