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Frogs are a representative taxon that use advertisement calls to aid in reproduction. In most frog species, calls vary with body size, and allometric constraints between body size and call frequency have been widely reported among anuran species. Although this variation is an important driver of sexual selection in frogs, male advertisement call strategies may also vary according to body size. In this study, we conducted playback experiments on the male forest green tree frog (Zhangixalus arboreus) to determine whether male advertisement call characteristics and strategies vary according to body size and the amplitude of intraspecific chorus noise. The results indicated that the calls of larger individuals are louder and lower than those of smaller ones, who call more frequently; moreover, the calls become lower, and the number of calls decreases, as noise levels increase. These findings suggest that forest green tree frog emits lower calls or refrains from calling when chorus noise increases, and that intraspecific variation in advertisement call characteristics can induce different strategies in response to chorus noise. Because advertisement call variation with body size is common among frog species, intraspecific variation in male advertisement call strategies may also be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   
Previously, we observed several instances in which Apis cerana japonica performed dancing around the hive entrance and smeared plant materials there immediately after scouting of Vespa mandarinia japonica. In this study, we conducted a series of attack simulation experiments with three hornet species to investigate whether the hive entrance dance is a specific response to V. m. japonica scouting. We also tracked dancing bees and dance‐follower bees to observe whether they perform hive entrance smearing. Only V. m. japonica scouting induced dancing, and we confirmed that dancing and dance‐follower bees performed smearing behavior at the hive entrance. These results suggest that the hive entrance dance informs nestmates of a specific emergency and of the urgent need to collect odorous plant materials as a counter‐attack strategy.  相似文献   
Germination responses ofRhus javanica L. seeds to temperature and light were investigated with special reference to their gap-detecting mechanisms in germination, i.e., responses to elevated and/or fluctuating temperatures and sensitivity to leaf-canopy transmitted light. The seeds, which have water-impermeable coats to prevent imbibition, were shown to become permeable and germinable after exposure to higher temperatures of 48–74°C for a brief period depending on the temperature. Once the coat impermeability had been removed by such heat treatment, the seeds became readily germinable over a wide range of temperature and light conditions. The lower and higher temperature limits for germination were around 8° and 36°C, respectively, with an optimal temperature of around 25°C. Simple linear relationships were observed between the temperature and germination rates, i.e., the reciprocals of the time taken by the seed subpopulations to show 10–70% germination in the sub-optimal temperature range, where the required ‘thermal time’ for germination was 2300–3600 Kh. The presence or absence of light or a simulated ‘canopy light’ had little effect on the germination of this species. It was concluded that the seeds ofR. javanica are furnished with a gap-detecting mechanism in the form of a heat requirement for the breakage of water-impermeable seed dormancy, which may be fulfilled by either daytime elevation of the surface temperature of exposed soil, or more effectively by fire.  相似文献   
Abstract Germination responses of Taraxacum platycarpum seeds to temperature were examined under laboratory conditions to investigate the emergence-season choice mechanism of the seeds. Almost all the newly collected seeds were non-dormant. Under constant temperature conditions, maximum percentage germination (approximately 90%) was attained at temperatures 6–16°C, where simple linear relationships were observed between the temperature and the rates of germination, i.e. the reciprocals of the time taken to germinate by seed subpopulations with 10–80% germination. Thermal time required for germination of the subpopulations ranged from 600 Kh (degree Kelvin × hours) to 1500 Kh with a relatively constant base temperature of about 2.5°C. Lower limit temperature for germination was slightly below 6°C. Higher limit temperature for germination has the normal distribution with the mean ±SD of 19±2.5°C. Pre-exposure of imbibed seeds to temperatures higher than the higher limit temperature for germination, 25 and 30°C, had no effect on the germinability and the rate of germination at a circa-optimum temperature. Moist chilling treatment at 4°C caused an increase in the variation of germination rate within the seed population, but no evidence for dormancy-inducing or breaking effects was obtained.  相似文献   
Spiders are common generalist predators, and understanding their potential in biological control is important for the development of integrated pest management programs. In this study, predation by three groups of spiders on the mirid bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) in rice paddies was investigated using DNA-based gut-content analysis. A laboratory feeding study revealed that the detection half-lives of bug DNA in the spider gut at 25 °C was 3.4 days for Lycosidae and 1.5 days for Tetragnathidae. Individual spider predation on the mirid bug was investigated by detecting DNA of prey in field-collected spiders. In total, 1199 spiders were assayed from three spider groups: Pirata subpiraticus (Lycosidae), Tetragnatha spp. (Tetra-gnathidae), and Pachygnatha clercki (Tetra-gnathidae), which each differ in their preferred microhabitat as well as their predatory habits. Detection rates of prey DNA in spiders increased significantly with the density of prey across all spider groups. P. subpiraticus and Tetragnatha spp. predation showed a better fit to a saturated response curve to increasing prey density, while P. clercki showed a simple linear relationship with prey density. Densities of alternative prey species did not affect the detection rates of mirids. These results suggest that predation on pests by generalist predators in an agroecosystem is affected not only by prey abundance but also by predator preference for specific prey. Predator preference is therefore an important factor to consider when estimating the role of natural enemies as biological control agents.  相似文献   
Fruit use by the Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) and seed clumping in bear scat were studied in central Japan using fecal analyses. Between May and November 2003 and 2004, the life form and fruit size of plants consumed by bears and the species composition and intactness of seeds contained in scat were examined in five transects (approximately 10 km × 10 m) in broad-leaved deciduous forests. In 2003, scats with seeds were found only in the autumn, when fruiting trees and shrubs were abundant. In 2004, scats with seeds occurred intermittently from the summer, when fruiting plants were rare, up to the autumn. Yearly and seasonal variation in fruit use reflects the opportunistic foraging behavior of Japanese black bears. Seven of the nine plant species detected in scats had medium-sized fruits (6–15 mm width), whereas the other two species had relatively large fruits (20–100 mm width). In total, 14,492 seeds were detected, of which 97.6% were intact; the remainder were damaged. Intact seeds of one or two species were found in each scat. The number of intact seeds per scat ranged from 1 to 5476. Japanese black bears seldom digest ingested seeds, thereby contributing to the seed dispersal of their food plants, including species with fruits that are too large to be swallowed by frugivorous birds.  相似文献   
We compared the genetic diversity of the Lake Kasumigaura population of Nymphoides indica with that of pond populations in Hyogo and Kagawa Prefectures, which are thought to maintain high genetic diversity, to elucidate the current genetic diversity and occurrence of distinctive alleles in the Lake Kasumigaura population. The genetic diversity, as measured by the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus, effective number of alleles per locus, mean observed heterozygosity, mean expected heterozygosities, total gene diversity, and number of multilocus genotypes was lower in the Lake Kasumigaura population than in the Hyogo and Kagawa populations. In addition, the inbreeding coefficient suggests that random mating does not occur in the Lake Kasumigaura population. The degree of genetic differentiation between the Lake Kasumigaura population and the Hyogo and Kagawa populations suggests that the Lake Kasumigaura population is largely genetically distinct. We found five genotypes in the Lake Kasumigaura population that were absent from the Hyogo and Kagawa populations. These results demonstrate that the Lake Kasumigaura population is an important component of the overall genetic diversity of N. indica in Japan.  相似文献   
Detailed measurements of diurnal variations in photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were made at seven locations within the canopy of aMiscanthus sinensis grassland to evaluate the light conditions of microsites for heliophilic tree seedlings. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the short-term light fluctuation on a clear day was highly dependent on the wind speed and solar elevation angle, whereas on a cloudy day it was mainly determined by the PPFD incident from above the canopy. The relative PPFD at 40 cm aboveground varied from 0.065 to 0.252, depending on sky conditions and the sensor's position in relation to clumped patches ofM. sinensis. On a clear day, the proportion of PPFD readings above 100 μmol·m−2·s−1 contributed by sunflecks ranged between 25.4% and 82.0%. Computer simulation showed that the contribution of sunflecks to the daily carbon gain ofQuercus serrata seedlings may range from 11% to 65%. The mean relative PPFD measured under diffuse light conditions was linearly related to the daily total PPFD and the daily carbon gain by single leaves ofQ. serrata seedlings. This suggests that the relative PPFD under diffuse light conditions provides an appropriate measure of site-specific light availability within a grass canopy.  相似文献   
Conservation ecology is a new paradigm of ecology that aims at scientific contributions to maintaining earth's biodiversity and is committed to ecosystem management indispensable to intergenerational long-term sustainability. Population ecology plays a central role in conservation ecology. Persistence of the metapopulation rather than that of each local population should be pursued in species conservation management. Biological interactions essential to reproduction and soil seed bank components of the population should be investigated and applied to planning for the conservation of a plant population. Gravelly floodplains and moist tall grasslands are among typical riparian habitats containing many threatened plants in Japan. These riparian habitats are now subjected not only to heavy fragmentation but also to intensive invasion of highly competitive alien (nonnative) plants. Extreme habitat isolation may result in reproductive failure or fertility selection in a plant population without pollinators, as exemplified by a nature reserve population of Primula sieboldii. Biological invasions, which are facilitated by extensive changes in the river environment including decreased seasonal flooding, abandonment of traditional vegetation management, eutrophication, and extensive clearing of the land for recreational use, threaten endemic riparian species. To preserve safe sites and growing conditions for threatened plants such as Aster kantoensis, active management to suppress the dominance of alien invader plants is necessary. Population management and habitat restoration should be based on sound information on the population ecology of both threatened and alien invader plants, designed as an ecological experiment to clarify effective ways for management. Received: September 18, 1998 / Revised: October 22, 2001 / Accepted: October 23, 2001  相似文献   
A suspension‐cultured cell strain of the mangrove plant (Bruguiera sexangula) was established from a callus culture and maintained in an amino acid medium in the absence of NaCl. NaCl non‐adapted cells were transferred to media containing 0–200 mm NaCl. The initial growth rate decreased gradually with increasing salt concentrations. However, at up to 150 mm NaCl, cell number growth at the highest point was almost the same as that at lower salt concentrations. Cells even continued to grow in the presence of 200 mm NaCl. Cells incubated in a medium containing 50 mm NaCl for 3 weeks accumulated Na+, while those incubated in 150 mm NaCl for 2 d showed only a transient increase in Na+ and Cl concentrations. In the latter treatment, the intracellular concentration of Na+ returned to the original low level within 2 weeks. It took a longer time for Cl to return to its original level. As a result, the Na+ and Cl concentrations in cells cultured with 50 mm NaCl were much larger than those in cells cultured with 150 mm NaCl. The intracellular distribution of ions after transfer to the medium containing 150 mm NaCl was analysed by isolating the vacuoles. Treatment with amiloride, an inhibitor of the Na+/H+ antiporter, suppressed the recovery of Na+ to the original level in the cells. Treatment with 150 mm NaCl for 3 d stimulated the activities of both the vanadate‐dependent H+‐ATPase and the Na+/H+ antiporter in the plasma membrane fraction.  相似文献   
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