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The aim of this research was to determine whether all memory T cells have the same propensity to migrate to the joint in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Paired synovial fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferative responses to a panel of antigens were measured and the results correlated with a detailed set of laboratory and clinical data from 39 patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Two distinct patterns of proliferative response were found in the majority of patients: a diverse pattern, in which synovial fluid responses were greater than peripheral blood responses for all antigens tested; and a restricted pattern, in which peripheral blood responses to some antigens were more vigorous than those in the synovial fluid compartment. The diverse pattern was generally found in patients with a high acute phase response, whereas patients without elevated acute phase proteins were more likely to demonstrate a restricted pattern. We propose that an association between the synovial fluid T cell repertoire and the acute phase response suggests that proinflammatory cytokines may influence recruitment of memory T cells to an inflammatory site, independent of their antigen specificity. Additionally, increased responses to enteric bacteria and the presence of αEβ7 T cells in synovial fluid may reflect accumulation of gut associated T cells in the synovial compartment, even in the absence of an elevated acute phase response. This is the first report of an association between the acute phase response and the T cell population recruited to an inflammatory site.  相似文献   
Echinomycin and distamycin induce rotation of nucleosome core DNA.   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
C M Low  H R Drew    M J Waring 《Nucleic acids research》1986,14(17):6785-6801
When nucleosome cores reconstituted from chicken erythrocyte histones and a 160 bp DNA molecule are exposed to echinomycin, a bis-intercalating antitumour antibiotic, the DNA appears to rotate with respect to the histone octamer by about half a turn. New bands appear in patterns of DNAase I digestion at positions approximately mid-way between those characteristic of control core samples, while the control pattern is largely suppressed. Similar (but not identical) changes are produced when nucleosome cores are exposed to distamycin, a non-intercalating DNA-binding antibiotic. The effects of both ligands can be explained in terms of a change in rotational orientation of the core DNA, so as to place antibiotic binding sites on the inward-facing (concave) surface of the DNA supercoil. Presumably this serves to optimise non-bonded contacts with the polynucleotide backbone. These results establish that the positioning of DNA about the histone octamer is not absolutely determined by its nucleotide sequence, but may be modified by the binding of such relatively small molecules as antibiotics.  相似文献   
D A Waring  C Kenyon 《Cell》1990,60(1):123-131
In C. elegans males, laterally located V cells generate a simple pattern of anterior alae (cuticular ridges) and posterior rays (mating sensilla). We have found that this pattern is generated, at least in part, by the selective interruption of cell-cell interactions. In anterior V cells, lineages leading to the production of alae are induced by cell interactions. These cell interactions are inhibited in specific posterior V cells by the activity of the gene pal-1, which allows these cells to generate rays instead of alae. The activities of cell signals and pal-1 appear to influence V cell fates by determining the state of a developmental switch that involves two homeotic genes, lin-22 and mab-5.  相似文献   
We have developed an in vivo RNA splicing assay for the self-splicing rRNA intron of Tetrahymena thermophila using E. coli as the host. A DNA fragment containing the intron sequence has been cloned into M13mp83 so that expression of the beta-galactosidase alpha-fragment is dependent upon intron excision from the mRNA precursor. Plaque phenotypes correlate well with levels of excised intron RNA. Point mutations were made by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis in conserved sequences P, Q, and S. All showed reduced splicing, agreeing with mitochondrial genetic data for S and providing the first direct evidence that P and Q are functionally important. The results support the hypothesis that base-pairing of R with S and P with Q is important for intron structure and function.  相似文献   
Raising intracellular calcium levels can induce apoptosis or programmed cell death in many cells. While early rises in intracellular calcium are not universally associated with apoptotic cell death, calcium clearly plays a key role in many of the biochemical events which occur during apoptosis. In this paper we have determined intracellular calcium rises induced by 2, 10, and 100 nMthapsigargin in mouse thymocytes. These concentrations cause increases in cytosolic calcium of 100–250, 400–600, and >1000 nM,respectively. These rises are sustained for at least 85 min and the ratio between the maximum rise caused by 10 nMcompared to 2 nMthapsigargin is 2.1 ± 0.4 (n= 6). Both 2 and 10 nMthapsigargin cause apoptosis at 24 h as shown by DNA fragmentation and morphology when examined by electron microscopy. Cyclosporin A (CsA) inhibits apoptosis caused by 2 nMthapsigargin but not that caused by 10 nMthapsigargin. Electron microscopy of thymocytes treated with 2 nMthapsigargin at 24 h shows intact mitochondria although with altered morphology. There is no loss of ATP or decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio in these cells over 12 h. Mitochondria in cells treated with 10 nMthapsigargin, however, are swollen by 6 h and many are lost by 24 h. These cells show greatly diminished ATP content by 12 h and a decrease in ATP/ADP ratio. Examination of the effects of PMA, an activator of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase pump, on cells treated with 10 nMthapsigargin suggests that two pools of calcium may be responsible for the differential effects of the two calcium levels in the cells. Probing of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) by rhodamine 123 staining of live cells shows that the collapse of the MMP caused by 10 nMthapsigargin is unaffected by CsA. The MMP is also reduced in cells treated with 2 nMthapsigargin but this is restored by CsA. Cells are also rescued from apoptosis caused by 2 nMthapsigargin by incubation with FK506. This immunosuppressive agent has no effect on the membrane permeability transition induced in isolated mitochondria. These results suggest that very low rises in intracellular calcium in thymocytes cause activation-induced cell death inhibited by CsA and FK506 and are without effect on ATP levels and therefore do not involve irreversible mitochondrial damage. Exceeding these calcium levels by only twofold results in apoptosis accompanied by reduced ATP levels and mitochondrial damage, although apoptotic cell death in this instance is unaffected by the classic inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition, CsA.  相似文献   
Flounders Pleuronectes flesus with an implanted vascular catheter were exposed to a 50% dilution of the water soluble fraction (WSF) of Omani crude oil (c. 6ppm total aromatic hydrocarbons) and serial blood samples taken to determine their endocrine status (cortisol, catecholamines and thyroid hormones) and the resultant and/or causal physiological (haematological, ionoregulatory and respiratory) disturbances. This resulted in a progressive increase in plasma cortisol concentrations from 3 h onwards (rising from 18 to 51 ng ml−1 after 48-h exposure), and increased plasma glucose concentrations indicating a generalized stress response. Plasma T3 and T4 concentrations of both control and WSF-exposed groups declined progressively over the experimental period; exposure to the WSF of crude oil further depressed plasma T4 concentrations but not plasma T3 concentrations relative to those of control fish. Plasma osmolality and sodium and chloride concentrations were stable in WSF-exposed fish, however, plasma potassium concentrations were increased significantly at the 24-and 48-h sampling points. The most profound physiological disturbance in WSF-exposed fish was a dramatic decline in blood oxygen content (CvO2) (from 2–8 to 0–8 ml 100 ml−1 after 48-h exposure), which is likely to be the cause of the increased plasma noradrenaline concentrations from 3 h onwards. Increased noradrenaline is likely in turn to have been responsible for the significant increase in blood haematocrit and blood haemoglobin at the 3-h sampling point, although the dominant effect in the longer-term was a significant decline in both of these haematological parameters.  相似文献   
This study employs both dietary and physiological studies to investigate the relationship between calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) signalling in the mammalian myocardium. Rats maintained on a low Mg2+ diet (LMD; 39 mg Kg-1 Mg2+ in food) consumed less food and grew more slowly than control rats fed on a control Mg2+ diet (CMD; 500 mg Kg-1 Mg2+ in food). The Mg2+ contents of the heart and plasma were 85 ± 3% and 34 ± 6.5%, respectively relative to the control group. In contrast, Ca2+ contents in the heart and plasma were 177 ± 5% and 95 ± 3%. The levels of potassium (K+) was raised in the plasma (129 ± 16%) and slightly decreased in the heart (88 ± 6%) compared to CMD. Similarly, sodium (Na+) contents were slightly higher in the heart and lowered in the plasma of low Mg2+ diet rats compared to control Mg2+ diet rat. Perfusion of the isolated Langendorff's rat heart with a physiological salt solution containing low concentrations (0-0.6 mM) of extracellular magnesium [Mg2+]0 resulted in a small transient increase in the amplitude of contraction compared to control [Mg2+]0 (1.2 mM). In contrast, elevated [Mg2+]0 (2-7.2 mM) caused a marked and progressive decrease in contractile force compared to control. In isolated ventricular myocytes the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L was significantly (p < 0.001) attenuated in cells dialysed with 7.1 mM Mg2+ compared to cells dialysed with 2.9 µM Mg2+. The results indicate that hypomagnesemia is associated with decrease levels of Mg2+ and elevated levels of Ca2+ in the heart and moreover, internal Mg2+ is able to modulate the Ca2+ current through the L-type Ca2+ channel which in turn may be involved with the regulation of contractile force in the heart.  相似文献   
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