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无运动障碍的功能区胶质瘤患者,其手术风险较高,结合手运动任务态功能磁共振(fMRI)及运动网络功能连接能否更准确的评估手术风险需要进一步探索.本研究收集24例运动功能区胶质瘤且无明显肢体运动功能障碍的患者,非运动功能区胶质瘤患者8例,术前进行fMRI手运动任务态及静息态检查,术后3个月对患者进行随访.计算初级运动皮质(M1)激活的偏侧化指数(lateralization indices,LI).选取运动网络感兴趣区域(ROI),计算双侧M1与各ROI间功能连接系数(FC).运用受试者工作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)评估M1激活的LI对术后偏瘫的预测效能.同非运动功能区胶质瘤患者相比,运动功能区胶质瘤患者M1激活LI显著升高(P=0.001).同术后未偏瘫功能区胶质瘤患者相比,术后偏瘫患者M1激活LI值显著升高(P=0.011).ROC曲线下面积(AUC)=0.867,临界点LI=0.31,LI≥0.31对术后偏瘫预测灵敏性为87.5%,特异性为87.5%.以M1激活LI≥0.31将病人分为手术高风险组及低风险组,手术高风险组患者双侧M1与运动网络多个ROI间FC出现显著改变.本研究中功能区胶质瘤患者虽无肢体运动功能障碍,但肿瘤对功能区皮层激活及运动网络FC已有不同程度的破坏;结合任务态及静息态fMRI可以更好地评估手术风险并了解机体功能受损及代偿机制.  相似文献   
A protocol utilizing gas chromatography with selected ion monitoring mass spectrometric detection (GC-SIM-MS) using a simplified trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatization protocol was developed and validated for the determination of hydroxylated metabolites of 3-keto-4-ene steroids such as testosterone, progesterone and androstenedione. Hydroxylated metabolites catalyzed by human CYP1B1 were extracted with methylene chloride and derivatized with BSTFA-10% TMCS. To get an optimal derivatizing condition, the effect of various incubation times and temperatures was evaluated. When the incubation temperature and time in the presence of the TMS derivatizing agent were increased, the 3-keto group became derivatized with TMS to form a 3-TMS derivative. To minimize the formation of the TMS ether on the 3-keto group, a reaction condition of 56 degrees C for 10 min was used for the routine measurement of the steroids and their hydroxylated metabolite. Performance studies including linearity of calibration curves, extraction efficiency and precision were performed. Linearity of the calibration curves was satisfactory from 0.125 to 5 microM for most compounds except 21-hydroxyprogesterone and 16alpha-hydroxyandrostenedione which deviated from linearity at the lower concentrations. Mean percentage extraction recoveries were greater than 80% for all compounds. Most compounds showed good precisions with C.V.s of within-day precision of less than 5% and C.V.s of between-day precision of less than 10%. The selected ion chromatograms from the recombinant human CYP1B1 incubations with testosterone, progesterone and androstenedione showed evidence of 6beta-, 16alpha-, 2alpha-, and 15alpha-hydroxytestosterone, 6alpha- and 16alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and 6alpha- and 16alpha-hydroxyandrostenedione, respectively. There was no significant interference associated with Escherichia coli membrane extracts in detecting hydroxylated metabolites. This procedure provides a rapid and sensitive method for the evaluation of steroid hydroxylation by CYP isoenzymes.  相似文献   
Colored biofilms cause problems in paper industry. In this work we used real-time PCR to detect and to quantitate members of the genus Meiothermus from the process samples and end products from 24 machines manufacturing pulp, paper and board in four countries. The results obtained from 200 samples showed the importance of members of the genus Meiothermus as ubiquitous biofoulers in paper machines. This genus was the dominant biofouler in some mills. From ≤104 to 1011 copies of Meiothermus 16S rRNA genes were found per gram of process deposit (wet weight). Meiothermus spp. were found in paper and board products with colored defects and connection between deposit-forming microbes and end-product spots was shown. 16S rRNA gene sequences of 29 biofilm producing bacterial isolates from different mills were determined. Based on sequence data, 25 of the isolates were assigned to the genus Meiothermus, with Meiothermus silvanus and M. ruber as the most frequent species.  相似文献   
【背景】肠道微生物在宿主肠道微环境稳态中起着至关重要的作用。众多因子,如抗生素、饮食和年龄等会干扰这种微平衡,引起菌群平衡发生改变,进而影响到机体健康状况。太子参具有心肌保护、增加免疫、抗氧化、抗糖尿病、抗应激、抗疲劳等药理活性,而太子参内生菌代谢物对肠道微生物的调控作用以及可能对机体健康的影响目前还未见报道。【目的】研究太子参内生菌RPB-32分类地位及其代谢提取物对小鼠肠道微生物的调节作用,以探讨其对机体健康的影响。【方法】对RPB-32进行传统方法和分子鉴定。将120只KM小鼠随机分为溶剂对照组(3%乙醇)及石油醚提取物、正丁醇提取物和乙酸乙酯提取物低、中、高剂量组(n=12)。小鼠灌胃处理14 d后采集粪便,通过选择性培养基培养及宏基因组测序[溶剂对照(S.F.1为3%乙醇溶液)、乙酸乙酯提取物高剂量组(S.F.2)]检测灌胃前后小鼠肠道微生物的变化。【结果】常规传统方法与分子鉴定结果表明RPB-32为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)。与空白对照组相比,给予内生菌代谢提取物的乙酸乙酯中剂量组、乙酸乙酯高剂量组、正丁醇低剂量组、正丁醇中剂量组及正丁醇高剂量组乳酸菌数量明显增加...  相似文献   
An antifungal Actinomyces BS-112 strain, with Aspergillus flavus as the target pathogen, was isolated from soil in the forest land of Mountain Tai. This strain showed a strong antagonistic activity against various mold fungi in food and feed. Strain BS-112 was identified as Streptomyces hygroscopicus based on its morphologic, cultural, physiological, biochemical characteristics, cell wall components and 16S rDNA sequence. Four active components were separated and purified from strain BS-112. These four antifungal components were identified as tetrins A and B and tetramycins A and B using spectroscopic analysis including mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Tetrins A and B and tetramycins A and B strongly inhibited the growth of A. flavus, A. alutaceus, A. niger, and A. fumigatus in vitro.  相似文献   
Chagas disease, which manifests as cardiomyopathy and severe gastrointestinal dysfunction, is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, a vector-borne parasite. In California, the vector Triatoma protracta frequently colonizes woodrat (Neotoma spp.) lodges, but may also invade nearby residences, feeding upon humans and creating the dual risk of bite-induced anaphylaxis and T. cruzi transmission. Our research aimed to assess T. cruzi presence in woodrats in a previously unstudied northern California area, statistically evaluate woodrat microhabitat use with respect to vegetation parameters, and provide guidance for habitat modifications to mitigate public health risks associated with Tr. protracta exposure. Blood samples from big-eared woodrats (N. macrotis) trapped on rural private properties yielded a T. cruzi prevalence of 14.3%. Microhabitat analyses suggest that modifying vegetation to reduce understory density within a 40 meter radius of human residences might minimize woodrat lodge construction within this buffer area, potentially decreasing human exposure to Tr. protracta.  相似文献   
Wing morphology is known to strongly affect flight performance by affecting lift and drag during flight. Performance may consequently deteriorate during feather moult due to the creation of feather gaps in the wing. Since wing gap size may directly affect the extent of reduced flight capacity, rapid moult involving the creation of large feather gaps is expected to substantially impair flight compared with the small gaps induced by a slower moult. To examine the factors affecting wing-feather moult speed, we studied adults of nineteen resident or very short-distance migrant passerine species during their post-breeding moult using a model-selection framework following a phylogenetically controlled analysis. We examined the speed of wing-feather moult in relation to each species’ flight distance index that was estimated based on local foraging movements rather than on longer flights (e.g., migration), assessed by the Delphi technique of expert evaluation. Moult speed was also examined with respect to six morphometric variables: body mass, wing loading, the feather comprising the tip of the wing, aspect ratio, wing span, and wing area. Our results suggest that flight distance index is the most important factor determining the speed of wing-feather moult in songbirds. Species that regularly fly a shorter distance were found to moult quickly, and those that take relatively longer flights moult slowly. These results suggest that the aerodynamic cost of wing area reduction due to feather moult shapes the evolution of annual routine processes by dictating a slower moult speed (resulting in small wing gaps) for species that regularly fly long distances and consequently may be affected more substantially by large wing gaps compared with short distance flyers.  相似文献   
A new strain of Chlorella sp. (Chlorella-Arc), isolated from Arctic glacier melt water, was found to have high specific growth rates (μ) between 3 and 27 °C, with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.85 day?1 at 15 °C, indicating that this strain was a eurythermal strain with a broad temperature tolerance range. To understand its acclimation strategies to low and high temperatures, the physiological and biochemical responses of the Chlorella-Arc to temperature were studied and compared with those of a temperate Chlorella pyrenoidosa strain (Chlorella-Temp). As indicated by declining F v/F m, photoinhibition occurred in Chlorella-Arc at low temperature. However, Chlorella-Arc reduced the size of the light-harvesting complex (LHC) to alleviate photoinhibition, as indicated by an increasing Chl a/b ratio with decreasing temperatures. Interestingly, Chlorella-Arc tended to secrete soluble sugar into the culture medium with increasing temperature, while its intracellular soluble sugar content did not vary with temperature changes, indicating that the algal cells might suffer from osmotic stress at high temperature, which could be adjusted by excretion of soluble sugar. Chlorella-Arc accumulated protein and lipids under lower temperatures (<15 °C), and its metabolism switched to synthesis of soluble sugar as temperatures rose. This reflects a flexible ability of Chlorella-Arc to regulate carbon and energy distribution when exposed to wide temperature shifts. More saturated fatty acids (SFA) in Chlorella-Arc than Chlorella-Temp also might serve as the energy source for growth in the cold and contribute to its cold tolerance.  相似文献   
Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici, is one of the most important wheat diseases in many regions of the world. Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides (2n=4x=AABB), the progenitor of cultivated wheats, shows particular promises as a donor of useful genetic variation for several traits, including disease resistances. The wild emmer accession MG29896, resistant to powdery mildew, was backcrossed to the susceptible durum wheat cultivar Latino, and a set of backcross inbred lines (BC(5)F(5)) was produced. Genetic analysis of F(3) populations from two resistant introgression lines (5BIL-29 x Latino and 5BIL-42 x Latino) indicated that the powdery mildew resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene. Molecular markers and the bulked segregant analysis were used to characterize and map the powdery mildew resistance. Five AFLP markers (XP43M32((250)), XP46M31((410)), XP41M37((100)), XP41M39((250)), XP39M32((120))), three genomic SSR markers (Xcfd07, Xwmc75, Xgwm408) and one EST-derived SSR marker (BJ261635) were found to be linked to the resistance gene in 5BIL-29 and only the BJ261635 marker in 5BIL-42. By means of Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomic, ditelosomic and deletion lines, the polymorphic markers and the resistance gene were assigned to chromosome bin 5BL6-0.29-0.76. These results indicated that the two lines had the same resistance gene and that the introgressed dicoccoides chromosome segment was longer (35.5 cM) in 5BIL-29 than that introgressed in 5BIL-42 (less than 1.5 cM). As no powdery mildew resistance gene has been reported on chromosome arm 5BL, the novel resistance gene derived from var. dicoccoides was designated Pm36. The 244 bp allele of BJ261635 in 5BIL-42 can be used for marker-assisted selection during the wheat resistance breeding process for facilitating gene pyramiding.  相似文献   
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