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Two protein bands, present in cytosol fractions from each of seven rat tissues examined, specifically incorporated 32P-labeled 8-azidoadenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (8-N3-[32P]cAMP), a photoaffinity label for cAMP-binding sites. These proteins had apparent molecular weights of 47,000 and 54,000 on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. These two proteins were characterized in three of the tissues, namely, heart, uterus, and liver, by the total amount of 8-N3-[32P]cAMP incorporation, by the dissociation constant (Kd) for 8-N3-[32P]cAMP, and by the nucleotide specific inhibition of 8-N3-[32P]cAMP incorporation. Several lines of evidence were obtained that the protein with an apparent molecular weight of 47,000 represents the regulatory subunit of a type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase, while the protein with an apparent molecular weight of 54,000 represents the regulatory subunit of a type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Almost all of the cAMP receptor protein found in the cytosol of these tissues, as measured by 8-N3-[32P]cAMP incorporation, was associated with these two protein kinases, in agreement with the idea that most effects of cAMP are mediated through protein kinases. The photoaffinity labeling with 8-N3-[32P]cAMP can be used to estimate quantitatively the amounts of regulatory subunit of type I and type II cAMP-dependent protein kinases in various tissues.  相似文献   
Total protein was determined for cells of Aphanothece halophytica Fremy harvested during early log, mid-log and linear growth phases in media containing 1, 2, and 3 M NaCl. Cells grown in medium containing 1 M NaCl showed a progressive increase in protein content up to a maximum of 76% of dry weight (linear phase). Total protein also increased in cells grown in 2 M NaCl. medium (56.5–72.0%). Cells grown in 3 M NaCl medium showed a progressive decrease in total protein (59.9–43%). Although amounts of protein varied, the percentages of the respective amino acids of hydrolyzed bulk protein were consistent to within 1% for linear phase cells grown in 1, 2, and 3 M NaCl cultures. Percentages of acidic amino acids were 2.3–2.6 times greater than those of the basic amino acids. The amino acid composition of phycocyanin was similar to that of bulk protein. Free amino acids varied with both age of the culture and the concentration of NaCl. The high quantity and quality of the protein observed suggest that A. halophytica might be a useful food organism.  相似文献   
The antibiotic funiculosin mimics the action of antimycin in several ways. It inhibits the oxidation of NADH and succinate, but not TMPD+ascorbate. The titer for maximal inhibition in Mg2+-ATP particles (0.4-0.6 nmol/mg protein) is close to the concentrations of cytochromes b and cc1. Funiculosin also induces the oxidation of cytochromes cc1 and an extra reduction of cytochrome b in the aerobic steady state, and it inhibits duroquinol-cytochrome c reductase activity in isolated Complex III. The location of the funiculosin binding site is clearly similar to that of antimycin. In addition, funiculosin, like antimycin, prevents electron transport from duroquinol to cytochrome b in isolated Complex III if the complex is pre-reduced with ascorbate. Funiculosin and antimycin differ, however, in the manner in which they modulate the reduction of cytochrome b by ascorbate+TMPD.  相似文献   
Lysosomes in chick intestinal absorptive cells from rachitic (vitamin D-deficient) and vitamin D-replete animals were studied utilizing transmission electron microscopic histochemistry and ultrastructural morphometry. Absorptive cells from rachitic animals, serum calcium = 7.3±0.3 mg%, contained an average of 4.0±0.3 supranuclear lysosomes. In rachitic chicks sacrificed 9 hr post-injection of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, the active metabolite of vitamin D, the values for both serum calcium, 9.8 ± 0.2 mg%, and the number of apical absorptive cell lysosomes, 12.9±0.6, were increased over non-injected or vehicle-only injected animals. Lysosomes in vitamin D-replete absorptive cells were characterized by their intense staining with pyroantimonate, indicative of their high calcium content. The same organelles also produced a positive reaction for acid phosphatase. Rachitic lysosomes, also acid phosphatase positive, were only lightly stained with pyroantimonate. The lysosomal proliferation apparently induced by 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol may be a further indication that these organelles play a role in intestinal calcium transport and/or intracellular calcium homeostasis within the absorptive cell.  相似文献   
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), like the related hepatitis B virus, induces in its natural host hepatocellular carcinomas that contain integrated viral sequences. As a first step in determining whether and how the integrated sequences contribute to formation of the tumors in which they are found, we have cloned two such integrations of WHV and have determined their structure by restriction mapping and heteroduplex electron microscopy. The identity of the cloned sequences was confirmed by comparison of restriction sites in the clones with those located by Southern blot analysis of tumor DNA. Viral sequences in both integrations are extensively rearranged, and in neither were all parts of the viral genome represented. In this respect, the behavior of WHV in vivo is similar to that of other DNA tumor viruses that have been studied in vitro. We discuss the implications of these results in relation to possible mechanisms for tumor induction by WHV.  相似文献   
Summary We examined the role of subterranean termites in decomposition of cattle dung, various herbaceous plant species and wood in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. From July–September, termites removed dung at a rate of 0.63 g day-1 accounting for a percent mass loss of 19.5–100%. During the autumn subterranean termites consumed more than 50% of the leaves of the shrub Larrea tridentata, the grass Erioneuron pulchellum and annual plant Lepidium lasiocarpum and Baileya multiradiata but used very little of two other annuals Eriastrum diffusum and Eriogonum trichopes. Yucca inflorescence stalks on plots with termites lost 23% of their original mass in 30 months while those on termite free soils lost 11%. Elimination of termites resulted in reduction of fluff grass, Erioneuron pulchellum biomass, thereby affecting the structure of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Beta2-glycoprotein I typings on 152 healthy Germans and 150 patients with atopic diseases did not show any differences in the serum protein concentrations or in the phenotype and gene frequencies. Compared to these German samples, Philippinos (n = 88) as well as healthy Negroes from South Africa (n = 192) revealed statistically significant lower concentrations of this serum protein. They differ also from the Germans with regard to phenotype and gene frequencies. A most striking result was found in the comparison of healthy and leprous Negroes (n = 250) from South Africa. In these, quite different and statistically significant beta 2-Glycoprotein I concentrations, respectively, phenotype and gene frequencies were seen, which may be due to this disease. The possible reasons for these observations as well as for the observed population differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Tissue culture selection techniques were used to isolate a maize (Zea mays L.) variant D33, in which the aspartate family pathway was less sensitive to feedback inhibition by lysine. D33 was recovered by successively subculturing cultures originally derived from immature embryos on MS medium containing growth-inhibitory levels of lysine+threonine. The ability of D33 to grow vigorously on lysine+ threonine medium was retained after growth for 12 months on nonselection medium. New cultures initiated from shoot tissues of plants regenerated from D33 also were resistant to lysine+threonine inhibition. The Ki of aspartokinase for its feedback inhibitor, lysine, was about 9-fold higher in D33 than for the enzyme from unselected cultures. The free pools of lysine, threonine, isoleucine and methionine were increased 2–9-fold in D33 cultures. This was consistent with the observed change in feedback regulation of aspartokinase, the first enzyme common to the biosynthesis of these amino acids in the aspartate pathway. The accumulated evidence including the stability of resistance in the cultures, the resistance of cultures initiated from regenerated plants, the altered feedback regulation, and the increased free amino acids, indicates a mutational origin for these traits in line D33.Abbreviation LT lysine+threonine in equimolar concentration Paper No. 10880, Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Expertment Station  相似文献   
Embryogenic mitoses, mitoses in females and spermatogenesis are described in the predatory mite Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt). At 22° C, egg development lasts approximately 4 days. Six chromosomes are seen in mitotic metaphases and anaphases of 0–24 h eggs. Toward the end of this period some embryo squashes have patches of cells containing nuclei which are partially heteropycnotic. These patches of cells apparently increase in size with the age of the embryo. In approximately 1/2 of all 24–48 h-old eggs they encompass all or most cells of the embryo. In these embryos metaphases involved 6 chromosomes, anaphases 3. Either prior to, or following metaphase, a pairing of chromosomes appeared to take place to form 3 units which resembled meiotic diplotene chromosomes where there is opening out between homologues. At metaphase, two sets of 3 chromosomes were slightly differentially stained. One, designated the H set, was darker and slightly more contracted than the other, the E set. At anaphase, 3H and 3E chromosomes segregated in a reductional division retaining the differential contraction until telophase. No cytokinesis appeared. The H set appeared to remain contracted while the E set decontracted to assume the appearance of an interphase nucleus. Both of these entities, side-by-side, created the partially heteropycnotic nucleus mentioned above. The H set then appeared to be excluded from the cell. Mitotic meta and anaphases involving 6 chromosomes were noted in female deutonymphs. Spermatogenesis appeared to encompass an equational division of 3 chromosomes, with the formation of a binucleate spermatid. Two tail structures appeared juxtaposed at the edge of each spermatid and thereafter a separation into two individual sperms occurred. —While mitosis was not studied in known males, we believe that the embryos exhibiting heterochromatinization and elimination of chromosomes in most or all cells were in fact demonstrating parahaploidization.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor S.W. Brown and is presented to Professor H. Bauer in honor of his 75th birthday  相似文献   
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