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The Notch signaling pathway controls a large number of processes during animal development and adult homeostasis. One of the conserved post-translational modifications of the Notch receptors is the addition of an O-linked glucose to epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats with a C-X-S-X-(P/A)-C motif by Protein O-glucosyltransferase 1 (POGLUT1; Rumi in Drosophila). Genetic experiments in flies and mice, and in vivo structure-function analysis in flies indicate that O-glucose residues promote Notch signaling. The O-glucose residues on mammalian Notch1 and Notch2 proteins are efficiently extended by the addition of one or two xylose residues through the function of specific mammalian xylosyltransferases. However, the contribution of xylosylation to Notch signaling is not known. Here, we identify the Drosophila enzyme Shams responsible for the addition of xylose to O-glucose on EGF repeats. Surprisingly, loss- and gain-of-function experiments strongly suggest that xylose negatively regulates Notch signaling, opposite to the role played by glucose residues. Mass spectrometric analysis of Drosophila Notch indicates that addition of xylose to O-glucosylated Notch EGF repeats is limited to EGF14–20. A Notch transgene with mutations in the O-glucosylation sites of Notch EGF16–20 recapitulates the shams loss-of-function phenotypes, and suppresses the phenotypes caused by the overexpression of human xylosyltransferases. Antibody staining in animals with decreased Notch xylosylation indicates that xylose residues on EGF16–20 negatively regulate the surface expression of the Notch receptor. Our studies uncover a specific role for xylose in the regulation of the Drosophila Notch signaling, and suggest a previously unrecognized regulatory role for EGF16–20 of Notch.  相似文献   
We investigated the habitat selected by two Palaearctic migrants (Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus) in a patchy landscape in Ivory Coast and compared it with the habitat selection of Afrotropical species in the same foraging guilds. Transect counts were used to test the hypothesis that migrants use more open and more seasonal habitats and have a broader use of habitats compared with resident species. Habitats compared were, in order of decreasing tree density, gallery forest, an isolated forest and bush/tree savanna. The isolated forest had the most pronounced seasonal changes (deciduous trees) and was the one with the most diverse vegetation structure. The habitat where both migrants were most frequent was the isolated forest, and thus occurred in the habitat with the most pronounced seasonal change. Diversity of habitats selected was highest in migrants but in the Pied Flycatcher this was possibly an artefact due to subdominant individuals being excluded from the preferred habitat by territorial birds. Potential competition for habitat with Afrotropical species was found to be low.  相似文献   
Plant metabolism is characterized by a unique complexity on the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. On a whole-plant scale, changing source and sink relations accompanying plant development add another level of complexity to metabolism. With the aim of achieving a spatiotemporal resolution of source-sink interactions in crop plant metabolism, a multiscale metabolic modeling (MMM) approach was applied that integrates static organ-specific models with a whole-plant dynamic model. Allowing for a dynamic flux balance analysis on a whole-plant scale, the MMM approach was used to decipher the metabolic behavior of source and sink organs during the generative phase of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) plant. It reveals a sink-to-source shift of the barley stem caused by the senescence-related decrease in leaf source capacity, which is not sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of sink organs such as the growing seed. The MMM platform represents a novel approach for the in silico analysis of metabolism on a whole-plant level, allowing for a systemic, spatiotemporally resolved understanding of metabolic processes involved in carbon partitioning, thus providing a novel tool for studying yield stability and crop improvement.Plants are of vital significance as a source of food (Grusak and DellaPenna, 1999; Rogalski and Carrer, 2011), feed (Lu et al., 2011), energy (Tilman et al., 2006; Parmar et al., 2011), and feedstocks for the chemical industry (Metzger and Bornscheuer, 2006; Kinghorn et al., 2011). Given the close connection between plant metabolism and the usability of plant products, there is a growing interest in understanding and predicting the behavior and regulation of plant metabolic processes. In order to increase crop quality and yield, there is a need for methods guiding the rational redesign of the plant metabolic network (Schwender, 2009).Mathematical modeling of plant metabolism offers new approaches to understand, predict, and modify complex plant metabolic processes. In plant research, the issue of metabolic modeling is constantly gaining attention, and different modeling approaches applied to plant metabolism exist, ranging from highly detailed quantitative to less complex qualitative approaches (for review, see Giersch, 2000; Morgan and Rhodes, 2002; Poolman et al., 2004; Rios-Estepa and Lange, 2007).A widely used modeling approach is flux balance analysis (FBA), which allows the prediction of metabolic capabilities and steady-state fluxes under different environmental and genetic backgrounds using (non)linear optimization (Orth et al., 2010). Assuming steady-state conditions, FBA has the advantage of not requiring the knowledge of kinetic parameters and, therefore, can be applied to model detailed, large-scale systems. In recent years, the FBA approach has been applied to several different plant species, such as maize (Zea mays; Dal’Molin et al., 2010; Saha et al., 2011), barley (Hordeum vulgare; Grafahrend-Belau et al., 2009b; Melkus et al., 2011; Rolletschek et al., 2011), rice (Oryza sativa; Lakshmanan et al., 2013), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Poolman et al., 2009; de Oliveira Dal’Molin et al., 2010; Radrich et al., 2010; Williams et al., 2010; Mintz-Oron et al., 2012; Cheung et al., 2013), and rapeseed (Brassica napus; Hay and Schwender, 2011a, 2011b; Pilalis et al., 2011), as well as algae (Boyle and Morgan, 2009; Cogne et al., 2011; Dal’Molin et al., 2011) and photoautotrophic bacteria (Knoop et al., 2010; Montagud et al., 2010; Boyle and Morgan, 2011). These models have been used to study different aspects of metabolism, including the prediction of optimal metabolic yields and energy efficiencies (Dal’Molin et al., 2010; Boyle and Morgan, 2011), changes in flux under different environmental and genetic backgrounds (Grafahrend-Belau et al., 2009b; Dal’Molin et al., 2010; Melkus et al., 2011), and nonintuitive metabolic pathways that merit subsequent experimental investigations (Poolman et al., 2009; Knoop et al., 2010; Rolletschek et al., 2011). Although FBA of plant metabolic models was shown to be capable of reproducing experimentally determined flux distributions (Williams et al., 2010; Hay and Schwender, 2011b) and generating new insights into metabolic behavior, capacities, and efficiencies (Sweetlove and Ratcliffe, 2011), challenges remain to advance the utility and predictive power of the models.Given that many plant metabolic functions are based on interactions between different subcellular compartments, cell types, tissues, and organs, the reconstruction of organ-specific models and the integration of these models into interacting multiorgan and/or whole-plant models is a prerequisite to get insight into complex plant metabolic processes organized on a whole-plant scale (e.g. source-sink interactions). Almost all FBA models of plant metabolism are restricted to one cell type (Boyle and Morgan, 2009; Knoop et al., 2010; Montagud et al., 2010; Cogne et al., 2011; Dal’Molin et al., 2011), one tissue or one organ (Grafahrend-Belau et al., 2009b; Hay and Schwender, 2011a, 2011b; Pilalis et al., 2011; Mintz-Oron et al., 2012), and only one model exists taking into account the interaction between two cell types by specifying the interaction between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in C4 photosynthesis (Dal’Molin et al., 2010). So far, no model representing metabolism at the whole-plant scale exists.Considering whole-plant metabolism raises the problem of taking into account temporal and environmental changes in metabolism during plant development and growth. Although classical static FBA is unable to predict the dynamics of metabolic processes, as the network analysis is based on steady-state solutions, time-dependent processes can be taken into account by extending the classical static FBA to a dynamic flux balance analysis (dFBA), as proposed by Mahadevan et al. (2002). The static (SOA) and dynamic optimization approaches introduced in this work provide a framework for analyzing the transience of metabolism by integrating kinetic expressions to dynamically constrain exchange fluxes. Due to the requirement of knowing or estimating a large number of kinetic parameters, so far dFBA has only been applied to a plant metabolic model once, to study the photosynthetic metabolism in the chloroplasts of C3 plants by a simplified model of five biochemical reactions (Luo et al., 2009). Integrating a dynamic model into a static FBA model is an alternative approach to perform dFBA.In this study, a multiscale metabolic modeling (MMM) approach was applied with the aim of achieving a spatiotemporal resolution of cereal crop plant metabolism. To provide a framework for the in silico analysis of the metabolic dynamics of barley on a whole-plant scale, the MMM approach integrates a static multiorgan FBA model and a dynamic whole-plant multiscale functional plant model (FPM) to perform dFBA. The performance of the novel whole-plant MMM approach was tested by studying source-sink interactions during the seed developmental phase of barley plants.  相似文献   
Habitat loss and hunting threaten bonobos (Pan paniscus), Endangered (IUCN) great apes endemic to lowland rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Conservation planning requires a current, data-driven, rangewide map of probable bonobo distribution and an understanding of key attributes of areas used by bonobos. We present a rangewide suitability model for bonobos based on a maximum entropy algorithm in which data associated with locations of bonobo nests helped predict suitable conditions across the species’ entire range. We systematically evaluated available biotic and abiotic factors, including a bonobo-specific forest fragmentation layer (forest edge density), and produced a final model revealing the importance of simple threat-based factors in a data poor environment. We confronted the issue of survey bias in presence-only models and devised a novel evaluation approach applicable to other taxa by comparing models built with data from geographically distinct sub-regions that had higher survey effort. The model’s classification accuracy was high (AUC = 0.82). Distance from agriculture and forest edge density best predicted bonobo occurrence with bonobo nests more likely to occur farther from agriculture and in areas of lower edge density. These results suggest that bonobos either avoid areas of higher human activity, fragmented forests, or both, and that humans reduce the effective habitat of bonobos. The model results contribute to an increased understanding of threats to bonobo populations, as well as help identify priority areas for future surveys and determine core bonobo protection areas.  相似文献   
White-nose syndrome is devastating North American bat populations but we lack basic information on disease mechanisms. Altered blood physiology owing to epidermal invasion by the fungal pathogen Geomyces destructans (Gd) has been hypothesized as a cause of disrupted torpor patterns of affected hibernating bats, leading to mortality. Here, we present data on blood electrolyte concentration, haematology and acid–base balance of hibernating little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus, following experimental inoculation with Gd. Compared with controls, infected bats showed electrolyte depletion (i.e. lower plasma sodium), changes in haematology (i.e. increased haematocrit and decreased glucose) and disrupted acid–base balance (i.e. lower CO2 partial pressure and bicarbonate). These findings indicate hypotonic dehydration, hypovolaemia and metabolic acidosis. We propose a mechanistic model linking tissue damage to altered homeostasis and morbidity/mortality.  相似文献   
Internalization of gap junction plaques results in the formation of annular gap junction vesicles. The factors that regulate the coordinated internalization of the gap junction plaques to form annular gap junction vesicles, and the subsequent events involved in annular gap junction processing have only relatively recently been investigated in detail. However it is becoming clear that while annular gap junction vesicles have been demonstrated to be degraded by autophagosomal and endo-lysosomal pathways, they undergo a number of additional processing events. Here, we characterize the morphology of the annular gap junction vesicle and review the current knowledge of the processes involved in their formation, fission, fusion, and degradation. In addition, we address the possibility for connexin protein recycling back to the plasma membrane to contribute to gap junction formation and intercellular communication. Information on gap junction plaque removal from the plasma membrane and the subsequent processing of annular gap junction vesicles is critical to our understanding of cell-cell communication as it relates to events regulating development, cell homeostasis, unstable proliferation of cancer cells, wound healing, changes in the ischemic heart, and many other physiological and pathological cellular phenomena.  相似文献   
In order to understand the effect of global change on marine fishes, it is imperative to quantify the effects on fundamental parameters such as survival and growth. Larval survival and recruitment of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were found to be heavily impaired by end‐of‐century levels of ocean acidification. Here, we analysed larval growth among 35–36 days old surviving larvae, along with organ development and ossification of the skeleton. We combined CO2 treatments (ambient: 503 µatm, elevated: 1,179 µatm) with food availability in order to evaluate the effect of energy limitation in addition to the ocean acidification stressor. As expected, larval size (as a proxy for growth) and skeletogenesis were positively affected by high food availability. We found significant interactions between acidification and food availability. Larvae fed ad libitum showed little difference in growth and skeletogenesis due to the CO2 treatment. Larvae under energy limitation were significantly larger and had further developed skeletal structures in the elevated CO2 treatment compared to the ambient CO2 treatment. However, the elevated CO2 group revealed impairments in critically important organs, such as the liver, and had comparatively smaller functional gills indicating a mismatch between size and function. It is therefore likely that individual larvae that had survived acidification treatments will suffer from impairments later during ontogeny. Our study highlights important allocation trade‐off between growth and organ development, which is critically important to interpret acidification effects on early life stages of fish.  相似文献   
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