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Nigericin is a monocarboxylic polyether molecule described as a mobile K+ ionophore unable to transport Li+ and Cs+ across natural or artificial membranes. This paper shows that the ion carrier molecule forms complexes of equivalent energy demands with Li+, Cs+, Na+, Rb+, and K+. This is in accordance with the similar values of the complex stability constants obtained from nigericin with the five alkali metal cations assayed. On the other hand, nigericinalkali metal cation binding isotherms show faster rates for Li+ and Cs+ than for Na+, K+, and Rb+, in conditions where the carboxylic proton does not dissociate. Furthermore, proton NMR spectra of nigericin-Li+ and nigericin-Cs+ complexes show wide broadenings, suggesting strong cation interaction with the ionophore; in contrast, the complexes with Na+, K+, and Rb+ show only clear-cut chemical shifts. These latter results support the view that nigericin forms highly stable complexes with Li+ and Cs+ and contribute to the explanation for the inability of this ionophore to transport the former cations in conditions where it catalyzes a fast transport of K+>Rb+>Na+.Part of the results of this paper were presented at the 14th International Congress of Biochemistry in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis thaliana, the activation process of the A1 EF-1 gene depends on several elements. Using the GUS reporter gene, transient expression experiments have shown that mutations of upstream cis-acting elements of the A1 promoter, or the deletion of an intron located within the 5 non-coding region, similarly affect expression in dicot or monocot protoplasts. The results reported here strongly suggest that this 5 intron is properly spliced in Zea mays. We show that two trans-acting factors, specifically interacting with an upstream activating sequence (the TEF 1 box), are present in nuclear extracts prepared from A. thaliana, Brassica rapa, Nicotiana tabacum and Z. mays. In addition, a DNA sequence homologous to the TEF 1 box, found at approximately the same location within a Lycopersicon esculentum EF-1 promoter, interacts with the same trans-acting factors. Homologies found between the A. thaliana and L. esculentum TEF 1 box sequences have allowed us to define mutations of this upstream element which affect the interaction with the corresponding trans-acting factors. These results support the notion that the activation processes of A. thaliana EF-1 genes have been conserved among angiosperms and provide interesting data on the functional structure of the TEF 1 box.  相似文献   
Each plant can be recognized by its general shape. Nevertheless, this physiognomy is the result of a very precise structure that expresses the existence of a strong organization. The architecture of a plant depends on the nature and relative arrangement of each of its parts; it is at any given time the result of an equilibrium between endogenous growth processes and the constraints exerted by the environment. Architectural studies have been carried out for some twenty years and have led to the definition of several concepts that provide a powerful tool for studying plant form. The results obtained in this field show that the architecture of a plant can be summarized by a small number of elementary structures: internode, growth unit, axis, architectural model,... In the course of ontogenesis, these structures are repeated and reveal several levels of organization that seem to be only different stages of a common process of growth and transformation.
Résumé Toute espèce végétale peut être reconnue par sa forme générale. Toutefois, au-delà de cet aspect physionomique, la forme d'une plante repose sur une structure très précise qui traduit l'existence d'une grande organisation. L'architecture d'une plante dépend de la nature et de la position relative de ses différentes parties; elle est à tout instant, l'expression d'un èquilibre entre des processus endogénes de croissance et des contraintes extérieures exercées par le milieu. D'origine assez récente, les études en architecture végétale ont permis de dégager quelques concepts qui rendent compte du développement des végétaux. Les résultats obtenus dans ce domaine montrent que l'architecture d'une plante peut être résumée par un petit nombre de structures élémentaires: entre-noeud, unité de croissance, axe, modèle architectural,... Au cours du développement, ces structures élémentaires se répètent et dérivent les unes des autres traduisant l'existence de plusieurs niveaux d'organisation au sein de l'organisme végétal. L'analyse architecturale permet de révéler et de caractériser ces différents niveaux qui apparaissent alors comme les étapes d'un même processus dans une séquence précise et ordonnée d'événements.
The contribution of different factors in the interaction of ethidium intercalated into various sequences of a triple helix, or in the region of the junction between the double- and triple-stranded DNA has been studied by energy minimization. It is found that in the total energy of the ethidium- triple helix complexes, a particular electrostatic contribution emerges due to the presence of protonated cytosines in the triple helix. This parameters is determinant in the sequence-specificity of ethidium binding to the triple helix. The preferred intercalation sites of ethidium in the triple helix are proposed. The interaction of ethidium at the triplex-duplex junction, and its effects are also discussed. This study is aimed at searching for new drugs specific for the triple helix, or for the triplex-duplex junctions.  相似文献   
Oligodeoxynucleotides containing G and T can bind to homopurine.homopyrimidine sequences on double-stranded DNA by forming C.G x G and T.A x T base triplets. The orientation of the third strand in such triple helices depends on the number of GpT and TpG steps. Therefore a single oligonucleotide can be designed to bind to two consecutive homopurine.homopyrimidine sequences where the two homopurine stretches alternate on the two strands of DNA. The oligonucleotide switches from one homopurine strand to the other at the junction between the two sequences. This result shows that it is possible to extend the range of DNA sequences that can be recognized by a single oligonucleotide.  相似文献   
γ-Glutamyltransferase activity was detected in the plasma membrane of the highly differentiated hepatoma cell line Fao, (0.93 mU/mg cell protein). Dexamethasone (1 μM) provoked a 2–3-fold increase in the activity of the enzyme in the presence of fetal calf serum. Maximal induction occurred 48–72 h after addition of the glucocorticoid to the cell culture medium. The hormonal specificity was demonstrated by the relative potencies of several glucocorticoids and sex steroids: hydrocortisone and corticosterone increased γ-glutamyltransferase activity while tetrahydrocorticosterone and all sex steroids tested were ineffective. The effect of dexamethasone on γ-glutamyltransferase activity was specific since the activities of several other plasma membrane enzymes were not modified. The mechanism of the dexamethasone-induced increase in γ-glutamyltransferase activity was neither by modification of the affinity of the enzyme for its substrates nor by alteration of the subcellular distribution of the enzyme. This increase was prevented by cycloheximide and actinomycin D. The data presented are consistent with a specific glucocorticoid receptor-mediated induction of γ-glutamyltransferase activity in Fao cells. The kinetic parameters of the induction process by glucocorticoids are very similar to those found in adult rat liver. These results suggest that the Fao cell line is a very convenient system for the study of the molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid effects on differentiated cells.  相似文献   
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