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Classical niche theory explains the coexistence of species through their exploitation of different resources. Assemblages of herbivores coexisting on a particular plant species are thus expected to be dominated by species from host-specific guilds with narrow, coexistence-facilitating niches rather than by species from generalist guilds. Exactly the opposite pattern is observed for folivores feeding on trees in New Guinea. The least specialized mobile chewers were the most species rich, followed by the moderately specialized semiconcealed and exposed chewers. The highly specialized miners and mesophyll suckers were the least species-rich guilds. The Poisson distribution of herbivore species richness among plant species in specialized guilds and the absence of a negative correlation between species richness in different guilds on the same plant species suggest that these guilds are not saturated with species. We show that herbivore assemblages are enriched with generalists because these are more completely sampled from regional species pools. Herbivore diversity increases as a power function of plant diversity, and the rate of increase is inversely related to host specificity. The relative species diversity among guilds is thus scale dependent, as the importance of specialized guilds increases with plant diversity. Specialized insect guilds may therefore comprise a larger component of overall diversity in the tropics (where they are also poorly known taxonomically) than in the temperate zone, which has lower plant diversity.  相似文献   
Aim This analysis of caterpillar (Lepidoptera) beta‐diversity between tropical lowlands and highlands attempts to separate the effects of between‐site (1) turnover of herbivore species on particular host plants, (2) changes in host use by herbivores, and (3) turnover of plant species on changes in herbivore assemblages. Location Two rain forest areas 130 km and 1700 altitudinal metres apart were studied in Papua New Guinea: one in the lowlands (100 m a.s.l.) on the northern coast of the island and one in the central New Guinean cordillera at 1800 m a.s.l. Methods The analysis is based on caterpillar feeding records obtained by quantitative sampling and rearing of caterpillars from four Ficus species studied in the mountains and 21 Ficus species and 62 plant species from other genera and families studied in the lowlands, including three Ficus species studied in both areas. Results Only 17% of species feeding on Ficus in the highlands also occurred in the lowlands. These species represented 1–46% of individuals in caterpillar assemblages on particular Ficus hosts. Widespread species included both Ficus specialists and generalists feeding on numerous plant families. Some of the Ficus specialists changed their preferred host species with altitude. High species turnover was not explained by changes in the species composition of host plants with altitude as lowland and montane assemblages feeding on the same Ficus species showed high turnover. Despite the rarity of widespread caterpillars, the lowland and montane Ficus assemblages were remarkably similar in their dominance structure, species richness, host specificity, generic composition and familial composition. Main conclusions Ficus‐feeding Lepidoptera assemblages between tropical lowlands and highlands are characterized by substantial species turnover not explained by altitudinal changes in the composition of the vegetation. Further, species‐rich plant genera can support caterpillar assemblages with relatively low beta‐diversity compared with species‐poor genera as caterpillars can switch their host preferences from one congeneric host species to another along an altitudinal gradient. Closely related plant species can thus represent a broad, continuously distributed resource along such gradients.  相似文献   
The African freshwater oyster Etheria elliptica, which is of great economic importance throughout the continent, is facing overharvesting in many fisheries in West Africa. Its reproductive traits (sex ratio, size at sexual maturity, oocyte diameter and fecundity) were studied at four stations located along the Pendjari River, northern Benin, in April 2013. Histological techniques were implemented to identify sex and gonad development stages. Oocyte sizes were measured based on the histological images and mean oocyte diameter was 38 µm. Fecundity, estimated by counting the developing eggs, averaged 106 724 eggs and increased significantly with shell size. The average sex ratio was approximately 1:1. Hermaphrodites were rare. Males reached sexual maturity at 57.6 mm dorsoventral height, earlier than females at 64.7 mm. The majority of the oyster specimens were in ripe-spawning stages, indicating that reproductive activities partly took place towards the end of the dry season. Both mature and immature individuals were subjected to harvesting at all the investigated fishing sites. The mean size of exploited oysters was 60.6 mm, lower than the size of females at maturity. Management strategies must enforce the minimum size of 65 mm required for harvesting, particularly in open access sites where juveniles are mostly harvested.  相似文献   
Drosophila mercatorum is a species that can give rise to totally homozygous parthenogenetic strains. Using the technique of DNA-DNA hybridization, we have assessed the overall single-copy DNA differences among three independently derived strains that represent three independent genomes. Among strains, the average difference between homoduplex and heteroduplex median melting temperatures is 1.3 degrees C. This represents greater than or equal to 1.3% base-pair mismatch. Normalized percent of reassociation indicates further genetic differences, probably reflecting insertion/deletion differences and/or regions of the genome that are highly variable. This overall intraspecific genetic variation is higher than generally is thought to exist but is consistent with growing evidence of extensive DNA diversity within species of invertebrates. High intraspecific DNA variation may be correlated with rapid phyletic rates of evolution. Because of this high level of variation, the technique of DNA-DNA hybridization may be used to study intraspecific variation in invertebrates but is limited in its usefulness for higher systematic studies.   相似文献   
In the tropics, antagonistic seed predation networks may have different properties than mutualistic pollination and seed dispersal networks, but the former have been considerably less studied. We tested whether the structure of antagonistic tripartite networks composed of host plants, insects developing within seeds and fruits, and their insect parasitoids could be predicted from plant phylogenetic distance and plant traits. We considered subsets of the networks (‘subnetworks') at three rainforest locations (Panama, Thailand, Papua New Guinea), based on insect families, plant families or plant functional groups. We recorded 3197 interactions and observed a low percentage of realized interactions, especially in Panama, where insect host specificity was higher than in Thailand or New Guinea. Several factors may explain this, including insect faunal composition, incidence of dry fruits, high fruit production and high occurrence of Fabaceae at the Panamanian site. Host specificity was greater among seed-eaters than pulp-eaters and for insects feeding on dry fruits as opposed to insects feeding on fleshy fruits. Plant species richness within plant families did not influence insect host specificity, but site characteristics may be important in this regard. Most subnetworks were extremely specialized, such as those including Tortricidae and Bruchinae in Panama. Plant phylogenetic distance, plant basal area and plant traits (fruit length, number of seeds per fruit) had important effects on several network statistics in regressions weighted by sampling effort. A path analysis revealed a weak direct influence of plant phylogenetic distance on parasitoid richness, indicating limited support for the ‘nasty host hypothesis'. Our study emphasizes the duality between seed dispersal and seed predation networks in the tropics, as key plant species differ and host specificity tends to be low in the former and higher in the latter. This underlines the need to study both types of networks for sound practices of forest regeneration and conservation.  相似文献   
The Vaal River, South Africa, historically had a rich diversity of native submerged macrophytes with at least 13 species from 5 families recorded. Over the past 10 years there has been a noticeable reduction in the occurrence and diversity of submerged macrophytes in the river. It is possible that this is linked to the recent increase in the populations of invasive alien grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuvier & Valenciennes (Cyprinidae) in the river, where populations have been a concern since 2005. Grass carp invasions worldwide have been shown to have severe impacts on macrophyte biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This fish is an aggressive feeder on submerged macrophytes, as well as being an ecosystem engineer that can change water and sediment chemistry.  相似文献   
Pollination and parasitism in functionally dioecious figs   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Fig wasps (Agaonidae: Hymenoptera) are seed predators and their interactions with Ficus species (Moraceae) range from mutualism to parasitism. Recently considerable attention has been paid to conflicts of interest between the mutualists and how they are resolved in monoecious fig species. However, despite the fact that different conflicts can arise, little is known about the factors that influence the persistence of the mutualism in functionally dioecious Ficus. We studied the fig pollinator mutualism in 14 functionally dioecious fig species and one monoecious species from tropical lowland rainforests near Madang, Papua New Guinea. Observations and experiments suggest that (i) pollinating wasps are monophagous and attracted to a particular host species; (ii) pollinating and non-pollinating wasps are equally attracted to gall (male) figs and seed (female) figs in functionally dioecious species; (iii) differing style lengths between gall figs and seed figs may explain why pollinators do not develop in the latter; (iv) negative density dependence may stabilize the interaction between pollinating wasps and their parasitoids; and (v) seed figs may reduce the search efficiency of non-pollinators. This increased pollinator production without a corresponding decrease in seed production could provide an advantage for dioecy in conditions where pollinators are limiting.  相似文献   
The extent of isolation among closely related sympatric plant species engaged in obligate pollination mutualisms depends on the fitness consequences of interspecies floral visitation. In figs (Ficus), interspecific gene flow may occur when pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) visit species other than their natal fig species. We studied reproductive isolation in a clade of six sympatric dioecious fig species in New Guinea. Microsatellite genotyping and Bayesian clustering analysis of the fig community indicated strong reproductive barriers among sympatric species. A total of 1–2% of fig populations consisted of hybrid individuals. A new experimental method of manipulating fig wasps investigated the reproductive consequences of conspecific and heterospecific pollinator visitation for both mutualists. Fig wasps introduced to Ficus hispidioides pollinated and oviposited in receptive figs. Seed development and seedling growth were largely comparable between conspecific and heterospecific crosses. Heterospecific pollinator fitness, however, was significantly less than that of conspecific pollinators. Heterospecific pollinators induced gall formation but offspring did not develop to maturity in the new host. Selection on pollinators maintaining host specificity appears to be an important mechanism of contemporary reproductive isolation among these taxa that could potentially influence their diversification.  相似文献   
Pulmonary acariasis is a sporadic, incidental finding in colony‐raised rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Prophylactic treatment in indoor‐raised and indoor‐housed macaques is not routine due to low prevalence, lack of clinical significance, and potential risk of toxicosis. This case is an unusually severe infestation of Pneumonyssus simicola in an indoor‐housed rhesus macaque, which ultimately resulted in this animal's death.  相似文献   
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