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Hydroxynaphthoquinone-based inhibitors of the lysine acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300), such as plumbagin, are relatively toxic. Here, we report that free thiol reactivity and redox cycling properties greatly contribute to the toxicity of plumbagin. A reactive 3rd position in the naphthoquinone derivatives is essential for thiol reactivity and enhances redox cycling. Using this clue, we synthesized PTK1, harboring a methyl substitution at the 3rd position of plumbagin. This molecule loses its thiol reactivity completely and its redox cycling ability to a lesser extent. Mechanistically, non-competitive, reversible binding of the inhibitor to the lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) domain of p300 is largely responsible for the acetyltransferase inhibition. Remarkably, the modified inhibitor PTK1 was a nearly non-toxic inhibitor of p300. The present report elucidates the mechanism of acetyltransferase activity inhibition by 1,4-naphthoquinones, which involves redox cycling and nucleophilic adduct formation, and it suggests possible routes of synthesis of the non-toxic inhibitor.  相似文献   
This study describes the contemporary practices of strength and conditioning coaches in professional soccer. Fifty-two strength and conditioning coaches from professional leagues across 18 countries completed an online survey, consisting of 45 questions, with eight sections: (a) background information, (b) muscular strength and power development, (c) speed development, (d) plyometrics, (e) flexibility development, (f) physical testing, (g) technology use, and (h) programing. A frequency analysis was used to assess and report responses to fixed response questions, and thematic-analysis used for open-ended questions to create clear, identifiable and distinct themes. All strength and conditioning coaches were educated to degree level or higher, 65% held strength and conditioning certifications and 54% held soccer coaching certifications. Concentric (100%) and eccentric (98%) modes of resistance were the most commonly prescribed, whereas the squat (including variations) (52%) was deemed the most important exercise for soccer players. Hang clean (33%) and multiple hops/lunges (89%) were the most programed Olympic weightlifting and plyometric exercises. Global Positioning Systems (94%) were the most utilized technology-based equipment. Time, scheduling and fixtures were the biggest issues faced, which made it difficult to periodize training programs and apply appropriate training loads. Furthermore, strength and conditioning coaches would like to further integrate technology to comprehensively monitor and test players, while also believing that technology will continue to be developed and integrated in the future. Strength and conditioning coaches from professional soccer can use the information from this study to review current practices and also provide ideas for diversifying or modifying future practices.  相似文献   
Dependent pooling occurs in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) related to defective vasoconstriction. Increased venous pressure (Pv) >20 mmHg occurs in some patients (high Pv) but not others (normal Pv). We compared 22 patients, aged 12-18 yr, with 13 normal controls. Continuous blood pressure and strain-gauge plethysmography were used to measure supine forearm and calf blood flow, resistance, venous compliance, and microvascular filtration, and blood flow and swelling during 70 degrees head-up tilt. Supine, high Pv had normal resistance in arms (26 +/- 2 mmHg x ml(-1) x 100 ml x min) and legs (34 +/- 3 mmHg x ml(-1) x 100 ml x min) but low leg blood flow (1.5 +/- 0.4 ml x 100 ml(-1) x min(-1)). Supine leg Pv (30 +/- 2 vs. 13 +/- 1 mmHg in control) exceeded the threshold for edema (isovolumetric pressure = 19 +/- 3 mmHg). Supine, normal Pv had high blood flow in arms (4.1 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.5 +/- 0.2 ml x 100 ml(-1) x min(-1) in control) and legs (3.8 +/- 0.4 vs. 2.7 +/- 0.3 ml x 100 ml(-1) x min(-1) in control) with low resistance. With tilt, calf blood flow increased steadily in POTS with high Pv and transiently increased in normal Pv. Calf volume increased in all POTS patients. Arm blood flow increased in normal Pv only with forearm maintained at heart level. These data suggest that there are (at least) two subgroups of POTS characterized by high Pv and low flow or normal Pv and high flow. These may correspond to abnormalities in local or baroreceptor-mediated vasoconstriction, respectively.  相似文献   
Garay MM  NM Amiotti  P Zalba 《Phyton》2015,84(2):280-287
Afforestation is a recommended practice to mitigate global warming. However, their implementation may generate undesirable impacts, mostly if exotic species are used. Plantations of Pinus radiata D Don in Ventania (Bs. As., Argentina) soils showed notorious increments of extractable P (Pe), which could affect the dynamic of this element as well as the degree of phosphorus saturation (GSPBray). The objectives of this study were: i) to quantify the GSPBray in Mollisols afforested with P. radiata comparing the results with those coming from adjacent, natural grassland areas (base line); ii) to evaluate the potential environmental risk induced by afforestation through the identification of a change point (PC) in the GSPBray indicative of a phosphate leaching increment. Treatments included mature stands of P. radiata (TB) and adjacent areas with natural grassland vegetation (TP). Samples were taken at 0-15; 15-30 and 30-45 cm soil depth, and texture, pH, total organic carbon (COT), Pe, soluble reactive phosphorus (PSR), phosphorus sorption index (ISP) and GSPBray were determined. The results showed a significant acidification in TB and an increase in the COT stock, indicating an additional atmospheric CO2 sequestration by the trees. The Pe and PSR values were notoriously higher in TB, and they were reflected in a significant increment in the GSPBray with respect to TP. The detection of a significant PC in the GSPBray-PSR regression indicates higher chances of phosphate leaching in the forest stands, which could reach water courses, lakes and artificial reservoirs promoting their eutrophication. Because of the potential environmental pollution risk of biologic origin derived from the afforestation with P. radiata in Mollisols areas, their inclusion in clean development practices must be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Summary Large limestone boulders are eroding from a landslide west of the mouth of Whiskey Creek, Clallam County, Washington State. These boulders are composed of micrite, carbonate cement, and densely-packed fossil bivalves. Siltstone in the landslide, and on the surfaces of the boulders, indicates that these limestones are derived from the lower part of the Pysht Formation. The molluscan taxa and their localised occurrence within limestone are typical features of ancient chemosymbiotic cold-seep communities. Formainiferans from both the siltstone and the limestone indicate that deposition occurred during Late Eocene time, at water depths of between 500 to 1,500 m. Lipid biomarkers, particularly isoprenoid hydrocarbons and fatty acids, with δ13C values as low as −101‰ PDB, reveal that the anaerobic oxidation of biogenic methane was an important component in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the ancient seep environment.  相似文献   
Summary We report and compare the DNA sequences of 14 silkmoth (Antheraea polyphemus) chorion genes, derived from either cDNA or chromosomal DNA clones. Seven of these genes are members of the A multigene family, and seven are members of the B family. Where available, the previously reported (Jones and Kafatos 1980) intronic and extragenic flanking DNA sequences are also considered. Closely related sequences are compared, revealing the types of spontaneous mutations that were fixed during paralogous evolution. Segmental mutations (i.e. mutations other than substitutions) are nearly always interpretable as small duplications or deletions. related to small direct repeats. Segmental mutations are strongly constrained in the coding regions, although they do occur. Nucleotide substitutions also appear to be under selective constraints: relatively few substitutions leading to amino acid replacements are accepted, silent substitutions leading to some codons (especially purine-terminated ones) are disfavored, and different compositional biases are maintained in different parts of the sequences. Other sequence differences can be interpreted as indicative of neutral drift, including most differences in non-coding regions and most T/C transitions in third-base positions. In the non-coding regions, which are thought to be only loosely constrained by selection, transitions are observed more frequently than might be expected: they account for 52% of all substitutions, and they appear to be favored two to threefold over transversions when allowance is made for the skewed base composition of these regions.  相似文献   
Orthostasis is characterized by translocation of blood from the upper body and thorax into dependent venous structures. Although active splanchnic venoconstriction is known to occur, active limb venoconstriction remains controversial. Based on prior work, we initially hypothesized that active venoconstriction does occur in the extremities during orthostasis in response to baroreflex activation. We investigated this hypothesis in the arms and legs of 11 healthy volunteers, aged 13-19 yr, using venous occlusion strain gauge plethysmography to obtain the forearm and calf blood flows and to compute the capacitance vessel volume-pressure compliance relation. Subjects were studied supine and at -10, +20, and +35 degrees to load the baroreflexes. With +20 degrees of tilt, blood flow decreased and limb arterial resistance increased significantly (P < 0.05) compared with supine. With +35 degrees of tilt, blood flow decreased, limb arterial resistance increased, and heart rate increased, indicating parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic activation with arterial vasoconstriction. The volume-pressure relation was unchanged by orthostatic maneuvers. The results suggest that active venoconstriction in the limbs is not important to mild orthostatic response.  相似文献   
Recent laboratory studies of mass‐reared flies in small cages have found that periods of just 24‐ or 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate can substantially enhance mating performance of mass‐reared male Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (‘Q‐flies’). Using field cage tests that provide a better approximation of nature, we here investigated whether access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h after adult emergence improves the ability of male and female mass‐reared, sterile Q‐flies to compete sexually with wild‐type flies that had been provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate. Mating probability of sterile males was significantly increased by 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate; sterile males provided 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate had mating probability similar to that of wild males provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate, whereas sterile males deprived of access to yeast hydrolysate had much lower mating probability. Unlike males, access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h did not increase mating probability of sterile female Q‐flies. We instead found that wild females provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate had higher mating probability than sterile females that did or did not have 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate. This result raises the possibility that a bisexual Q‐fly strain might operate essentially as a male‐only release when the flies are given access to yeast hydrolysate during a 48‐h pre‐release holding period. Sterile males given access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h mated significantly earlier in the evening than wild males and, as in other recent studies, this tendency was associated with an increased tendency to mate on the trees rather than the cage walls. There was no evidence of sexual isolation in this study, as wild and sterile mass‐reared flies showed no evidence of preferential mating with their own kind. Further studies are now needed to assess the potential for pre‐release access to yeast hydrolysate to improve sexual performance and longevity of sterile, mass‐reared, Q‐flies in the field.  相似文献   
The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of fruit and vegetable production that has become established in 42 countries in Africa after its first detection in 2003 in Kenya. It is likely that this rapid expansion is partly due to the reported strong capacity for flight by the pest. This study investigated the tethered flight performance of B. dorsalis over a range of constant temperatures in relation to sex and age. Tethered flight of unmated B. dorsalis aged 3, 10 and 21 days was recorded for 1 h using a computerized flight mill at temperatures of 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Variations in fly morphology were observed as they aged. Body mass and wing loading increased with age, whereas wing length and wing area reduced as flies aged. Females had slightly larger wings than males but were not significantly heavier. The longest total distance flown by B. dorsalis in 1 h was 1559.58 m. Frequent short, fast flights were recorded at 12 and 36 °C, but long-distance flight was optimal between 20 and 24 °C. Young flies tended to have shorter flight bouts than older flies, which was associated with them flying shorter distances. Heavier flies with greater wing loading flew further than lighter flies. Flight distances recorded on flight mills approximated those recorded in the field, and tethered flight patterns suggest a need to factor temperature into the interpretation of trap captures.  相似文献   
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