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P2Y2 receptor up-regulation and activation induces intimal hyperplasia and monocyte/macrophage infiltration in the collared rabbit carotid artery model of vascular injury, suggesting a potential role for P2Y2 receptors in monocyte recruitment by vascular endothelium. In this study, we addressed the hypothesis that activation of P2Y2 receptors by extracellular nucleotides modulates the expression of adhesion molecules on vascular endothelial cells that are important for monocyte recruitment. Results indicated that the equipotent P2Y2 receptor agonists UTP or ATP (1-100 microm) stimulated the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) in a time- and dose-dependent manner. P2Y2 antisense oligonucleotides inhibited VCAM-1 expression induced by UTP but not by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Furthermore, UTP induced VCAM-1 expression in human 1321N1 astrocytoma cell transfectants expressing the recombinant P2Y2 receptor, whereas vector-transfected control cells did not respond to UTP. The effect of UTP on VCAM-1 expression in HCAEC was prevented by depletion of intracellular calcium stores with thapsigargin or by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase or Rho kinase, but was not affected by inhibitors of the mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway (i.e. MEK1/2). Consistent with a role for VCAM-1 in the recruitment of monocytes, UTP or ATP increased the adherence of monocytic U937 cells to HCAEC, an effect that was inhibited by anti-VCAM-1 antibodies. These findings suggest a novel role for the P2Y2 receptor in the p38- and Rho kinase-dependent expression of VCAM-1 that mediates the recruitment of monocytes by vascular endothelium associated with the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Thenetgene mutations are known to cause abnormal pattern of veining in all wing regions except for the first posterior cells. In natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, the net alleles were identified, which differ in phenotypic expression from standard mutations. The mutants net-extra-analis from a population Belokurikha-2000 have only a single additional vein in the third posterior cell. A line from Chernobyl-1986 population have another nontypical allele net Ch86 and shows a lower degree of abnormalities than that usually observed. About 10% of these flies have an additional vein fragment in the first posterior cell. In both males and females ofD. simulans population Tashkent -2001, which exhibit net ST91 mutation, a net of additional veins is formed as a specific additional fragment in the first posterior cell. The pattern of veining conferred by alleles net-extra-analis and net Ch86 is altered to a lesser extent; these alleles are dominant with respect to alleles net 2-45 and net ST91, which cause more abnormalities. The heterozygotes for alleles net ST9 and net Ch86 and for Df(2) net 62 deletion have an additional fragment in the first posterior cell and show similarly strong deviations from normal wing vein pattern. The naturalnet alleles correspond, presumably, to different molecular gene defects involved into uncertain local interactions with numerous modifying factors and other genes that specify the wing vein pattern.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae FAB1 gene encodes the sole phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P] 5-kinase responsible for synthesis of the polyphosphoinositide PtdIns(3,5)P(2). VAC7 encodes a 128-kDa transmembrane protein that localizes to vacuolar membranes. Both vac7 and fab1 null mutants have dramatically enlarged vacuoles and cannot grow at elevated temperatures. Additionally, vac7Delta mutants have nearly undetectable levels of PtdIns(3,5)P(2), suggesting that Vac7 functions to regulate Fab1 kinase activity. To test this hypothesis, we isolated a fab1 mutant allele that bypasses the requirement for Vac7 in PtdIns(3,5)P(2) production. Expression of this fab1 allele in vac7Delta mutant cells suppresses the temperature sensitivity, vacuolar morphology, and PtdIns(3,5)P(2) defects normally exhibited by vac7Delta mutants. We also identified a mutant allele of FIG4, whose gene product contains a Sac1 polyphosphoinositide phosphatase domain, which suppresses vac7Delta mutant phenotypes. Deletion of FIG4 in vac7Delta mutant cells suppresses the temperature sensitivity and vacuolar morphology defects, and dramatically restores PtdIns(3,5)P(2) levels. These results suggest that generation of PtdIns(3,5)P(2) by the Fab1 lipid kinase is regulated by Vac7, whereas turnover of PtdIns(3,5)P(2) is mediated in part by the Sac1 polyphosphoinositide phosphatase family member Fig4.  相似文献   
Incubation of transformed mouse fibroblasts with external ATP in alkaline medium low in divalent cations causes an increase in the permeability of the plasma membrane to nucleotides and other small molecules. Previous suggestions that the phosphorylation of a 44,000 dalton membrane protein is involved in this permeabilization process have been pursued. Fractionation of cells that had been incubated with [γ-32P] ATP revealed that the labeled 44K phosphoprotein was found in both the membrane and mitochondrial fractions. Incubation of fractions isolated from unlabeled cells with [γ-32P] ATP resulted in substantial formation of 32P-44K in the mitochondrial fraction and less incorporation in the membrane fraction. The 44,000 dalton protein was identified as the α-subunit of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase by partial proteolytic mapping and immunological cross-reactivity with antibodies prepared against bovine pyruvate dehydrogenase. The phosphorylation of this protein in whole cells by externally added ATP is suppressed by inclusion in the incubation medium of carboxyatractyloside (CAT) and EDTA. These substances have no effect on ATP-dependent permeabilization, indicating that the phosphorylation of pyruvate dehydrogenase is not involved in this process.  相似文献   
The green alga Scenedesmus obliquus readily adapted to heterotrophic growth in the dark, utilizing glucose as the sole carbon source. Heterotrophic cells differed significantly from photoautotrophic cells with respect to several physiological properties such as the rate of photoassimilation of CO2, rate of incorporation of glucose, and chlorophyll a concentration. Oxidation pond cells shared features common to both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cells. Approximately 15 percent of oxidation pond algal carbon was derived from glucose assimilated directly without first being oxidized by bacteria. Bacteria seem to play a minor role in biological oxygen demand reduction in high-rate oxidation ponds, and their role is probably confined to degradation of biopolymers, thus producing substrates for algal consumption.  相似文献   
Pigeon erythrocyte membrane was solubilized partially, but relatively unselectively by Triton X-100. Vesicles were reconstituted from mixtures of Triton-solubilized membrane and lipid (phosphatidylcholine plus phosphatidylethanolamine plus cholesterol) by addition of bovine high-density lipoprotein. This efficiently removed the Triton X-100. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropherograms of reconstituted vesicles showed band patterns resembling those of the original membrane. The reconstituted vesicles showed ATP-dependent active accumulation of 45Ca2+. ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake by the reconstituted vesicles resembled the corresponding activity of the original membrane vesicles; in both preparations the Ca2+ uptake rate depended on the square of the Ca2+ concentration and had similar [Ca2+]12 values, 0.16 μM and 0.18 μM, respectively.  相似文献   
Class V myosins move diverse intracellular cargoes, which attach via interaction of cargo-specific proteins to the myosin V globular tail. The globular tail of the yeast myosin V, Myo2p, contains two structural and functional subdomains. Subdomain I binds to the vacuole-specific protein, Vac17p, while subdomain II likely binds to an as yet unidentified secretory vesicle-specific protein. All functions of Myo2p require the tight association of subdomains I and II, which suggests that binding of a cargo to one subdomain may inhibit cargo-binding to a second subdomain. Thus, two types of mutations are predicted to specifically affect a subset of Myo2p cargoes: first are mutations within a cargo-specific binding region; second are mutations that mimic the inhibited conformation of one of the subdomains. Here we analyze a point mutation in subdomain I, myo2-2(G1248D), which is likely to be this latter type of mutation. myo2-2 has no effect on secretory vesicle movement. The secretory vesicle binding site is in subdomain II. However, myo2-2 is impaired in several Myo2p-related functions. While subdomains I and II of myo2-2p tightly associate, there are measurable differences in the conformation of its globular tail. Based solely on the ability to restore vacuole inheritance, a set of intragenic suppressors of myo2-2 were identified. All suppressor mutations reside in subdomain I. Moreover, subdomain I and II interactions occurred in all suppressors, demonstrating the importance of subdomain I and II association for Myo2p function. Furthermore, 3 of the 10 suppressors globally restored all tested defects in myo2-2. This large proportion of global suppressors strongly suggests that myo2-2(G1248) causes a conformational change in subdomain I that simultaneously affects multiple cargoes.  相似文献   
The equal potency and efficacy of the agonists, ATP and UTP, pharmacologically distinguish the P2Y2 receptor from other nucleotide receptors. Investigation of the desensitization of the P2Y2 receptors is complicated by the simultaneous expression of different P2 nucleotide receptor subtypes. The co-expression of multiple P2 receptor subtypes in mammalian cells may have led to contradictory reports on the efficacy of the natural agonists of the P2Y2 receptor to induce desensitization. We decided to investigate the desensitization of human and murine isoforms of the P2Y2 receptor, and to rigorously examine their signaling and desensitization properties. For these purposes, we used 1321N1 astrocytoma cells stably transfected with the human or murine P2Y2 receptor cDNA, as well as human A431 cells that endogenously express the receptor. The mobilization of intracellular calcium by extracellular nucleotides was used as a functional assay for the P2Y2 receptors. While ATP and UTP activated the murine and human P2Y2 receptors with similar potencies (EC50 values were 1.5-5.8 M), ATP was ~ 10-fold less potent (IC50 = 9.1-21.2 M) than UTP (IC50 = 0.7-2.9 M) inducing homologous receptor desensitization in the cell systems examined. Individual cell analyses of the rate and dose dependency of agonist-induced desensitization demonstrated that the murine receptor was slightly more resistant to desensitization than its human counterpart. To our knowledge, this is the first individual cell study that has compared the cellular heterogeneity of the desensitized states of recombinant and endogenously expressed receptors. This comparison demonstrated that the recombinant system conserved the cellular regulatory elements needed to attenuate receptor signaling by desensitization.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated previously that daily treatments for 3 days with the so-called "non-hypercalcemic" analogs of 1alpha,25 dihydroxy vitamin D in ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like cells, stimulate the specific activity of creatine kinase BB (CK), and that such treatment with these analogs followed by a single treatment with gonadal steroids, upregulates responsiveness and sensitivity to estradiol 17beta (E(2)) for the induction of CK. This study was designed to determine if these same "non-hypercalcemic" vitamin D analogs could upregulate in vivo the response to E(2) and whether substitution of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS) for E(2) would result in the same upregulation. We found that one week or 2 weeks pretreatment of prepubertal rats with vitamin D analogs led to increased induction of CK by E(2) and by the SERMS tamoxifen, tamoxifen methiodide and raloxifene, in epiphysis and diaphysis of the femur but not in the uterus. However, in contrast to their antiestrogenic activity in the uterus, there was no inhibition of E(2) action by the SERMS in skeletal tissues. The induction of mRNA for ckb in ROS 17/2.8 cells by E(2) or SERMS was demonstrated only after vitamin D pretreatment; there was no inhibition of E(2) induction by SERMS. Antagonists of vitamin D dependent calcium transport (transcaltachia) did not inhibit stimulation by vitamin D analogs. These results support the involvement of a nuclear mechanism in the upregulation of induction of CK by E(2), which may be due, in part, to the ability of vitamin D to increase estrogen receptor(s).  相似文献   
A simple two-step synthesis method was used to make 51 B-ring-substituted 4-hydroxyquinolines allowing analysis of the effect of ring substitutions on inhibition of growth of chloroquine sensitive and resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, the dominant cause of malaria morbidity. Substituted quinoline rings other than the 7-chloroquinoline ring found in chloroquine were found to have significant activity against the drug-resistant strain of P. falciparum W2.  相似文献   
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