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The V region sequences of two anti-DNA (A52, D42) and two anti-RNA (D44, D444) autoantibodies, derived from lupus prone NZB/NZW F1 female mice, were determined by mRNA sequencing. The sequences had the following features: 1) there was no clear sequence relationship between anti-DNA and anti-RNA antibodies; 2) there were no major similarities between any of the L chain sequences and each VL gene segment belonged to a different mouse VK subgroup; 3) the H chains of the two anti-RNA antibodies showed closely related sequences of VH gene segments and very similar third complementarity determining regions (CDR3); 4) the H chains of the two anti-DNA antibodies had VH segments belonging to different VH gene families but had a unique and similar combination of D segments and junctional sequences, suggesting a common recognition element for Ag and/or for idiotypic regulation in the H chain CDR3; and 5) the VH gene segment of one anti-DNA antibody (D42) was found to be very similar to the VH gene segment of a CBA mouse hybridoma antibody (6G6) which binds to the environmental Ag phosphocholine. The three-dimensional structure of the Fv-region of the anti-DNA antibody (D42) was modeled by computer and a stretch of poly(dT), ssDNA was docked to a cleft in the antibody combining site, formed by the three H chain CDR and by CDR1 and CDR3 of the L chain. The cleft is characterized by a preponderance of arginine and tyrosine residues, lining both the walls and base of the cleft.  相似文献   
Patients with acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria have defective cell-mediated immune responses to malaria-specific Ag (MA). This immunologic defect may partially explain the difficulty with which natural immunity to falciparum malaria develops and may have important implications for the efficacy of potential malaria vaccines in endemic areas. To investigate the basis of this immune defect, we have examined the capacity of PBMC from patients with acute falciparum malaria to produce IL-2 and to express I1-2R in response to Ag stimulation. The effect of exogenous IL-1 and IL-2 on lymphocyte proliferation was studied. Soluble IL-2R levels were measured in acute and convalescent sera. Our results showed that no detectable IL-2 was produced and no IL-2R were expressed by PBMC in response to MA during the acute infection. IL-2 production and IL-2R expression were also depressed when PBMC were exposed to streptococcal Ag. The specific immune defect was not reconstituted by the addition of graded doses of purified human IL-1 or IL-2 and could not be attributed to suppressor adherent cells. In contrast to the absence of IL-2 and cell-bound IL-2R, circulating soluble IL-2R was elevated in acute sera. These findings suggest that the lack of IL-2, through either a defect in its production or inhibition of its activity, may be the basis of the Ag-specific immune unresponsiveness in acute P. falciparum malaria.  相似文献   
Summary We have developed a serum-free medium for clonal growth of normal human muscle satellite cells (HMSC). It consists of an optimized nutrient medium MCDB 120, plus a serum-free supplement, designated SF, that contains epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin, dexamethasone, bovine serum albumin, and fetuin. Fibroblast growth factor was needed with dialyzed fetal bovine serum (dFBS) as the only other supplement, but in media containing SF, it was only slightly beneficial, and was omitted from the final medium without significant loss. Clonal growth of HMSC in MCDB 120 plus SF is as good as with 15% serum and 0.5% chicken embryo or bovine pituitary extract. However, growth is further improved by use of a doubly-supplemented (DS) medium containing both SF and 5% dFBS. Clonal growth of HMSC in the DS medium far exceeds that in previous media with any amount of serum, and monolayer growth is at least equal to that in conventional media with higher levels of serum. Cells grown in these media exhibit little differentiation, even when grown to high densities. However, they retain the capacity for extensive fusion and synthesis of increased creatine kinase when transferred to a serum-free differentiation-promoting medium, such as Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium plus insulin. All experiments were done with clonal cultures of HMSC to insure that observed growth responses were always those of muscle cells. This research was supported by a grant from the Muscular, Dystrophy Association. Editor's statement This article describes the optimization of both the basal nutrient medium and growth factor requirements for human muscle cells in vitro. This system is critical for studies of normal muscle cell and molecular biology, as well as for understanding diseases of muscle such as Duchenne, Muscular Dystrophy.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms were incubated in a calcium-free medium containing 10 microM ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA). Under these conditions, addition of 5 microM calcium ionophore A23187 led to striking morphological alterations, as judged by light and electron microscopy. The cytoskeleton of trypanosomes consists of a subpellicular corset of microtubules. Characteristically four of these microtubules are attached invariantly to an extension of the endoplasmic reticulum at the flagellar attachment site. Specifically in this area calcium depletion led to the polymerization of additional microtubules and to a retraction of the endoplasmic reticulum extension from its usual position. Additionally, A23187 led to nucleolus segregation, as revealed by immunocytochemistry using antibodies against DNA and fibrillarin, respectively. Nucleolus segregation, but not microtubule accumulation, was also obtained by using 20 microM camptothecin, a specific inhibitor of topoisomerase I. Our data suggest that intracellular calcium regulation might be important for specific depolymerization/polymerization reactions during the course of cell division and the formation of functional ribosomes.  相似文献   
The development of secondary wool follicles in single fetal sheep subjected to hypobaric hypoxaemia was studied. One group of pregnant ewes were exposed to 57.1 kPa from 30 to 135 days gestation. Fetal weights (mean +/- s.d.) for the hypoxaemic group (3.35 +/- 0.53 kg; n = 4) were significantly lower than for the controls (4.19 +/- 0.31 kg; n = 3, P less than 0.05). At 110 days gestation, a second group had arterial and venous catheters surgically implanted into the ewe and fetus and skin samples were taken from the fetus. At 120 days gestation (10 days after surgery) these animals were subjected to hypoxia for 20 days, at a level to maintain fetal carotid pO2 between 1.47 and 1.87 kPa (mean carotid pO2 for the control fetuses was 2.84 +/- 0.28 kPa). Fetal weight at 140 days was not significantly different in the hypoxaemic and control groups. Morphometric analysis revealed that the secondary to primary follicle ratio (S:P) was less in both groups of hypoxaemic fetuses than in their respective controls. Although hypoxia for 20 days did not significantly alter fetal weight, it produced a low S:P ratio similar to the longer-term hypoxaemic animals. It is concluded that hypoxia has a marked effect in reducing the initiation of secondary follicles in the last third of gestation.  相似文献   
Summary Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, labelled with15N, was applied in spring to winter wheat growing in undisturbed monoliths of clay and sandy loam soil in lysimeters; the rates of application were respectively 95 and 102 kg N ha−1 in the spring of 1976 and 1975. Crops of winter wheat, oilseed rape, peas and barley grown in the following 5 or 6 years were treated with unlabelled nitrogen fertilizer at rates recommended for maximum yields. During each year of the experiments the lysimeters were divided into treatments which were either freelydrained or subjected to periods of waterlogging. Another labelled nitrogen application was made in 1980 to a separate group of lysimeters with a clay soil and a winter wheat crop to study further the uptake of nitrogen fertilizer in relation to waterlogging. In the first growing season, shoots of the winter wheat at harvest contained 46 and 58% of the fertilizer nitrogen applied to the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the following year the crops contained a further 1–2% of the labelled fertilizer, and after 5 and 6 years the total recoveries of labelled fertilizer in the crops were 49 and 62% on the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the first winter after the labelled fertilizer was applied, less than 1% of the fertilizer was lost in the drainage water, and only about 2% of the total nitrogen (mainly nitrate) in the drainage water from both soils was derived from the fertilizer. Maximum annual loss occurred the following year but the proportion of tracer nitrogen in drainage was nevertheless smaller. Leaching losses over the 5 and 6 years from the clay and sandy loam soil were respectively 1.3 and 3.9% of the original application. On both soils the percentage of labelled nitrogen to the total crop nitrogen content was greater after a period of winter waterlogging than for freely-drained treatments. This was most marked on the clay soil; evidence points to winter waterlogging promoting denitrification and the consequent loss of soil nitrogen making the crop more dependent on spring fertilizer applications.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma, polycystic renal disease and pneumonia are reported in an aged woodchuck, and a metastatic fibrosarcoma is reported in a relatively young animal born and raised in the laboratory.  相似文献   
In April 1983, an influenza virus of low virulence appeared in chickens in Pennsylvania. Subsequently, in October 1983, the virus became virulent and caused high mortality in poultry. The causative agent has been identified as an influenza virus of the H5N2 serotype. The hemagglutinin is antigenically closely related to tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) and the neuraminidase is similar to that from human H2N2 strains (e.g., A/Japan/305/57) and from some avian influenza virus strains (e.g., A/turkey/Mass/66 [H6N2]). Comparison of the genome RNAs of chicken/Penn with other influenza virus isolates by RNA-RNA hybridization indicated that all of the genes of this virus were closely related to those of various other influenza virus isolates from wild birds. Chickens infected with the virulent strain shed high concentrations of virus in their feces (10(7) 50% egg infective dose per g), and the virus was isolated from the albumin and yolk of eggs layed just before death. Virus was also isolated from house flies in chicken houses. Serological and virological studies showed that humans are not susceptible to infection with the virus, but can serve as short-term mechanical carriers. Analysis of the RNA of the viruses isolated in April and October by gel migration and RNA-RNA hybridization suggested that these strains were very closely related. Oligonucleotide mapping of the individual genes of virulent and avirulent strains showed a limited number of changes in the genome RNAs, but no consistent differences between the virulent and avirulent strains that could be correlated with pathogenicity were found. Polyacrylamide gel analysis of the early (avirulent) isolates demonstrated the presence of low-molecular-weight RNA bands which is indicative of defective-interfering particles. These RNAs were not present in the virulent isolates. Experimental infection of chickens with mixtures of the avirulent and virulent strains demonstrated that the avirulent virus interferes with the pathogenicity of the virulent virus. The results suggest that the original avirulent virus was probably derived from influenza viruses from wild birds and that the virulent strain was derived from the avirulent strain by selective adaptation rather than by recombination or the introduction of a new virus into the population. This adaptation may have involved the loss of defective RNAs, as well as mutations, and thus provides a possible model for a role of defective-interfering particles in nature.  相似文献   
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