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A sensitive, specific and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic technique is described for the simultaneous determination in human plasma of diltiazem (DZ) and six of its primary and secondary metabolites which are products of N- and O-demethylation, deacetylation and N-oxidation. The method involves addition of excess KHCO3 to 1 ml of plasma, followed by extraction with 4 ml of ethyl acetate. The organic layer was extracted with 0.01 M HCl and the aqueous layer was dried under nitrogen and then reconstituted with 0.002 M HCl. DZ and its metabolites were free from interference and were baseline-separated. Calibration curves were linear in the concentration range studied (5–500 ng/ml for all the species). The lower limit of quantification of the assay was 5 ng/ml for DZ and the metabolites. Inter-day and intra-day coefficients of variation were less than 10%. The applicability of this procedure is shown by evaluating the kinetics of DZ and its metabolites in three patients receiving chronic DZ therapy. N-Demethyldiltiazem, deacetyldiltiazem and N-demethyldeacetyldiltiazem were found to be the major metabolites, as previously described. Deacetyldiltiazem N-oxide was found in two of the patients. The other two known but unreported metabolites in human, O-demethyldeacetyldiltiazem and N,O-didemethyldeacetyldiltiazem, were found in the plasma of all three patients.  相似文献   
Dissociated neurons from the trigeminal (V) region of the metencephalic basal plate or the ventral spinal cord from chick embryos of Day 4 (V basal plate) or Day 5 (spinal cord) were cultured on a laminin substratum either in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF) or in control medium. Assessment was made of neuronal survival, the amount of neurite elaborated, and the percentage of neurons initiating neurites. The presence of motoneurons was verified by retrograde labeling with the fluorescent dye diI. NGF was found to significantly increase the quantity of neuritic processes produced by the spinal cord dissociates at both 24 and 48 hr in vitro. The percentage of neurons initiating neuritic processes was significantly increased by NGF in the trigeminal population at 48 hr in vitro. Neuronal survival was not enhanced by NGF in either group. Both trigeminal and spinal cord neurons were also found to specifically bind 125I-NGF in culture. These results provide direct evidence for an influence of NGF on process formation of early embryonic motoneurons in culture.  相似文献   
1. Specific binding of [3H]ethylketocyclazocine (EkappaC), a prototype kappa-opiate agonist, to slide-mounted rat striatal sections is increased in the presence of 100 mM NaCl at 4 degrees C. 2. Under similar incubation conditions, binding of mu and delta prototype opiates is reduced to almost undetectable levels. 3. Correlation (P less than 0.01) of the ligand selectivity pattern of [3H]EKC displacement with the potencies of various opiate drugs in inhibiting the contractions of the rabbit vas deferens, a kappa-opiate receptor bioassay, suggests that the binding site under study represents the pharmacologically relevant kappa-opiate receptor. 4. Visualization of these kappa-opiate receptors with tritium-sensitive film reveals a striking, highly discrete brain distribution pattern (e.g., striatal patches, habenular stripe) which is similar to that of [3H]dihydromorphine and [3H]naloxone. 5. Soluble [3H]EKC binding sites obtained from rat membranes also possess a kappa-like ligand selectivity pattern, with bremazocine being a potent displacer while mu and delta ligands are almost inactive. 6. A possible explanation of these data is that the "kappa"-opiate binding site in rat brain is one transitional state of an opiate receptor capable of assuming distinct conformations with characteristic ligand selectivity patterns. Other possibilities such as pre and post-synaptic locations should also be considered.  相似文献   
The complex sterol mixture isolated from A, nigra was found to contain a low level of Δ4-3-keto steroids, 5β-stanols and 4α-methyl sterols in addition to regular (4-demethyl) sterols. The following new marine sterols were isolated and identified using MS and 360 MHz NMR: 5β-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol, 24S-methyl-5β-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol, 24-methylene-5β-cholestan-3β-ol, both epimers at C-24 of 4α-methyl-24-ethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol, 4α, 22ξ, 23ξ-(or 24ξ-)trimethyl-5α-cholest-8(14)-en-3β-ol and (22S, 23S, 24S)-4α-24-dimethyl-22, 23-methylene-5α-cholestan-3β-ol. The latter sterol and 23-demethylgorqosterol have opposite configurations at C-22, C-23, and C-24; the Δ8(14) sterol has an unprecedented side chain.  相似文献   
Summary Changes at the ultrastructural level during germ band extension in the embryo ofDrosophila melanogaster are described. Cytoplasmic connections between cells and the yolk sac are present during initial cellular movements. At this time, a continuous system of microfilaments is present adjacent to the membranes in the connections and at the periphery of the yolk sac. As germ band extension progresses, this system becomes discontinuous, and microfilaments are apparent only in the immediate vicinity of the connections. Cytoplasmic connections are disassembled at approximately the midpoint of extension; at the same time, extensive membrane associations develop between germ band cells and between these cells and adjacent yolk sac membranes. Positioning and orientation of cytoplasmic connections suggest that the yolk sac, via these connections, is actively involved in the cellular movements of early germ band extension.This paper is dedicated with respect and affection to Donald F. Poulson  相似文献   
There is a considerable amount of evidence, confirmed and extended by our studies, in favor of clonal deletion of alloantigen-reactive cells in neonatally induced transplantation tolerance. We have demonstrated in adult mice bearing long-standing skin allografts that lymphocytes specifically reactive with the tolerated H-2 alloantigens are undetectable by mixed lymphocyte and graftversus-host reactions, and in cell-mediated lympholysis. In addition, lymphoid cells capable of suppressing the reactivity of syngeneic normal lymphocytes in these assays similarly escape detection. Moreover, putative precursors of T cells specific for the tolerated antigens cannot be activated polyclonally with concanavalin A (Con A), nor can they be identified among thymocytes ofH-2-tolerant mice. Since the tolerant state can be adoptively transferred with lymphohematopoietic cells to adult, syngeneic mice, we infer that transplantation tolerance is maintained by an active process that achieves specific clonal deletion at an early stage in the ontogeny of alloreactive T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Three lakes near the southern terminus of the Lake Wales Ridge of south-central Florida were studied. The lakes, all connected by either natural drainage or canals, vary significantly in terms of shoreline development. All three lakes are soft water systems with low concentrations of dissolved nutrients; however, rates of primary productivity and chlorophyll a appear to be correlated with the degree of shoreline development. Nutrient enrichment bioassay experiments in the laboratory showed that, in general, water from all the lakes responded to additions of nitrogen and phosphorus in combination. Samples from only one lake responded to enrichment with phosphorus alone, and no samples to additions of nitrogen alone.Two of the lakes can be classified as oligotrophic while the third is most probably eutrophic.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P-450 reduction kinetics can be described by sequential reactions involving a rapid reduction of cytochrome P-450 in the high spin state, followed by a slower reduction controlled by formation of high spin P-450 from the low spin configuration. The burst kinetics observed would be the result of the equilibrium between low and high spin states prior to addition of reducing equivalents. The initial reduction velocity (burst) can therefore be described as vi=k3mhs0 and the slower velocity observed at longer times is controlled by the net rate of formation of the high spin conformation.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of measuring blood meal volume in Aedes aegypti using a radioisotope blood label in lieu of weight differentials. This mosquito species defaecated numerous droplets of a clear fluid beginning while blood feeding was in progress and continuing for up to 3 hr post-feeding. Excretion of this clear fluid occurred regardless of the age or prior nutritional conditioning of the mosquito. When mosquitoes were fed on blood labeled with Ce-144, this radioisotope remained completely with the blood meal and was not passed in the clear excreta. When blood meal volumes were estimated using the radioisotope method, significantly greater values were obtained compared to those calculated by the classical weighing method. A direct relationship was demonstrated between blood meal volume and the quantity of clear fluid excreted. Consequently, the error inherent in the weighing method was increased in mosquitoes taking large blood meals. Ce-144 did not label red blood cells but remained in the plasma. The radioisotope was completely expelled with the blood meal excreta.This technique is compared with related methods previously described. Its applications to problems in mosquito physiology and vector potential are discussed.  相似文献   
The structure determination of yeast hexokinase has been extended to 3.5 Å resolution for the dimer and to 2.7 Å resolution for the monomer using multiple isomorphous replacement. The electron density maps of both the monomer and dimer crystal forms have been substantially improved by an averaging procedure. From these maps the course of the polypeptide backbone and some aspects of the dimer interaction have been established.The hexokinase subunit arrangement is contrary to a major tenet of the Monod et al. (1965) theory of allosteric proteins which postulated that only symmetric or isologous interactions of subunits would occur in oligomeric proteins. One subunit of the dimer is related to the other by a 156 ° rotation about and a 13.8 Å translation along a molecular screw axis. In the hexokinase dimer the set of residues in one subunit that is interacting with the other subunit is different from the set of residues in the second subunit that is interacting with the first subunit. This heterologous or non-symmetric interaction of subunits is associated with some small differences in the structure of the two subunits, particularly at the subunit interface, and accounts for some of this enzyme's non-symmetric interactions with substrates and activators. Indeed, the non-symmetric subunit association may play an important role in the control of this enzyme's activity.The overall structure of hexokinase is considerably different than the known structures of the other enzymes in the glycolytic pathway. Although there is a striking similarity between the domain of hexokinase that binds AMP and the domain of lactate dehydrogenase that binds NAD, the former structure contains both antiparallel and parallel β-pleated strands, while the latter contains only parallel β-structure. In an attempt to assess the significance of this structural similarity, the structure of the nucleotide binding domains of hexokinase and lactate dehydrogenase are compared to a portion of carboxypeptidase A. The observed similarities among these structures suggests that a central β-pleated sheet flanked by α-helices is a common supersecondary structure that probably arose by convergent as well as divergent evolution. Thus, there appears to be no compelling evidence at this time to support the hypothesis that a part of hexokinase has evolved from the same gene as the dinucleotide binding domain of lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
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