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Recoverin is a calcium-binding protein that regulates the vertebrate photoresponse by inhibiting rhodopsin kinase in response to high calcium concentrations. It is heterogeneously N-acylated by myristoyl and related fatty acyl residues that are thought to act as "calcium-myristoyl switches," whereby, in the presence of Ca2+, the N-terminal acyl group is extended away from recoverin and, in the absence of calcium, it is more closely associated with the protein. Here we use electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) to examine hydrogen isotopic exchange rates for specific regions of both acylated and nonacylated recoverin in the presence and absence of calcium. The deuterium exchange rates of three regions in the hydrophobic myristoyl binding pocket of acylated recoverin decreased in the absence of calcium. This effect is most likely due to the closer association of the acyl group with the protein under these conditions. In contrast, rates of deuterium incorporation increased in the absence of calcium for other regions, including the two functional calcium-binding sites. In addition to supporting the calcium-myristoyl switch hypothesis, a comparison of the behavior of acylated and unacylated recoverin revealed that the N-acyl group (N-lauroyl or N-myristoyl) exerts a significant stabilizing influence on the dynamics of recoverin. We demonstrate that the new technique of monitoring hydrogen isotopic exchange by ESI/MS can be used to obtain useful information concerning protein structures in solution using smaller amounts of protein and under more physiologically relevant conditions than is typically possible with NMR or X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   
The release of molecular forms of cholecystokinin (CCK) into the portal and peripheral blood in response to an intraduodenal perfusion of sodium oleate (9 mmol X h-1) was studied in six conscious dogs with chronic portal vein catheters. Immunoreactive CCK as concentrated from 20 ml plasma by C18 SEP PAK cartridges and the pattern of molecular forms of CCK were studied by G50 gel filtration. CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) was measured in the column eluates with antibody 5135, which measures gastrin and CCK equally and requires the intact carboxyl-terminus for full recognition. Gastrin was measured specifically with antibody 1611. Intraduodenal perfusion with oleate did not alter basal gastrin release. Release of CCK-LI by intraduodenal oleate was calculated by the increments of the integrated CCK-LI peaks over basal. Total CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI), calculated by integration of all CCK-LI peaks in gel filtration eluates, increased over basal by 12 fmol/ml in the portal and by 6 fmol/ml in the peripheral plasma after intraduodenal perfusion with sodium oleate. The main molecular forms eluted on gel filtration in positions of CCK33,39 and of CCK8. The pattern of CCK in the peripheral plasma was similar to that in the portal plasma except that in the peripheral plasma large molecular forms were more abundant than small forms. This finding was confirmed when CCK39 and CCK8 were infused either into the portal vein or into the peripheral vein and peripheral plasma CCK levels were measured. Elimination of CCK8 after portal vein infusion compared to peripheral vein infusion was about 3 times higher than that of CCK39. The abundance of large molecular forms of CCK in the circulating blood which are similar in potency to small forms, underlines their role in the physiology of CCK.  相似文献   
A slide staining device is described that performs Gram and Wright stains during space flight. Reagents and liquid wastes are contained within a closed system.  相似文献   
1-O-Alkyl-2-O-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (AAGPC) triggered the release of [3H]arachidonate but not [14C]stearate from cellular phospholipids in cytochalasin B-treated rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Concentrations of AAGPC up to 20 nM caused a dose-dependent release and subsequent metabolism of the released [3H]arachidonic acid. Most of the release of the [3H]arachidonate had taken place within the first 2 min of stimulation. Phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine served as the sources of [3H]arachidonate with about 50% of the label coming from each pool. Challenge of cytochalasin B-treated polymorphonuclear leukocytes with AAPGC led to the production of [3H]hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and [3H]dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids. No significant production of [3H]prostaglandins or [3H]thromboxanes was detected. AAGPC also caused a dose-dependent degranulation of cytochalasin B-treated rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes as shown by the release of beta-glucuronidase and lysozyme. Both the AAGPC-stimulated production of arachidonate metabolites and the degranulation response were blocked by eicosatetraynoic acid and non-dihydroguaiaretic acid at similar inhibitor concentrations. These findings suggest the bioactions of AAGPC on polymorphonuclear leukocytes may be mediated by the release of arachidonic acid and the production of mono- and dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids.  相似文献   
P F Maness  R C Walsh 《Cell》1982,30(1):253-262
Dihydrocytochalasin B (H2CB) disrupts the actin structure of Swiss/3T3 mouse fibroblasts and inhibits the ability of serum growth factors to stimulate DNA synthesis in quiescent cultures. Low doses of H2CB (2-10 X 10(-7) M) added to serum-arrested cells reversibly block initiation of DNA synthesis by serum; by epidermal growth factor and insulin; or by epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor and insulin. H2CB is effective only when added to cells within 8-10 hr after stimulation. Low doses of H2CB cause cell rounding and a loss of actin microfilament bundles, but they do not interfere with glucose or thymidine transport. These results suggest that stimulation of 3T3 cells involves at least one obligatory actin-mediated step. Transformed cells appear to obviate this step, for H2CB does not inhibit the entry into S phase of SV40-transformed or Moloney murine sarcoma virus-transformed 3T3 cells synchronized by mitotic shake-off.  相似文献   
Histone modifications in the yeast S. Cerevisiae.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mitochondria from liver, kidney, brain, and skeletal muscle metabolized acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde oxidation by liver and kidney mitochondria was maximal at low levels of acetaldehyde and was sensitive to rotenone, suggesting the involvement of a NAD+-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase with a high affinity for acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde oxidation was stimulated 50% by ADP, suggesting that, in state 4, reoxidation of NADH is rate limiting for acetaldehyde oxidation. In state 4, acetaldehyde oxidation was decreased by NAD+-dependent substrates, as well as by succinate and ascorbate. The inhibition by the latter two substrates was prevented by ADP, dinitrophenol, valinomycin, and gramicidin, but not by oligomycin. Since these compounds are linked to energy transduction and utilization, the data suggest that the inhibition is mediated via energy-dependent reversed electron transport. In state 3, all of these substrates caused considerably less inhibition of acetaldehyde oxidation, suggesting that the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase, and not of NADH reoxidation, is probably rate limiting for acetaldehyde oxidation. The ionophores valinomycin and gramicidin stimulated acetaldehyde oxidation to a greater extent than ADP. These ionophores also stimulated acetaldehyde oxidation in the presence of ADP. Stimulation by valinomycin occurred in the presence of monovalent cations transported by this ionophore, e.g., K+, Rb+, Cs+. Stimulation by gramicidin also occurred in the presence of these cations, but did not occur with Na+ or Li+. Na+ prevents the stimulation of acetaldehyde oxidation, which occurs in the presence of gramicidin and K+. The stimulation by valinomycin and gramicidin was energy dependent and required the presence of a permeant anion. In the absence of an ionophore, potassium phosphate had no effect on acetaldehyde oxidation. These data suggest that the oxidation of acetaldehyde by rat liver and kidney mitochondria is influenced by the oxidation-reduction state of the mitochondria and by the cationic environment. With brain and muscle mitochondria, the rate of acetaldehyde oxidation increased two- to threefold as the concentration of acetaldehyde was raised from 0.167 to 0.50 mm. Acetaldehyde oxidation in these mitochondria was also sensitive; to rotenone, indicating dependence on NAD+. ADP, valinomycin, gramicidin, and succinate, compounds which either increased or decreased the rate of acetaldehyde oxidation by liver and kidney mitochondria, had no effect on acetaldehyde oxidation by muscle or brain mitochondria. In state 4, mitochondria from Becker-transplantable hepatocellular carcinoma HC-252 oxidized acetaldehyde at the same rate as liver mitochondria. However, in the presence of ADP, dinitrophenol, valinomycin and gramicidin, the rate of acetaldehyde oxidation by the tumor mitochondria was two to three times greater than that of liver mitochondria, suggesting the presence of a more active; acetaldehyde-oxidizing system in tumor than in liver mitochondria.  相似文献   
Ronidazole (1-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-2-methanol carbamate) is reductively metabolized by liver microsomal and purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase preparations to reactive metabolites that covalently bind to tissue proteins. Kinetic experiments and studies employing immobilized cysteine or blocked cysteine thiols have shown that the principal targets of protein alkylation ara cysteine thiols. Furthermore, ronidazole specifically radiolabelled with 14C in the 4,5-ring, N-methyl or 2-methylene positions give rise to equivalent apparent covalent binding suggesting that the imidazole nucleus is retained in the bound residue. In contrast, the carbonyl-14C-labeled ronidazole gives approx. 6--15-fold less apparent covalent binding indicating that the carbamoyl group is lost during the reaction leading to the covalently bound metabolite. The conversion of ronidazole to reactive metabolite(s) is quantitative and reflects the amazing efficiency by which this compound is activated by microsomal enzymes. However, only about 5% of this metabolite can be accounted for as protein-bound products under the conditions employed in these studies. Consequently, approx. 95% of the reactive ronidazole metabolite(s) can react with other constituents in the reaction media such as other thiols or water. Based on these results, a mechanism is proposed for the metabolic activation of ronidazole.  相似文献   
Signals that can mediate ligand-induced receptor internalization and calcium regulation are present in a 48-amino acid "calcium-internalization" domain in the C' terminus of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. The basis of calcium and internalization regulation signalled by this 48-amino acid sequence was analyzed using deletion and substitution mutant receptors. Cells expressing truncated receptors containing either the NH2- or COOH-terminal portion of the 48-residue domain displayed high affinity EGF-dependent endocytosis and receptor down-regulation. These endocytosis-competent EGF receptor mutants that lacked any autophosphorylation site were unable to increase the concentration of intracellular calcium. To investigate the role of self-phosphorylation in EGF-induced calcium mobilization, phenylalanine was substituted for the single autophosphorylated tyrosine residue in this region of an internalization-competent truncated receptor. The receptor-mediated calcium response was abolished, while ligand-dependent receptor internalization was unimpaired. These results demonstrate that EGF-dependent receptor endocytosis and calcium mobilization are separate events. Tyrosine self-phosphorylation is required for increased [Ca2+]i, while structural features distinct from autophosphorylation are required for receptor internalization.  相似文献   
Several peptides derived from the gastrin-predicted preprohormone sequence were isolated from a human gastrinoma by gel permeation, anion exchange, and reverse phase chromatography. The peptides were identified and characterized structurally by a combination of radioimmunoassays, mass spectral analysis, and microsequence analysis. The largest peptide, progastrin-(1-35) (cryptagastrin), extends from the putative processing site for the signal peptidase to the double basic residues adjacent to the amino terminus of gastrin 34. A shorter form of this peptide, progastrin-(6-35) (cryptagastrin-(6-35), was also isolated in smaller amounts. In addition, sulfated and nonsulfated gastrin 17 amides (progastrin-(55-71)) and the glycine-extended nonsulfated gastrin 17 (progastrin-(55-72)) were identified by radioimmunoassay, and their structures were confirmed by mass spectral analysis. Isolation of cryptagastrin indicates that the signal peptide of human preprogastrin contains 21 amino acid residues, and progastrin, therefore, contains 80 amino acids. There is minimal processing of the cryptic peptide preceding the sequence of gastrin 34. An amidated gastrin form larger than gastrin 34 could contain 71 amino acids. No evidence was obtained for processing that would produce gastrins containing more than 34 but less than 71 amino acid residues.  相似文献   
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