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The internal phylogenetic relationships of Annelida, one of the key lophotrochozoan lineages, are still heavily debated. Recent molecular analyses suggest that morphologically distinct groups, such as the polychaetes, are paraphyletic assemblages, thus questioning the homology of a number of polychaete morphological characters. Serpulid polychaetes are typically recognized by having fused anterior ends bearing a tentacular crown and an operculum. The latter is commonly viewed as a modified tentacle (= radiole) and is often used as an important diagnostic character in serpulid systematics.  相似文献   
The biguanide metformin is an oral antihyperglycemic drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further, a moderate improvement of dyslipidemia by metformin was reported, and therefore, the effect of metformin on the release of apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and ApoE in primary human hepatocytes was determined. Metformin at 0.5 and 1 mM reduced hepatic ApoB secretion but ApoE was not altered. Metformin is well known to stimulate the AMP kinase that subsequently reduces hepatic nuclear factor 4-alpha (HNF4-alpha) and HNF4-alpha regulated genes like ApoB. However, HNF4-alpha was only diminished by 1 mM metformin and ApoB mRNA was not suppressed indicating that this pathway may not explain reduced ApoB release. Lower abundance of lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) may also diminish ApoB secretion. Therefore, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was applied to measure cellular lipids. PC, lysoPC (produced by hydrolysis of PC), phosphatidylserine and sphingomyelin (derived from PC) were lower in metformin-treated hepatocytes whereas phosphatidylethanolamine, an alternative precursor of PC, was not affected. In addition, ABCB4, the canalicular membrane flippase essential for biliary PC secretion, was diminished. Supplementation with lysoPC led to a selective elevation of endogenous lysoPC and rescued ApoB secretion in metformin-treated cells. Therefore, it is concluded that metformin reduces lysoPC in human hepatocytes and this may secondarily lead to a therapeutically beneficial lower release of ApoB.  相似文献   
The nervous system of nauplii of the crustacean taxon Cirripedia was analysed in the species Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using for the first time immunocytochemical staining against serotonin, RFamide and α-tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. This approach revealed a circumoesophageal neuropil ring with nerves extending to the first and second antennae and to the mandibles, all features typical for Crustacea. In addition, RFamidergic structures are present in the region of the thoraco-abdomen. A pair of posterior nerves and a pair of lateral nerves run in anterior-posterior direction and are connected by a thoracic nerve ring and a more posteriorly situated commissure. A median nerve is situated along the ventral side of the thoraco-abdomen. The innervation of frontolateral horns and the frontal filaments are α-tubulin-positive. Several pairs of large neurons in the protocerebrum, along the circumoesophageal connectives and in the mandibular ganglion stain only for serotonin. Due to the almost complete absence of comparable data on the neuroanatomy of early (naupliar) stages in other Crustacea, we include immunocytochemical data on the larvae of the branchiopod, Artemia franciscana Kellogg, 1906 in our analysis. We describe several characteristic neurons in the brains of the nauplius larvae of both species which are also found in decapod larvae and in adult brains of other crustaceans. Furthermore, our data reveal that the naupliar brain of cirripedes is more complex than the adult brain. It is concluded that this ontogenetic brain reduction is related to the sessile life style of adult Cirripedia.  相似文献   
SUMMARY This study presents the first detailed account of the larval and early post-metamorphic development of a scaphopod species, Antalis entalis , since 1883. Special reference is given to the expression pattern of an engrailed protein during the formation of the embryonic (protoconch) and adult shell (teleoconch). We found that in the trochophore-like larva the engrailed protein is expressed in shell-secreting cells at the margin of the protoconch close to the mantle edge. During metamorphosis the growth of the protoconch and expression of the engrailed protein along its margin stop and the teleoconch starts to form. These data suggest a different genetic background regarding protoconch and teleoconch formation in the Scaphopoda and possibly all Conchifera, thus inferring a different evolutionary origin of both organs. The single anlage of the scaphopod protoconch contradicts earlier hypotheses of a monophyletic taxon Diasoma (Scaphopoda + Bivalvia), which has been mainly based on the assumption of a primarily bilobed shell in both taxa. Comparative data on engrailed expression patterns suggest nervous system patterning as the basic function of engrailed in the Bilateria. However, there are several independent gain-of-function events, namely segment compartmentation in the Annelida and Arthropoda, protoconch formation in the Mollusca, skeletogenesis in the Echinodermata, and limb formation in vertebrates. These findings provide further evidence that homologous genes may act in very different pathways of bilaterian body plan formation in various animal phyla.  相似文献   
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a rapidly growing liver disease. The chemoattractant chemerin is abundant in hepatocytes, and hepatocyte expressed...  相似文献   
Abstract. Although the internal phyletic relationships of Spiralia (and Lophotrochozoa) remain unresolved, recent progress has been made due to molecular phylogenetic analyses as well as developmental studies of crucial taxa such as Mollusca, Sipuncula, or Annelida. Despite this progress, the phylogenetic position of a number of phyla, such as Entoprocta, remains problematic, mainly due to their unique morphology, their aberrant mode of development, and their exclusion in most large-scale phylogenetic analyses. In order to extend the morphological dataset of this enigmatic taxon, we herein describe the anatomy of the serotonergic nervous system of the creeping-type larva of Loxosomella murmanica . The apical organ is very complex and comprises six to eight centrally positioned flask cells and eight bipolar peripheral cells. In addition, a prototroch nerve ring, an anterior nerve loop, a paired buccal nerve, and an oral nerve ring are found. Moreover, the larva of L. murmanica has one pair of pedal and one pair of lateral longitudinal nerve cords and thus expresses a tetraneurous condition. Several paired serotonergic perikarya, which form contact with the pedal nerve cords but not with the lateral ones, are found along the anterior–posterior axis. The combination of a complex larval serotonergic apical organ and (adult) tetraneury, comprising one pair of ventral and one pair of more dorsally situated lateral longitudinal nerve cords without ganglia, has so far only been reported for basal molluscs and may be diagnostic for a mollusc–entoproct clade. In addition, the larva of Loxosomella expresses a mosaic of certain neural features that are also found in other larval or adult Spiralia, e.g., a prototroch nerve ring, an anterior nerve loop, and a buccal nervous system.  相似文献   
Cephalopods are unique among mollusks in exhibiting an elaborate central nervous system (CNS) and remarkable cognitive abilities. Despite a profound knowledge of the neuroanatomy and neurotransmitter distribution in their adult CNS, little is known about the expression of neurotransmitters during cephalopod development. Here, we identify the first serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-ir) neurons during ontogeny and describe the establishment of the 5-HT system in the pygmy squid, Idiosepius notoides. Neurons that are located dorsally to each optic lobe are the first to express 5-HT, albeit only when the lobular neuropils are already quite elaborated. Later, 5-HT is expressed in almost all lobes, with most 5-HT-ir cell somata appearing in the subesophageal mass. Further lobes with numerous 5-HT-ir cell somata are the subvertical and posterior basal lobes and the optic and superior buccal lobes. Hatching squids possess more 5-HT-ir neurons, although the proportions between the individual brain lobes remain the same. The majority of 5-HT-ir cell somata appears to be retained in the adult CNS. The overall distribution of 5-HT-ir elements within the CNS of adult I. notoides resembles that of adult Octopus vulgaris and Sepia officinalis. The superior frontal lobe of all three species possesses few or no 5-HT-ir cell somata, whereas the superior buccal lobe comprises many cell somata. The absence of 5-HT-ir cell somata in the inferior buccal lobes of cephalopods and the buccal ganglia of gastropods may constitute immunochemical evidence of their homology. This integrative work forms the basis for future studies comparing molluscan, lophotrochozoan, ecdysozoan, and vertebrate brains.  相似文献   
 Whole-mount technique using fluorescent-labelled phalloidin for actin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as semi-thin serial sectioning, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were applied to investigate the ontogeny of the various muscular systems during larval development in the limpets Patella vulgata L. and P. caerulea L. In contrast to earlier studies, which described a single or two larval shell muscles, the pretorsional trochophore-like larva shows no less than four different muscle systems, namely the asymmetrical main head/foot larval retractor muscle, an accessory larval retractor with distinct insertion area, a circular prototroch/velar system, and a plexus-like pedal muscle system. In both Patella species only posttorsional larvae are able to retract into the shell and to close the aperture by means of the operculum. Shortly after torsion the two adult shell muscles originate independently in lateral positions, starting with two fine muscle fibres which insert at the operculum and laterally at the shell. During late larval development the main larval retractor and the accessory larval retractor become reduced and the velar muscle system is shed. In contrast, the paired adult shell muscles and the pedal muscle plexus increase in volume, and a new mantle musculature, the tentacular muscle system, and the buccal musculature arise. Because the adult shell muscles are entirely independent from the various larval muscular systems, several current hypotheses on the ontogeny and phylogeny of the early gastropod muscle system have to be reconsidered. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   
To date, the phylum Cycliophora comprises only one described extant species of acoelomate marine invertebrates, Symbion pandora. Adult specimens live commensally on the mouthparts of the Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Its complicated life cycle includes an asexually produced Pandora larva and a sexually produced chordoid larva. Despite detailed TEM investigations and its inclusion in recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, cycliophoran relationships still remain enigmatic. In order to increase the morphological database, I investigated the anatomy of the nervous system and the musculature of the chordoid larva by applying fluorescence-coupled antibodies against the neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide, as well as FITC-coupled phalloidin to label filamentous F-actin, in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The FMRFamidergic nervous system shows a bilobed anterior ganglion and one pair of ventral nerve cords, while serotonin is distributed in a scattered pattern in the anterior ganglion. In addition, there are two pairs of ventral serotonergic nerves, of which the inner pair fuses with the outer nerve cords in the posterior third of the larva. The musculature comprises an outer layer of six units of circular body wall muscles, several helicoid muscle fibers, a set of paired longitudinal muscles that span the entire anterior-posterior axis of the larva, and a few oblique muscle strands. Furthermore, an anterior muscle complex and one pair of posterior muscles are present. The chordoid organ consists of a number of distinct subunits that are each formed by a dense layer of circular muscle fibers.The overall arrangement of the oblique and longitudinal muscles as well as the body wall musculature in the chordoid larva of Symbion pandora exhibits similarities with the condition found in certain rotifers. This is congruent with some recent phylogenies based on 18S rRNA sequences but additional morphological, developmental, and molecular data are needed to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of Cycliophora.  相似文献   
Adiponectin whose systemic levels are reduced in obesity-related diseases ameliorates insulin sensitivity and regulates biological processes like apoptosis, proliferation, migration and inflammation. Adiponectin binds to adiponectin receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, which are ubiquitously expressed. Clathrin-dependent endocytosis of AdipoR1 and adiponectin has been demonstrated to modulate adiponectin bioactivity. Recently, APPL1 has been identified as an AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 binding protein. Furthermore, activated protein kinase C1, endoplasmic reticulum protein 46 and protein kinase CK2β subunit form a complex with AdipoR1. This review summarizes recent studies exploiting heterologous expression of adiponectin receptors in yeast, and the type and function of the recently described adiponectin receptor associated proteins.  相似文献   
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