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Pairing of homologous chromosomes at meiosis is an important requirement for recombination and balanced chromosome segregation among the products of meiotic division. Recombination is initiated by double strand breaks (DSBs) made by Spo11 followed by interaction of DSB sites with a homologous chromosome. This interaction requires the strand exchange proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 that bind to single stranded regions created by resection of ends at the site of DSBs and promote interactions with uncut DNA on the homologous partner. Recombination is also considered to be dependent on factors that stabilize interactions between homologous chromosomes. In budding yeast Hop2 and Mnd1 act as a complex to promote homologous pairing and recombination in conjunction with Rad51 and Dmc1.  相似文献   
Nucleoside di- and triphosphates substituted for ascorbate in the thymine 7-hydroxylase reaction in studies carried out with purified preparations from Rhodotorula glutinis. The stimulations brought about by ascorbate and ATP were found not to be additive. Studies with analogues of ATP indicated that hydrolysis may not need to occur in order for the nucleotide effect to be expressed. The stoichiometry of the production of 5-hydroxymethyluracil and CO2 was not changed by the substitution of ATP for ascorbate. The 7-hydroxylase was found to have considerable thermal stability, and inactivation at 98 degrees C resulted in a parallel loss of the activities effected by ascorbate and ATP. This and the retention of the nucleotide effect upon purification suggest the effect is not mediated through another protein co-purified with the 7-hydroxylase.  相似文献   
Adamalysins [a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM)] are a family of cell surface transmembrane proteins that have broad biological functions encompassing proteolysis, adhesion, and cell signal regulation. We previously showed that the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM-15 interacts with Src family protein tyrosine kinases and the adaptor protein growth factor receptor binding protein 2 (Grb2). In the present study, we have cloned and characterized four alternatively spliced forms of ADAM-15, which differ only in their cytoplasmic domains. We show that the four ADAM-15 variants were differentially expressed in human mammary carcinoma tissues compared with normal breast. The expression of the individual isoforms did not correlate with age, menopausal status, tumor size or grade, nodal status, Nottingham Prognostic Index, or steroid hormone receptor status. However, higher levels of two isoforms (ADAM-15A and ADAM-5B) were associated with poorer relapse-free survival in node-negative patients, whereas elevated ADAM-15C correlated with better relapse-free survival in node-positive, but not in node-negative, patients. The expression of ADAM-15A and ADAM-15B variants in MDA-MB-435 cells had differential effects on cell morphology, with adhesion, migration, and invasion enhanced by expression of ADAM-15A, whereas ADAM-15B led to reduced adhesion. Using glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays, we showed that the cytoplasmic domains of ADAM-15A, ADAM-15B, and ADAM-15C show equivalent abilities to interact with extracellular signal-regulated kinase and the adaptor molecules Grb2 and Tks5/Fish, but associate in an isoform-specific fashion with Nck and the Src and Brk tyrosine kinases. These data indicate that selective expression of ADAM-15 variants in breast cancers could play an important role in determining tumor aggressiveness by interplay with intracellular signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Contraction of skin excision wounds is affected by age and the presence of peripheral nerves. The present study examined relationships between peripheral innervation, wound contractile cells, and rate of wound closure to determine whether these are altered during development. Full-thickness 4-mm-diameter circular flaps were excised from the interscapular skin of rats on postnatal day (PND) 5, PND 12, or PND 60. Wounds of PND 5 and PND 12 rats contracted 45% between post-wound days (WD) 3 and 5 and more slowly thereafter, with a scar 9-14% of the original wound size by WD 21. In contrast, PND 60 wounds contracted only 22% between WD 3 and 5, and the residual scar at WD 21 was 40% of the original wound size. In younger rats, alpha-smooth muscle actin-immunoreactive myofibroblasts first appeared on WD 2 and attained maximum density at WD 5. Innervation, as assessed by protein gene product 9.5 immunoreactivity, appeared by WD 3 and increased rapidly through WD 7 in younger rats. In PND 60 wounds, myofibroblasts did not appear until WD 5 and did not attain a maximum until day 10. Nerve ingrowth was not significant until WD 10 and was depressed relative to younger rats throughout the healing phase. Wound nerves were predominantly immunoreactive to calcitonin gene-related peptide, and synaptophysin-immunostaining revealed close associations between varicosities and myofibroblasts. These findings suggest that wound myofibroblasts may be a target of peripheral nerves, and delayed wound closure in mature rats is associated with deficiencies in both myofibroblasts and innervation.  相似文献   
Health organizations worldwide recommend that adults and children minimize intakes of excess energy and salty, sweet, and fatty foods (all of which are highly preferred tastes) and eat diets richer in whole grains, low- and non- fat dairy products, legumes, fish, lean meat, fruits, and vegetables (many of which taste bitter). Despite such recommendations and the well-established benefits of these foods to human health, adults are not complying, nor are their children. A primary reason for this difficulty is...  相似文献   
T cells have an important role during the development of autoimmune diseases. In adjuvant arthritis, a model for rheumatoid arthritis, we found that the percentage of CD4+ T cells expressing the activation marker CD134 (OX40 antigen) was elevated before disease onset. Moreover, these CD134+ T cells showed a specific proliferative response to the disease-associated epitope of mycobacterial heat shock protein 60, indicating that this subset contains auto-aggressive T cells. We studied the usefulness of CD134 as a molecular target for immune intervention in arthritis by using liposomes coated with a CD134-directed monoclonal antibody as a drug targeting system. Injection of anti-CD134 liposomes subcutaneously in the hind paws of pre-arthritic rats resulted in targeting of the majority of CD4+CD134+ T cells in the popliteal lymph nodes. Furthermore, we showed that anti-CD134 liposomes bound to activated T cells were not internalized. However, drug delivery by these liposomes could be established by loading anti-CD134 liposomes with the dipalmitate-derivatized cytostatic agent 5'-fluorodeoxyuridine. These liposomes specifically inhibited the proliferation of activated CD134+ T cells in vitro, and treatment with anti-CD134 liposomes containing 5'-fluorodeoxyuridine resulted in the amelioration of adjuvant arthritis. Thus, CD134 can be used as a marker for auto-aggressive CD4+ T cells early in arthritis, and specific liposomal targeting of drugs to these cells via CD134 can be employed to downregulate disease development.  相似文献   
Staining of Drosophila egg chambers with rhodaminyl-lysine-phallotoxin (RLP), a specific stain for F-actin, has demonstrated the presence of dense F-actin rings associated with the inner surfaces of the ring canals. They were first observed in the distal part of the germarium where rings of four different size classes were found, differing in diameter by up to twofold. The ring sizes are considered to correspond to the ring canals formed at each of four successive incomplete cleavages. During the growth of the egg chamber the actin rings were found to increase in diameter from less than 1 micron to approx. 10 micron. Concomitantly a secondary outer ring of more diffuse material is built up in association with the cell membranes. A well developed array of microfilament bundles was also associated with the nurse cell plasmalemma. In stages where the transfer of the bulk of the nurse cell cytoplasm into the oocyte was occurring the rings came closer together in a central area. In late stage chambers the F-actin rings and the microfilament bundles appeared to be incorporated into large irregular masses of actin, which subsequently disappeared as the mature oocyte formed. The F-actin rings are suggested to act as mechanical strengthening elements for the canal plasmalemma, whilst cytoplasmic transport occurs through the ring canals.  相似文献   
By microinjecting rhodamine-conjugated pig brain tubulin into living pea stem epidermal cells it has been possible to follow cortical microtubules beneath the outer tangential wall (OTW) as they re-orientate from a transverse to a longitudinal alignment. Earlier immunofluorescence studies on fixed material have shown that parallel cortical microtubules circumnavigate the cell forming apparently continuous arrays which are transverse, oblique or longitudinal to the cell's long axis. If the array re-orientates as a whole then microtubules along the radial walls would be expected to share the alignment of those on the tangential walls. There are, however, reports that microtubules beneath the outer tangential wall have a different orientation from microtubules at the radial cell walls, raising important questions about the construction and behaviour of the array. Using computer-rotated stacks of optical sections collected by confocal scanning laser microscopy it has been possible to display the microtubules along radial as well as tangential walls of the same microinjected cells. These observations demonstrate for living epidermal cells that when microtubules are aligned longitudinally at the outer epidermal wall they remain oblique or transverse at the radial walls. The array may not therefore re-orientate as a whole but seems to undergo re-organization on only one cell face. However, despite the differing angles between the OTW and radial walls microtubules still form patterns which at the level of the confocal microscope are continuous from one cell face to another, around the cell.
It is concluded that some organizing principle attempts to establish overall organization at the cellular level but that this can be perturbed by local re-organization of dynamic microtubules in subcellular domains. This study emphasizes the importance of the outer epidermal wall and its associated cytoskeleton in initiating changes in the direction of cell expansion.  相似文献   

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is widely used as a vertebrate pesticide in New Zealand. However, cholecalciferol also occurs naturally in animals. Therefore, when trying to determine whether a non-target animal has been exposed to cholecalciferol baits, knowledge of the baseline cholecalciferol concentrations in the animal's plasma and tissue is required. We analysed cattle, sheep, pig, deer, dog and cat plasma and liver samples for the vitamin D3 metabolite 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OHD), a sensitive biomarker for cholecalciferol. Based on these data and a literature search we present 25-OHD reference ranges. We also examined the literature for 25-OHD concentrations in poisoned animals and compared these to the reference ranges. Where plasma and liver samples have 25-OHD concentrations at least four times higher than our reference ranges it is likely that the animal has been exposed to cholecalciferol baits. 25-OHD concentrations 10 times higher than the reference range indicate ingestion of abnormally high amounts of cholecalciferol.  相似文献   


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) complicated by pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) carries a poor prognosis, despite pulmonary vascular dilating therapy. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (PDGFR-β) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are potential therapeutic targets for PAH because of their proliferative effects on vessel remodelling. To explore their role in SScPAH, we compared PDGFR- and EGFR-mmunoreactivity in lung tissue specimens from SScPAH. We compared staining patterns with idiopathic PAH (IPAH) and pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD), as SScPAH vasculopathy differs from IPAH and sometimes displays features of PVOD. Immunoreactivity patterns of phosphorylated PDGFR-β (pPDGFR-β) and the ligand PDGF-B were evaluated to provide more insight into the patterns of PDGFR-b activation.


Lung tissue specimens from five SScPAH, nine IPAH, six PVOD patients and five controls were examined. Immunoreactivity was scored for presence, distribution and intensity.


All SScPAH and three of nine IPAH cases (P = 0.03) showed PDGFR-β-immunoreactivity in small vessels (arterioles/venules); of five SScPAH vs. two of nine IPAH cases (P = 0.02) showed venous immunoreactivity. In small vessels, intensity was stronger in SScPAH vs. IPAH. No differences were found between SScPAH and PVOD. One of five normal controls demonstrated focally mild immunoreactivity. There were no differences in PDGF-ligand and pPDGFR-b-immunoreactivity between patient groups; however, pPDGFR-b-immunoreactivity tended to be more prevalent in SScPAH small vasculature compared to IPAH. Vascular EGFR-immunoreactivity was limited to arterial and arteriolar walls, without differences between groups. No immunoreactivity was observed in vasculature of normals.


PDGFR-β-immunoreactivity in SScPAH is more common and intense in small- and post-capillary vessels than in IPAH and does not differ from PVOD, fitting in with histomorphological distribution of vasculopathy. PDGFR-β immunoreactivity pattern is not paralleled by pPDGFR-β or PDGF-B patterns. PDGFR-β- and EGFR-immunoreactivity of pulmonary vessels distinguishes PAH patients from controls.  相似文献   
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