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We have used single strand specific nucleases to map DNA distortion in the adult chicken beta A-globin gene. We have detected two structures of that kind and have mapped nuclease-cutting sites at one base resolution. One prominent site is centered at -190 relative to the RNA capping site and is positioned at the center of a stretch of contiguous C residues. The second site is near the first intron/exon junction (+620) and appears as a series of discrete 1-base-long enzyme-cutting sites. Based upon the pattern of nuclease cutting and the kinetics of nuclease cutting we conclude that the "poly(C)" stretch may assume a looped geometry in supertwisted DNA molecules which is similar to that proposed by Felsenfeld (Nickol, J. M., and Felsenfeld, G. (1983) Cell 35, 467-477). We show that S1 nuclease cuts within the intron occur mainly at the end points of polypurine segments and suggest that such end points may assume a distorted transitional geometry. We find that Neurospora crassa endonuclease cuts both the promotor and intron sites in linear DNA molecules but that in linear DNA the cutting process is limited by a first order conformation change of the DNA substrate. Based upon those kinetics we propose that in unstressed DNA, each of the two sites can convert between a distorted and undistorted geometry. In the enzyme assay buffer at 37 degrees C, the time constant for the equilibrium is nearly 10 h for the promotor site and 7 h for the intron.  相似文献   
Mouse monoclonal antibody, S-30, was produced from hybridoma preparation from mice injected with the cytoskeleton extract of an in vitro aged culture of human fibroblasts derived from a 66-yr-old donor. The antibody stains positively the nuclei of the nonproliferating cells present predominantly in the senescent cultures of five selected fibroblast strains derived from donors of different age groups, whereas a negative reaction is observed in the cultures of their young counterparts. In the intermediate stage of the in vitro life span of these cell strains, a heterogeneous positive reaction for staining with S-30 antibody is observed in different subfractions of cell cultures. However, the expression of S-30 can be induced in the young fibroblasts at the early stage of their life by prolonged culturing to confluence. This induced expression of S-30 nuclear staining can be depleted upon subculturing at low cell density. Immunoelectron microscopy with colloidal gold-protein A complex demonstrates that the S-30 proteins are present in the nuclear plasma and at the region of nuclear envelope in a clustered arrangement. Immunoprecipitation of [3H]leucine labeled cell specimens shows that the antibody S-30 reacts with a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 57,000.  相似文献   
The effects of a neurotoxin, purified from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus, on the ionic currents of toad single myelinated fibers were studied under voltage-clamp conditions. Unlike previous investigations using crude scorpion venom, purified Leiurus toxin II alpha at high concentrations (200-400 nM) did not affect the K currents, nor did it reduce the peak Na current in the early stages of treatment. The activation of the Na channel was unaffected by the toxin, the activation time course remained unchanged, and the peak Na current vs. voltage relationship was not altered. In contrast, Na channel inactivation was considerably slowed and became incomplete. As a result, a steady state Na current was maintained during prolonged depolarizations of several seconds. These steady state Na currents had a different voltage dependence from peak Na currents and appeared to result from the opening of previously inactivated Na channels. The opening kinetics of the steady state current were exponential and had rates approximately 100-fold slower than the normal activation processes described for transitions from the resting state to the open state. In addition, the dependence of the peak Na current on the potential of preceding conditioning pulses was also dramatically altered by toxin treatment; this parameter reached a minimal value near a membrane potential of -50 mV and then increased continuously to a "plateau" value at potentials greater than +50 mV. The amplitude of this plateau was dependent on toxin concentration, reaching a maximum value equal to approximately 50% of the peak current; voltage-dependent reversal of the toxin's action limits the amplitude of the plateauing effect. The measured plateau effect was half-maximum at a toxin concentration of 12 nM, a value quite similar to the concentration producing half of the maximum slowing of Na channel inactivation. The results of Hill plots for these actions suggest that one toxin molecule binds to one Na channel. Thus, the binding of a single toxin molecule probably both produces the steady state currents and slows the Na channel inactivation. We propose that Leiurus toxin inhibits the conversion of the open state to inactivated states in a voltage-dependent manner, and thereby permits a fraction of the total Na permeability to remain at membrane potentials where inactivation is normally complete.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody (clone S-30), directed to a protein of 57,000 daltons, was developed from the fusion of mouse myeloma cells and the spleen cells of mice injected with cytoskeletal extracts of fibroblasts that have been aged in in vitro culturing conditions according to a schedule of serial passaging (Cristofalo VJ, Charpentier R: J Tissue Culture Meth 6:117, 1981; Wang E: J Cell Biol, submitted). The staining activity of S-30 antibody was observed exclusively in the nuclei of nonproliferating senescent fibroblasts, but not in their young counterparts. Immunolocalization of S-30 antibody in frozen tissues from various sites reveals the positive staining reaction in the nuclear envelope region in those cells that are at the final stage of differentiation and are no longer replicating. These tissue sites include epithelial cells of the suprabasal layer of epidermis, hair sheath, and tongue, a subpopulation of fibroblasts in the dermis, chondrocytes, hepatocytes, and cells of cardiac muscle. The absence of S-30 staining activity was noted in tissues such as simple epithelium located in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney, and keratinocytes in the basal layer. These results suggest that the S-30 antibody can be used as a marker for nonproliferating cells both in cultured fibroblasts and in some tissues. It seems that the mechanism that controls the cessation of cell proliferation is related, in part, to the postmitotic expression of the 57,000 dalton protein.  相似文献   
Two nonallelic porcine class I MHC (SLA) genes have been isolated and characterized. Both genes are expressed in mouse L cells, directing the synthesis of class I SLA molecules that carry common monomorphic determinants but are serologically distinct. The corresponding DNA sequences have been determined. The organization of both of these genes is similar to that of other class I genes: a leader exon, three exons encoding extracellular domains, a transmembrane exon, and three intracytoplasmic exons. The two genes are highly homologous in both exon and intron segments, with average homologies of 88% and 80%, respectively. Nucleotide changes in exon 2 are clustered, whereas those in the other exons are dispersed throughout. Comparison of the swine DNA sequences with class I genes from other species reveals a generally high conservation of exons 2, 3, 4, and 6 with lower homology in the remaining protein-encoding domains. Introns are markedly less well conserved, although moderate homology is found between swine and human class I MHC genes in both introns and 3' flanking regions. Taken together with comparisons of the deduced protein sequences, these data indicate an order of swine greater than human greater than rabbit greater than mouse in the relationship of class I genes.  相似文献   
We describe a liquid culture system allowing the long-term maintenance and differentiation of human marrow monocytes into well-developed, lipid-containing macrophages, and we show that these cells produce a regulating activity that enhances the colony formation induced by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factors (GM-CSF). Adherent, low density (less than 1.074 g/cm3) human marrow cells were used as a source of monocytic cells. Of 12 different culture conditions tested, alpha-medium supplemented with 20% horse serum and incubation at 37 degrees C provided the best conditions for macrophage development, adipogenesis, and long-term culture. Neither insulin (1 to 10 micrograms/ml) nor hydrocortisone (10(-6) M) improved the lipid accumulation in cultures containing horse serum. Trypsin was employed to remove fibroblasts without detaching monocytic cells from the marrow-derived adherent cell layers. Marked structural and functional changes characterized the transformation of monocytes into lipid-containing macrophages. Cell enlargement up to seven or eight times by 21 to 28 days of culture was associated with an increase in small and medium-sized lipid granules, as well as in acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase activities. Ultrastructurally, there was an increase in the number of mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and lipid inclusions, which remained of small size and did not coalesce to form larger inclusions. The absolute quantity of Fc receptors, Ia antigens, and antigens recognized by monoclonal antibodies 61D3 and 63D3 also increased as a function of cell size. As marrow monocyte-macrophage differentiation proceeded, a rapid decline in GM-CSF production was accompanied by an increase in an activity that by itself had no capacity to stimulate colony formation in CFU-GM cultures devoid of GM-CSF, but did enhance the colony formation induced by optimal concentrations of GM-CSF. Neither the enhancing activity nor its production was related to the horse serum present in the culture supernatants. The morphology of colonies enhanced by this activity was different from the morphologic spectrum in non-enhanced cultures. This granulomonopoietic enhancing activity (GM-EA) represents another positive feedback regulator of hematopoiesis derived from cells of the monocyte-macrophage system.  相似文献   
Role of calmodulin inhibition in the mode of action of ophiobolin a   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Calmodulin has been isolated from the root of Zea mays. It activates the bovine brain calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and has electrophoretic mobility very similar to that of bovine brain calmodulin. Ophiobolin A, a fungal toxin, interacts with the maize calmodulin. The interaction is not reversed by dilution or denaturation in SDS and results in the loss of ability of the calmodulin to activate the phosphodiesterase. The inhibition is much faster in the presence than in the absence of Ca2+. The electrophoretic mobility of ophiobolin A-treated calmodulin is less than that of untreated calmodulin. Several similarities are found between the inhibition of maize calmodulin by ophiobolin A in vitro and the effects of ophiobolin A on excised roots. Both are irreversible and time-dependent. The concentration of ophiobolin A for half-maximal inhibition of calmodulin in the phosphodiesterase assay is similar to that for phytotoxicity. In both cases ophiobolin A derivatives behave similarly, i.e. 18-bromo-19-methoxyophiobolin A is as potent as ophiobolin A, while 3-anhydro-ophiobolin A and 6-epi-ophiobolin A are less potent. A smaller amount of active calmodulin was measured in the extract from ophiobolin A-treated roots than in those from untreated roots. The present study suggests that calmodulin is a target molecule in the root for the toxicity of ophiobolin A.  相似文献   
A cloned bovine corneal endothelial cell line was transformed in vitro by simian virus 40, and the subendothelial extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans synthesized by the cells were isolated and compared with their untransformed counterpart. The transformed endothelial cells grew at faster rates to higher stationary cell densities in the absence of fibroblast growth factor than did the untransformed cells. On a per-cell basis, the transformed cells produced slightly lower amounts of sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The rate of production of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in extracellular matrix increased during seven days of culture. At confluency the extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans synthesized by the untransformed endothelial cells consisted of about 80% heparan sulfate and about 20% chondroitin sulfate. Extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans of transformed endothelial cells were composed of about 70% heparan sulfate and about 30% chondroitin sulfate plus dermatan sulfate. High-speed gel permeation chromatography profiles on Fractogel TSK HW-55(S) of matrix-associated heparan sulfate from untransformed and transformed endothelial cells were very similar, and gave single peaks (Kav = 0.19). Apparent Mr estimated from the eluting position of the peaks were approximately 47000. Heparan sulfate from both untransformed and transformed endothelial cells was degraded by incubation with a metastatic B16 melanoma cell lysate containing heparanase (heparan-sulfate-specific endo-beta-glucuronidase). The eluting position of the heparan sulfate degradation products on gel permeation column were similar (Kav = 0.43). Size analysis and anion-exchange chromatography of the degradation products after nitrous acid deamination at low pH indicated that the degree of N-sulfation of heparan sulfate was similar in untransformed and transformed endothelial cells. The results indicated that transformation of endothelial cells only slightly changes the molecular nature of subendothelial matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   
Neurofilaments in mammalian nervous tissues have three subunit proteins. These subunit proteins have apparent molecular masses of 200 (NF200), 150 (NF150) and 68 (NF68) kD. Biochemical assembly studies have indicated that the NF68 protein forms the core of the filament and that the other two proteins are associated proteins. Electron microscopy immunolocalization studies have been performed previously on isolated filaments and on filaments from neurons in culture, and have confirmed the localization of NF68 as a core filament protein and NF200 as a peripheral protein. We have raised two monoclonal antibodies to the NF200 components. Using immunogold labelled protein A, we have been able to localize these antibodies to tissue sections of adult cerebellum at the EM level. With this method, we have found that one of the monoclonal antibodies (NF2) shows a linear arrangement of gold particles directly on the filament, whereas the second monoclonal antibody (NF111) reacts with the filaments to give a periodic arrangement of gold particles. By immunoblotting against chymotryptic fragments of the NF200 protein, we have found that the mAB-NF111 reacts solely with a 160 kD piece, whereas the other monoclonal antibody reacts with both the 160 kD piece and the 40 kD piece. The latter piece was shown to be associated to the filament by binding studies with iodinated NF68. Thus the EM localization studies and the biochemical studies indicate that the two monoclonal antibodies react with different parts of the NF200 molecule, one binding to a part of the molecule which is located closer to the filament, and one to a more peripheral part of the molecule.  相似文献   
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