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Mitotic activity in the vascular cambium was determined from nine samples from a single internode in each of four Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) trees. Counts of mitotic nuclei and populations of potentially dividing cells in each sample were used to determine the average mitotic index per core. The sampling error was determined for the average mitotic index per core and the internode as a whole. Significant differences were found between the mitotic indexes of samples within the internodes of three of the trees; however, no differences were observed in the rate of division among trees. A significant correlation was established between the number of cells in the cambial zone and the average mitoses per core per sample.  相似文献   
Microelectrode Studies of Dog's Gastric Mucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In anesthetized dogs, the potentials in the mucous coat and gastic cells were measured with microelectrodes. In the secreting stomach, with isotonic saline in contact with the mucosal surface, the orientation of the initial change in potential difference (PD) was often the same as that of the liquid junction potential between gastric juice and saline (the microelectrode became negative to a reference electrode in the saline) but the magnitude of the change was never more than 11 mv. On the basis of this finding an explanation is offered for the observation that in the secreting stomach replacing isotonic saline with isotonic HCl as the bathing fluid on the mucosal surface, results in a change in the serosal to mucosal PD of only 19 mv, which is 40% less than the liquid junction potential between gastric juice and saline. In the surface epithelial cells of both resting and secreting stomach, multiple levels of potentials were found. For the secreting stomach, the resistance between the interstitial fluid of the pit region and the fluid on the mucosal surface was 55 ohm cm2, determined as the change in PD per unit of applied current across stomach. The implications of these findings are discussed with reference to the separate site theory of HCl formation.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of trypsin on the cytotoxicity of staphylococcal enterotoxin B acting with human embryonic intestine cell cultures was examined. Trypsin treatment of the cells rendered them resistant to enterotoxin for a period of 48 hr. The resistance increased proportionally with increased time of exposure of the cells to trypsin. Neither ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid nor scraping, which were used as alternate means of cell suspension, caused any resistance to the toxin. The effect is enzymatic and appears to be similar to the inhibitory action of trypsin and chymotrypsin on the attachment of polioviruses and coxsackieviruses to HeLa cells.  相似文献   
The maximal nonlethal dose of the 3a-1 fraction of papain, determined by use of 9-week-old white albino rabbits, was 10 mg per injection, administered intravenously. The immunosuppressive activity of the 3a-1 fraction of papain was studied by its inhibition of sheep red blood cell hemolysin, bacterial agglutinin, and horse serum precipitin. Immune suppression was observed when papain injections preceded antigen injections by 12 to 18 hr. The enzyme preparation was analyzed by use of cellulose acetate and starch-gel electrophoresis and by the micro-Kjeldahl method. Starch-gel electrophoresis of serum samples revealed qualitative alterations in the alpha(-1) region 7 hr after papain administration. Changes were also observed in the urinary aminopolysaccharide content.  相似文献   
1. The production of penicillin N and cephalosporin C by two mutants of a Cephalosporium sp. has been studied with cultures grown in a chemically defined medium and with suspensions of washed mycelium in water or a buffered salt solution. 2. Antibiotic synthesis began at an early stage of growth and its rate per unit weight of mycelium appeared to pass its maximum as morphological changes were occurring in young hyphae. This rate subsequently declined, but rapid production could continue after net growth had ceased. 3. In a series of shake-flask fermentations in the growth medium, increases in the yield of penicillin N above the mean were correlated with much smaller increases in the yield of cephalosporin C and vice versa. 4. In suspensions of washed mycelium, moderate decreases in the efficiency of aeration increased the yield of penicillin N and decreased that of cephalosporin C. A similar result normally followed the addition of methionine to the suspension fluid, and in both cases there was usually an increase in the yield of the two antibiotics combined. 5. The apparent intracellular concentrations of the antibiotics were much lower than those attained extracellularly and also much lower than those of most of the amino acids in the intracellular pool. No detectable amount of [(14)C]penicillin N added to the extracellular fluid was found to enter the mycelium. 6. Very small amounts of peptide material whose behaviour was similar to that of the sulphonic acid of delta-(alpha-amino-adipoyl)cysteinylvaline on paper electrophoresis at pH1.8 were found in extracts of the mycelium that had been oxidized with performic acid. 6-Aminopenicillanic acid and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid were not detected. 7. Ultrasonic treatment of the mycelium resulted in rapid fragmentation of mycelial chains, rupture of many individual cells, and the liberation of amino acids and other substances into the medium. 8. Ultrasonically treated preparations synthesized penicillin N and cephalosporin C rapidly after a lag of 12hr. Antibiotic synthesis was accompanied by the growth of hyphae from swollen mycelial fragments and by the re-establishment of permeability barriers resulting in the uptake of amino acids from the medium.  相似文献   
Because of the low toxicity of its breakdown product, propylene oxide (PO) vapor will play an increasingly important role in the preservation of foods. It is therefore necessary that the diversified variables which influence effectiveness of PO treatment be thoroughly investigated and understood prior to advocating its general use in industry. Accordingly, the present study was undertaken to determine the effect of relative humidity (RH) upon the bactericidal activity of PO sterilant atmospheres. Death rates were established at increasing RH values of < 1, 52, 65, 80, and 98% and under constant conditions of concentration, pressure, and temperature. Test bacterial populations were preconditioned to corresponding moisture levels. Results indicate that gram-positive cocci were relatively insensitive to PO vapor at dry conditions but became progressively less resistant with the increase in RH up to a maximum of 65 to 70%. Lactic acid bacteria and gram-negative rods were much more sensitive at dry conditions, showing much less dependency upon water vapor. Bacillus subtilis spores elicited the highest degree of resistance but the death rate substantially increased with the increase in RH.  相似文献   
Native glycogen was isolated from Tetrahymena pyriformis (HSM) by isopycnic centrifugation in cesium chloride density gradients. A density of 1.62 to 1.65 was isopycnic for glycogen. Most of the banded glycogen existed as 35 to 40 mµ particles which had a sedimentation coefficient of 214. These particles were composed of aggregates of 2 to 3 mµ spherical particles. Extraction of glycogen with hot alkali reduced the sedimentation coefficient of native glycogen from 214 to 64.7 and the particle diameter from approximately 40 to 20 mµ and smaller. Cell division was synchronized by a repetitive 12-hour temperature cycle, and glycogen was measured at several times during the cell cycle. The temperature cycle consisted of 9.5 hours at 12°C and 2.5 hours at 27°C. Approximately 90 per cent of the cells divided during the last 1.5 hours of the warm period. The carbohydrate/protein ratio of cells at the end of the cold period was 0.27 and was reduced slightly during the warm period. Glucose was incorporated into glycogen during both periods, although the rate of incorporation was greater during the warm period. No preferential incorporation on the basis of particle size was noted. Incorporation was measured in both native glycogen and KOH-extracted glycogen. Tetrahymena glycogen is compared with rat liver glycogen previously isolated by similar procedures, and the significance of using combined rate-zonal and isopycnic centrifugation for isolating native glycogen is discussed.  相似文献   
Most penetrating or lacerating injuries of the eye in children justify examination under anesthesia to avoid further harm to an uncooperative patient. The pediatrician in doubt should merely apply a sterile dressing and have an ophthalmologist examine the injury in hospital. Nonperforating injuries may result in severe bleeding 48 to 72 hours later; this may be averted by bandaging the eyes and maintaining rest for four or five days. Removal of foreign bodies should be followed by application of antibiotic ointment and patching to prevent contamination.Congenital stenosis of the lacrimal duct may clear spontaneously or through application of decongestants and sympathomimetic drops. More severe effects, especially infection, justify probing at six months or earlier. The operation should be done under general anesthesia, preferably in hospital.Acute conjunctivitis is best treated by local application of antibiotics or sulfonamides only. Chronic infections may be better managed with the addition of corticosteroids, which reduce local inflammation and control bacterial reaction. Bacterial study should be done only if empirical antibiotic therapy fails. Bacterial desensitization may be helpful. The same methods are effective in blepharitis, aided by hygienic measures. Corticosteroids are most useful in allergic inflammations.Refractive difference is difficult to test before a child can read, and apparent defects may be due to lack of cooperation. Marked inequality of the eyes may signify organic disorder. Strabismus, on the other hand, can be detected as early as 12 or 15 months and should be treated as early as possible by proper lenses, surgery, or both. Pediatricians and parents should be aware that many children appear to have strabismus because of wide epicanthi and deep-set eyes.  相似文献   
1. The production of penicillin N, but not that of cephalosporin C, was inhibited by the addition of d-valine to suspensions in water of washed mycelium of Cephalosporium sp. 8650. The production of cephalosporin C was selectively inhibited by gamma-hydroxyvaline. 2. l-[(14)C]Valine was taken up rapidly and virtually completely by suspensions of washed mycelium but d-[(14)C]valine and alpha-oxo[(14)C]-isovalerate were taken up relatively slowly. 3. Part of the l-valine was rapidly degraded in the mycelium and part was incorporated into protein. Turnover of the valine in the amino acid pool was estimated to occur in 10-17min. 4. No detectable amount of l-[(14)C]valine was converted into the d-isomer in the mycelium. alpha-Oxo[(14)C]isovalerate was rapidly converted into l-[(14)C]valine in mycelium and mycelial extracts. 5. d-[(14)C]Valine was partially converted into the l-isomer in the mycelium and (14)C from d-valine was incorporated into protein. 6. The labelling of penicillin N and cephalosporin C by (14)C from l-[(14)C]valine was consistent with the view that l-valine is a direct precursor of C(5) fragments of both antibiotics and that any intermediates involved are present in relatively small pools in rapid turnover. 7. Labelling of the antibiotics with (14)C from d-[1-(14)C]valine appeared to occur after the latter had been converted into the l-isomer. Unlabelled d-valine did not decrease the efficiency of incorporation of (14)C from l-[1-(14)C]valine. 8. Intracellular peptide material which contained, among others, residues of alpha-aminoadipic acid, cysteine and valine, was rapidly labelled by (14)C from l-[1-(14)C]valine in a manner consistent with it being an intermediate in the biosynthesis of one or both of the antibiotics. 9. Labelling of penicillin N from l-[1-(14)C]valine occurred more rapidly than that of cephalosporin C. However, the effects of d-valine and gamma-hydroxyvaline on antibiotic production and the course of labelling of the antibiotics from l-[(14)C]valine could not readily be explained on the assumption that penicillin N was a precursor of cephalosporin C.  相似文献   
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