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Summary Ciliary motility was examined optically in tissue cultures from frog palate epithelium and frog's esophagus as a function of extracellular concentration of adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) and related compounds. The addition of micromolar concentration of ATP caused a strong enhancement of frequency and wave velocity in the direction of the effective stroke. Since adenosine 5-[, imido]-triphosphate (AMP-PNP), a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, produces the same effects, ATP hydrolysis is not required. The overall potency is ATP AMP-PNP>ADP adenosine>AMP. It is suggested that both the phosphate and the base moieties are involved in ATP binding.The enhancement of ciliary activity by extracellular ATP is dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, which can be replaced by extracellular Mg2+. The effect of a number of potent inhibitors of the voltage-gated calcium channels on the stimulation of ciliary activity by ATP were examined. No effect was detected in the concentration range within which these agents are specific. On the other hand, quinidine, a potent inhibitor of K+ (calcium-dependent) channels, inhibits the effect of ATP.The following model is suggested: exogenous ATP interacts with a membrane receptor in the presence of Ca2+, a cascade of events occurs which mobilizes intracellular calcium, thereby increasing the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration which consequently opens the calcium-activated K+ channels, which then leads to a change in membrane potential. The ciliary response to these changes is the enhancement of ciliary activity.This work was supported by a grant from the Fund for Basic Research administered by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities.  相似文献   
Large amounts of D-erythro-neopterin, a pteridine derivative, are formed from guanosine triphosphate (GTP) by human macrophages upon stimulation with interferon-gamma. In addition, in humans a basal neopterin level in all body fluids is evident also in absence of immunological stimuli. Extremely high concentrations of D-erythro-neopterin were detected in biliary fluid. We therefore investigated, if an enterohepatic circulation might exist for this substance. We quantified concentrations of pteridines in serum obtained from various vessels and in biliary fluid. Samples were collected during surgery of five patients with duodenal ulcer or adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Our data clearly demonstrate the existence of an enterohepatic circulation for the recovery of neopterin which seems to be specific for this substance. The relative distributions of neopterin concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract and vessels were seen invariably in all patients and were consistent with findings in five corpses examined post mortem. In addition, significantly higher neopterin concentrations, were found in arteries than in veins. The data indicate that neopterin derivatives are consumed in the peripheral capillary system and an enterohepatic circulation is established to maintain constant blood levels of neopterin derivatives. Furthermore, we suppose that the liver is the source of constitutive neopterin concentrations.  相似文献   
Six healthy subjects (5 males and 1 female, 26-40 yr old) were studied during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep to assess the role of upper airway (UA) afferents in the arousal response to induced airway occlusion. Subjects wore an airtight face mask attached to a low-resistance one-way valve. A valve in the inspiratory circuit allowed instantaneous inspiratory airway occlusion and release; the expiratory circuit remained unoccluded at all times. Each subject was studied during two nights. On one night, occlusions were created during stable stage 2 NREM sleep before and after application of 4% lidocaine to the oral and nasal mucosa. On the other night, the protocol was duplicated with saline ("sham anesthesia") rather than lidocaine. The order of nights was randomized. Occlusions were sustained until electroencephalographic arousal. Three to 12 occlusions were performed in each subject for each of the four parts of the protocol (pre- and post-lidocaine, pre- and post-saline). The auditory threshold for arousal (1,500-Hz tone beginning at 30 dB) was also tested before and after UA lidocaine. For the group, arousal time after UA anesthesia was prolonged compared with preanesthesia arousal time (P less than 0.001); arousal time after sham anesthesia did not significantly increase from before sham anesthesia (P = 0.9). The increase in arousal time with UA anesthesia was greater than the increase with sham anesthesia (P less than 0.001). The auditory arousal threshold did not increase after UA anesthesia. Inspiratory mask pressure, arterial O2 saturation of hemoglobin, and end-tidal PCO2 during occlusions were similar before and after UA anesthesia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Effect of acetazolamide on cerebral blood flow and capillary patency.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated the effects 2 h after administration of acetazolamide on cerebral blood flow and the pattern of cerebral capillary perfusion. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood gases, and pH were recorded in two groups of rats along with either regional cerebral blood flow or the percentage of capillary volume per cubic millimeter and number per square millimeter perfused as determined in cortical, thalamic, pontine, and medullary regions of the brain. Blood pressure, heart rate, and arterial PCO2 were not significantly different between the rats receiving acetazolamide (100 mg/kg) and the controls. Arterial blood pH was significantly lower in the acetazolamide rats. Blood flow increased significantly in the cortical (+ 102%), thalamic (+ 89%), and pontine (+ 88%) regions receiving acetazolamide. In control rats, approximately 60% of the capillaries were perfused in all of the examined regions. The percentage of capillaries per square millimeter perfused was significantly greater in the cortical (+ 52%), thalamic (+ 49%), and pontine (+ 47%) regions of acetazolamide rats compared with controls. In the medulla the increases in blood flow and percentage of capillaries perfused were not significant. Thus in the regions that acetazolamide increased cerebral blood flow, it also increased the percentage of capillaries perfused.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus strain 37b4 has been solved at 3.0 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement and solvent-flattening. The three pores of the trimer are well defined in the electron density map. Each pore consists of a 16-stranded beta-barrel which traverses the membrane as a tube. Near its center the tube is narrowed by chain segments protruding from the inner wall of the barrel that form an eye-let with an irregular cross-section of about 6 A by 10 A. The eye-let has an axial length of about 10 A; it defines the exclusion limit for diffusing particles.  相似文献   
Migration pathways of B cell and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets of murine thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) were mapped. Per weight, the spleen accumulated more TDL than any other organ, regardless of lymphocyte subset. Spleen autoradiographs showed early accumulations of TDL in marginal zone and red pulp. Many TDL exited the red pulp within 1 hr via splenic veins. The remaining TDL entered the white pulp, not directly from the adjacent marginal zone but via distal periarterial lymphatic sheaths (dPALS). From dPALS, T cells migrated proximally along the central artery into proximal sheaths (pPALS) and exited the white pulp via deep lymphatic vessels. B cells left dPALS to enter lymphatic nodules (NOD), then also exited via deep lymphatics. T cells homed to lymph nodes more efficiently than B cells. Lymphocytes entered nodes via high-endothelial venules (HEV). CD4+ TDL reached higher absolute concentrations in diffuse cortex than did CD8+ T cells. However, CD8+ TDL moved more quickly through diffuse cortex than did CD4+ TDL. B cells migrated from HEV into NOD. Both T and B TDL exited via cortical and medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatics. A migration pathway across medullary cords is described. All TDL subsets homed equally well to Peyer's patches. T TDL migrated from HEV into paranodular zones while B cells moved from HEV into NOD. All TDL exited via lymphatics. Few TDL entered zones beneath dome epithelium. All subsets were observed within indentations in presumptive M cells of the dome epithelium.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation of the South American Ticuna, the Central American Maya, and the North American Pima was analyzed by restriction-endonuclease digestion and oligonucleotide hybridization. The analysis revealed that Amerindian populations have high frequencies of mtDNAs containing the rare Asian RFLP HincII morph 6, a rare HaeIII site gain, and a unique AluI site gain. In addition, the Asian-specific deletion between the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) and tRNA(Lys) genes was also prevalent in both the Pima and the Maya. These data suggest that Amerindian mtDNAs derived from at least four primary maternal lineages, that new tribal-specific variants accumulated as these mtDNAs became distributed throughout the Americas, and that some genetic variation may have been lost when the progenitors of the Ticuna separated from the North and Central American populations.  相似文献   
The metabolism of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] in rat parotid acinar cells was investigated, particularly with regard to the effects of receptor-active agonists. Stimulation of cholinergic-muscarinic receptors with methacholine provoked a rapid disappearance of 40--50% of [32P]PtdIns(4,5)P2, but had no effect on PtdIns4P. Adrenaline, acting on alpha-adrenoceptors, and Substance P also stimulated net loss of PtdIns(4,5)P2. The beta-adrenoceptor agonist, isoprenaline, and the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, failed to affect labelled PtdIns(4,5)P2 or PtdIns4P. By chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with excess EGTA, and by an experimental protocol that eliminates cellular Ca2+ release, it was demonstrated that the agonist-induced decrease in PtdIns(4,5)P2 is independent of both Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release. These results may suggest that net PtdIns(4,5)P2 breakdown is an early event in the stimulus-response pathway of the parotid acinar cell and could be directly involved in the mechanism of agonist-induced Ca2+ release from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Studies of trpA reversions revealed that G:C leads to A:T transitions were stimulated about 30-fold in E. coli ung mutants, whereas other base substitutions were not affected. A dUTPase (dut) mutation, which increases the incorporation of uracil into DNA in place of thymine, had no significant effect on the rate of G:C leads to A:T transitions. The results support the proposal that the glycosylase functions to reduce the mutation rate in wild-type cells by acting in the repair of DNA cytosine residues that have undergone spontaneous deamination to uracil. Further support was provided by the finding that when lambda bacteriophages were treated with bisulfite, an agent known to produce cytosine deamination, the frequency of clear-plaque mutants was increased an additional 20-fold by growth on an ung host. Bisulfite-induced mutations of the cellular chromosome, however, were about equal in ung+ and ung strains; it was found that during the treatment of ung+ cells with bisulfite, the glycosylase was inactivated.  相似文献   
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