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We examined the structural requirements for cell surface expression, signaling, and human immunodeficiency virus co-receptor activity for the chemokine receptor, CCR5. Serial C-terminal truncation of CCR5 resulted in progressive loss of cell surface expression; mutants truncated at the 317th position and shorter were not detected at the cell surface. Alanine substitution of basic residues in the membrane-proximal domain (residues 314-322) in the context of a full-length C-tail resulted in severe reduction in surface expression. C-terminal truncation that excised the three cysteines in this domain reduced surface expression, but further truncation of upstream basic residue(s) abolished surface expression. Substituting the carboxyl-terminal domain of CXCR4 for that of CCR5 failed to rectify the trafficking defect of the tailless CCR5. In contrast, tailless CXCR4 or a CXCR4 chimera that exchanged the native cytoplasmic domain for that of wild type CCR5 was expressed at the cell surface. Deletion mutants that expressed at the cell surface responded to chemokine stimulation and mediated human immunodeficiency virus entry. Substitution of all serine and threonine residues in the C-terminal tail of CCR5 abolished chemokine-mediated receptor phosphorylation but preserved downstream signaling (Ca(2+) flux), while substitutions of tyrosine residues in the C-tail affected neither phenotype. CCR5 mutants that failed to traffic to the plasma membrane did not exhibit obvious changes in metabolic turnover and were retained in the Golgi or pre-Golgi compartments(s). Thus, the basic domain (-KHIAKRF-) and the cysteine cluster (-CKCC-) in the C-terminal tail of CCR5 function cooperatively for optimal surface expression.  相似文献   
An assay for the autoubiquitination activity of the E3 ligase HDM2 (Mdm2) was developed and adapted to a high-throughput format to identify inhibitors of this activity. The assay can also be used to measure the activity of other E3s and may be useful in finding both inhibitors and activators of a wide range of different ubiquitin ligases.  相似文献   
Abundant nonfibrillar oligomeric intermediates are a common feature of amyloid formation, and these oligomers, rather than the final fibers, have been suggested to be the toxic species in some amyloid diseases. Whether such oligomers are critical intermediates for fiber assembly or form in an alternate, potentially separable pathway, however, remains unclear. Here we study the polymerization of the amyloidogenic yeast prion protein Sup35. Rapid polymerization occurs in the absence of observable intermediates, and both targeted kinetic and direct single-molecule fluorescence measurements indicate that fibers grow by monomer addition. A three-step model (nucleation, monomer addition, and fiber fragmentation) accurately accounts for the distinctive kinetic features of amyloid formation, including weak concentration dependence, acceleration by agitation, and sigmoidal shape of the polymerization time course. Thus, amyloid growth can occur by monomer addition in a reaction distinct from and competitive with formation of potentially toxic oligomeric intermediates.  相似文献   
Skin is the most commonly affected organ in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). To explore the role of Langerhans cells in GVHD, the principal dendritic cells of the skin, we studied the fate of these cells in mice transplanted with allogeneic bone marrow. In contrast to other dendritic cells, host Langerhans cells were replaced by donor Langerhans cells only when donor T cells were administered along with bone marrow, and the extent of Langerhans cell chimerism correlated with the dose of donor T cells injected. Donor T cells depleted host Langerhans cells through a Fas-dependent pathway and induced the production in skin of CCL20, which was required for the recruitment of donor Langerhans cells. Administration of donor T cells to bone marrow-chimeric mice with persistent host Langerhans cells, but not to mice whose Langerhans cells had been replaced, resulted in marked skin GVHD. These findings indicate a crucial role for donor T cells in host Langerhans cell replacement, and show that host dendritic cells can persist in nonlymphoid tissue for the duration of an animal's life and can trigger GVHD despite complete blood chimerism.  相似文献   
Mutations of the Smad4 gene, a member of a group of TGF-beta signal transduction components, occur in several types of cancer suggesting that its inactivation significantly affects TGF-beta responsiveness in these tumors. To further investigate the role of Smad4 with respect to TGF-beta signaling and carcinogenesis, we re-expressed the Smad4 gene in the Smad4-deficient cancer cell line FaDu by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT) and retroviral infection to closely approximate physiological protein levels. The Smad4-expressing FaDu clones were then evaluated for TGF-beta responsiveness to assess the role of Smad4 in TGF-beta-induced growth inhibition and target gene regulation. We found that the re-expression of the Smad4 gene by either method partially restored TGF-beta responsiveness in FaDu cells with respect to both growth inhibition and expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p15INK4B. However, only the microcell hybrids showed growth retardation in organotypic raft culture and an enhanced ability to upregulate fibronectin. In contrast, the re-expression of Smad4 by either method failed to suppress tumorigenicity. These results suggest that in addition to a homozygous deletion of Smad4, FaDu cells contain additional defects within the TGF-beta signaling pathway, thereby limiting the extent of TGF-beta responsiveness upon Smad4 re-expression and perhaps accounting for the inability to induce p15INK4B to a high level. They also demonstrate the advantages of providing a physiological extracellular environment, when assessing TGFbeta responsiveness.  相似文献   
A genetic analysis of neural progenitor differentiation   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Genetic mechanisms regulating CNS progenitor function and differentiation are not well understood. We have used microarrays derived from a representational difference analysis (RDA) subtraction in a heterogeneous stem cell culture system to systematically study the gene expression patterns of CNS progenitors. This analysis identified both known and novel genes enriched in progenitor cultures. In situ hybridization in a subset of clones demonstrated that many of these genes were expressed preferentially in germinal zones, some showing distinct ventricular or subventricular zone labeling. Several genes were also enriched in hematopoietic stem cells, suggesting an overlap of gene expression in neural and hematopoietic progenitors. This combination of methods demonstrates the power of using custom microarrays derived from RDA-subtracted libraries for both gene discovery and gene expression analysis in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that dendritic cell (DC) pulsing with antigen-encoded mRNA resulted in the loading of both major histocompatibility complex class I and II antigen presentation pathways and the delivery of an activation signal. Coculture of mRNA-pulsed DC with T cells led to the induction of a potent primary immune response. DC, in addition to recognizing foreign antigens through pattern recognition receptors, also must respond to altered self, transformed, or intracellularly infected cells. This occurs through cell surface receptors that recognize products of inflammation and cell death. In this report, we characterize two signaling pathways utilized by extracellular mRNA to activate DC. In addition, a novel ligand, poly(A), is identified that mediates signaling through a receptor that can be inhibited by pertussis toxin and suramin and can be desensitized by ATP and ADP, suggesting a P2Y type nucleotide receptor. The role of this signaling activity in vaccine design and the potential effect of mRNA released by damaged cells in the induction of immune responsiveness is discussed.  相似文献   
The recognition that CD8(+) T-cell mediated Th1 immune responses were necessary to produce immunity to intracellular and transformed self pathogens led to intense interest in the delivery of nucleic acids, DNA, or RNA encoding candidate antigens, as vaccines. Antigen presenting cells (APC) encounter most protein and vaccine immunogens as extracellular proteins and, thus, present them on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules leading to the activation of CD4(+) T cells. Protein antigens encoded by nucleic acids delivered to dendritic cell (DC) are produced inside the cell and, thus, can stimulate MHC class I mediated activation of CD8(+) T-cell immune responses. Unfortunately, DCs are not readily transfected with DNA (Akbari et al., 1999) resulting in the requirement for high concentrations of DNA and repeated immunizations to achieved immune responses. RNA, on the other hand, is readily taken up and expressed by DC, making it an alternative vaccine candidate. In this article, we will discuss immune responses developed, interactions between APC and RNA that activate and dictate DC activation, and preliminary studies using RNA in vivo and in vitro to develop protective immunity.  相似文献   
Mdm2 is a RING finger-dependent ubiquitin protein ligase for itself and p53   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Mdm2 has been shown to regulate p53 stability by targeting the p53 protein for proteasomal degradation. We now report that Mdm2 is a ubiquitin protein ligase (E3) for p53 and that its activity is dependent on its RING finger. Furthermore, we show that Mdm2 mediates its own ubiquitination in a RING finger-dependent manner, which requires no eukaryotic proteins other than ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) and an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2). It is apparent, therefore, that Mdm2 manifests an intrinsic capacity to mediate ubiquitination. Mutation of putative zinc coordination residues abrogated this activity, as did chelation of divalent cations. After cation chelation, the full activity could be restored by addition of zinc. We further demonstrate that the degradation of p53 and Mdm2 in cells requires additional potential zinc-coordinating residues beyond those required for the intrinsic activity of Mdm2 in vitro. Replacement of the Mdm2 RING with that of another protein (Praja1) reconstituted ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Mdm2. However, this RING was ineffective in ubiquitination and proteasomal targeting of p53, suggesting that there may be specificity at the level of the RING in the recognition of heterologous substrates.  相似文献   
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