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We describe the anatomy of the nerves that project from the central nervous system (CNS) to the pro‐ and mesothoracic segments and the cephalopharyngeal skeleton (CPS) for third instar Calliphora larvae. Due to the complex branching pattern we introduce a nomenclature that labels side branches of first and second order. Two fine nerves that were not yet described are briefly introduced. One paired nerve projects to the ventral arms (VAs) of the CPS. The second, an unpaired nerve, projects to the ventral surface of the cibarial part of the esophagus (ES). Both nerves were tentatively labeled after the structures they innervate. The antennal nerve (AN) innervates the olfactory dorsal organ (DO). It contains motor pathways that project through the frontal connectives (FC) to the frontal nerve (FN) and innervate the cibarial dilator muscles (CDM) which mediate food ingestion. The maxillary nerve (MN) innervates the sensory terminal organ (TO), ventral organ (VO), and labial organ (LO) and comprises the motor pathways to the mouth hook (MH) elevator, MH depressor, and the labial retractor (LR) which opens the mouth cavity. An anastomosis of unknown function exists between the AN and MN. The prothoracic accessory nerve (PaN) innervates a dorsal protractor muscle of the CPS and sends side branches to the aorta and the bolwig organ (BO) (stemmata). In its further course, this nerve merges with the prothoracic nerve (PN). The architecture of the PN is extremely complex. It innervates a set of accessory pharyngeal muscles attached to the CPS and the body wall musculature of the prothorax. Several anastomoses exist between side branches of this nerve which were shown to contain motor pathways. The mesothoracic nerve (MeN) innervates a MH accessor and the longitudinal and transversal body wall muscles of the second segment. J. Morphol. 271:969–979, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The oxidative folding of proteins consists of conformational folding and disulfide-bond reactions. These two processes are coupled significantly in folding-coupled regeneration steps, in which a single chemical reaction (the "forward" reaction) converts a conformationally unstable precursor species into a conformationally stable, disulfide-protected successor species. Two limiting-case mechanisms for folding-coupled regeneration steps are described. In the folded-precursor mechanism, the precursor species is preferentially folded at the moment of the forward reaction. The (transient) native structure increases the effective concentrations of the reactive thiol and disulfide groups, thus favoring the forward reaction. By contrast, in the quasi-stochastic mechanism, the forward reaction occurs quasi-stochastically in an unfolded precursor; i.e., reactive groups encounter each other with a probability determined primarily by loop entropy, albeit modified by conformational biases in the unfolded state. The resulting successor species is initially unfolded, and its folding competes with backward chemical reactions to the unfolded precursors. The folded-precursor and quasi-stochastic mechanisms may be distinguished experimentally by the dependence of their kinetics on factors affecting the rates of thiol--disulfide exchange and conformational (un)folding. Experimental data and structural and biochemical arguments suggest that the quasi-stochastic mechanism is more plausible than the folded-precursor mechanism for most proteins.  相似文献   
Determination of the genotoxic effects of ionizing radiation, especially at low-doses, is of great importance for risk assessment, e.g. in radiological diagnostics. The human-hamster hybrid A(L) cell line has been shown previously to be a well-suited in vitro model for the study of mutations induced by various mutagens. The A(L) cells contain a standard set of hamster chromosomes and a single human chromosome 11, which confers the expression of the human cell surface protein CD59. Using CD59 specific antibodies, cells mutated in the CD59 gene can be detected and quantified by the loss of the cell surface marker. In contrast to previous studies, prior to irradiation we removed spontaneous mutants by magnetic cell separation (MACS) which allows analysis of radiation-induced mutation events only. We exposed A(L) cells to 100kV X-rays at 0.1 to 5Gy. The proportions of X-irradiation-induced CD59(-) mutants were quantified by flow cytometry after immunofluorescence labeling. Between 0.2 and 5Gy the yield of CD59 mutants was a linear function of dose. The molecular analysis of individual CD59-negative clones induced after exposure of 1, 3 and 5Gy of X-ray revealed a dose-dependent linear increase of large deletions (>6Mbp), whereas, point mutations could be seen only in spontaneous CD59 mutants or after low-dose exposure (< or =1Gy). We conclude that the modified A(L) assay presented here is appropriate for detection and quantification of non-lethal DNA lesions induced by low-dose ionizing radiation.  相似文献   
The phycobilisomes (PBS), the light-harvesting antennae, from the endemic Antarctic red macroalga Palmaria decipiens were isolated on discontinuous sucrose gradients in two discrete bands and not in one as expected. To exclude methodical faults, we also isolated PBS from the temperate Palmaria palmata and the unicellular red algae Porphyridium cruentum and Rhodella violacea . In P. palmata the PBS were separated in two discrete bands, whereas the PBS from Porphyridium and Rhodella were found in one band. The double-banded PBS (PBSup and PBSlow) from P. decipiens were further characterized by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, native and SDS-PAGE as well as by negative staining. The phycobiliproteins RIII-phycoerythrin, RI-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin were identified and 3 γ -subunits were described. The PBSup and PBSlow showed no significant differences in their absorption spectra and phycobiliprotein ratios although the negative stained PBSlow were smaller. Differences were found in their low molecular mass subunit complexes, which are assumed to be r-phycoerythrin. The polypeptide pattern of the PBSup and PBSlow showed no differences in the molecular masses of their subunits and linker polypeptides, but in their percentage distribution. The results suggest that the PBSlow is a closer packed and PBSup a little more loosely aggregated hemiellipsiodal PBS form. We discuss the ecophysiological function of two PBS forms in P. decipiens and suggest advantages in the rapid acclimation to changes in environmental light conditions.  相似文献   
Plasticity of human chromosome 3 during primate evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Comparative mapping of more than 100 region-specific clones from human chromosome 3 in Bornean and Sumatran orangutans, siamang gibbon, and Old and New World monkeys allowed us to reconstruct ancestral simian and hominoid chromosomes. A single paracentric inversion derives chromosome 1 of the Old World monkey Presbytis cristata from the simian ancestor. In the New World monkey Callithrix geoffroyi and siamang, the ancestor diverged on multiple chromosomes, through utilizing different breakpoints. One shared and two independent inversions derive Bornean orangutan 2 and human 3, implying that neither Bornean orangutans nor humans have conserved the ancestral chromosome form. The inversions, fissions, and translocations in the five species analyzed involve at least 14 different evolutionary breakpoints along the entire length of human 3; however, particular regions appear to be more susceptible to chromosome reshuffling. The ancestral pericentromeric region has promoted both large-scale and micro-rearrangements. Small segments homologous to human 3q11.2 and 3q21.2 were repositioned intrachromosomally independent of the surrounding markers in the orangutan lineage. Breakage and rearrangement of the human 3p12.3 region were associated with extensive intragenomic duplications at multiple orangutan and gibbon subtelomeric sites. We propose that new chromosomes and genomes arise through large-scale rearrangements of evolutionarily conserved genomic building blocks and additional duplication, amplification, and/or repositioning of inherently unstable smaller DNA segments contained within them.  相似文献   
Lee H  Engel U  Rusch J  Scherrer S  Sheard K  Van Vactor D 《Neuron》2004,42(6):913-926
Axon guidance requires coordinated remodeling of actin and microtubule polymers. Using a genetic screen, we identified the microtubule-associated protein Orbit/MAST as a partner of the Abelson (Abl) tyrosine kinase. We find identical axon guidance phenotypes in orbit/MAST and Abl mutants at the midline, where the repellent Slit restricts axon crossing. Genetic interaction and epistasis assays indicate that Orbit/MAST mediates the action of Slit and its receptors, acting downstream of Abl. We find that Orbit/MAST protein localizes to Drosophila growth cones. Higher-resolution imaging of the Orbit/MAST ortholog CLASP in Xenopus growth cones suggests that this family of microtubule plus end tracking proteins identifies a subset of microtubules that probe the actin-rich peripheral growth cone domain, where guidance signals exert their initial influence on cytoskeletal organization. These and other data suggest a model where Abl acts as a central signaling node to coordinate actin and microtubule dynamics downstream of guidance receptors.  相似文献   
This communication identifies, for the first time, a receptor protein for signal perception from the P(II) signal transduction protein in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. P(II), a phosphoprotein that signals the carbon/nitrogen status of the cells, forms a tight complex with the key enzyme of the arginine biosynthetic pathway, N-acetylglutamate (NAG) kinase. In complex with P(II), the catalytic activity of NAG kinase is strongly enhanced. Complex formation does not require the effector molecules of P(II), 2-oxoglutarate and ATP, but it is highly susceptible to modifications at the phosphorylation site of P(II), Ser-49. Stable complexes were only formed with the non-phosphorylated form of P(II) but not with Ser-49 mutants. In accordance with these data, NAG kinase activity in S. elongatus extracts correlated with the phosphorylation state of P(II), with high NAG kinase activities corresponding to non-phosphorylated P(II) (nitrogen-excess conditions) and low activities to increased levels of P(II) phosphorylation (nitrogen-poor conditions), thus subjecting the key enzyme of arginine biosynthesis to global nitrogen control.  相似文献   
Activity of the Tat machinery for protein transport across the inner membrane of Escherichia coli and the chloroplast thylakoidal membrane requires the presence of three membrane proteins: TatA, TatB and TatC. Here, we show that the Tat machinery of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is very different because it contains at least two minimal Tat translocases, each composed of one specific TatA and one specific TatC component. A third, TatB-like component is apparently not required. This implies that TatA proteins of B. subtilis perform the functions of both TatA and TatB of E. coli and thylakoids. Notably, the two B. subtilis translocases named TatAdCd and TatAyCy both function as individual, substrate-specific translocases for the twin-arginine preproteins PhoD and YwbN, respectively. Importantly, these minimal TatAC translocases of B. subtilis are representative for the Tat machinery of the vast majority of Gram-positive bacteria, Streptomycetes being the only known exception with TatABC translocases.  相似文献   
This communication presents a short outline of the current knowledge on the molecular basis of PII signal transduction in unicellular cyanobacteria with respect to the perception of environmental stimuli. First, the general characteristics of the PII signalling system in unicellular cyanobacteria are presented, the hallmark of which is modification by serine-phosphorylation, as compared to the paradigmatic PII signal transduction system in proteobacteria, which is based on tyrosyl-uridylylation. Then, the focus is turned on the signals controlling PII phosphorylation state. Recently, the cellular phosphatase (termed PphA), which specifically dephosphorylates phosphorylated PII (PII-P) was identified in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. With the availability of a PphA-deficient mutant and the purified components for in vitro assay of PphA mediated PII-P dephosphorylation, novel insights into the signals, to which PII-P dephosphorylation responds, can be obtained. Here we present an investigation of the response of PII-P dephosphorylation towards treatments that affect the redox-balance of the cells. Furthermore, a possible role of varying ATP/ADP ratios on PII-P dephosphorylation was examined. From these studies, together with previous investigations, we conclude that PII-P dephosphorylation specifically responds to changes in the levels of central metabolites of carbon metabolism, in particular 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   
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