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Scenario‐based biodiversity modelling is a powerful approach to evaluate how possible future socio‐economic developments may affect biodiversity. Here, we evaluated the changes in terrestrial biodiversity intactness, expressed by the mean species abundance (MSA) metric, resulting from three of the shared socio‐economic pathways (SSPs) combined with different levels of climate change (according to representative concentration pathways [RCPs]): a future oriented towards sustainability (SSP1xRCP2.6), a future determined by a politically divided world (SSP3xRCP6.0) and a future with continued global dependency on fossil fuels (SSP5xRCP8.5). To this end, we first updated the GLOBIO model, which now runs at a spatial resolution of 10 arc‐seconds (~300 m), contains new modules for downscaling land use and for quantifying impacts of hunting in the tropics, and updated modules to quantify impacts of climate change, land use, habitat fragmentation and nitrogen pollution. We then used the updated model to project terrestrial biodiversity intactness from 2015 to 2050 as a function of land use and climate changes corresponding with the selected scenarios. We estimated a global area‐weighted mean MSA of 0.56 for 2015. Biodiversity intactness declined in all three scenarios, yet the decline was smaller in the sustainability scenario (?0.02) than the regional rivalry and fossil‐fuelled development scenarios (?0.06 and ?0.05 respectively). We further found considerable variation in projected biodiversity change among different world regions, with large future losses particularly for sub‐Saharan Africa. In some scenario‐region combinations, we projected future biodiversity recovery due to reduced demands for agricultural land, yet this recovery was counteracted by increased impacts of other pressures (notably climate change and road disturbance). Effective measures to halt or reverse the decline of terrestrial biodiversity should not only reduce land demand (e.g. by increasing agricultural productivity and dietary changes) but also focus on reducing or mitigating the impacts of other pressures.  相似文献   
Land‐use changes and the expansion of protected areas (PAs) have amplified the interaction between protected and unprotected areas worldwide. In this context, ‘interface processes' (human–nature and cross‐boundary interactions inside and around PAs) have become central to issues around the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This scientific literature review aimed to explore current knowledge and research gaps on interface processes regarding terrestrial PAs. At first, 3,515 references related to the topic were extracted through a standardized search on the Web of Science and analyzed with scientometric techniques. Next, a full‐text analysis was conducted on a sample of 240 research papers. A keyword analysis revealed a wide diversity of research topics, from ‘pure' ecology to sociopolitical research. We found a bias in the geographical distribution of research, with half the papers focusing on eight countries. Additionally, we found that the spatial extent of cross‐boundary interactions was rarely assessed, preventing any clear delimitation of PA interactive zones. In the 240 research papers we scanned, we identified 403 processes that were studied. The ecological effects of PAs were well documented and appeared to be positive overall. In contrast, the effects of PAs on local communities were understudied and, according to the literature focusing on these, were very variable according to local contexts. Our findings highlight key research advances on interface processes, especially regarding the ecological outcomes of PAs, the influence of human activities on biodiversity, and PA governance issues. In contrast, main knowledge gaps concern the spatial extent of interactive zones, as well as the interactions between local people and conservation actions and how to promote synergies between them. While the review was limited to terrestrial PAs, its findings allow us to propose research priorities for tackling environmental and socioeconomic challenges in the face of a rapidly changing world.  相似文献   
Six baleen whale species are found in the temperate western North Atlantic Ocean, with limited information existing on the distribution and movement patterns for most. There is mounting evidence of distributional shifts in many species, including marine mammals, likely because of climate‐driven changes in ocean temperature and circulation. Previous acoustic studies examined the occurrence of minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and North Atlantic right whales (NARW; Eubalaena glacialis). This study assesses the acoustic presence of humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), sei (B. borealis), fin (B. physalus), and blue whales (B. musculus) over a decade, based on daily detections of their vocalizations. Data collected from 2004 to 2014 on 281 bottom‐mounted recorders, totaling 35,033 days, were processed using automated detection software and screened for each species' presence. A published study on NARW acoustics revealed significant changes in occurrence patterns between the periods of 2004–2010 and 2011–2014; therefore, these same time periods were examined here. All four species were present from the Southeast United States to Greenland; humpback whales were also present in the Caribbean. All species occurred throughout all regions in the winter, suggesting that baleen whales are widely distributed during these months. Each of the species showed significant changes in acoustic occurrence after 2010. Similar to NARWs, sei whales had higher acoustic occurrence in mid‐Atlantic regions after 2010. Fin, blue, and sei whales were more frequently detected in the northern latitudes of the study area after 2010. Despite this general northward shift, all four species were detected less on the Scotian Shelf area after 2010, matching documented shifts in prey availability in this region. A decade of acoustic observations have shown important distributional changes over the range of baleen whales, mirroring known climatic shifts and identifying new habitats that will require further protection from anthropogenic threats like fixed fishing gear, shipping, and noise pollution.  相似文献   
Land‐use/cover change (LUCC) is an important driver of environmental change, occurring at the same time as, and often interacting with, global climate change. Reforestation and deforestation have been critical aspects of LUCC over the past two centuries and are widely studied for their potential to perturb the global carbon cycle. More recently, there has been keen interest in understanding the extent to which reforestation affects terrestrial energy cycling and thus surface temperature directly by altering surface physical properties (e.g., albedo and emissivity) and land–atmosphere energy exchange. The impacts of reforestation on land surface temperature and their mechanisms are relatively well understood in tropical and boreal climates, but the effects of reforestation on warming and/or cooling in temperate zones are less certain. This study is designed to elucidate the biophysical mechanisms that link land cover and surface temperature in temperate ecosystems. To achieve this goal, we used data from six paired eddy‐covariance towers over co‐located forests and grasslands in the temperate eastern United States, where radiation components, latent and sensible heat fluxes, and meteorological conditions were measured. The results show that, at the annual time scale, the surface of the forests is 1–2°C cooler than grasslands, indicating a substantial cooling effect of reforestation. The enhanced latent and sensible heat fluxes of forests have an average cooling effect of ?2.5°C, which offsets the net warming effect (+1.5°C) of albedo warming (+2.3°C) and emissivity cooling effect (?0.8°C) associated with surface properties. Additional daytime cooling over forests is driven by local feedbacks to incoming radiation. We further show that the forest cooling effect is most pronounced when land surface temperature is higher, often exceeding ?5°C. Our results contribute important observational evidence that reforestation in the temperate zone offers opportunities for local climate mitigation and adaptation.  相似文献   
随着土地利用方式变化的加剧,生境片段化已成为影响植物多样性的主要因子之一。通常,当成年树个体的密度越高,其周边同种幼树个体的存活率可能会下降,从而为其它物种提供了空间和资源,进而可以维持较高的局域物种多样性。因此,同种成年树和幼树个体的空间分布格局关系和作用强度可以调节植物多样性。然而,对于在片段化森林中,同种成年树和幼树个体空间分布关系的研究却很少报道,迄今尚不清楚片段化景观中同种个体的空间分布关系与物种多样性之间的联系。本研究选择千岛湖陆桥岛屿系统中的27个岛屿,基于岛屿上幼树和成年树个体的空间分布数据,利用混合效应模型分析它们之间的作用强度。同种幼树和成年树个体的空间作用强度越大,说明它们之间的负相互作用越强,即幼树和成年树个体空间分布越分散。此外,本研究分析了岛屿属性(岛屿面积、与大陆的距离和与最近岛屿的距离)与同种个体空间作用强度及物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,同种个体的空间作用强度随着与最近岛屿距离的增加而增加。同时,物种多样性随着同种个体的空间作用强度的增加而显著增加,且岛屿面积和同种个体的空间作用强度分别解释了岛屿间物种多样性差异的26%和6%,共同解释了8%。耐阴种和非常见种比非耐阴种和常见种的同种幼树和成年树的空间分布更为分散。本研究表明,同种个体的空间分布可能会影响多度较低物种在片段化森林中的生存,反映了生物相互作用对于维持片段化森林中的植物多样性具有重要作用。 本研究也强调在检验同种密度制约时应考虑森林之间的连接度。  相似文献   
The feasibility to sequence entire genomes of virtually any organism provides unprecedented insights into the evolutionary history of populations and species. Nevertheless, many population genomic inferences – including the quantification and dating of admixture, introgression and demographic events, and inference of selective sweeps – are still limited by the lack of high‐quality haplotype information. The newest generation of sequencing technology now promises significant progress. To establish the feasibility of haplotype‐resolved genome resequencing at population scale, we investigated properties of linked‐read sequencing data of songbirds of the genus Oenanthe across a range of sequencing depths. Our results based on the comparison of downsampled (25×, 20×, 15×, 10×, 7×, and 5×) with high‐coverage data (46–68×) of seven bird genomes mapped to a reference suggest that phasing contiguities and accuracies adequate for most population genomic analyses can be reached already with moderate sequencing effort. At 15× coverage, phased haplotypes span about 90% of the genome assembly, with 50% and 90% of phased sequences located in phase blocks longer than 1.25–4.6 Mb (N50) and 0.27–0.72 Mb (N90). Phasing accuracy reaches beyond 99% starting from 15× coverage. Higher coverages yielded higher contiguities (up to about 7 Mb/1 Mb [N50/N90] at 25× coverage), but only marginally improved phasing accuracy. Phase block contiguity improved with input DNA molecule length; thus, higher‐quality DNA may help keeping sequencing costs at bay. In conclusion, even for organisms with gigabase‐sized genomes like birds, linked‐read sequencing at moderate depth opens an affordable avenue towards haplotype‐resolved genome resequencing at population scale.  相似文献   
Melanoma can develop in a congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN). In fact, a large CMN is associated with a high risk of developing melanoma. Although melanomas arising from CMNs are thought to have a pathogenesis distinct from conventional melanomas, no studies have been conducted on the evolution or tumor heterogeneity of CMN melanomas. We applied multi‐region whole‐exome sequencing to investigate the clonal nature of driver events and evolutionary processes in CMNs and melanomas arising from CMNs. In two patients, we observed an independent subclonal evolution in cancerized fields of CMNs and chromosome 8q amplification in both melanomas arising from CMNs. The amplification of MYC, located in chromosome 8q, was correlated with the percentage of tumor cells expressing high levels of MYC protein detected in melanoma cells by immunohistochemistry. Our analysis suggests that each CMN cell may evolve sporadically and that amplification of MYC might be a key event for melanoma development in CMNs.  相似文献   
Melanoma, as for many other cancers, undergoes a selection process during progression that limits many innate and adaptive tumor control mechanisms. Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint blockade overcomes one of the escape mechanisms but if the tumor is not eliminated other escape mechanisms evolve that require new approaches for tumor control. Some of the innate mechanisms that have evolved against infections with microorganisms and viruses are proving to be active against cancer cells but require better understanding of how they are activated and what inhibitory mechanisms may need to be targeted. This is particularly so for inflammasomes which have evolved against many different organisms and which recruit a number of cytotoxic mechanisms that remain poorly understood. Equally important is understanding of where these mechanisms will fit into existing treatment strategies and whether existing strategies already involve the innate killing mechanisms.  相似文献   
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