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Active Transport of Choline by a Marine Pseudomonad   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A marine pseudomonad, BAL-31, accumulates the phospholipid nitrogen base, choline, although no detectable amount of choline is incorporated into polar lipids. Metabolic inhibitors such as cyanide and azide block the uptake process as does starving for oxygen by using nitrogen gas. Only very close structural analogues show any inhibition of transport, indicating that the uptake process has great structural specificity. The export of choline out of the cells is also an energy-dependent process and is markedly reduced during oxygen depletion. The constitutive level of choline transport is increased by approximately a factor of three after a brief induction period. Two other gram-negative bacteria also accumulate choline, whereas a gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus subtilis, and a yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fail to show any detectable accumulation.  相似文献   
Estrogens, used widely from hormone replacement therapy to cancer treatment, are themselves carcinogenic, causing uterine and breast cancers. However, the mechanism of their carcinogenic action is still not known. Recently, we found that estrone (E1) and 17β-estradiol (E2) could be activated by the versatile epoxide-forming oxidant dimethyldioxirane (DMDO), resulting in the inhibition of rat liver nuclear and nucleolar RNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner in vitro. Since epoxidation is often required for the activation of chemical carcinogens, we proposed that estrogen epoxidation is the underlying mechanism for the initiation of estrogen carcinogenesis (Carcinogenesis 17 (1996) 1957–1961). It is known that initiation requires the binding of a carcinogen to DNA with the formation of DNA adducts. One of the critical tests of our hypothesis is therefore to determine whether E1 and E2 after activation are able to bind DNA. This paper reports that after DMDO activation, [3H]E1 and [3H]E2 were able to bind to both A-T and G-C containing DNAs. Furthermore, the formation of E1–DNA and E2–DNA adducts was detected by 32P-postlabeling analysis.  相似文献   
Airborne endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) in filter samples collected in three different swine confinement buildings was determined by using the Limulus amebocyte lysate test and by applying gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH-FAs). The amounts of LPS as shown by GC-MS were 30–50 times larger than the amounts detected by the Limulus test. GC-MS revealed that 21% of the LPS collected on cellulose acetate filters and 26% on polycarbonate filters remained on the filters after buffer extraction. Better correlation with the Limulus test and the 3-OH-FA measurements was achieved when considering the sum of 3-OH C12:0 and 3-OH C14:0 rather than the sum of all of the detected 3-OH-FAs (i.e. those with 12–18-carbon chains), indicating that the bioactivity of the LPS was dependent upon the relative distribution of the 3-OH-FAs. Linear regression analysis between air concentrations of dust and endotoxin/LPS gaveR 2values that varied from 0.407 to 0.739. The air concentrations of LPS were lower in the uninsulated swine house (a green house with an alternative housing system) than in the two insulated buildings (conventional housing systems; one designed as a climate chamber, i.e. climatic parameters could be controlled), whereas the opposite was found for the concentrations of LPS in airborne dust from the three buildings. The numbers of viable bacteria and fungi were highest in the uninsulated swine house. Moreover the relative distribution of 3-OH-FAs in that building differed from the distribution in the insulated buildings, which reflects differences in the microflora, probably mainly due to differences between the housing systems and the design of the buildings.  相似文献   
Peter E. Smouse  James V. Neel    Wanda Liu 《Genetics》1983,104(1):133-153
A comparative analysis of departures from multiple-locus Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is presented for a set of four tribal Indian groups (the Yanomama, Makiritare, Wapishana and Ticuna) from the lowlands of South America. These tribes span a range of agglomeration and acculturation from the most traditional, swidden horticulturalists to frontier townspeople. The small-group social organization typical of traditional horticulturalists leads to substantial departures from tribal panmixia, as manifested by the distribution of multiple-locus genotypes both within and between villages. Within villages, the departures from single-locus Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are small and nonsignificant, but the departures from gametic equilibrium (independence of loci) are substantial, even for the unlinked loci we have used to characterize these populations. The departures from single-locus homogeneity across villages are also substantial. One of the normal concomitants of increasing acculturation in this setting is an increase in agglomeration. As agglomeration increases, the departures from multiple-locus panmixia decrease, a process that can be very rapid. We discuss both the shifting balance theory of evolution and punctuated evolutionary rates in light of the small group social organization that must have obtained throughout most of human evolution.  相似文献   
The new cobalt(II)meso-5,10-di(N-methyl-4-pyridinium)-15,20-di(p-phenylene-5′-O-thymidine)porphyrin suppressed the growth of human malignant melanoma cells (M21-HPB) by 95 percent when applied as 2.5 x 10−5 M solution in tris for 3 days without exposure to light. It was the most effective of the investigated porphyrinyl-nucleosides.  相似文献   
The Brazilian rural population is estimated to be around 30 million people and many rural areas do not have universal access to basic infrastructure services, including those related to solid waste. There are very few scientific studies on rural domestic solid waste and more investigative work is needed to provide information for appropriate solid waste management policies. This paper aims to characterize rural domestic solid waste in terms of quantity and quality. Amazonian rural communities were chosen for our case study. The issue of domestic solid waste was characterized both by means of interviews, at household level, and by a study of industrialized products traded in the communities located along the banks of the Juruá River, in the Brazilian Amazon. Quantitative results have shown that generation of solid waste in these rural communities reaches 0.5 kg/person/day. Organic matter represents 90 % of domestic solid waste generation and is mainly reused to feed animals and/or is composted using a method called paú. Inorganic solid waste (10 %) is either reused, burned or inadequately dumped in open sites. Based on these data, the annual production of solid waste is 437 tons per year in these communities. Since infrastructure services are virtually non-existent in this rural context, even this amount of solid waste may have a serious environmental impact, with negative effects on the population’s health, particularly in terms of hazardous waste. Even though solid waste management solutions for rural populations might not always be based on economic efficiency, decision makers responsible for development and planning should present solutions that are socially, technologically, environmentally and economically suitable for this context.  相似文献   
On some zooplankters common in the Cabo Frio (Brazil) upwelling.In the waters off Cabo Frio zooplankton maxima are observedbetween February and April, which is the period of upwellingoccurrence. Copepods are highly diversified; we identified 96species at a single collecting station during one year. In summerCalanoides carinatus, Paracalanus parvus and Oncea media areabundant, whereas we observed dominance of Temora stylifera,Clausocalanus furcatus, C. arcuicomis, Oithona plumifera andgreat quantity of Creseis acicula during winter. Chaetognatha(Sagitta enflata), Appendicularia (Oikopleura longicauda), Ostracoda(Conchoecia spp.) and Pteropoda (Limacina sp.) are permanentthroughout the year, and maximum in summer. The vertical distributionof zooplankton depends on the hydrological structure, i.e. natureof the water mass and degree of mixing between different waters.Brazil current water, with low quantity of organisms and dominanceof copepods (Clausocalanus furcatus, Mecynocera clausi, Corycaeidae,Oithonidae, Oncaeidae) accompanied by Evadne spinifera and Lucifertypicus. South Atlantic Central Water (upwelling water) characterizedby rare deep copepods and abundance of Calanoides carinatusand Ctenocalanus vanus which are excellent indicator speciesfor upwelling occurrence. Coastal water, with low salinity,where some species with brackish affinity are observed, likeOithona ovalis and Podon polyphemoides.  相似文献   
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