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The vertebrate fauna from the Lower Cretaceous Patuxent Formation of Virginia is composed of a single partial fish impression from the James River at Dutch Gap and a diverse tetrapod ichnofauna from near Fredericksburg that includes trace fossils made by frogs, turtles, theropods, sauropods, ankylosaurs, and ornithopods. The footprints occur on overbank deposits preserved locally within a fluvial braided-stream sequence that formed near the western border of the Early Cretaceous Atlantic Coastal Plain.  相似文献   
Atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) isozymes function in epithelial cell polarity, proliferation, and survival and have been implicated in cellular transformation. However, the role of these enzymes in human cancer is largely unexplored. Here, we report that aPKCiota is highly expressed in human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines, whereas the closely related aPKC isozyme PKCzeta is undetectable in these cells. Disruption of PKCiota signaling reveals that PKCiota is dispensable for adherent growth of non-small cell lung cancer cells but is required for transformed growth in soft agar in vitro and for tumorigenicity in vivo. Molecular dissection of signaling down-stream of PKCiota demonstrates that Rac1 is a critical molecular target for PKCiota-dependent transformation, whereas PKCiota is not necessary for NFkappaB activation in vitro or in vivo. Expression of the PB1 domain of PKCiota (PKCiota-(1-113)) blocks PKCiota-dependent Rac1 activity and inhibits cellular transformation indicating a role for this domain in the transforming activity of PKCiota. Taken together, our data demonstrate that PKCiota is a critical lung cancer gene that activates a Rac1-->Pak-->Mek1,2-->Erk1,2 signaling pathway required for transformed growth. Our data indicate that PKCiota may be an attractive molecular target for mechanism-based therapies for treatment of lung cancer.  相似文献   
Fifteen ewes were assigned as they came into estrus to the following randomized treatment groups: 1) Vehicle (1 ml corn oil + vehicle Na2CO3 buffer), 2) Estradiol-17β + vehicle and 3) Estradiol-17β + PGE2 (500 μg) in Na2CO3 buffer (5 ewes/treatment group). Prostaglandin E2 was given through an intrauterine cannula every four hours from days 8 through 15 postestrus. PGE2 prevented a luteolytic dose of estradiol-17β given on days 9 and 10 from causing a precious luteolysis. PGE2 maintained concentrations of progesterone in peripheral blood (days 8 through 15) and weights and concentrations of progesterone in corpora lutea on day 15 postestrus of ewes receiving estradiol-17β. It is concluded that chronic intrauterine infusions of PGE2 can prevent an estradiol-17β-induced premature luteolysis.  相似文献   
Periodic collections of uterine venous blood were obtained from three nonmated, three pregnant and two mated but nonpregnant ewes in which uterine veins were cannulated with polyvinyl tubing on day 11 postestrus. Frequent sampling was achieved in three of these ewes with additional cannulae in the ovarian veins. Blood samples were collected at 3-hr intervals from 0600 on day 12 to 1800 on day 13 and then at 6-hr intervals through day 15. On day 13, three additional samples at 30-min intervals were collected between 1400 and 1530. Prostaglandins F (PGF) in plasma were quantified by radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) has been reported to be luteolytic in vitro and in vivo in cows. However, an NO donor reversed PGF2alpha-induced inhibition of rat luteal progesterone secretion in vitro and an NO donor or endothelin-1 stimulated bovine luteal tissue secretion of prostaglandins E (PGE; PGE1, PGE2) in vitro without affecting progesterone or PGF2alpha secretion. In addition, chronic infusion of an NO donor into the interstitial tissue of the ovarian vascular pedicle adjacent the luteal-containing ovary prevented the decline in circulating progesterone, while a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor did not affect luteolysis. The objective of this experiment was to determine whether an NO donor or NOS inhibitor infused chronically intrauterine adjacent to the luteal-containing ovary during the ovine estrous cycle was luteolytic or antiluteolytic. Ewes were treated either with vehicle (N=5), diethylenetriamine (DETA-control for DETANONOate; N=5), (Z)-1-[2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETANONOate-long acting NO donor; N=6), l-arginine (N=5), l-nitro-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME-NOS inhibitor; N=6), or NG-monomethyl-l-arginine acetate (l-NMMA; NOS inhibitor; N=5) every 6h from 2400h (0h) on day 8 through 1800h on day 18 of the estrous cycle. Jugular venous blood and inferior vena cava plasma via a saphenous vein cathether 5cm anterior to the juncture of the ovarian vein and inferior vena cava were collected every 6h for analysis for progesterone and PGF2alpha and PGE, respectively, by RIA. Corpora lutea were collected at 1800h on day 18 and weighed. Weights of corpora lutea were heavier (P< or =0.05) in DETANONOate-treated ewes when compared to vehicle, DETA, l-arginine, l-NAME, or l-NMMA-treated ewes, l-arginine luteal weights were heavier than vehicle, DETA, l-arginine, l-NAME, or l-NMMA-treated ewes, and luteal weights of vehicle, DETA, l-NAME, or l-NMMA-treated ewes did not differ amongst each other (P> or =0.05). Profiles of progesterone in jugular venous blood on days 8-18 differed (P< or =0.05) in DETANONOate-treated ewes when compared to vehicle, DETA, l-arginine, l-NMMA or l-NAME-treated ewes, which did not differ (P> or =0.05) amongst each other. The PGE:PGF2alpha ratio profile in inferior vena cava plasma of DETANONOate-treated ewes was increased (P< or =0.05) when compared to all other treatment groups. In a second experiment, conversion of [3H PGE2] to [3H PGF2alpha] by day 15 ovine caruncular endometrium in vitro was determined in vehicle, DETA, or DETANONOate-treatment groups. Conversion of [3H PGE2] to [3H PGF2alpha] was decreased (P< or =0.05) only by DETANONOate. It is concluded that NO is not luteolytic during the ovine estrous cycle, but may instead be antiluteolytic and prevent luteolysis by altering the PGE:PGF2alpha ratio secreted by the uterus.  相似文献   
Recognition of mitochondrial targeting signals (MTS) by receptor translocases of outer and inner membranes of mitochondria is one of the prerequisites for import of nucleus-encoded proteins into this organelle. The MTS for a majority of trypanosomatid mitochondrial proteins have not been well defined. Here we analyzed the targeting signal for trypanosome alternative oxidase (TAO), which functions as the sole terminal oxidase in the infective form of Trypanosoma brucei. Deleting the first 10 of 24 amino acids predicted to be the classical N-terminal MTS of TAO did not affect its import into mitochondria in vitro. Furthermore, ectopically expressed TAO was targeted to mitochondria in both forms of the parasite even after deletion of first 40 amino acid residues. However, deletion of more than 20 amino acid residues from the N terminus reduced the efficiency of import. These data suggest that besides an N-terminal MTS, TAO possesses an internal mitochondrial targeting signal. In addition, both the N-terminal MTS and the mature TAO protein were able to target a cytosolic protein, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), to a T. brucei mitochondrion. Further analysis identified a cryptic internal MTS of TAO, located within amino acid residues 115 to 146, which was fully capable of targeting DHFR to mitochondria. The internal signal was more efficient than the N-terminal MTS for import of this heterologous protein. Together, these results show that TAO possesses a cleavable N-terminal MTS as well as an internal MTS and that these signals act together for efficient import of TAO into mitochondria.  相似文献   
Optically active 7-hydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene and 8-hydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene were identified as two of the major metabolites formed by incubation of 7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene with rat liver microsomes. Optically active 9-hydroxy-9,10-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene and 10-hydroxy-9,10-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene were similarly identified as two of the minor metabolites of 9,10-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene. The formation of these metabolites was abolished either by prior treatment of liver microsomes with carbon monoxide or the absence of NADPH, but was not inhibited by an epoxide hydrolase inhibitor. The results indicate that the aliphatic carbons of dihydro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may undergo stereoselective hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by the cytochrome P-450 system of rat liver microsomes.  相似文献   
A competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (CELIA) for human serum angiotensin-1-converting enzyme (ACE) was developed. The sensitivity was amplified by using a secondary antibody and an avidin biotin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase complex as the enzyme-labeled reagent. This configuration was compared to three other configurations for an indirect CELIA, and was found to be the most sensitive. A sensitivity of 39 ng/ml ACE was achieved with intraassay and interassay coefficients of variation of 6.3 and 8%, respectively. CELIA will detect ACE in human serum without interference from either pharmacological or endogenous ACE inhibitors. In normal human volunteers, ACE values obtained using CELIA correlated well with values obtained by enzymatic assay.  相似文献   
Until recently fossil footprints were virtually unknown from the Cretaceous of the eastern United States. The discovery of about 300 footprints in iron-rich siliciclastic facies of the Patuxent Formation (Potomac Group) of Aptian age is undoubtedly one of the most significant Early Cretaceous track discoveries since the Paluxy track discoveries in Texas in the 1930s. The Patuxent tracks include theropod, sauropod, ankylosaur and ornithopod dinosaur footprints, pterosaur tracks, and miscellaneous mammal and other vertebrate ichnites that collectively suggest a diversity of about 14 morphotypes. This is about twice the previous maximum estimate for any known Early Cretaceous vertebrate ichnofauna. Among the more distinctive forms are excellent examples of hypsilophodontid tracks and a surprisingly large mammal footprint. A remarkable feature of the Patuxent track assemblage is the high proportion of small tracks indicative of hatchlings, independently verified by the discovery of a hatchling-sized dinosaur. Such evidence suggests the proximity of nest sites. The preservation of such small tracks is very rare in the Cretaceous track record, and indeed throughout most of the Mesozoic.

This unusual preservation not only provides us with a window into a diverse Early Cretaceous ecosystem, but it also suggests the potential of such facies to provide ichnological bonanzas. A remarkable feature of the assemblage is that it consists largely of reworked nodules and clasts that may have previously been reworked within the Patuxent Formation. Such unusual contexts of preservation should provide intriguing research opportunities for sedimentologists interested in the diagenesis and taphonomy of a unique track-bearing facies.  相似文献   
Two separate experiments were conducted to determine whether prostaglandin (PG) E2 stimulates the secretion of progesterone by 270- or 200-day Brahman placentas in vitro. Secretion of progesterone, PGF2alpha, pregnancy specific protein B, or estradiol-17beta by 270-day Brahman placentas was not affected (p > or = 0.05) by PGE2, during the 4-h incubation period at the doses tested. Indomethacin or meclofenamic acid decreased (p < or = 0.05) 270-day Brahman placental secretion of PGE and PGF2alpha by 98 and 60%, respectively. However, PGE2 induced (p < or = 0.05) its own secretion, but not the secretion of PGF2alpha (p > or = 0.05), by 270-day Brahman placentas, even in the presence of indomethacin or meclofenamic acid at a dose of 100 ng/mL. Also, secretion of 8-Epi-PGE2 by Day 270 Brahman placentas was increased (p < or = 0.05) by PGE2. Secretion of progesterone, estradiol-17beta, or pregnancy specific protein B by 200-day Brahman placentas was not affected by PGE2, 8-Epi-PGE2, PGF2alpha, estradiol-17beta, or trichosanthin during the 4- or 8-h incubation period (p > or = 0.05). Secretion of estradiol-17beta at 8 h was lower (p < or = 0.05) in all treatment groups and did not differ (p > or = 0.05) among the 8-h incubation treatment groups. Secretion of PGE by 200-day Brahman placentas was reduced (p < 0.05) by indomethacin 72 and 82% and by meclofenamic acid 72 and 96%, respectively, at 4 and 8 h when compared to controls. Secretion of PGF2alpha was reduced (p < or = 0.05) 71 and 86% by indomethacin or 89 and 89% by meclofenamic acid at 4 and 8 h, respectively, and did not differ (p > or = 0.05) between 4 and 8 h of incubation. PGE2 did not (p > or = 0.05) induce secretion of PGE above what was added in any treatment group. PGE in culture media was increased (p < or = 0.05) by 8-Epi-PGE2, pregnancy specific protein B, and the 100 ng/mL PGF2alpha dose (p < or = 0.05), but not by PGE2, progesterone, estradiol-17beta, 8-Epi-PGF2alpha, or trichosanthin. Secretion of PGF2alpha by 200-day Brahman placentas was not affected (p > or = 0.05) by 8-Epi-PGE2, progesterone, or estradiol-17beta, but PGF2alpha secretion was increased (p < or = 0.05) by trichosanthin or PGE2, even in the presence of indomethacin or meclofenamic acid. It is concluded that PGE does not affect secretion of progesterone by 200- or 270-day bovine placentas, but, pregnancy specific protein B may regulate placental secretion of PGE. Also, indomethacin and meclofenamic may affect enzymes converting PGH to PGE rather than acting only on cyclooxygenase because indomethacin and meclofenamic acid lowered PGE secretion by 270-day Brahman placentas more than they lowered PGF2alpha. In addition, it is concluded that PGE2 can induce bovine placental secretion of PGE, but this is dependent upon the stage of gestation.  相似文献   
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