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Enterovirus Concentration on Cellulose Membranes   总被引:40,自引:39,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cellulose nitrate membranes were used as one of the adsorbents in concentrating viruses from water. For adsorption to occur, salts were required. With increase in valency of salt, less salt was necessary for enhanced virus adsorption to membranes. Trivalent salts were more effective because they could be used at only 1% the concentration required for divalent salts. Thus, 0.5 mM AlCl(3) was as effective as 50 mM MgCl(2). For testing 500 gal of water, only 0.24 kg of AlCl(3) was required in contrast to 20 kg of MgCl(2). Virus could then be eluted from such membranes, having an area of 486 cm(2), with 250 ml of pH 11.5 buffer. Lowering the pH of the eluate and adding AlCl(3) permitted the virus to be quickly readsorbed on a smaller cellulose membrane, i.e., 4 cm(2). Virus for assay was eluted from the small membrane in 1 ml. This procedure has provided the basis for concentrating minute amounts of virus from large volumes of water.  相似文献   
Human sera from patients with culturally confirmed listeriosis were tested for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) agglutinating antibodies with trypsinized antigens of Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The response of humans to listeria infections is mainly IgM rather than IgG as found in animals. The antigens prepared from L. monocytogenes serotypes 1a, 1b, 2, 4b, and 4d were evaluated for specificity with normal sera, sera from patients with various other diseases, and sera from patients with listeriosis. The trypsinized antigens appeared to be specific for listeria antibodies with a cross-reaction rate of from 5.4 to 6%. Cross-reaction with S. aureus can be eliminated by absorption of the serum with S. aureus. This agglutination technique appears to be applicable for diagnostic testing, but, as with all serological procedures, both acute and convalescent sera should be tested.  相似文献   
In this preliminary study, the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as an aid in the characterization of Corynebacterium diphtheriae was evaluated and a standardized method was developed. The electrophoretic patterns of 17 gravis, 14 mitis, and 2 intermedius types of C. diphtheriae were compared with the electrophoretic patterns of 5 Robinson and Peeney stock gravis serotype strains. Each of the 5 stock serotype strains had different electrophoretic patterns, although some common bands were present. The 17 gravis strains isolated in the United States showed patterns identical to those of the stock gravis serotype II strain. The 14 mitis strains examined produced 6 different electrophoretic patterns, irrespective of geographical location. One mitis pattern corresponded with the pattern of gravis serological type II. The two intermedius strains examined had identical electrophoretic patterns that resembled the pattern of gravis serotype IV. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of C. diphtheriae strains may prove to be a useful epidemiologic tool in establishing the distribution and occurrence of various C. diphtheriae types.  相似文献   
An expression vector utilizing the enhancer and promoter region of the simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA regulating a murine p53 cDNA clone was constructed. The vector produced murine p53 protein in monkey cells identified by five different monoclonal antibodies, three of which were specific for the murine form of p53. The murine p53 produced in monkey cells formed an oligomeric protein complex with the SV40 large tumor antigen. A large number of deletion mutations, in-frame linker insertion mutations, and linker insertion mutations resulting in a frameshift mutation were constructed in the cDNA coding portion of the p53 protein expression vector. The wild-type and mutant p53 cDNA vectors were expressed in monkey cells producing the SV40 large T antigen. The conformation and levels of p53 protein and its ability to form protein complexes with the SV40 T antigen were determined by using five different monoclonal antibodies with quite distinct epitope recognition sites. Insertion mutations between amino acid residues 123 and 215 (of a total of 390 amino acids) eliminated the ability of murine p53 to bind to the SV40 large T antigen. Deletion (at amino acids 11 through 33) and insertion mutations (amino acids 222 through 344) located on either side of this T-antigen-binding protein domain produced a murine p53 protein that bound to the SV40 large T antigen. The same five insertion mutations that failed to bind with the SV40 large T antigen also failed to react with a specific monoclonal antibody, PAb246. In contrast, six additional deletion and insertion mutations that produced p53 protein that did bind with T antigen were each recognized by PAb246. The proposed epitope for PAb246 has been mapped adjacent (amino acids 88 through 109) to the T-antigen-binding domain (amino acids 123 through 215) localized by the mutations mapped in this study. Finally, some insertion mutations that produced a protein that failed to bind to the SV40 T antigen appeared to have an enhanced ability to complex with a 68-kilodalton cellular protein in monkey cells.  相似文献   
A hypervariable region 3'' to the human apolipoprotein B gene.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Chicken erythrocyte tubulin containing a unique beta tubulin variant polymerizes with greater efficiency (lower critical concentration) but at a slower rate than chicken brain tubulin. In a previous study we demonstrated that the low net rate of assembly is partly due to the presence of large oligomers and rings which reduce the initial rate of subunit elongation on microtubule seeds (Murphy, D.B., and Wallis, K.T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12293-12301). In this study we show that erythrocyte tubulin oligomers also retard the rate of microtubule nucleation and the net rate of self-assembly. The inhibitory effect is most likely to be due to the increased stability of erythrocyte tubulin oligomers, including a novel polymer of coiled rings that forms during the rapid phase of microtubule polymerization. The slow rate of dissociation of rings and coils into dimers and small oligomers appears to limit both the nucleation and elongation steps in the self-assembly of erythrocyte microtubules.  相似文献   
1. One mol of diethyl pyrocarbonate will react with one mol of glutamate dehydrogenase polypeptide chains to form one mol of N(1)-carbethoxyhistidine. Reaction is prevented by NADH. 2. The 1:1 complex has an increased specific activity (1.4-2.0-fold). 3. The reason for the activation is discussed. The results are not consistent with NADH dissociation from the enzyme-glutamate-NADH complex being rate-limiting in the steady state measured. 4. The effects of modification on the properties of the enzyme were investigated. The effects of GTP and NAD(+) on the enzyme activity are unaltered by activation. NADH binding is unaltered and there is no apparent change in the molecular weight. However, the activated enzyme can still be further activated by ADP. K(s) for ADP is decreased fivefold.  相似文献   
Evaluation of a Hemagglutination Test for Human Leptospirosis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
An indirect hemagglutination test for the diagnosis of leptospirosis is described; the test uses a soluble antigen from serotype patoc to sensitize sheep erythrocytes which are then fixed with glutaraldehyde. Evaluation of this procedure indicates that it is more reliable than the conventional macroscopic agglutination test and, in contrast with both microscopic and macroscopic agglutination tests, is positive only with sera from persons with current leptospiral illness. The test is simple and convenient and sensitized fixed cells may be stored for at least a year. In comparison with the macroscopic and microscopic tests, only a single antigen is required.  相似文献   
Concentration of enteroviruses from large volumes of water   总被引:42,自引:38,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
An improved method for concentrating viruses from large volumes of clean waters is described. It was found that, by acidification, viruses in large volumes of water could be efficiently adsorbed to epoxy-fiber-glass and nitrocellulose filters in the absence of exogenously added salts. Based upon this finding, a modified version of our previously described virus concentration system was developed for virus monitoring of clean waters. In this procedure the water being tested is acidified by injection of N HCl prior to passage through a virus adsorber consisting of a fiber-glass cartridge depth filter and an epoxy-fiber-glass membrane filter in series. The adsorbed viruses are then eluted with a 1-liter volume of pH 11.5 eluent and reconcentrated by adsorption to and elution from a small epoxy-fiber-glass filter series. With this method small quantities of poliovirus in 100-gallon (378.5-liter) volumes of tapwater were concentrated nearly 40,000-fold with an average virus recovery efficiency of 77%.  相似文献   
Acid Sensitivity of the Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Influenza virus hemagglutinin was shown to be acid resistant if precipitates which form during acidification are first removed. Adsorption of virus to precipitates formed during acidification may cause a virus to be described incorrectly as acid sensitive.  相似文献   
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