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Woodpeckers and certain passerine species secure encased food in the environment in various ways to facilitate the extraction of the contents with their bills. They do this by securing the food items in locations such as crevices and holes, newly defined in this paper as ‘vice-anvils’. Here I report that free-living New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides) and rooks (Corvus frugilegus, in New Zealand) also use vice-anvils to process candlenuts and walnuts, respectively. New Caledonian crows placed candlenut sections in vice-anvils to aid kernel extraction, after the candlenuts had been dropped onto an anvil to break them open. In contrast, rooks used vice-anvils to secure walnuts while they broke the shell with their bills. Long-term use by rooks of a vice-anvil in a tree had produced a ‘purpose-made’ nut-cracking site. My findings extend the persistent use of specific vice-anvils to Corvus species and further demonstrate their innovative and flexible foraging behaviour.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Global warming is leading to range shifts of marine species, threatening the structure and functioning of ecological communities and human populations that rely on them. The largest...  相似文献   
This study aimed to compare the effects of different velocities of eccentric muscle actions on acute blood lactate and serum growth hormone (GH) concentrations following free weight bench press exercises performed by resistance-trained men. Sixteen healthy men were divided into two groups: slow eccentric velocity (SEV; n = 8) and fast eccentric velocity (FEV; n = 8). Both groups performed four sets of eight eccentric repetitions at an intensity of 70% of their one repetition maximum eccentric (1RMecc) test, with 2-minute rest intervals between sets. The eccentric velocity was controlled to 3 seconds per range of motion for SEV and 0.5 seconds for the FEV group. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in the kinetics of blood lactate removal (at 3, 6, 9, 15, and 20 min) and higher mean values for peak blood lactate (P = 0.001) for the SEV group (9.1 ± 0.5 mM) compared to the FEV group (6.1 ± 0.4 mM). Additionally, serum GH concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.001) at 15 minutes after bench press exercise in the SEV group (1.7 ± 0.6 ng · mL−1) relative to the FEV group (0.1 ± 0.0 ng · mL−1). In conclusion, the velocity of eccentric muscle action influences acute responses following bench press exercises performed by resistance-trained men using a slow velocity resulting in a greater metabolic stress and hormone response.  相似文献   
Mice of the TO Swiss strain received diets containing different amounts of saturated or unsaturated fat throughout life. These diets produced characteristic changes in cardiac phospholipid fatty acid composition, but produced no significant differences in fatty acid composition of phospholipids from a crude membrane fraction of brain. When littermates of these animals were exposed to ethanol vapour in an inhalation chamber it was observed that mice which had received a diet high in saturated fat lost the righting reflex at an estimated concentration of ethanol in blood higher than that required for mice receiving a control diet, or a diet rich in polyunsaturated fat. Analysis of the brain membrane fraction from those animals which had received ethanol revealed that mice receiving the highly saturated fat diet now had a significantly greater proportion of saturated fatty acids in brain membrane phospholipids. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that brain membrane lipid composition may influence the behavioural response to ethanol.  相似文献   
Apoptotic elimination of UV-damaged cells from the epidermis is an important step in preventing both the emergence and expansion of cells with carcinogenic potential. A pivotal event in apoptosis is the release of apoptogenic factors from the mitochondria, although the mechanisms by which the different proteins are released are not fully understood. Here we demonstrate that UV radiation induced the mitochondrial to nuclear translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) in normal skin. The human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 protein prevented release of AIF and other apoptotic factors such as cytochrome c and Omi from mitochondria of UV-damaged primary epidermal keratinocytes and preserved mitochondrial integrity. shRNA silencing of Bak, a target for E6-mediated proteolysis, demonstrated the requirement of Bak for UV-induced AIF release and mitochondrial fragmentation. Furthermore, screening non-melanoma skin cancer biopsies revealed an inverse correlation between HPV status and AIF nuclear translocation. Our results indicate that the E6 activity towards Bak is a key factor that promotes survival of HPV-infected cells that facilitates tumor development.  相似文献   
A field trial in Zimbabwe investigated the efficacy of insecticide-treated cattle as a barrier to prevent the re-invasion of tsetse, Glossina morsitans and G. pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae), into cleared areas. The original tsetse barrier consisted of insecticide-treated odour-baited targets, at an operational density of four to five targets per km2, supported by insecticide-treatments of cattle with either deltamethrin dip (Decatix, Coopers) at two-weekly intervals, or deltamethrin pouron (Spoton, Coopers) at monthly intervals, in a band approximately 20 km wide from the re-invasion front. Tsetse catch, and trypanosomiasis incidence in nine sentinel herds was recorded for 7-8 months, respectively, before the targets were removed, leaving only the insecticide treatment of the local cattle to stem the re-invasion of tsetse. After the removal of the target barrier, the tsetse readily invaded the trial area and the incidence of trypanosomiasis in sentinel herds increased, while their PCVs decreased. After seven months without the targets in place, trypanosomiasis prevalence in the local stock had reached alarmingly high levels; the trial was terminated prematurely and the target barrier re-deployed. Immediately after the re-deployment of the target barrier, the tsetse catch in the trial area reverted to acceptable levels along the re-invasion front, and trypanosomiasis incidence in the sentinel cattle decreased. It is concluded that, under the conditions of the field trial, the insecticidal treatment of local cattle did not in itself form an effective barrier to tsetse re-invasion. By contrast, the target barrier performed as was predicted by mathematical and experimental analysis, and readily cleared the tsetse infestation and reduced trypanosomosis incidence in the trial area.  相似文献   
The responses of male and female Glossina pallidipes Austen to a visual target were recorded in a slow-speed wind tunnel, using a video system. Addition of ox odour or carbon dioxide at an equivalent concentration to the airstream resulted in an increase in flight activity and a marked increase in flies alighting on the visual target. In the absence of ox odour flights were characterised by a number of collisions with the walls and ceiling of the cage used to retain the flies, whereas in the presence of ox odour the flies circled around the centre of the cage avoiding the edges. Removal of the visual target did not alter this response. The results are discussed in the light of field observations on the behaviour of G. pallidipes around baited targets. When flies were observed in groups, mutual disturbance increased the activity during control periods thus masking the activating effect of ox odour. The activity of individual flies occurred in bursts (22.1 s mean duration) consisting of a number of flights (3.3 s mean duration) and longer periods of inactivity (85.8 s mean duration). The burst lenght did not change when ox odour was added to the airstream but the number of flights per burst increased. These results are discussed in relation to the random dispersal theory of tsetse populations.
Résumé Les réactions de G. pallidipes mâles et femelles, à l'odeur de vache, au gaz carbonique et à des stimulations visuelles ont été enregittrées sur un système vidéo, lors d'expériences dans un tunnel à vent à faible vitesse. Les adultes ont été mis à jeûner pendant 3 jours après leur premier repas, avant d'être introduits à l'intérieur du tunnel à vent dans une cage en fil nylon, conçue pour maintenir les mouches dans le champ de la caméra. Dans les premières expériences, 10 mouches ont été observées simultanément. L'introduction d'odeur de vache ou de CO2 n'a augmenté l'activité d'aucun des deux sexes, mais a brutalement accru le nombre de vols s'achevant sur une cible mate noire. Une étude plus précise et continue pendant 60 minutes, de groupes de 5 mâles et de 5 femelles, a révélé que les envols n'étaient pas indépendants et que les perturbations mutuelles avaient masqué l'action stimulante de l'odeur de vache et du CO2. Pour surmonter le problème des perturbations mutuelles, les mouches ont été observées individuellement. Mâles et femelles ont répondu par une augmentation de l'activité de vol à l'introduction d'odeur de vache dans le courant d'air. Les mâles ne se sont posés sur les cibles que dans les minutes ayant suivi l'addition d'odeur de vache, tandis que les femelles se sont posées tout le long de l'expérience, le nombre d'atterrissages s'étant accru significativement avec l'addition d'odeur de vache. L'odeur de vache a modifié le type de vol, passant du vol au hasard entraînant de nombreuses collisions avec les parois et le plafond de la cage, à un vol plus direct provoquant le tournoiement des mouches dans la cage. Par ailleurs, ce comportement a subsisté après le retrait des cibles mates noires de la cage. On peut en conclure que l'odeur de vache active les femelles et augmente la perception visuelle du paysage. L'activité de G. pallidipes avait lieu avec de brêves poussées (durée moyenne 22,1 secondes) de nombreux vols, suivies de périodes d'inactivité plus longues (durée moyenne 85,8 secondes). La durée moyenne d'un vol était de 3,3 s. Partant de ces données et d'une vitesse de vol estimée à 5,0 m/s, la longeur d'un vol élémentaire pour une dispersion théoriquement au hasard, est 16,5 m. La durée de la poussée d'activité n'a pas changé avec l'introduction d'odeur de vache, mais le nombre de vols par poussée a augmenté, et bien qu'il ait été impossible de comparer la durée des périodes de repos avec et sans odeur, des expériences précédentes suggèrent qu'elles devraient diminuer en présence d'odeur.
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