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The signal transduction mechanisms that mediateosmotic regulation of Na+/H+ exchange are notunderstood. Recently we demonstrated that hyposmolality increasesHCO3 absorption in the renal medullary thickascending limb (MTAL) through stimulation of the apical membraneNa+/H+ exchanger NHE3. To investigate themechanism of this stimulation, MTALs from rats were isolated andperfused in vitro with 25 mM HCO3-containingsolutions. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K) inhibitorswortmannin (100 nM) and LY-294002 (20 µM) blocked completely thestimulation of HCO3 absorption by hyposmolality. Intissue strips dissected from the inner stripe of the outer medulla, theregion of the kidney highly enriched in MTALs, hyposmolality increasedPI 3-K activity 2.2-fold. Wortmannin blocked the hyposmolality-inducedPI 3-K activation. Further studies examined the interaction betweenhyposmolality and vasopressin, which inhibits HCO3absorption in the MTAL via cAMP and often is involved in the development of plasma hyposmolality in clinical disorders. Pretreatment with arginine vasopressin, forskolin, or 8-bromo-cAMP abolished hyposmotic stimulation of HCO3 absorption, due to aneffect of cAMP to inhibit hyposmolality- induced activation of PI 3-K.In contrast to their effects to block stimulation by hyposmolality, PI3-K inhibitors and vasopressin have no effect on inhibition of apicalNa+/H+ exchange (NHE3) andHCO3 absorption by hyperosmolality. These resultsindicate that hyposmolality increases NHE3 activity andHCO3 absorption in the MTAL through activation of aPI 3-K-dependent pathway that is inhibited by vasopressin and cAMP.Hyposmotic stimulation and hyperosmotic inhibition of NHE3 are mediatedthrough different signal transduction mechanisms.

For the full scale implementation of in situ anaerobic bioremediation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater, the following issues must be addressed: which organic substrates at which concentration would be most effective in promoting dechlorination and are economical; how far the substrate, electron acceptor, and nutrients can be transported in the aquifer; and the placement of delivery and recovery wells for distributing these amendments. In a microcosm study, almost all of the tested inexpensive substrates supported reductive dechlorination of PCE through vinyl chloride (VC) under methanogenic conditions. A minimum of about 60 mg L−1 of organic carbon was needed to dechlorinate 23 μM PCE with a single feeding. In a second microcosm study dechlorination stopped at 1,2-dichloroethene (DCE) in microcosms fed higher concentrations of several substrates. At the highest concentrations the substrates inhibited DCE production. Three field tracer tests were conducted to evaluate methods to distribute the amendments across the aquifer. The natural groundwater gradient is not sufficient to distribute substrate evenly. Groundwater injection at 60 times the natural flux rate increased the distribution of substrate. A mixing strategy of cross-gradient injection further increased the distribution of the substrate. Ammonia-nitrogen, sulfate, and phosphate were retarded relative to the substrate and inorganic tracer. Received 30 October 1995/ Accepted in revised form 07 June 1996  相似文献   
During the first cell cycle of Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis, asymmetries are established that are essential for determining the subsequent developmental fates of the daughter cells. The maternally expressed par genes are required for establishing this polarity. The products of several of the par genes have been found to be themselves asymmetrically distributed in the first cell cycle. We have identified the par-4 gene of C. elegans, and find that it encodes a putative serine-threonine kinase with similarity to a human kinase associated with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, LKB1 (STK11), and a Xenopus egg and embryo kinase, XEEK1. Several strong par-4 mutant alleles are missense mutations that alter conserved residues within the kinase domain, suggesting that kinase activity is essential for PAR-4 function. We find that the PAR-4 protein is present in the gonads, oocytes and early embryos of C. elegans, and is both cytoplasmically and cortically distributed. The cortical distribution begins at the late 1-cell stage, is more pronounced at the 2- and 4-cell stages and is reduced at late stages of embryonic development. We find no asymmetry in the distribution of PAR-4 protein in C. elegans embryos. The distribution of PAR-4 protein in early embryos is unaffected by mutations in the other par genes.  相似文献   
In this study, we report cDNA sequences of the cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase for humans, mice, and two species of voles (Microtus mexicanus and Microtus ochrogaster). Inferred amino acid sequences from these taxa display a high level of amino acid sequence conservation, comparable to that of myosin beta heavy chain, and share known structural features. A Caenorhabditis elegans enzyme that was previously identified as a protein similar to isocitrate dehydrogenase is most likely the NADP-dependent cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme equivalent, based on amino acid similarity to mammalian enzymes and phylogenetic analysis. We also suggest that NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases characterized from alfalfa, soybean, and eucalyptus are most likely cytosolic enzymes. The phylogenetic tree of various isocitrate dehydrogenases from eukaryotic sources revealed that independent gene duplications may have given rise to the cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in animals and fungi. There appears to be no statistical support for a hypothesis that the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the enzyme are orthologous in these groups. A possible scenario of the evolution of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases is proposed.   相似文献   
X-ray crystallographic and kinetic studies of human sorbitol dehydrogenase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sorbitol dehydrogenase (hSDH) and aldose reductase form the polyol pathway that interconverts glucose and fructose. Redox changes from overproduction of the coenzyme NADH by SDH may play a role in diabetes-induced dysfunction in sensitive tissues, making SDH a therapeutic target for diabetic complications. We have purified and determined the crystal structures of human SDH alone, SDH with NAD(+), and SDH with NADH and an inhibitor that is competitive with fructose. hSDH is a tetramer of identical, catalytically active subunits. In the apo and NAD(+) complex, the catalytic zinc is coordinated by His69, Cys44, Glu70, and a water molecule. The inhibitor coordinates the zinc through an oxygen and a nitrogen atom with the concomitant dissociation of Glu70. The inhibitor forms hydrophobic interactions to NADH and likely sterically occludes substrate binding. The structure of the inhibitor complex provides a framework for developing more potent inhibitors of hSDH.  相似文献   
Data on the time budgets of mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) were collected during field studies in the Virunga Volcanoes region of Rwanda and Zaire. Focal sampling was used to determine the proportion of time that individuals of different age/sex classes spent in several mutually exclusive activity states. The gorillas spent the majority of daylight hours feeding; most of the rest of the day was devoted to resting, with little time spent moving or engaged in social activity. The time budget varied among the different subhabitats used by the gorillas, and the gorillas satisfied subsistence needs more quickly when in areas where food was more abundant and/or of better nutritional quality. Silverbacks spent more time feeding than all other age/sex classes, but age/sex class differences were not great. All age/sex classes responded to variability in habitat quality in similar fashion. Unlike the case for many other primates, there was no significant seasonal variation in time budgets. There was a direct relationship between group size and time spent feeding, although variation in relation to group size was lower than that in relation to variation in habitat quality. These results are consistent with the relationship of feeding time to body size in primates. They are also consistent, with other evidence that social foraging entails a cost to gorilla females, but that this cost is low in comparison to those faced by many other primates. Permanent association with males apparently offers little ecological disadvantage to females, who are likely to be more than compensated by mutualistic benefits.  相似文献   
Molecular weights of all hemocyanin aggregates which can be homogeneously isolated have been measured by sedimentation equilibrium. The larger aggregates, which are the ones present under physiological conditions, are, to a very close approximation, integral multiples of a 4.4 x 10(6)-dalton, 60 S species. Dissociation of the 60 S species at high pH gives heterogeneous samples in which the smallest species has a molecular weight of 300,000. The smallest subunit which can be produced in denaturing solvents also has a molecular weight of 300,000.  相似文献   
Ninety-one isolates of Pasteurella multocida (Pm) and 124 of Pasteurella haemolytica (Ph) were recovered from the lungs of calves that died of bovine respiratory tract disease (BRTD). Nine Pm enzyme profiles (A through I) and 9 Ph enzyme profiles (J through R) were determined for the Pasteurella isolates. The Pm isolates were relatively evenly divided among the enzyme profiles, with one exception, profile I. The Ph isolates were not evenly distributed among the profiles. Fifty of the 91 Pm isolates were serotyped. Forty-two Pm isolates were positive for capsule type A, and 8 were untypable. Five somatic type antigen profiles (3; 3,4; 3,7; 3,4,7; and 4) were identified among the 50 serotyped Pm isolates; one isolate was untypable. The Ph isolates were further divided through serotyping and grouped as follows: 74 (60%) Pasteurella haemolytica A1 (PhA1), 12 (10%) PhA2, 4 (3%) PhA5, and 34 (27%) PhA6. Eighty-one percent of the Ph serotypes were clustered in the M and N enzyme profile. The P enzyme profile was almost unique to PhA2 (8 of 12, 67% of PhA2 isolates). Results of this study indicate a need to collect more data on Ph serotypes at the state veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Received: 29 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   
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