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This study shows that both length and distribution of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are important for Shigella flexneri invasion and virulence. Mutants were generated in the chromosomal LPS synthesis genes rfa , rfb , and rol , and in a plasmid-encoded O-antigen chain-length regulator, cld pHS-2. LPS analysis showed that mutations in rfb genes and in a candidate rfaL gene either eliminated the entire O-antigen side chains or produced chains of greatly reduced length. Mutation in a previously unidentified gene, rfaX , affected the LPS core region and resulted in reduced amounts of O-antigen. Mutants defective in cld pHS-2 or rol had different distributions of O-antigen chain lengths. The results of tissue-culture cell invasion and plaque assays, the Serény test, and serum-sensitivity assay suggested roles for the different LPS synthesis genes in bacterial survival and virulence; rfaL, rfaX and rfb loci are required for serum resistance and intercellular spread, but not for invasion; cld pHS-2 is required for resistance to serum killing and for full inflammation in the Serény test, but not for invasion or intercellular spread, while rol is required for normal invasiveness and plaque formation, but not for serum resistance. Thus, O-antigen synthesis and chain-length regulation genes encoded on both the chromosome and the small plasmid pHS-2 play important roles in S. flexneri invasion and virulence.  相似文献   
After the Liberation by Mao Ze Dong''s Communist army in 1949, China experienced massive social and economic change. The dramatic reductions in mortality and morbidity of the next two decades were brought about through improvements in socioeconomic conditions, an emphasis on prevention, and almost universal access to basic health care. The economic mismanagement of the Great Leap Forward brought about a temporary reversal in these positive trends. During the Cultural Revolution there was a sustained attack on the privileged position of the medical profession. Most city doctors were sent to work in the countryside, where they trained over a million barefoot doctors. Deng Xiao Ping''s radical economic reforms of the late 1970s replaced the socialist system with a market economy. Although average incomes have increased, the gap between rich and poor has widened.  相似文献   
张石宝  魏兆祥   《广西植物》1997,17(2):162-165
本文对观赏植物异色芋(ColocasiaheterochromaH.LietZ.X.Wei)在昆明栽培环境下的生物学特性进行总结,为商品化栽培异色芋提供了理论依据,为其分类也提供了一定的有益补充。结果表明:一年生植株不开花,根茎也不产生分枝;二年生植株开花率为73.6%,根茎平均分枝3.6条。异色芋3月上旬开始萌动,7月中旬抽花梗,8月上旬开花,11月份地上部分枯萎,因此在昆明异色芋生育期约260d。  相似文献   
Because of the apparent clinical importance of human pulmonary surfactant B (SP-B), the expression of SP-B was directed to the mammary gland of transgenic mice using previously characterized rat whey acidic protein (WAP) regulatory sequences. rWAP/SP-B mRNA was expressed specifically in the mammary gland, and ranged from 1 to 5% of the endogenous WAP mRNA levels. SP-B was detected immunologically in both tissue and milk. The transgene product had an apparent molecular weight of 40--45 kDa, corresponding to the predicted size of the SP-B proprotein. Incubation of an SP-B-enriched fraction of milk with cathepsin D in vitro produced 20--25 kDa species, consistent with cleavage of the amino terminal domain by cathepsin D. This was confirmed using antibodies specific to the carboxy-terminal domain of SP-B. However, the appearance of only the SP-B proprotein in milk suggests that cathepsin D is not involved in the in vivo processing of SP-B. The SP-B proprotein can be expressed in milk of transgenic mice without any observed effects on mammary gland morphology or lactation  相似文献   
东亚大都市学生头型的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研讨居住区域的气候条件和社会经济环境对头型的影响,采用国际通用的人体测量法,调查测量了东亚三个国家四个集团3472名6-17岁学生的头长和头宽,经统计学处理求得其平均值、头指数,回归方程,并作性差和地区差检验,其结果表明:中国大连学生为特圆头型,菲律宾马尼拉学生为圆头型,地理位置在大连和马尼拉之间的日本东京的学生的头型也位于二者之间,生活富裕集团的头长和头宽明显大于生活贫穷集团的学生,但头型二  相似文献   
脱氨基被认为是引起细胞突变的主要因素,如果这些脱氨基的产物不被修复,将引起转换(transition)突变.为了理解DNA结构和其化学活性的关系,介绍一种新的灵敏的遗传学方法,它应用在DNA特定点的脱氨基速率的测定.这种方法基于M13mp2噬菌体内的1acZα基因中的CCC脯氨酸密码子的反转突变,即每个脱氨基事件表现为在白色菌斑背景中的一个蓝色菌斑,其灵敏度可达105 M13mp2 DNA分子中检验出一个脱氨基事件.此外,该法可以计算脱氨基动力学速率常数和反应活化能.  相似文献   
A novel Bacillus gene was isolated and characterized. It encodes a homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pet112p, a protein that has no characterized relative and is dispensable for cell viability but required for mitochondrial translation. Expression of the Bacillus protein in yeast, modified to ensure mitochondrial targeting, partially complemented the phenotype of the pet112-1 mutation, demonstrating a high degree of evolutionary conservation for this as yet unidentified component of translation.  相似文献   
Yeast Bet1p participates in vesicular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and functions as a soluble N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) associated with ER-derived vesicles. A mammalian protein (rbet1) homologous to Bet1p was recently identified, and it was concluded that rbet1 is associated with the Golgi apparatus based on the subcellular localization of transiently expressed epitope-tagged rbet1. In the present study using rabbit antibodies raised against the cytoplasmic domain of rbet1, we found that the majority of rbet1 is not associated with the Golgi apparatus as marked by the Golgi mannosidase II in normal rat kidney cells. Rather, rbet1 is predominantly associated with vesicular spotty structures that concentrate in the peri-Golgi region but are also present throughout the cytoplasm. These structures colocalize with the KDEL receptor and ERGIC-53, which are known to be enriched in the intermediate compartment. When the Golgi apparatus is fragmented by nocodazole treatment, a significant portion of rbet1 is not colocalized with structures marked by Golgi mannosidase II or the KDEL receptor. Association of rbet1 in cytoplasmic spotty structures is apparently not altered by preincubation of cells at 15°C. However, upon warming up from 15 to 37°C, rbet1 concentrates into the peri-Golgi region. Furthermore, rbet1 colocalizes with vesicular stomatitis virus G-protein en route from the ER to the Golgi. Antibodies against rbet1 inhibit in vitro transport of G-protein from the ER to the Golgi apparatus in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibition can be neutralized by preincubation of antibodies with recombinant rbet1. EGTA is known to inhibit ER-Golgi transport at a stage after vesicle docking but before the actual fusion event. Antibodies against rbet1 inhibit ER-Golgi transport only when they are added before the EGTA-sensitive stage. These results suggest that rbet1 may be involved in the docking process of ER- derived vesicles with the cis-Golgi membrane.  相似文献   
Using cell-free extracts made from Xenopus eggs, we show that cdk2-cyclin E and A kinases play an important role in negatively regulating DNA replication. Specifically, we demonstrate that the cdk2 kinase concentration surrounding chromatin in extracts increases 200-fold once the chromatin is assembled into nuclei. Further, we find that if the cdk2–cyclin E or A concentration in egg cytosol is increased 16-fold before the addition of sperm chromatin, the chromatin fails to initiate DNA replication once assembled into nuclei. This demonstrates that cdk2–cyclin E or A can negatively regulate DNA replication. With respect to how this negative regulation occurs, we show that high levels of cdk2–cyclin E do not block the association of the protein complex ORC with sperm chromatin but do prevent association of MCM3, a protein essential for replication. Importantly, we find that MCM3 that is prebound to chromatin does not dissociate when cdk2– cyclin E levels are increased. Taken together our results strongly suggest that during the embryonic cell cycle, the low concentrations of cdk2–cyclin E present in the cytosol after mitosis and before nuclear formation allow proteins essential for potentiating DNA replication to bind to chromatin, and that the high concentration of cdk2–cyclin E within nuclei prevents MCM from reassociating with chromatin after replication. This situation could serve, in part, to limit DNA replication to a single round per cell cycle.  相似文献   
Plants can exhibit Fe-deficiency stress response when they areexposed to Fe-deficiency conditions. The relative importanceof the individual Fe-deficiency stress-response reactions, forexample, increased release of H+ from roots, enhanced root plasmamembrane-bound Fe3+ -reductase activity, and release of reductant,in Fe-deficiency resistance is not understood. To address thisproblem, the Fe-deficiency stress response of two cultivarsof subterranean clover (subclover), Koala (Trifolium brachycalycinumKatzn. and Morley) (Fe-deficiency resistant) and Karridale (T.subterraneum L.) (Fe-deficiency susceptible), were evaluated.The plants were cultured hydroponically at 0 (–Fe) and30 (+Fe) µM Fe3+ EDTA conditions. After 6 d Fe treatment,the –Fe Koala and Karridale decreased the pH of the nutrientsolution by 1.83 and 0.79 units, respectively, while the +Feplants increased the pH of the nutrient solution. The H+ -releaserate of the –Fe Koala determined 7 d after Fe treatmentinitiation was more than three times higher than that of the–Fe Karridale. The –Fe plants had a significantlyenhanced Fe3+ -reduction rate compared with the +Fe plants foreach cultivar, but the resistant cultivar did not exhibit ahigher root Fe3+ -reduction rate than the susceptible cultivarat each Fe treatment. Reductant release from the roots of subcloverwas negligible. These results indicate that Fe-deficiency-inducedH+ release may be the predominant factor influencing Fe-deficiencyresistance in subclover. Key words: Fe-deficiency, Fe3+ reduction, H+ release, stress response, Trifolium  相似文献   
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