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Glycosphingolipids are a polysaccharide chain between 1 and 40 carbohydrate residues long glycosidically linked to ceramide (a long-chain aliphatic amino-alcohol or sphingoid) that is embedded in the cell plasma membrane with the carbohydrate moiety on the outside. The sphingoid imparts rigidity to the membrane and the carbohydrate tails protect the cell surface and have functions in relation to cell adhesion, growth, regulation, differentiation, cell interaction, recognition and signalling. They provide adhesion sites for pathogens and change during oncogenic transformation. Ceramide is also a component of sphingomyelin. Glycosphingolipids are degraded by lysosomal hydrolysis. The sphingolipidoses are a series of diseases in which mutations affecting the enzymes catalysing the last 11 steps of this process causing abnormal compounds proximal to the metabolic block to accumulate intralysosomally. Thus, they are a sub-group of the lysosomal storage diseases. The degradation of sphingolipids containing three or less carbohydrate residues requires a sphingolipid activator protein and mutations affecting these proteins also cause abnormal glycosphingolipid storage. With one exception (Fabry disease, which is X linked) the sphingolipidoses are inherited autosomally. The phenotypic manifestations of the individual sphingolipidoses are variable although the more severe variants are usually the better known. They have generally been regarded as untreatable but notable therapeutic advances are being made by enzyme replacement therapy and regulating the rate of glycosphingolipid synthesis by inhibiting UDP-glucose-N-acylsphingosine D-glucosyl transferase (CerGlcT), which is the first reaction on the pathway of glycosphingolipid synthesis. The compounds used are N-alkylated iminosugars whose glucose and galactose stereochemistries inhibit CerGlcT. Prenatal and carrier state diagnosis, genetic counselling and the abortion of affected foetuses are reducing the incidence of some of the most severe sphingolipidoses in certain high-incidence populations.  相似文献   
Equinatoxin II (EqtII), a protein toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina, readily creates pores in sphingomyelin-containing lipid membranes. The perturbation by EqtII of model lipid membranes composed of dimyristoylphosphatidycholine and sphingomyelin (10 mol %) was investigated using wideline phosphorus-31 and deuterium NMR. The preferential interaction between EqtII (0.1 and 0.4 mol %) and the individual bilayer lipids was studied by (31)P magic angle spinning NMR, and toxin-induced changes in bilayer morphology were examined by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Both NMR and EM showed the formation of an additional lipid phase in sphingomyelin-containing mixed lipid multilamellar suspensions with 0.4 mol % EqtII. The new toxin-induced phase consisted of small unilamellar vesicles 20-40 nm in diameter. Deuterium NMR showed that the new lipid phase contains both dimyristoylphosphatidycholine and sphingomyelin. Solid-state (31)P NMR showed an increase in spin-lattice and a decrease in spin-spin relaxation times in mixed-lipid model membranes in the presence of EqtII, consistent with an increase in the intensity of low frequency motions. The (2)H and (31)P spectral intensity distributions confirmed a change in lipid mobility and showed the creation of an isotropic lipid phase, which was identified as the small vesicle structures visible by electron microscopy in the EqtII-lipid suspensions. The toxin appears to enhance slow motions in the membrane lipids and destabilize the membrane. This effect was greatly enhanced in sphingomyelin-containing mixed lipid membranes compared with pure phosphatidylcholine bilayers, suggesting a preferential interaction between the toxin and bilayer sphingomyelin.  相似文献   
The presence of Archaea in the Great Barrier Reef marine sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile was investigated by 16S ribosomal RNA community analysis of total DNA extracted from the sponge tissue. The 16S rRNA gene sequences corresponding to group I crenarchaeotes and group II euryarchaeotes were recovered from R. odorabile tissue. The location of archaeal cells within the sponge tissue was investigated using fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes. The presence of Archaea was confirmed within all regions of the sponge tissue from R. odorabile, with a significantly higher number of archaeal cells located in the pinacoderm than the mesohyl region. This is the first report of euryarchaeaotes associated with marine sponges. Received April 16, 2001; accepted June 27, 2001  相似文献   
Mutations of CIAS1 have recently been shown to underlie familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), in three families and one family, respectively. These rare autosomal dominant diseases are both characterized by recurrent inflammatory crises that start in childhood and that are generally associated with fever, arthralgia, and urticaria. The presence of sensorineural deafness that occurs later in life is characteristic of MWS. Amyloidosis of the amyloidosis-associated type is the main complication of MWS and is sometimes associated with FCU. In FCU, cold exposure is the triggering factor of the inflammatory crisis. We identified CIAS1 mutations, all located in exon 3, in nine unrelated families with MWS and in three unrelated families with FCU, originating from France, England, and Algeria. Five mutations--namely, R260W, D303N, T348M, A439T, and G569R--were novel. The R260W mutation was identified in two families with MWS and in two families with FCU, of different ethnic origins, thereby demonstrating that a single CIAS1 mutation may cause both syndromes. This result indicates that modifier genes are involved in determining either a MWS or a FCU phenotype. The finding of the G569R mutation in an asymptomatic individual further emphasizes the importance of such modifier a gene (or genes) in determining the disease phenotype. Identification of this gene (or these genes) is likely to have significant therapeutic implications for these severe diseases.  相似文献   
Rotational resonance solid state nuclear magnetic resonance has been used to determine the relative orientation of the beta-ionone ring and the polyene chain of the chromophore 11-Z-retinylidene of rhodopsin in rod outer segment membranes from bovine retina. The bleached protein was regenerated with either 11-Z-[8,18-(13)C(2)]retinal or 11-Z-[8,16/17(13)C(2)]retinal, the latter having only one (13)C label at either of the chemically equivalent positions 16 and 17. Observation of (13)C selectively enriched in the ring methyl groups, C16/17, revealed alternative conformational states for the ring. Minor spectral components comprised around 26% of the chromophore. The major conformation (approximately 74%) has the chemical shift resolution required for measuring internuclear distances to (13)C in the retinal chain (C8) separately from each of these methyl groups. The resulting distance constraints, C8 to C16 and C17 (4.05 +/- 0.25 A) and from C8 to C18 (2.95 +/- 0.15 A), show that the major portion of retinylidene in rhodopsin has a twisted 6-s-cis conformation. The more precise distance measurement made here between C8 and C18 (2.95 A) predicts that the chain is twisted out-of-plane with respect to the ring by a modest amount (C5-C6-C7-C8 torsion angle = -28 +/- 7 degrees ).  相似文献   
Vitellogenin (Vtg) was isolated from male greenback flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) plasma, following induction by estradiol (E(2)) inoculation. The molecular weight of each native molecule, as determined by gel filtration, was 540, 383 and 557 kDa, respectively. With sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, Atlantic salmon and greenback flounder Vtg appeared as three major bands (approximately 159, 117, 86 kDa and 155, 104, 79 kDa, respectively), whereas rainbow trout Vtg appeared as one major band (approximately 154 kDa). Several minor bands were also present in each Vtg isolate. Polyclonal antisera, produced against only the highest molecular weight band from each species following excision from reducing gels, were reactive with all major bands in Western blots. In competition ELISA, parallel binding slopes were demonstrated between purified Vtg and plasma from vitellogenic females of the same species, but there was no reaction with plasma from untreated males. These antisera were highly species-specific and little cross-reactivity was noted, even between the two salmonid species. These data suggest that excision of bands from gels is a simple procedure for the preparation of species-specific antisera, and confirm that cross-species assays give highly variable results.  相似文献   
To determine whether creatine monohydrate supplementation would improve performance during a submaximal treadmill run interspersed with high-intensity intervals, 15 college soccer players (8 women, 7 men) received either creatine or a maltodextrin placebo at 0.3 g.kg body mass per day for 6 days. The speed of the treadmill was constant at 160.8 m.min, and every 2 minutes the grade was elevated to 15%. Each hill segment was 1 minute long. At the end of the 20-minute protocol, the treadmill was again elevated to 15% and held there until volitional exhaustion occurred. There was a significant treatment effect of creatine supplementation on body mass (p < 0.05) in the men; however, no significant differences were observed in the women (p > 0.05). There were no treatment effects (p > 0.05) on time to exhaustion, ratings of perceived exertion, or blood lactate concentration. There was a tendency for blood lactate levels to be lower after short-term creatine supplementation in the women, but this was not statistically significant. Based on these results, it appears that creatine supplementation does not improve performance in submaximal running interspersed with high-intensity intervals.  相似文献   
Zhai Q  Wang J  Kim A  Liu Q  Watts R  Hoopfer E  Mitchison T  Luo L  He Z 《Neuron》2003,39(2):217-225
Local axon degeneration is a common pathological feature of many neurodegenerative diseases and peripheral neuropathies. While it is believed to operate with an apoptosis-independent molecular program, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. In this study, we used the degeneration of transected axons, termed "Wallerian degeneration," as a model to examine the possible involvement of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Inhibiting UPS activity by both pharmacological and genetic means profoundly delays axon degeneration both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we found that the fragmentation of microtubules is the earliest detectable change in axons undergoing Wallerian degeneration, which among other degenerative events, can be delayed by proteasome inhibitors. Interestingly, similar to transected axons, degeneration of axons from nerve growth factor (NGF)-deprived sympathetic neurons could also be suppressed by proteasome inhibitors. Our findings suggest a possibility that inhibiting UPS activity may serve to retard axon degeneration in pathological conditions.  相似文献   
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