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The nascent DNA synthesized after UV irradiation contained discontinuity, i.e., daughter-strand gaps. The sizes of these gaps produced in the leading and lagging strands of UV-irradiated Escherichia coli cells were determined by using strand-specific DNA probes. The DNA isolated from irradiated uvrA delta(lac-pro) cells was hybridized with the 32P-labeled single-stranded DNA probes. After digestion with S1 nuclease, the sizes of the bound radioactive DNA fragments were determined by electrophoresis in an alkaline agarose gel. It was found that the average size of gaps produced in the leading strand was about 0.12 kb, whereas those produced in the lagging strand was slightly smaller than 0.12 kb. No gaps larger than 0.5 kb were detected.  相似文献   
The ferrous form of native cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) is known to undergo a reversible transition when titrated over the pH range of 7.00-9.70. This transition produces a conversion from a pentacoordinate high-spin to a hexacoordinate low-spin heme active site and is clearly apparent in the heme optical absorption spectra. Here, we report the characterization of this transition and its effect upon the local heme environment using various optical spectroscopies. The formation of hexacoordinate low-spin heme is interpreted to involve the binding of His-52 at the distal site after the perturbation of the extensive H-bonded network within and around the heme pocket of CCP(II) at alkaline pH. Interestingly, CD investigations of CCP(II) in the far-UV and Soret regions indicate the dissappearance of a single high-spin species and the existence of at least two low-spin species of CCP(II) as the pH is raised above 7.90. Furthermore, transient resonance Raman experiments demonstrate that the hexacoordinate low-spin species can be photolyzed within 10-ns laser pulses, producing a species similar to the low-pH (high-spin) form of CCP(II) at alkaline pH. However, the extent of photolysis is quite pH dependent, with a maximum photodissociation yield at pH = 8.50.  相似文献   
A lignin peroxidase gene was cloned from Streptomyces viridosporus T7A into Streptomyces lividans TK64 in plasmid pIJ702. BglII-digested genomic DNA (4-10 kb) of S. viridosporus was shotgun-cloned into S. lividans after insertion into the melanin (mel+) gene of pIJ702. Transformants expressing pIJ702 with insert DNA were selected based upon the appearance of thiostrepton resistant (tsrr)/mel-colonies on regeneration medium. Lignin peroxidase-expressing clones were isolated from this population by screening of transformants on a tsr-poly B-411 dye agar medium. In the presence of H2O2 excreted by S. lividans, colonies of lignin peroxidase-expressing clones decolorized the dye. Among 1000 transformants screened, 2 dye-decolorizing clones were found. One, pIJ702/TK64.1 (TK64.1), was further characterized. TK64.1 expressed significant extracellular 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) peroxidase activity (= assay for S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase). Under the cultural conditions employed, plasmidless S. lividans TK64 had a low background level of 2.4-DCP oxidizing activity. TK64.1 excreted an extracellular peroxidase not observed in S. lividans TK64, but similar to S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase ALip-P3, as shown by activity stain assays on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The gene was located on a 4 kb fragment of S. viridosporus genomic DNA. When peroxidase-encoding plasmid, pIJ702.LP, was purified and used to transform three different S. lividans strains (TK64, TK23, TK24), all transformants tested decolorized poly B-411. When grown on lignocellulose in solid state processes, genetically engineered S. lividans TK64.1 degraded the lignocellulose slightly better than did S. lividans TK64. This is the first report of the cloning of a bacterial gene coding for a lignin-degrading enzyme.  相似文献   
小鼠骨髓细胞经7d培养后进行细胞形态学观察,可见不同发育阶段的巨核细胞及不同大小的巨核细胞集落。通过计数每个集落中的细胞数,可确定相应祖细胞的有丝分裂能力。结果表明,具有不同有丝分裂能力的祖细胞的体外增殖动力学有所不同。祖细胞的数量与其有丝分裂次数呈负相关(r=-0.986)。进行0、1、2和3次有丝分裂的祖细胞的阿糖胞苷自杀率分别为48.9,58.7,48.0和41.2%;放射敏感性的D_O值(Gy)分别为1.71,1.24,1.03和0.77,D_O值的大小与有丝分裂次数呈负相关(r=-0.958)。经3Gy全身照射后CFU-Meg与CFU-GM的恢复动态过程具有不同特点。  相似文献   
于丹  赵克尊 《生态学杂志》1990,9(1):7-10,50
昆虫是森林生态系统中的重要组成部分。由于森林中枯枝落叶较多,生境复杂,为昆虫提供了良好的繁殖和栖息场所;因而在森林中昆虫的种类多,数量大。大多数昆虫都以森林  相似文献   
近年来的研究表明根瘤皮层内存在着可调节的气体扩散屏障,它是由根瘤皮层内的一层细胞及填充在胞间隙的水层构成的,而根瘤是通过改变填充该层胞间隙的水层厚度来调节对气体扩散的阻力。本文概述了关于模拟豆科根瘤内气体交换和气体扩散的数学模型研究,阐明调节根瘤内含类菌体细胞维持低氧分压的有关问题。模型研究使我们获得了对共生固氮根瘤内极为复杂的微生态环境的初步认识,有待于通过改进试验和借助其他理论进一步探索根瘤气体交换和气体扩散的本质。  相似文献   
The product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (RB) was overproduced in cultured insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. Upon insertion of the cloned human RB complementary DNA sequence into the viral genome downstream of the promoter of the polyhedrin gene, full-length RB protein with an apparent molecular weight of 110,000 was expressed in the insect cells. This protein was found to be phosphorylated, located in the nuclei of the infected cells, and immunologically indistinguishable from pp110RB of human cells as assayed by several anti-RB antibodies. Following cell disruption and a one-step immunoaffinity chromatographic purification, 6-12 mg of soluble pp110RB with approximately 95% purity were obtained per liter of infected suspension culture. Characterization of the two known biochemical properties of RB protein showed that this purified protein from insect cells behaved similarly to the authentic human pp110RB. First, it bound to DNA, and second, it could form a specific complex with SV40 T antigen in vitro. Prompt translocation of the protein from cytoplasm to nucleus after microinjection further indicated that the purified RB protein may be active. The availability of soluble, intact, and presumably active pp110RB in large quantity represents a significant advance for studying the biochemical and biophysical properties of the RB gene product as well as its potential biological function in cancer suppression.  相似文献   
W Jia  X Wang  C R Parrish    S A Naqi 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):7255-7259
The Ark and Mass serotype-specific epitopes of infectious bronchitis virus were studied by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation of mutant and recombinant spike glycoproteins (S protein) expressed in mouse L cells. Serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies could bind to the recombinant proteins of Ark99 and Mass41 expressed from the chimeras in which the N-terminal thirds of the S1 sequences were reciprocally exchanged. Therefore, it appears that the respective serotype-specific epitopes of both strains were localized within the C-terminal two-thirds of the S1 proteins. Deletion and insertion of a five-amino-acid fragment on the S1 proteins of Ark99 and Mass41, altered the serotype-specific epitopes. This result implies that the five-amino-acid insertion on the S1 protein of the Ark serotype was involved in determining the conformation of the protein, probably acting as a spacer. In addition, it appears that an interaction between sequences of the N-terminal third and the remaining portion of the S1 protein determines the tertiary structure of the protein as well as the conformation of the serotype-specific epitope.  相似文献   
Among the many proteins needed for assembly and function of bacterial flagella, FliG, FliM, and FliN have attracted special attention because mutant phenotypes suggest that they are needed not only for flagellar assembly but also for torque generation and for controlling the direction of motor rotation. A role for these proteins in torque generation is suggested by the existence of mutations in each of them that produce the Mot- (or paralyzed) phenotype, in which flagella are assembled and appear normal but do not rotate. The presumption is that Mot- defects cause paralysis by specifically disrupting functions essential for torque generation, while preserving the features of a protein needed for flagellar assembly. Here, we present evidence that the reported mot mutations in fliM and fliN do not disrupt torque-generating functions specifically but, instead, affect the incorporation of proteins into the flagellum. The fliM and fliN mutants are immotile at normal expression levels but become motile when the mutant proteins and/or other, evidently interacting flagellar proteins are overexpressed. In contrast, many of the reported fliG mot mutations abolish motility at all expression levels, while permitting flagellar assembly, and thus appear to disrupt torque generation specifically. These mutations are clustered in a segment of about 100 residues at the carboxyl terminus of FliG. A slightly larger carboxyl-terminal segment of 126 residues accumulates in the cells when expressed alone and thus probably constitutes a stable, independently folded domain. We suggest that the carboxyl-terminal domain of FliG functions specifically in torque generation, forming the rotor portion of the site of energy transduction in the flagellar motor.  相似文献   
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