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This study examined the effect of epinephrine on glucose disposal during moderate exercise when glycogenolytic flux was limited by low preexercise skeletal muscle glycogen availability. Six male subjects cycled for 40 min at 59 +/- 1% peak pulmonary O2 uptake on two occasions, either without (CON) or with (EPI) epinephrine infusion starting after 20 min of exercise. On the day before each experimental trial, subjects completed fatiguing exercise and then maintained a low carbohydrate diet to lower muscle glycogen. Muscle samples were obtained after 20 and 40 min of exercise, and glucose kinetics were measured using [6,6-2H]glucose. Exercise increased plasma epinephrine above resting concentrations in both trials, and plasma epinephrine was higher (P < 0.05) during the final 20 min in EPI compared with CON. Muscle glycogen levels were low after 20 min of exercise (CON, 117 +/- 25; EPI, 122 +/- 20 mmol/kg dry matter), and net muscle glycogen breakdown and muscle glucose 6-phosphate levels during the subsequent 20 min of exercise were unaffected by epinephrine infusion. Plasma glucose increased with epinephrine infusion (i.e., 20-40 min), and this was due to a decrease in glucose disposal (R(d)) (40 min: CON, 33.8 +/- 3; EPI, 20.9 +/- 4.9 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1), P < 0.05), because the exercise-induced rise in glucose rate of appearance was similar in the trials. These results show that glucose R(d) during exercise is reduced by elevated plasma epinephrine, even when muscle glycogen availability and utilization are low. This suggests that the effect of epinephrine does not appear to be mediated by increased glucose 6-phosphate, secondary to enhanced muscle glycogenolysis, but may be linked to a direct effect of epinephrine on sarcolemmal glucose transport.  相似文献   
Competitive synaptic remodeling is an important feature of developmental plasticity, but the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) can induce postsynaptic changes in synaptic strength. We show that postsynaptic CaMKII also generates structural synaptic rearrangements between cultured cortical neurons. Postsynaptic expression of activated CaMKII (T286D) increased the strength of transmission between pairs of pyramidal neuron by a factor of 4, through a modest increase in quantal amplitude and a larger increase in the number of synaptic contacts. Concurrently, T286D reduced overall excitatory synaptic density and increased the proportion of unconnected pairs. This suggests that connectivity from some synaptic partners was increased while other partners were eliminated. The enhancement of connectivity required activity and NMDA receptor activation, while the elimination did not. These data suggest that postsynaptic activation of CaMKII induces a structural remodeling of presynaptic inputs that favors the retention of active presynaptic partners.  相似文献   
Human interfollicular epidermis is renewed by stem cells that are clustered in the basal layer in a patterned, non-random distribution. Stem cells can be distinguished from other keratinocytes by high expression of beta1 integrins and lack of expression of terminal differentiation markers; they divide infrequently in vivo but form actively growing colonies in culture. In a search for additional stem cell markers, we observed heterogeneous epidermal expression of melanoma chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (MCSP). MCSP was expressed by those keratinocytes with the highest beta1 integrin levels. In interfollicular epidermis, expression was confined to non-cycling cells and, in culture, to self-renewing clones. However, fluorescence-activated cell sorting on the basis of MCSP and beta1 integrin expression gave no more enrichment for clonogenic keratinocytes than sorting for beta1 integrins alone. To interfere with endogenous MCSP, we retrovirally infected keratinocytes with a chimera of the CD8 extracellular domain and the MCSP cytoplasmic domain. CD8/MCSP did not affect keratinocyte proliferation or differentiation but the cohesiveness of keratinocytes in isolated clones or reconstituted epidermal sheets was greatly reduced. CD8/MCSP caused stem cell progeny to scatter without differentiating. CD8/MCSP did not alter keratinocyte motility but disturbed cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion and the cortical actin cytoskeleton, effects that could be mimicked by inhibiting Rho. We conclude that MCSP is a novel marker for epidermal stem cells that contributes to their patterned distribution by promoting stem cell clustering.  相似文献   
Expression of the p75 low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) was investigated immunocytochemically at the light and ultrastructural level during the axonal degeneration that follows partial denervation of the rat neural lobe (NL) and following systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). A significant increase in the intensity and extent of p75NTR immunoreactivity in the NL of partially denervated animals compared with age-matched, sham-operated controls was observed at 5-10 days postdenervation, with immunoreactivity returning to control values by 35 days. Dual-label confocal comparison of p75NTR localization with that of the C3bi complement receptor, a microglial marker, and S100, an astrocyte-specific Ca2+-binding protein, revealed no colocalization. Immunoelectron-microscopic examination demonstrated that the p75NTR immunoreactivity is present in a subpopulation of cells located within the extensive perivascular space of the NL. No examples of p75NTR-immunoreactive pituicytes or endothelia were observed at the light or ultrastructural level. Dense p75NTR immunoreactivity was frequently observed surrounding endocytotic omega profiles of plasmalemma engulfing extracellular debris as well as lining vacuoles within the cytoplasm of perivascular cells. The association of p75NTR with phagocytosis was confirmed by confocal microscopy, showing the presence of p75NTR in all cells expressing the ED-1 antigen, which is restricted to the lysosomal membrane of phagocytes (Damoiseaux et al. 1994). Likewise, a marked increase in p75NTR and ED-1 immunoreactivity was observed in the NL following systemic administration of LPS. These results suggest a strong correlation between modulation of p75NTR immunoreactivity and conditions that induce high levels of phagocytic activity by perivascular cells in the NL of the rat. Implications for understanding the mechanisms by which phagocytes may support compensatory responses to neuronal injury are discussed.  相似文献   
The human AC133 antigen and mouse prominin are structurally related plasma membrane proteins. However, their tissue distribution is distinct, with the AC133 antigen being found on hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and prominin on various epithelial cells. To determine whether the human AC133 antigen and mouse prominin are orthologues or distinct members of a protein family, we examined the human epithelial cell line Caco-2 for the possible expression of the AC133 antigen. By both immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation, the AC133 antigen was found to be expressed on the surface of Caco-2 cells. Interestingly, immunoreactivity for the AC133 antigen, but not its mRNA level, was down-regulated upon differentiation of Caco-2 cells. The AC133 antigen was specifically located at the apical rather than basolateral plasma membrane. An apical localization of the AC133 antigen was also observed in various human embryonic epithelia including the neural tube, gut, and kidney. Electron microscopy revealed that, within the apical plasma membrane of Caco-2 cells, the AC133 antigen was confined to microvilli and absent from the planar, intermicrovillar regions. This specific subcellular localization did not depend on an epithelial phenotype, because the AC133 antigen on hematopoietic stem cells, as well as that ectopically expressed in fibroblasts, was selectively found in plasma membrane protrusions. Hence, the human AC133 antigen shows the features characteristic of mouse prominin in epithelial and transfected non-epithelial cells, i.e. a selective association with apical microvilli and plasma membrane protrusions, respectively. Conversely, flow cytometry of murine CD34(+) bone marrow progenitors revealed the cell surface expression of prominin. Taken together, the data strongly suggest that the AC133 antigen is the human orthologue of prominin.  相似文献   
The novel sialomucin, CD164, functions as both an adhesion receptor on human CD34+ cell subsets in bone marrow and as a potent negative regulator of CD34+ hemopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. These diverse effects are mediated by at least two functional epitopes defined by the mAbs, 103B2/9E10 and 105A5. We report here the precise epitope mapping of these mAbs together with that of two other CD164 mAbs, N6B6 and 67D2. Using newly defined CD164 splice variants and a set of soluble recombinant chimeric proteins encoded by exons 1-6 of the CD164 gene, we demonstrate that the 105A5 and 103B2/9E10 functional epitopes map to distinct glycosylated regions within the first mucin domain of CD164. The N6B6 and 67D2 mAbs, in contrast, recognize closely associated and complex epitopes that rely on the conformational integrity of the CD164 molecule and encompass the cysteine-rich regions encoded by exons 2 and 3. On the basis of their sensitivities to reducing agents and to sialidase, O-sialoglycoprotease, and N-glycanase treatments, we have characterized CD164 epitopes and grouped them into three classes by analogy with CD34 epitope classification. The class I 105A5 epitope is sialidase, O-glycosidase, and O-sialoglycoprotease sensitive; the class II 103B2/9E10 epitope is N-glycanase, O-glycosidase, and O-sialoglycoprotease sensitive; and the class III N6B6 and 67D2 epitopes are not removed by such enzyme treatments. Collectively, this study indicates that the previously observed differential expression of CD164 epitopes in adult tissues is linked with cell type specific post-translational modifications and suggests a role for epitope-associated carbohydrate structures in CD164 function.  相似文献   
The EGF receptor (EGFR) is required for skin development and is implicated in epithelial tumor formation. Transgenic mice expressing a dominant form of Son of Sevenless (SOS-F) in basal keratinocytes develop skin papillomas with 100% penetrance. However, tumor formation is inhibited in a hypomorphic (wa2) and null EGFR background. Similarly, EGFR-deficient fibroblasts are resistant to transformation by SOS-F and rasV12, however, tumorigenicity is restored by expression of the anti-apoptotic bcl-2 gene. The K5-SOS-F papillomas and primary keratinocytesfrom wa2 mice display increased apoptosis, reduced Akt phosphorylation and grafting experiments imply a cell-autonomous requirement for EGFR in keratinocytes. Therefore, EGFR functions as a survival factor in oncogenic transformation and provides a valuable target for therapeutic intervention in a broader range of tumors than anticipated.  相似文献   
The nitrogenase-catalyzed H(2) evolution and acetylene-reduction reactions using Ti(III) and dithionite (DT) as reductants were examined and compared under a variety of conditions. Ti(III) is known to make the all-ferrous Fe protein ([Fe(4)S(4)](0)) and lowers the amount of ATP hydrolyzed during nitrogenase catalysis by approximately 2-fold. Here we further investigate this behavior and present results consistent with the Fe protein in the [Fe(4)S(4)](0) redox state transferring two electrons ([Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](0)) per MoFe protein interaction using Ti(III) but transferring only one electron ([Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](1+)) using DT. MoFe protein specific activity was measured as a function of Fe:MoFe protein ratio for both a one- and a two-electron transfer reaction, and nearly identical curves were obtained. However, Fe protein specific activity curves as a function of MoFe:Fe protein ratio showed two distinct reactivity patterns. With DT as reductant, typical MoFe inhibition curves were obtained for operation of the [Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](1+) redox couple, but with Ti(III) as reductant the [Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](0) redox couple was functional and MoFe inhibition was not observed at high MoFe:Fe protein ratios. With Ti(III) as reductant, nitrogenase catalysis produced hyperbolic curves, yielding a V(max) for the Fe protein specific activity of about 3200 nmol of H(2) min(-1) mg(-1) Fe protein, significantly higher than for reactions conducted with DT as reductant. Lag phase experiments (Hageman, R. V., and Burris, R. H. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 75, 2699-2702) were carried out at MoFe:Fe protein ratios of 100 and 300 using both DT and Ti(III). A lag phase was observed for DT but, with Ti(III) product formation, began immediately and remained linear for over 30 min. Activity measurements using Av-Cp heterologous crosses were examined using both DT and Ti(III) as reductants to compare the reactivity of the [Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](1+) and [Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](0) redox couples and both were inactive. The results are discussed in terms of the Fe protein transferring two electrons per MoFe protein encounter using the [Fe(4)S(4)](2+)/[Fe(4)S(4)](0) redox couple with Ti(III) as reductant.  相似文献   
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