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B Ward 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(12):2435-2440
A method is described to measure triple helix dissociation constants by inhibiting the cleavage of a plasmid constructed to contain a target sequence for the triplex forming oligonucleotide (TFO) dT20 by the type IIS restriction enzyme Eco57I. The method relies upon the TFO's ability to block the cleavage reaction by occupying the enzymes cleavage site but not its specific binding sequence. Using this protocol, the dissociation constant for dT20 bound to its target was 0.16 +/- 0.01 microM at 25 degrees C. The accuracy of this experiment was demonstrated by measuring the Kd of an affinity cleavage TFO using Eco57I and Quantitative Affinity Cleavage Titration. Type IIS restriction endonuclease footprinting should be useful for the qualitative and quantitative investigation of ligand-DNA interactions.  相似文献   
The diversity of aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria inhabiting the Octopus Spring cyanobacterial mat community (Yellowstone National Park) was examined by using serial-dilution enrichment culture and a variety of enrichment conditions to cultivate the numerically significant microbial populations. The most abundant bacterial populations cultivated from dilutions to extinction were obtained from enrichment flasks which contained 9.0 x 10(2) primary producer (Synechococcus spp.) cells in the inoculum. Two isolates exhibited 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences typical of beta-proteobacteria. One of these isolates contained a 16S rRNA sequence identical to a sequence type previously observed in the mat by molecular retrieval techniques. Both are distantly related to a new sequence directly retrieved from the mat and contributed by a beta-proteobacterial community member. Phenotypically diverse gram-positive isolates genetically similar to Bacillus flavothermus were obtained from a variety of dilutions and enrichment types. These isolates exhibited identical 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences through a variable region of the molecule. Of the three unique sequences observed, only one had been previously retrieved from the mat, illustrating both the inability of the cultivation methods to describe the composition of a microbial community and the limitations of the ability of molecular retrieval techniques to describe populations which may be less abundant in microbial communities.  相似文献   
Patterns of (sup14)CO(inf2) incorporation into molecular components of the thermophilic cyanobacterial mat communities inhabiting hot springs located in Yellowstone National Park and Synechococcus sp. strain C1 were investigated. Exponentially growing Synechococcus sp. strain C1 partitioned the majority of incorporated (sup14)CO(inf2) into protein, low-molecular-weight metabolites, and lipid fractions (45, 22, and 18% of total incorporated carbon, respectively). In contrast, mat cores from various hot springs predominantly accumulated polyglucose during periods of illumination (between 77 and 85% of total incorporated (sup14)CO(inf2)). Although photosynthetically active, mat photoautotrophs do not appear to be rapidly growing, since we also detected only limited synthesis of macromolecules associated with growth (i.e., protein and rRNA). To test the hypothesis that polysaccharide reserves are fermented in situ under the dark anaerobic conditions cyanobacterial mats experience at night, mat cores were prelabeled with (sup14)CO(inf2) under illuminated conditions and then transferred to dark anaerobic conditions. Radiolabel in the polysaccharide fraction decreased by 74.7% after 12 h, of which 58.5% was recovered as radiolabeled acetate, CO(inf2), and propionate. These results indicate tightly coupled carbon fixation and fermentative processes and the potential for significant transfer of carbon from primary producers to heterotrophic members of these cyanobacterial mat communities.  相似文献   
A parallel-plate flow chamber was used to quantify the detachment of normal cloned rat embryo fibroblasts (CREF) fibroblasts,ras-transformed CREF fibroblasts (CREF T24), and CREF T24 fibroblasts transfected with a Krev/RAP1A suppressor gene (HK B1) from a confluent monolayer of normal CREF fibroblasts to determine if the expression patterns of CD44 variants (mol wt 110 and 140 kDa) corresponded with detachment properties and metastatic potential. In the detachment assay, known shear stresses ranging from 20–24 dyn/cm2 were applied to the adherent cells and the number of cells detached from the monolayer after 180 s was determined. Results showed that cellular expression of CD44 variants correlated with the metastatic potential of the cells and with the cells’ ability to detach from a monolayer of normal cells. Western blot analysis showed a low level of expression of the CD44 variants in the normal cell line, CREF, and the lowly metastatic cell line, HK B1. Detachment studies showed a low percentage of detachment of both of these cell lines from a normal cell monolayer. Tumor-derived (HK B1-T) and lung nodule-derived (HK B1-M) cell lines were established and both formed tumors and metastasis with reduced latency periods as compared to HK B1, but still showed a markedly delayed latency period compared to the highly metastatic cell line, CREF T24. Both of these cell lines showed a higher expression of the CD44 variants as compared to CREF and HK B1, and detached easier than CREF and HK B1. CREF T24 showed a much higher level of expression of the variants and had a higher percentage detachment than all other cell lines. To further test the role of the CD44 variants in the ability of the cells to detach from the normal monolayer, CREF cells were transfected with a DNA construct that constitutively expresses the CD44 variants and the detachment properties of three randomly selected clones were studied. Clones 2 and 3 showed a low level of expression of the CD44 variants after transfection and detached from the normal monolayer similar to CREF. Clone 1 showed a high level of expression of the CD44 variants and the detachment of these cells was significantly higher than CREF. From these results, it is concluded that in the five cell lines studied, expression of the CD44 variants play a significant role in the ability of the cells to detach from a monolayer of normal cells. It is hypothesized that this detachment may be an important component of a cell’s ability to metastasize.  相似文献   
The cytokertatins in respiratory epithelial cells (REC) of human nasal polyps and turbinates were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Cytokeratin 19 (CK19) was present in all REC, CK5 and 14 were expressed primarily in basal cells, and CK7, 8, and 18 were found in suprabasal cells. Differences in cytoplasmic locations were also apparent among the individual cytokeratins. CK13 was not detected in any REC of these tissues. The results indicate the profile of cytokeratins in REC of human nasal polyps and turbinates is essentially identical to that of REC in the more distal respiratory tract.  相似文献   
Using an anti-receptor mAb that blocks the attachment of echovirus 7 and related viruses (echoviruses 13, 21, 29 and 33), we have isolated a complementary DNA clone that encodes the human decay-accelerating factor (CD55). Mouse cells transfected with the CD55 clone bind echovirus 7, and this binding is blocked by the anti-receptor mAb. The method used (CELICS) allows rapid and direct cloning of genes encoding cell surface receptors. It is based on episomal replication and high efficiency expression of complementary DNA clones in the vector pCDM8 in COS or WOP cells, in conjunction with a sensitive immuno-focal screen that uses antibody probes linked to beta-galactosidase. Receptor positive cells were identified by a colour change and isolated individually using a micromanipulator. DNA extracted from a small number of cells was then cloned directly in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A kinase) activity is essential for growth and cell cycle progression. Dependence on A kinase function can be partially relieved by the inactivation of a second kinase encoded by the gene YAK1. We have isolated two new genes, SOK1 and SOK2 (suppressor of kinase), as gene dosage suppressors of the conditional growth defect of several temperature-sensitive A kinase mutants. Overexpression of SOK1, like lesions in YAK1, also restores growth to a strain (tpk1 tpk2 tpk3) lacking all A kinase activity. The SOK1 gene is not essential, but a sok1::HIS3 disruption abrogates suppression of an A kinase defect by yak1. These results suggest that Yak1 and Sok1 define a linear pathway that is partially redundant with that of the A kinase. Activation of Sok1, by SOK1 overexpression or by inactivation of the negative regulator Yak1, renders a cell independent of A kinase function. The implications of such a model are particularly intriguing in light of the nuclear localization pattern of the overexpressed Sok1 protein and the primary sequence homology between SOK1 and a recently described, developmentally regulated mouse gene.  相似文献   
The distribution of neurons containing NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity and nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity (NOS-LI) in the canine pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters was studied. Cells within the myenteric and submucosal ganglia were positive for NADPH-d. These cells generally had the morphology of Dogiel type-I enteric neurons, however, there was some diversity in the morphology of NADPH-d-positive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the pylorus. Intramuscular ganglia were observed in both sphincters, and NADPH-d was found in a sub-population of neurons within these ganglia. Dual staining with an antiserum raised against nitric oxide synthase (NOS) demonstrated that almost all cells with NOS-LI were also NADPH-d positive. Varicose fibers within ganglia and within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers also possed NOS-LI and NADPH-d activity. Dual staining with anti-VIP antibodies showed that some of the NADPH-d-positive cells in the myenteric and submucosal ganglia also contained VIP-LI, but all VIP-LI-positive cells did not express NADPH-d activity. These data are consistent with recent physiological studies suggesting that nitric oxide serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters. The data also suggest that VIP is expressed in a sub-population of NADPH-d-positive neurons and may therefore act as a co-transmitter in enteric inhibitory neurotransmission to these specialized muscular regions.  相似文献   
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