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Guanosine metabolism in Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two aspects of guanosine metabolism in Neurospora have been investigated. (a) The inability of adenine mutants (blocked prior to IMP synthesis) to use guanosine as a nutritional supplement; and (b) the inhibitory effect of guanosine on the utilization of hypoxanthine as a purine source for growth by these mutants. Studies on the utilization of guanosine indicated that the proportion of adenine derived from guanosine may be limiting for the growth of adenine mutants. In wild type, adenine is produced through the biosynthetic pathway when grown in the presence of guanosine. The amount of adenine produced through the de novo biosynthesis in wild type increases with increasing concentrations of guanosine in the medium. However, the total purine synthesis does not increase. Guanosine inhibits the uptake of hypoxanthine severely. In addition, guanosine and its nucleotide derivatives also inhibit the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity, at the same time stimulating the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity. Guanosine's effects on the uptake of hypoxanthine and its conversion to the nucleotide form may be the reasons why guanosine inhibits the utilization of hypoxanthine but not adenine by these mutants.  相似文献   
Histidine affects de novo purine nucleotide synthesis and purine nucleotide pool utilization in Neurospora crassa. The former effect was assessed qualitatively by the presence or absence of purple pigment production in ad3B and ad3A mutants. Tryptophan also affected the de novo purine nucleotide synthesis. The effect of histidine on purine nucleotide pool utilization resulted in stimulated germination of ad8 and ad4 mutant conidia in adenine-deficient medium. Increased germination was correlated with increased net levels of nucleic acids in these strains. Possible mechanisms for the dual action of histidine are discussed.  相似文献   
Although germinated conidia of Neurospora crassa transport adenine through two different systems, only one of these, namely, the general purine transport system, which transports adenine, hypoxanthine, guanine, and 6-methylpurine, is present in freshly harvested conidia of the wild type. The second system develops during germination. The latter system can transport adenine and 6-methylpurine. Time course and kinetic studies of adenine transport in freshly harvested conidia of an ad-8 mutant indicated that, in contrast to the wild type, the general purine transport activity is very low in this strain and that the second adenine transport system is possibly present in the ungerminated conidia. A study of adenine and hypoxanthine uptake in ad-8 and ad-4 mutants, both of which cannot utilize hypoxanthine for growth, isolated that the two transport systems may be under different metabolic controls.  相似文献   
Chronic stress produces deficits in cognition accompanied by alterations in neural chemistry and morphology. Medial prefrontal cortex is a target for glucocorticoids involved in the stress response. We have previously demonstrated that 3 weeks of daily corticosterone injections result in dendritic reorganization in pyramidal neurons in layer II-III of medial prefrontal cortex. To determine if similar morphological changes occur in response to chronic stress, we assessed the effects of daily restraint stress on dendritic morphology in medial prefrontal cortex. Male rats were exposed to either 3 h of restraint stress daily for 3 weeks or left unhandled except for weighing during this period. On the last day of restraint, animals were overdosed and brains were stained using a Golgi-Cox procedure. Pyramidal neurons in lamina II-III of medial prefrontal cortex were drawn in three dimensions, and the morphology of apical and basilar arbors was quantified. Sholl analyses demonstrated a significant alteration of apical dendrites in stressed animals: overall, the number and length of apical dendritic branches was reduced by 18 and 32%, respectively. The reduction in apical dendritic arbor was restricted to distal and higher-order branches, and may reflect atrophy of terminal branches: terminal branch number and length were reduced by 19 and 35%. On the other hand, basilar dendrites were not affected. This pattern of dendritic reorganization is similar to that seen after daily corticosterone injections. This reorganization likely reflects functional changes in prefrontal cortex and may contribute to stress-induced changes in cognition.  相似文献   
Preexisting humoral immunity to adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors may limit their clinical utility in gene delivery. We describe a novel caprine AAV (AAV-Go.1) capsid with unique biological properties. AAV-Go.1 capsid was cloned from goat-derived adenovirus preparations. Surprisingly, AAV-Go.1 capsid was 94% identical to the human AAV-5, with differences predicted to be largely on the surface and on or under the spike-like protrusions. In an in vitro neutralization assay using human immunoglobulin G (IgG) (intravenous immune globulin [IVIG]), AAV-Go.1 had higher resistance than AAV-5 (100-fold) and resistance similar to that of AAV-4 or AAV-8. In an in vivo model, SCID mice were pretreated with IVIG to generate normal human IgG plasma levels prior to the administration of AAV human factor IX vectors. Protein expression after intramuscular administration of AAV-Go.1 was unaffected in IVIG-pretreated mice, while it was reduced 5- and 10-fold after administration of AAV-1 and AAV-8, respectively. In contrast, protein expression after intravenous administration of AAV-Go.1 was reduced 7.1-fold, similar to the 3.8-fold reduction observed after AAV-8 administration in IVIG-pretreated mice, and protein expression was essentially extinguished after AAV-2 administration in mice pretreated with much less IVIG (15-fold). AAV-Go.1 vectors also demonstrated a marked tropism for lung when administered intravenously in SCID mice. The pulmonary tropism and high neutralization resistance to human preexisting antibodies suggest novel therapeutic uses for AAV-Go.1 vectors, including targeting diseases such as cystic fibrosis. Nonprimate sources of AAVs may be useful to identify additional capsids with distinct tropisms and high resistance to neutralization by human preexisting antibodies.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis of the distribution of dispersed spores and pollen (sporomorphs) has been used to assess temporal floral variation through the Middle Jurassic Ravenscar Group (Aalenian–Bathonian), North Yorkshire, UK. Aalenian, Bajocian and Bathonian strata possess relatively distinct sporomorph and palynofacies assemblages, which potentially reflect a dynamic history regarding the nature of parent vegetation. Specifically, Aalenian palynofloras are composed of a heterogeneous mixture of conifers, ferns, simple monosulcate pollen producers, sphenophytes and Caytoniales; Bajocian palynofloras are codominated by conifers and ferns; and Bathonian palynofloras are highly rich and contain assemblages of abundant ferns, conifers, lycophytes, pteridosperms/conifers and Caytoniales. Individual‐ and sample‐based rarefaction demonstrates that Bathonian samples are richer than Aalenian and Bajocian samples. Temporal variations in assemblages are a result of long‐term depositional and possible climatic fluctuations through the Middle Jurassic. Ordinations of sporomorph data using non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) demonstrate that short‐term variations between samples are largely governed by taphonomic biases as a result of slight changes in depositional processes, which give rise to highly variable catchment areas that supply deposits with sporomorphs. Long‐term compositional changes are apparent in sporomorph assemblages regardless of lithology/local depositional environments, suggesting that long‐term variations are more substantial than short‐term variations and potentially include genuine regional temporal changes in parent vegetation. Relating sporomorph assemblages with their respective depositional environments and relative catchment area sizes using lithological and palynofacies information suggests that the basin interior was occupied by mostly low‐standing species and extrabasinal vegetation was dominated by coniferous taxa. Comparisons of the dispersed sporomorph and plant megafossil records indicate that both fossil assemblages reflect different aspects of the palaeoflora due to a multitude of taphonomic and ecological biases. Such biases include variation in sporomorph production levels, depositional environment and differential sporomorph and parent plant durability.  相似文献   
Summary The pathogenesis of retrovirus-induced erythroid aplasia in cats is unknown. In studies to define mechanisms of cytotoxicity associated with retroviral infections, bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) from healthy specific pathogenfree cats were co-cultured with uninfected feline embryonic fibroblasts (FEA cells) and FEA cells infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) of subgroup A (FEA-A) or subgroup C (FEA-C). Moderate to marked cytotoxicity (CPE) developed in co-cultures of BMMC and FEA-C cells on Days 5 to 7 of incubation but not in co-cultures of BMMC and FEA-A or BMMC and uninfected cells (FEA-CT). Cytotoxicity was associated with adherent cells of light density (1.056) from bone marrow and peripheral blood, which were positive for alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase activity. Stimulation of adherent cells with phorbol ester or addition of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rhTNF-α) caused similar CPE in FEA-CT cells. The TNF-α concentrations in the culture supernatants of BMMC+FEA-C were higher than those of BMMC+FEA-A or BMMC+FEA-CT, and addition of anti-TNF antibodies to the cultures blocked the CPE. These data support the hypothesis that macrophages exposed to FeLV-C cause CPE in co-cultures of BMMC and FEA cells by a mechanism involving TNF-α. It is suggested that TNF-α may be involved in the suppression of hematopoiesis in cats which develop FeLV-C induced erythroid aplasia.  相似文献   
Type I ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are conserved across diverse taxa and are essential for the conversion of RNA into DNA precursors. In Neurospora crassa, the large subunit of RNR (UN-24) is unusual in that it also has a nonself recognition function, whereby coexpression of Oak Ridge (OR) and Panama (PA) alleles of un-24 in the same cell leads to growth inhibition and cell death. We show that coexpressing these incompatible alleles of un-24 in N. crassa results in a high molecular weight UN-24 protein complex. A 63-amino-acid portion of the C terminus was sufficient for un-24PA incompatibility activity. Redox active cysteines that are conserved in type I RNRs and essential for their catalytic function were found to be required for incompatibility activity of both UN-24OR and UN-24PA. Our results suggest a plausible model of un-24 incompatibility activity in which the formation of a complex between the incompatible RNR proteins is potentiated by intermolecular disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   
Cells in the body experience various mechanical stimuli that are often essential to proper cell function. In order to study the effects of mechanical stretch on cell function, several devices have been built to deliver cyclic stretch to cells; however, they are generally not practical for live cell imaging. We introduce a novel device that allows for live cell imaging, using either an upright or inverted microscope, during the delivery of cyclic stretch, which can vary in amplitude and frequency. The device delivers equi-biaxial strain to cells seeded on an elastic membrane via indentation of the membrane. Membrane area strain was calibrated to indenter depth and the device showed repeatable and accurate delivery of strain at the scale of individual cells. At the whole cell level, changes in intracellular calcium were measured at different membrane area strains, and showed an amplitude-dependent response. At the subcellular level, the mitochondrial network was imaged at increasing membrane area strains to demonstrate that stretch can lead to mitochondrial fission in lung fibroblasts. The device is a useful tool for studying transient as well as long-term mechanotransduction as it allows for simultaneous stretching and imaging of live cells in the presence of various chemical stimuli.  相似文献   


Bacteria may compete with yeast for nutrients during bioethanol production process, potentially causing economic losses. This is the first study aiming at the quantification and identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) present in the bioethanol industrial processes in different distilleries of Brazil.  相似文献   
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